

編輯: 路逍遙 關(guān)鍵詞: 英語試題 來源: 逍遙右腦記憶

四年級英語期中練習(xí)卷(U1-4) 時間:60分鐘 2014.04
班級_________ 姓名____________

二、聽錄音,用阿拉伯?dāng)?shù)字給下列圖片標(biāo)號,聽兩遍。(6分) ( )
三、聽錄音,判斷下列圖片是否與所聽內(nèi)容相符,相符的在括號中用“T”表示,不相符的用“F”表示,聽兩遍。(6分) )
( )1. A. Yes, I do. B. Yes, I can. C. No, I’m not.
( )2. A. At seven. B. It’s seven. C. Seven.
( )3. A. What a pity! B. How nice! C. Good idea!
( )4. A. Yes, I can. B. I can see a lake C. I can swim.
( )5. A. It’s Monday. B. On Monday. C. It’s one.
( )6. A. We like Chinese. B. Yes, we do. C. No, you don’t.
1. A: I have two in the .What about you?
B: Me .
2. A: What do you do after ?
B: I do my .
3. A: do you breakfast on morning?
B: eight.
4. Mike goes to school at seven thirty. He six lessons .

( )1. cake make ( )2. bag back ( )3. desk he
( )4. Saturday skate ( )5. lesson every
1、.起床 2、畫紅花 red
3、.看電視 4、在晚上 the
5、在周三 6、this morning
7、after school 8、a football match
9、Try again! 10、Welcome back to school.
八、 情景選擇。根據(jù)情景,選擇合適的英語表達(dá),把序號填入題前括號內(nèi)(6分)
( )1.你今天過得很愉快,可以說: A. It’s difficult, but I can try.
( )2.你剛玩了一個游戲,你想告訴朋友它很有趣,可以說:B. Good idea!
( )3.同學(xué)邀請你去滑冰,可你有事去不了,你同學(xué)會說: C. Try again.
( )4.朋友建議去公園,如果你贊成,可以說: D. It’s great fun.
( )5.你看到同學(xué)不會打籃球,可以鼓勵他說: E. What a nice day!
( )6.你想嘗試畫熊貓,但是覺得很難,你可以說: F. What a pity!

1. A: What do you have this ?
B: I have and Science.
A: do you have the lesson?
B: At .(2:50)
2. A: Hi, Liu Tao. What day is it ?
B: It’s .
A: Su Hai and Su Yang can play football in the (公園).
Let’s go and see .
B: idea. Let’s go .
( )1、-What do you like? -I like Art and Music.
( )2、It’s time breakfast.
( )3、-Let’s draw some pictures here. - .
A、Sure.It’s easy.B、Good idea!C、Well done.
( )4、He a football match today.
( )5、Nice to see you, .
( )6、I like that.
A、don’tB、do C、am
( )7、It’s , but I try.
( )8、This is a girl these are boys.
( )9、Have a look. It’s fun.
( )10、- What’s this big box?
- Sorry, I can’t see it.

( ) ( )
1. -----What subjects do you like, Su Yang? ----- I like English and Music.
2. ----- When do you have lunch? ------ At twelve.
3. ----- It’s time for PE. ------ Let’s go to the playground.
4. ----- What can you see on the river, Mr Green? ------ I can see a boat on the river.
5. ----- Do you usually watch TV in the evening? ------ Yes, I do.
( )1、Good evening.A、Yes, but I can try.
( )2、Can you draw these animals?B、I can dra
( )3、Is it difficult?C、Sure , it’s easy.
( )4、What can you see?D、Good evening.
( )5、What can you do?E、Yes, I do.
( )6、Do you go home at four?F、Yes, she can. xKb 1. Com
( )7、Can Mary make a cake?G、Yes, it’s my new bag.
( )8、Is this a bag?H、I can see a hill over there.
1. don’t, lessons, we, Saturday, any, have, on (. ) ___________________ _________
2.usually, dinner, at, in,six, the,fifteen,I ,have,evening (. )__________________________
3.you ,see, can ,a lot of,trees ,flowers, and ( ?)______________________ _____
4.play, here, after, I, football,school ( .)_____________________________________
5.can , there, you ,over, see, what ( .) ______________________________________
1. 他一周有四節(jié)數(shù)學(xué)。 He four lessons a week .
2. 我們今天下午有什么?有美術(shù)和語文。
do we have ? We have and .
3. 你能看見河里有一條船嗎?
you see a ____________ _____________ the ____________?
4. 你能干什么?我會做蛋糕。
can you do? I can cakes.
I have a cat. She is black and white. Her name is Kitty. She has a long tail and small ears. Her tail is black, but her ears are white. She has a basket. She sleeps in the basket. She gets up in the evening. She goes out at night. She catches mice(捉老鼠) at night. She likes fish and milk. She eats fish and drinks milk every day. She doesn’t like dogs, and they do not like her, either. Kitty likes me and I like her. I often play with her after school.
( )1. Kitty is a pretty girl.
( )2. Kitty has fish and milk every day.
( )3. Kitty sleeps in bed at night.
( )4. Kitty and the dogs are good friends.
1. I like Art very much.
2. Today is Thursday.
3. Is it Sunday today? Yes, it is.
4. When do you go home in the afternoon? At four forty.
5. Sometimes I go to bed at nine thirty at night.
6. What can you see over there? I can see a river.
1. Do you like PE,Sam? Yes, I like it very much. But I don’t like that.
2. When do you go to bed in the evening? I go to bed at nine.
3. Do you usually watch TV at seven in the evening? Yes, I do.
4. What can you see , Bobby? I can see a tiger.
5. What subjects do you like? I like English. It’s fun.
6. Do you have a PE lesson this afternoon? Yes, I can play football in the playground.
1. When do you go to bed in the evening? I go to bed at nine.
2. What can you see in the picture? I can see a boat in the river.
3. Let’s go and play table tennis. Sorry, I have a swimming lesson today. What a pity!
4. Do you have a Chinese lesson today? Yes, I do.
5. What can you draw? I can draw some flowers.
6. Welcome back to school, class. Nice to see you , Miss Li. Nice to see you, too.
1. Can you draw a boat?
2. When do you go to school in the morning?
3. Let’s go to the park this Saturday!
4. What can you see in the picture?
5. What day is it today?
6. Do you like Chinese?
1. A: I have two lessons in the afternoon .What about you?
B: Me too .
2. A: What do you do after school ?
B: I usually do my homework .
3. A: When do you have breakfast on Saturday morning?
B: At eight.
4. Mike goes to school at seven thirty. He has six lessons today .

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/xiaoxue/111603.html
