
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高中英語 來源: 高中學習網(wǎng)


1. 連系動詞有被動語態(tài)嗎

Her forehead ______ hot. I’m afraid she is ill.

A. is feelingB. feelsC. is feltD. has been felt

此題應(yīng)選B。容易誤選C, 因為從意義上看, “前額”應(yīng)該是“被摸”, 所以不少考生誤入C的陷阱。

英語中l(wèi)ook(看起來), sound(聽起來), smell(聞起來), taste(嘗起來), feel(摸起來)等表示感官的連系動詞, 它們在意義上是被動的, 但在形式上卻不能是被動的(因為連系動詞是不及物動詞, 不可能有被動形式)。同時, 以上連系動詞在表示以上意義時, 通常也不用于進行進態(tài)(除look外)。

1. The picture ______ beautiful.

A. is lookedB. has looked

C. will be lookedD. looks

2. The soup _____ very nice.

A. smellsB. is smelt

C. is smellingD. smells to be

3. As is known to us all, glass _____ smooth.

A. feelsB. is felt

C. is feelingD. will feel

若以上動詞不是用作連系動詞, 而是用作實義動詞;或者即使是用作連系動詞, 而不表示以上意思, 則可用進行時態(tài):

Are you feeling any better? 你感到好些了嗎?

He was tasting the pudding. 他在嘗布丁。

答案:1. D 2. A 3. A

2. 連系動詞后可以接to be嗎

The story sounds ______.

A. to be trueB. as trueC. being trueD. true

此題應(yīng)選D。該題很容易誤選A。這里涉及連系動詞后是否接to be的題:

1. 在seem, appear, prove, continue等連系動詞以及用作連系動詞的短語turn out等之后, 可以接to be, 但可省略:

He seems (to be) sad. 他似乎很傷心。

He appears (to be) angry. 他似乎生氣了。

The news turned out [proved] (to be) false. 那消息結(jié)果是假的。

2. 在feel, smell, sound, taste等連系動詞后不接to be:


正:The soup tastes nice.

誤:The soup tastes to be nice.

在look(看起來)之后是否接to be, 語法專家意見不一, 但總的說來, 以不用為佳。

3. 在表語形容詞前的to be通常不省略:

He seems [appears] to be asleep. 他似乎睡著了。

He seemed to be awake when I went into his room. 我進屋時, 他似乎醒了。

He doesn’t seem to be afraid of it. 他似乎不怕它。

He seems quite sure of it. 他似乎對此很有把握。

She appeared to be very fond of the book. 她似乎很喜歡這本書。

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://yy-art.cn/gaozhong/901699.html
