

編輯: 路逍遙 關鍵詞: 英語試題 來源: 逍遙右腦記憶

班級________ 姓名_________
( )1.A.teacher’s desk B.teachers’ office C.teachers
( )2.A.way B.library C.hurry
( )3.A.first B.second C.sister
( )4.A.ruler B.water C.under
( )5.A.over B.three C.home
( )6.A.go to school B.get up C.go to bed
( )7.A.music class B.PE class C.English class
( )8.A.rainy B.snowy C.windy
( )9.A.cold B.cool C.warm
( )10.A.New York B.Sydney C.London

________ __________ _________

__________ ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬__________

三.聽句子,判斷對錯,對的請在括號里打“√”,錯的請打“×”。(20分) ( )1.What time is it?
( )2.It’s next to the library.
( )3.It’s time for dinner
( )4.The music room is on the first floor.
( )5.What’s the weather like in New York?
( )6.Let’s go to the classroom.
( )7.It’s cool and windy today.
( )8.It’s snowy in Harbin today.
( )9.It’s cold outside.
( )10.Here’s the world weather.
( )1.A.Yes,we are. B.Yes,we do. C.Yes,we have.
( )2.A.It’s in the art room.
B.It’s on the second floor.
C.That’s my art room.
( )3.A.It’s seven o’clock.
B.It’s two o’clock.
C.It’s nine o’clock.
( )4.A.It’s hot.
B.I like Beijing.
C.It’s snowy.
( )5.A.Yes,you do.
B.Yes.you are.
C.Yes, you can.
1.Look at my school.This is our classroom.That is the ________.
2.----What time is it?
3.----Is it cold?
----No,it_______.It’s warm.
4. ----A big________is on the tall building.
5.I have a sister .She is a _________.
( )1.A.Let’s water the flowers.
B.Let’s read a book.
C.Let’s go home.
( )2.A.This is an art room.
B.Where is the art room?
C.This is the library.
( )3.A.It’s time for school.
B.Let’s fly a kite.
C.It’s time for bed.
( )4.A.It’s 12 o’clock.
B.It’s 2o’clock.
C.It’s 10 o’clock.
( )5.A.It is cold today?
B.Is it cold today?
C.It’s cloudy today.
( )Be careful.It’s very hot.
( )It’s warm in Beijing today.
( )It’s cool and rainy in Tianjin.
( )Here’s the world weather.
( )This is the weather report.
( )1.It’s sunny and warm.
( )2.I get up at 7:10.
( )3.I have 3 classes today.
( )4.It’s time for PE class.I jump and sing.
( )5.I eat some fish and rice for lunch.

1.Is this the teachers’ office?
2.Hurry!Let’s go!
3.Where is the gym? It’s on the second floor.
4.No water near the computer.
5.School is over.
6.It’s 6:30.It’s time to get up .
7.It’s 9:00.It’s time for English class.
8.What’s the weather like in Harbin?
It’s snowy.
9.Today it’s cool in Shanghai.
10.It’s warm in New York no
1.John .It’s 7:30.It’s time for breakfast.
2.Mum:Come on!It’s 9 o’clock.
Dad:It’s time for bed.Just a minute.
3.Amy.It’s 6:30.It’s time to get up.
4.Sarah:What time is it?
Amy:Oh,It’s 10 o’clock.
Sarah:Time for music class.Hurry! Let’s go.
5.Mum:It’s 6 o’clock.It’s time for dinner.
Dad:Where’s Amy?
1.What time is it?
2.I t’s near the art room.
3.It’s time for dinner.
4.The music room is on the second floor.
5.What’s the weather like in New York?
6.Let’s go to the computer room.
7.It’s cool and windy today.
8.It’s snowy in Harbin today.
9.It’s cold outside.
10.Here’s the world weather.
1.Do you have a library.
2.Where is the art room.
3.It’s time for breakfast.
What time is it?
4.It’s cola outside !What’s weather like in Harbin?
5.Can I go outside now?
1.Look at my school. This is our classroom.
That is the playground.
2.What time is it?
It’s ten o’clock.

3.Is it cold? No,it isn’t.It’s warm.
4.A big ball is on the tall building.
5.I have a sister.She is a nurse.
1.Let’s water the flowers.
2.This is an art room.
3.It’s time for bed.
4.What time is it? It’s 2 o’clock.
5.Is it cold today?
1.This is the weather report.
2.Here’s the world weather.
3.It’s warm in Beijing today.
4.It’s cool and rainy in Tianjin.
5.Be careful.It’s very hot.
Today is Thursday.It’s sunny and warm .I get up at 6:30.Then,I go to school at 7:10.I have 6 classes today.It’s
8:30.It’s time for Chinese class. I t’s 10 o’clock.It’s cloudy and windy. It’s time for PE class.I jump and run.It’s 12:00.I eat some rice and beef.I am happy today.

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/xiaoxue/100631.html
