高中英語 語法陷阱題800例-介詞

編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高中英語 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)


1. “You went late _______ the stadium yesterday evening, didn’t you?” “Yes, my wife was a little late _______ the supper.”

A. to, withB. for, with

C. for, forD. at, for

【陷阱】容易誤選 B 或D。

【分析】答案應(yīng)選 A。第一空填to 比較好理解,因為此處的late為副詞,用以修飾 go to the stadium 中的動詞go;而第二句的 with 則是許多同學(xué)不容易想到的,相反,更多地可能是想到 for,現(xiàn)將兩者區(qū)別如下:be late for表示做某事遲到,而be late with 表示做某事做晚了(=be late in doing sth)。比較:

We were late for dinner. 我們吃飯遲到了。

We were late with dinner [=in having dinner]. 我們吃飯吃得遲。

句中 my wife was a little late with the supper 的意思是“我妻子準(zhǔn)備晚飯稍遲了一點”。

2. We were all worried over _______ you were sick.

A. thatB. which

C. whatD. the fact that

【陷阱】容易誤選 A 或 B。

【分析】答案應(yīng)選 D。按英語習(xí)慣,除except, but 等極個別介詞外,英語介詞后通常不能直接跟 that 從句作賓語。遇此情況,通常是在 that 從句前加上 the fact,此時 the fact 用作介詞賓語,而其后 that 從句則用作 the fact 的同位語。請看類似試題(答案選均D):

(1) They knew nothing about ______ he was a thief.

A. thatB. which

C. whatD. the fact that

(2) She must face up to _______ she is no longer young.

A. thatB. which

C. whatD. the fact that

(3) What he said at the meeting referred to _______ he was interested in the project.

A. thatB. which

C. whatD. the fact that

(4) Their belief is proved by the fact that the death penalty prevents murder.

A. thatB. which

C. whatD. the fact that

(5) The writer is not satisfied with _______ buses are too crowded.

A. thatB. which

C. whatD. the fact that

3. Sometimes our opinions differ _______ what we choose to observe and how we deal with what we’ve observed

A. whichB. since

C. becauseD. because of

【陷阱】容易誤選C。因為按英語語法習(xí)慣,because是連詞,其后接句子;而because of是復(fù)合介詞,其后接名詞、代詞或動名詞等。

【分析】此題答案選D。because 作為從屬連詞,主要用于引導(dǎo)原因狀語從句,既然是引導(dǎo)一個從句,也就是說它的后面不能再連用“引導(dǎo)詞”。如:

He was angry because we were late. 他很生氣因為我們遲到了。

They can’t have gone out because the light is on. 他們不可能出去了,因為燈還亮著。

Bread is cheap in this supermarket because they bake it themselves.這家超市的面包是自制的,所以便宜。

假若,一個從句已經(jīng)有了自己的“引導(dǎo)詞”,那么它前面就不宜再用 because 這個連詞了。如:

She got angry because of what you said. 她哭是因為你說的話。

句中的 what 相當(dāng)于 the thing that,也就是說 what you said 相當(dāng)于 the thing that you said。其中 the thing 用作 because of 的賓語,而that you said 為修飾 the thing 的定語從句。

He lost his job because of how he treated his boss. 他因為對老板的態(tài)度(不好)而丟了工作。

句中的 how 相當(dāng)于 the way in which,也就是說 how he treated his boss相當(dāng)于 the way in which he treated his boss。其中 the way 用作 because of 的賓語,而in which he treated his boss 為修飾 the way 的定語從句。

4. “How long have you been an actor?” “_______ 1995, when I graduated from college.”

A. AfterB. In

C. FromD. Since



“When did you became an actor?” “_______ 1995, when I graduated from college.”

A. AfterB. In

C. FromD. Since

此題選B,因為問句問的是when(何時),所以用 in 1995 來回答便順理成章。

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaozhong/916918.html
