

編輯: 路逍遙 關(guān)鍵詞: 英語試題 來源: 逍遙右腦記憶

一.寫出26個(gè)字母的大小寫,并圈出5個(gè)元音字母。 (10)

( )1.touch A. 看 B. 觸摸 C. 聽
( )2.feel A. 說 B. 感到 C. 做
( )3.soft A.硬的 B.柔軟的 C.細(xì)的
( )4.hard A.瞎的 B.硬的 C.薄的
( )5.thick A.厚的 B. 薄的 C.強(qiáng)壯的

( )6.blind A. 細(xì)的 B. 軟的 C.瞎的
( )7.thin A. 硬的 B. 粗的 C. 細(xì)的
( )8.noise A.硬的 B.柔軟的 C.吵鬧聲
( )9.young A.瞎的 B.硬的 C.年輕的
( )10.smell A.聞 B.做 C.跑

1 t__ __ ch(觸摸) 2  h__ __d(堅(jiān)硬的) 3 w__ __t(等待)      4  n__ __ n(中午) 5  less__ n() 6 br__ __k(休息) 
7  sp__ __ t(運(yùn)動) 8 cl__ b(俱樂部) 9 bl__ __d(盲的) 
10 sm__ ll(聞) 
1. ( ) A. soft B.hard C.winter D.hot
2. ( ) A.grape B.watermelon C.book D.strawberry
3. ( ) A.get B.wait C.radio D.touch
4. ( ) A.fox B.elephant C.chair D.bird
5. ( ) A.noon B.evening C.feel D.morning
6. ( ) A.Chinese B. desk C.Maths D.English
7. ( ) A.football B.tree C.basketball D.volleyball
8. ( ) A.violin B.guitar C.piano D.ruler
9. ( ) A.apple B.lemon C.pineapple D.cat
10.( )A.these B.blue C.pink D.red

1 soft_______________ 2 thick ________________ 3 young ________________
4 those ________________ 5that ________________ 6 hot _______________
7big ________________ 8 long ________________ 9 man ________________
10 this________________

1 this ________________ 2 that ________________3 elephant________________
4 strawberry________________5 It________________ 6 toy ________________
7 lesson ________________ 8 boy ________________ 9 bus ________________
10 student________________

( ) 1 --------1.How _________ it feel ? -------- It’s soft.
A. is B.does C. do
( )2. -------Is it strawberry juice_________watermelon juice?
--------It’s watermalon juice.
A. or B. and C. but
( ) 3. Don’t ________ the windo
A. go B. look C. open
( ) 4.----- Are you a doctor?
A. Yes, I am. B. No, it isn’t. C. Yes, it is.
( ) 5.The sun _________ in the morning ?
A.rise B.rises C. do
( )6.What are ______? They are pineapples.
A. this B. these C. it
( )7. What are these ? ________ lemons.
A. It’s B. They’re C. There’re
( )8.___________ is the pie? _______ six yuan.
A. How many , It’s B. How much , They’re C. How much, It’s
( )9.―What’s the boy’s name ?―________name is Tom.
A. His B. his C. he’s
( )10.―How much ________the apples?
A. am B. are C. is

六. 給下列句子配對。(10分)
( )1、How does it feel? A. No, I can’t.
( )2、Is it strawberry juice or watermelon juice? B. It’s soft
( )3、What lessons do we have today? C. It’s watermelon juice.
( )4、 Does Alice like playing football? D. We have Chinese and English.
( )5、Whose guitar is this? E. Yes ,she does.

1.does How it feel ?
2. is big it or small ?
3.rises The sun morning the in ?
4.lessons What have do we today ?
5. doing What does Alice like ?

八.根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,指出下面的句子是否短文一致,如一致,在括號內(nèi)寫T, 否則寫F(10)


Kally Chen is our new classmate. We call her Kally. Kally is a tall girl. She has a round face and short black hair. She likes dancing and singing. She can paint very well. She has got a nice doll(娃娃). Its hair is long and brown. Its name is Beauty. Kally and I are good friends no
( )1. I call my friend Kally.
( )2. Kally is a short girl.
( )3. Kally can dance, sing and paint.
( )4. Kally’s doll’s name is Beauty.  
( )5. Kally’s hair is long and brown. 


Our classroom is bright and clean. But it is not big. There are twenty-three desks and forty-six chairs in it. They are ne There’s a big desk in the front of the classroom. It’s for our teachers.
There are five pictures on the right wall. There’s a map of the world and a map of China on the left wall. Beside the window there’s a bookshelf. There are many books on it.
Our classroom is very nice. We have lessons here. We like our classroom.
1.( ) Our classroom is big and clean.
2.( )There are twenty-three desks and chairs in our classroom.
3.( ) There is a teacher’s desk in the front of the classroom.
4.( ) There are two maps on the wall.
5.( ) We can see five pictures on the left wall.

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/xiaoxue/102015.html
