

編輯: 路逍遙 關(guān)鍵詞: 英語試題 來源: 逍遙右腦記憶

班級: 姓名: 得分:
( )1. A、 have B、bag
( )2. A、 flag B、may
( )3. A、 skate B、hat
( )4. A、 bike B、egg
( )5. A、 bed B、get

( )1. was born A、 出生 B、日期
( )2. May 1st A、5月1日 B、4月1日
( )3. a birthday present A、一個生日禮物 B、一個生日聚會
( )4. June A、六月 B、 七月
( )5. 十一月二十五日 A、December 25th B、January 1st
( )6. 5頻道 A、Channel 5th B、Channel 5
( )7. 打開 A、turn off B、turn on
( )8. 電視劇 A、TV set B、TV play
( )9. 好的 A、all right B、可以
( )10. go ahead A、 去吧 B. 好的
三、按要求寫詞語。( 22分)
1.one ___(序數(shù)詞) 2. second___(序數(shù)詞) 3. 3rd___(基數(shù)詞) 4. five ___ (序數(shù)詞) 5. twenty-one ___ (序數(shù)詞簡寫)
6. are (過去式) 7. go (過去式) 8. saw(原形)
9.do(過去式) 10.(當然可以) 11.(足球比賽)
四 .選詞。( 18分 )
1. When ______ you born?
A. is B. are C. were
2. What’s the date ______ ?
A . today B . yesterday C . tomorrow
3.I want to _____ a football match.
A. see B. watch C. look
4. November is in _________.
A. spring B. summer C. winter
5. Yesterday _______my father’s birthday. .
A. is B. was C. are
6. I was born ______September 20th. .
A. / B. on C. in
7. My birthday is ______July.
A. in B. on C. at
8. _______ months are there in a year?
A. How many B. What C. How much
9. May I________, please..
A. watch TV B. turn on C. turn off

五. 連詞成句。 (10分)
1. has /each /three/season/months ( . )

2. date/the/What /today/is (. )

3. When / you /born /were ( ? )

4. Channel 5/want/I/to/watch ( . )

5. seasons / How many/ there / in / a / are( ? )

六.連線題。( 10分)
1.Is October in winter? a. I was born on July 12th.
2.What’s the date today? b. Go ahead.
3.May I turn on the TV ? c. I like autumn.
4.Which season do you like best? d. No, it’s in autumn.
5.When were you born? e. It’s November 22nd.

七. 看圖,想一想,寫一寫。( 10分)
1. 2.

New year’s Day is National Day is
on_____________. on ______________.
3.. 4.

Teacher’s Day The boys can __________.
is on__________.

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/xiaoxue/106798.html

五年級英語上冊Book 5 Unit 5 Dialogue學(xué)案習(xí)題
第七冊英語Book7 Unit10 Work with Language 課后作業(yè)題