

編輯: 路逍遙 關(guān)鍵詞: 英語單詞記憶 來源: 逍遙右腦記憶

perfection n.完美,完善
to perfection 完美地,盡善盡美地,完全地
perfume n.香水,香料,香氣 vt.1.使充滿芳香 2.灑香水于
peril n.1.極大危險(xiǎn) 2.[常pl.]危險(xiǎn)的事(或環(huán)境)
at one's peril (尤用于告誡某人勿做某事)自擔(dān)風(fēng)險(xiǎn)

periodic a.周期的,定期的,時(shí)而發(fā)生的
periodical n.期刊 a.周期的,定期的,時(shí)而發(fā)生的
perish vi.1.喪生,毀滅,消亡 2.(橡膠、皮革等)失去彈性,老化
permeate v.1.彌漫,遍布,散布 2.滲入,滲透
permissible a.可允許的,許可的

perpetual a.1.永久的,永恒的,長期的 2.無休止的,沒完沒了的
perplex vt.使困惑,使費(fèi)解,使復(fù)雜化
persecute vt.1.迫害,虐待 2.糾纏,騷擾
persevere vi.堅(jiān)持不懈,鍥而不舍
persistent a.1.堅(jiān)持不懈的,執(zhí)意的  2.持續(xù)的

persuasion n.1.說服(力),勸說  2.信念,信仰
pertain vi.(to)從屬,有關(guān)
pertinent a.有關(guān)系的,相關(guān)的
pest n.1.有害生物,害蟲  2.討厭的人
pester vt.不斷打擾,糾纏

pesticide n.殺蟲劑,農(nóng)藥
petal n.花瓣
petition n.請?jiān)笗,申請書,訴狀  v.(向……)請?jiān),正式請?/p>

A Persistent Female Lawyer  
 The female lawyer I knew was perpetuallypestering judges to have periodic lunches with her. I am sure she thought this was permissible, but everyone else was sure she was going heavy on the perfume and female persuation tactics to gain some extra favor at all of their peril. So my friends and I decided to gain some pertinent information about her case history to see if it might reveal if her persistent behavior had had any actual effect.
  We were surprised to learn that it had. In periodical reports we found out that she was always winning cases with the judges she took to lunch. We knew our future as lawyers would blossom like the petals on a rose if we could prove this, but we also realized that our future could perish if we went after the judges and failed. So I decided to drop my case dealing with pesticide control and focus on a petition that would show all proof pertaining to what we had found. My work would have to near perfection if I wanted to succeed.
  The case permeated my life for weeks. Whenever I was perplexed by what I had found I persevered to the perfection that I had sought. I did not want to persecute this female lawyer——I wanted to send her and the judges to jail. Then they would not call me a pest and know that it was their own actions that brought about their peril.
  I won the case. The female was barred from practicing law and the four judges she had influenced all went to prison! I am, by the way, also a woman!


本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/waiyu/yingyujiyi/2992.html
