
編輯: 右腦記憶方法 關鍵詞: 高考復習 來源: 網絡

經典句型一 it 強調句型
  It is /was 被強調部分 who/that 剩余部分(不論強調的是哪一部分,后面只能用who或that)
  原句的謂語動詞如果是現(xiàn)在或將來時態(tài)用It is....that /who 。
  如果原句的謂語動詞是過去時態(tài),則用It was .....that /who 。
  強調時間,地點,原因或方式時不能用when , where , why , 或how ,必須用that .
  經典句型二 There be 句型 表示“什么地方有.....”
  There be 之后如有幾個并列主語時,用單數(shù)謂語動詞或用復數(shù)謂語動詞要取決于第一個主語是單數(shù)還是復數(shù)。
  There is a pen , a pencil and two books on the desk .(就近原則)
  There will be an important conference named The Earth Summit to be held here .
  There have been great changes in my hometown ever since 1980s .
  There must be something wrong with the cellphone.
  There be 句型的其他用法。
  There be 句型也可以有其他形式變化,常見的有seem to be , happen to be , appear to be , used to be , is likely to be 等。
  There seems / appears to be much hope of our team winning the match .我們隊似乎很有希望贏得比賽。
  There are likely to be more difficulties than expected while carrying out the experiment .
  The thief broke in , to his delight , there happened to be nobody in the room .
  There be 句型中的be 動詞,也可以替換成其他動詞,常見的有l(wèi)ive , remain , come , stand , lie , occur , exist , follow 等。
  Once there lived many dinosaurs here millions and millions of years ago .
  There stand many skyscrapers (摩天大樓)in the modern city .
  There lies a railway in our city .
  There came a time when ,ost of people demanded for freedom and equality .
  There exist serious issues in the world and we should take action to solve them before it is too late .
  There be 句型的獨立主格形式作狀語

