
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高中英語 來源: 高中學習網(wǎng)


1. 并列主語受every, each修飾, 謂語用單數(shù)還是復數(shù)

Every boy and girl ______ the film.

Each boy and girl ______ the film.

A. likes, likesB. like, likeC. likes, likeD. like, likes

此題應選A。該題容易誤選B, 認為主語部分含有 boy 和girl 兩部分, 應該用復數(shù)。其實當兩個并列主語受到 each, every, no等詞修飾時, 其謂語通常要用單數(shù):

Each boy and (each) girl was in white. 每個男孩和女孩都穿著白衣服。

Every man and woman was interested in it. 每一個男人和女人都對此感興趣。

Each book and each paper was in proper place. 每本書和每張報紙都擺放得井井有條。

Every man and (every) woman in the village knows

this. 這個村子里的男男女女都知道這事。

Every boy and every girl is given an apple. 每個男孩和每個女孩都被發(fā)給一個蘋果。

No teacher and (no) student was present. 沒有一個老師和學生出席。

He listened carefully, but no sound and no voicewas heard. 他仔細地聽, 但是沒聽到一點聲音。

2. each用作主語同位語, 謂語用單數(shù)還是復數(shù)

a. Each student ______ a dictionary.

b. The students each ______ a dictionary.

A. have, haveB. have, hasC, has, haveD. has, has

此題應選C。a句的謂語用單數(shù), 這很顯然。b句的謂語要用復數(shù), 這點考生很容易出錯。其實a, b兩句的意思是一樣的(=每個學生都有一本字典), 但是注意:b句真正的主語是thestudents, 其后的each是主語的同位語, 由于謂語是與主語保持一致(而不是與其同位語保持一致), 所以此句要選 have。


We each have a computer. 我們每人都有一臺電腦。

They each have read the book. 他們每個人都讀過這本書。

The young people each carry a big bag. 這些年輕人個個背著一個大袋子。

My brother and I each have a car. 我和我兄弟每人都有一輛小汽車。

順便說一句, 若用each of...作主語, 其謂語通常是用單數(shù), 但在口語或非正式英語中也可用復數(shù)(不如用單數(shù)常見):

Each of the boys was [were] deeply frightened. 男孩子們個個都驚恐萬分。

Each of these books was [were] interesting. 這些書當中每一本都很有趣。

Each of the students has his [have their] ownbooks. 每個學生都有自己的書。

3. 謂語應該跟主語一致還是跟表語一致

We Chinese ______ a hard-working people.

A. isB. areC. is beingD. are being

此題應選B。這里考生要注意的是:我們通常說的是主謂一致(即謂語與主語保持一致), 而不是表謂一致(即不是謂語與表語一致), 本題意為:我們中國人是一個勤勞的民族。


These two dictionaries are a present for my best friend Jim. 這兩本詞典是我送給我最好朋友吉姆的禮物。

The planets were the object of his study. 這些行星是他研究的目標。

The most important thing I need is books. 我需要的最重要的東西是書。

The country’s leading export is watches. 這個國家的主輸出品是手表。

The best part of the meal is the coffee andcookies. 這餐飯最好的部分是咖啡和餅干。

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaozhong/874626.html
