
編輯: 逍遙路 關鍵詞: 高中英語 來源: 高中學習網

  1. 分詞短語作狀語時,若分詞的邏輯主語與句子的主語不一致,分詞前須加上自己的邏輯主語(名詞或主格代詞),這個結構叫分詞的獨立主格結構。如:
  Supper finished (=After supper was finished), we started to discuss the picnic. 吃完晚飯,我們開始討論野餐的事。
  All things considered(If all things are considered), your article is of greater value than hers. 全面考慮起來,你的文章比她的文章更有價值。
  2.“There being+主語”也是分詞獨立主格結構的一種。例如:
  There being no danger, the police went back to their police office. 既然沒有危險,警察們又回到警察局。
  There having been no rain, the crops were dying. 因為沒有下雨,莊稼就要旱死了。
  3. 分詞獨立主格結構有時可以改成“with+名詞詞組+分詞”結構。如:
  The problem settled(= With the problem settled), they were happy and relaxed. 問題解決了,他們又高興又輕松。
  4. 有些慣用的分詞短語在句子里可以沒有邏輯上的主語而獨立存在,它們往往作為句子的獨立成分來修飾全句。如:
  generally/strictly/roughly/broadly/narrowly speaking, judging from/by, considering, supposing, providing, provided等。如:
  Talking of the computer, I like it very much.談到電腦,我非常喜歡。
  Considering the time, we have decided to start early tomorrow morning.考慮到時間,我們已經決定明早一早出發(fā)。

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaozhong/991016.html
