

編輯: 路逍遙 關(guān)鍵詞: 英語(yǔ)單詞記憶 來(lái)源: 逍遙右腦記憶

  On weekends my grandma usually __________ a glass of wine.
  A) subscribes to
  B) engages in
  C) hangs on
  D) indulges in
  注:1. indulge in 縱情于,沉迷于;enjoy sth.喜歡
  dull 枯燥的;郁悶的;鈍的
  2. prescribe 開(kāi)藥方
  describe 描述,描寫(xiě)
  conscribe 征兵
  circumscribe 限制
  ascribe 歸因于,歸咎于 =attribute to
  subscribe 訂閱
  名詞形式均為 -scription
  3. engage in 忙于做某事;
  engagement 約定
  compact 緊湊的;簡(jiǎn)潔的
  disperse v. 分散
  4. hangs on 緊抓,緊握
  The people living in these apartments have free _______ to that swimming pool.
  A) access
  B) excess
  C) excursion
  D) recreation
  注:1. have access to
  2. excursion 遠(yuǎn)征,探險(xiǎn)
  precursor 祖先
  3. access 接近
  inaccessible 不可接近的,難以到達(dá)的
  excess 過(guò)剩的,過(guò)度的
  concess 妥協(xié),讓步
  process 加工;前進(jìn)
  prodigy 奇跡
  procession 隊(duì)列
  4. recreation 娛樂(lè)
  entertainment 娛樂(lè)
  retain 保留
   detain 拘留
  pertain 相關(guān)
  contain 包含,包括
  amusement 娛樂(lè)
  leisure 休閑
  At the party we found that shy girl ________ her mother all the time.
  A) depending on
  B) coinciding with
  C) adhering to
  D) clinging to
  注:1. depend on 依賴(lài),依靠
  2. coincide with 巧合
  3. adhere to 粘著,貼著;遵守法律法規(guī)【comply with,conform to, adhere to】
  4. cling to 依附,靠著
  clinch 擁抱
  When a psychologist does a general experiment about the human mind, he selects people _________ and ask them questions.
  A) at length
  B) at random
  C) in essence
  D) in bulk
  注:1. at random 隨機(jī)地
  2. at length 最終地,最后地,完全地,詳盡地
  3. in essence 本質(zhì)上地,實(shí)質(zhì)上地
  The ______ of the scientific attitude is that the human mind can succeed in understanding the universe.
  A) essence
  B) content
  C) texture
  D) threshold
  4. in bulk 散裝地,大量地
  I think she hurt my feelings __________ rather than by accident as she claimed.
  A) virtually
  B) deliberately
  C) literally
  D) appropriately
  注:1. rather than 表示前后互為反義詞
  2. deliberately 故意地
  liberty 自由
  3. virtually 實(shí)際上地
  4. literally 照字面意思地,逐字逐句地
  5. appropriately 恰如其分地,恰當(dāng)?shù)?br />   6. claim 主張,聲稱(chēng)(作為詞根表示“喊”)
  acclaim 歡迎,歡呼
  exclaim 驚叫,尖叫
  elude 逃跑,躲避
  reclaim 取回
  declaim 抨擊,巧辯;高聲朗誦
  proclaim 宣布,聲明  [P2-51]
  Even though he was guilty, the __________ judge did not send him to prison.
  A) merciful
  B) impartial
  C) conscientious
  D) conspicuous
  注:1. merciful 仁慈的
  theme 主題
  supreme 最高的,至高無(wú)上的
  scheme 計(jì)劃
  schema 圖解
  2. impartial 公正的,不偏不倚的
  partial 偏袒的
  smile 微笑
  open 思想上的敞開(kāi)
  forward 身體前傾
  touch 語(yǔ)言上的共鳴
  eye contact 目光接觸
  nod 點(diǎn)頭,認(rèn)可,同意
  3. conscientious 有責(zé)任心的,有良知的
  conscience 良知
  4. conspicuous 明顯的,顯著的
  suspicious 懷疑的
  The education ______ for the coming year is about $4 billion, which is much more than what people expected.
  A) allowance
  B) reservation
  C) budget
  D) finance
  注:1. budget 預(yù)算(六級(jí)最?lèi)?ài))
  2. allowance 津貼,補(bǔ)助,許可
  3. reservation 訂房間,保留 make a reservation
  They had fierce __________ as to whether their company should restore the trade relationship which was broken year ago.
  A) debate
  B) clash
  C) disagreement
  D) contest
  注:1. clash 見(jiàn)911故事
  2. contest 競(jìng)賽
  context 上下文,事情的來(lái)龍去脈
  pretext 借口
  texture 結(jié)構(gòu);質(zhì)地
  3. debate 爭(zhēng)論,辯論
  They tossed your thoughts back and forth for over an hour, but still could not make __________ of them.
  A) impression
  B) comprehension
  C) meaning
  D) sense
  注:1. make sense of 理解,明白
  catch on 理解,明白
  2. impression 印象
  express 表達(dá)
  compress 壓縮
  suppress 鎮(zhèn)壓,壓制
  3. comprehension 理解
  apprehension 理解,領(lǐng)悟;憂(yōu)慮,恐懼
  The politician says he will __________ the welfare of the people.
  A) prey on
  B) take on
  C) get at
  D) see to
  注:1. see to 照顧,照看
  2. prey on 以……為食,捕食
  3. take on 承擔(dān)
  take to 喜歡
  take after 像
  take into account 考慮
  take turns 輪流
  take up 占據(jù)
  take off 起飛
  take out 拿出
  take in 欺騙;吸收
  take over 接管
  take on 承擔(dān)
  4. get at 理解,明白(一般不是答案)

本文來(lái)自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/waiyu/yingyujiyi/18844.html
