

編輯: 路逍遙 關(guān)鍵詞: 英語試題 來源: 逍遙右腦記憶

M 新陽學(xué)校2013~2014學(xué)年(下)
1.My grandpa was a flute player before.
2.My father works in an office.
3.I usually have eggs and sausage for breakfast.
4.In England, people usually have lunch at half past twelve.
5.There are three dogs.
6.What’s the weather like? It’s raining.
7.Children’s Day is in June.
8.Have you got the Snow White books?
9.I sent you American chocolates.Did you eat them?
10.What’s your favourite season?
11.Is your bag broken?
12.What colour is your bag?
13.Where is Amy and Lingling?
14.What was he before?
15.How are you?
16.It’s an animal.It’s big and heavy.It’s got a long nose. It likes water.
17.It’s a famous place in China.It’s very long.
18.It’s a season.It’s hot.People likes swimming in this season.People usually wear shorts and T-shirt.
19.It’s a fruit.It’s big and round.It’s green. People usually eat them in summer.
20.It’s a school thing.Children usually carry it on their back..They usually put books,pencil-box in it.
21.It’s a place.Children like it. They will see lots of animals.
22.It’s a festival.Children wear scary clothes.They scare the people.People give them sweets.
23.Good morning, meimie, how are you? I’m fine,thanks.
24.I have got toothache. Look at me and say “aaaa”,you shouldn’t eat too many sweets.
25.Sundays are special in England.Families usually eat lunch together.
26.You can borrow books,videos and CDs.You can use the computers.But you can’t talk to your friends.
27.Daming,it’s Grandma! I sent you a Maths game. Did you get it? Yes,Grandma.Thank you.
28.Mum, can we buy some fruit? Sure, Let’s buy a big watermalon.
Hello, my name is Mary. I live in China.I am twelve. I like playing ping-pong.I usually play with my Chinese friends.I can play the guitar,too.My hobby is reading books.
My name is David. I am in England no In England, people usually have breakfast at 7.Lunch is usually at half past twelve.Dinner is uaually at half past six. Sundays are special in England. Families uaually eat lunch together. They eat chicken, potatoes and vegetables.On Fridays,many people eat fish.But I don’t like fish.

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/xiaoxue/102021.html

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