
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高中英語 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)
1. listen to spoken English as much as possible 盡可能多地聽英語口語 2. test yourself on common prepositions 自我測試常用的介詞
1) arrive at 還是 arrive in
*When we arrived to Claudio’s house…
at通常用在具體的地點(diǎn)前:school學(xué)校、restaurant餐廳、airport機(jī)場、aunt’s house阿姨的家;而in通常用在城市或國家前面。
✓ When we arrived at Claudio’s house… 我們到達(dá)克勞迪奧的家…… ✓ The train arrived at Shibuya station thirty seconds late. 火車延遲30秒到達(dá)澀谷車站。 ✓ On Friday, the president arrived in Poland. 總統(tǒng)于周五到達(dá)波蘭。 ✓ The K-pop band arrived in Phnom Penh last week. 韓國流行樂隊(duì)上周到達(dá)金邊。 2) at night
*We often go out in the night.
in可以用在in the morning, in the afternoon, 和in the evening里,但是night前面需要用at。
✓ We often go out at night. 我們經(jīng)常在夜晚出門。 ✓ Krakow is beautiful at night. 夜晚的克拉科夫很美。 3) look for 還是 wait for
*I was looking my glasses.
*Giulia was waiting me at the bus stop.
如果你想表達(dá)尋找,那么用look for或者search for;如果你想表達(dá)等待,那么用wait for。
✓ I was looking for my glasses. 我在尋找我的眼鏡。 ✓ Tomis looking for a new job. 湯姆正在尋找一份新工作。 ✓Giulia was waiting for me at the bus stop. 茱莉亞正在車站等著我。 ✓Lucy is waiting for her sister to finish class. 露西正在等她的妹妹放學(xué)。 4) for [period of time]
*I’ve been working here since five years
for用在一段時間前面,比如:a few minutes/three months/twenty years。
since和具體的時間點(diǎn)連用,比如:this morning/September/the day we met。
✓I’ve been working here for five years. 我已經(jīng)在這里工作五年了。 ✓She hasn’t drunk coffee for years. 她好多年不喝咖啡了。 ✓She’s been living in Yokohama since February. 她從二月起一直住在橫濱。 ✓I haven’t seen her since yesterday morning. 昨天早上之后,我就沒再見到她。 5) in [months and years]
*It’s my birthday on July!
✓It’s my birthday in July! 我的生日在7月。 ✓Ola was born in 2004. 歐拉出生在2004年。 6) live/work/study in [cities and countries]
*I live at Tokyo.
✓I live in Tokyo. 我住在東京。 ✓Roberta works in Sassari. 羅伯塔在薩薩里工作。 ✓Hector studies in Canada. 赫克托爾在加拿大學(xué)習(xí)。 ✓Ania lives at No.34, Green Street. 艾尼雅住在格林大街34號。 ✓Ryosuke works for Toyota. 涼介在豐田工作。 ✓Dara studies at Phnom Penh International University. 達(dá)拉在金邊國際大學(xué)讀書。 7) on [days and dates] *It’s my birthday in Saturday!
✓It’s my birthday on Saturday! 我的生日在周六! ✓It’s my birthday on May 1st. (But remember: It’s my birthday in May.)我的生日在五月一號。(但是要記住:我的生日在五月用 in。)
8) it depends on
*It depends of what you want: Italian food or Chinese food.
depend后面如果要加某人或某物,一定要和on連用,不然只能說it depends。
✓It depends on what you want: Italian food or Chinese food. 這取決于你想吃什么:意大利菜還是中國菜。 ✓We’ll go to either Disney World or the beach, depending on the weather. 我們要去迪士尼樂園或海灘,這要看天氣。 ✓What do you usually have for breakfast ? tea or coffee? ? It depends! 你早餐通常喝什么??茶還是咖啡??看情況。 9) welcome to
*Welcome in Peru!
歡迎到某地用welcome to+地點(diǎn),比如:a house/school/organization/city/country。
✓Welcome to Peru! 歡迎來秘魯! ✓Welcome to Cagliari. 歡迎來卡利亞里。 ✓Welcome to Meiji University. 歡迎來明治大學(xué)。 ✓Welcome to the Plaza Hotel. We hope you enjoy your stay. 歡迎來廣場飯店,我們希望你在此過得愉快。 10) married to
*He’s married with Kim.
與某人結(jié)婚要用married to或者get married to,也可以說marry sb.。
✓He’s married to Kim. 他和金結(jié)婚了。 ✓John’s getting married to Sara next summer. 約翰明年夏天要和薩拉結(jié)婚。
✓Kate is marrying my old school friend. 凱特要和我的一個老校友結(jié)婚了。
本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://yy-art.cn/gaozhong/994143.html
