

編輯: 路逍遙 關(guān)鍵詞: 英語(yǔ)試題 來源: 逍遙右腦記憶

一.在橫線上寫出 字母的大寫. (10)
1. g 2. h 3. a 4.b 5. e
6. f 7. c 8.d 9.k 10.y
1 f__ __ l(感到) 2  s__ft(柔軟的) 3 thi__ __(厚的)      4 n__ __ se(響聲) 5 gr__ p__(葡萄) 6 w__ __t(等待) 
7 shad__ __ (影子) 8 ag__ __ n(再) 9j__ __n(參加) 
10 t__ ll(告訴) 
( )1.strawberry A. 草莓 B.西瓜 C. 桔子
( )2.or A. 或者 B. 可是 C. 但
( )3.watermelon A. 西瓜 B.葡萄 C.芒果
( )4.grape A.葡萄 B.草莓 C.蘋果
( )5.fox A.狼 B.狐貍 C.象
( )6.round A. 細(xì)的 B.圓的 C. 方的
( )7.purple A. 紅的 B. 紫色的 C. 白的
( )8.wait A.跑 B.等待 C.繪畫
( )9.minute A.鐘表 B.分鐘 C.秒
( )10.get A.寫 B.得到 C.聞
1 black ________________ 2 tall ________________ 3 fat______________
4 father________________ 5 boy ________________
1subject________________ 2class ________________ 3 is ________________
4 butterfly ________________ 5 box________________6 child ________________
7man________________ 8 woman________________ 9 grape________________
10ship ________________

1 do______________ 2 have______________ 3 like______________
4 go____________ 5 rise______________
1run______________2cut_____________ 3paint______________4sleep___________
1 she(物主代詞)_____________ 2 they(物主代詞)_____________
3 I(形容詞性物主代詞) _____________ 4 he(形容詞性物主代詞)_____________
5 their(主格人稱代詞)_____________ 6 our(主格人稱代詞)_____________
7 who(所有格)_____________ 8 it(形容詞物主代詞)_____________
() -------1. any apples in the box?
------- Yes.
A. There is B.Are there C. There isn’t
()2. ------- __________ books are these?
-------They are Peter’s.
A. What B. Whose C. How many
()3. -------What can she do?
-------She .
A.is running B.can run C. runs
()4. The book isn’t thin. It’s________ .
A. thickB. hot C. red
( )5. -------How does it feel?
-------It’s________ .
A. soft B. happy C. Pink
( )6. ________is my book? It’s on the desk.
A. What B.How C. Where
( )7. This is a rabbit. ___________ tail is short.
A. It’s B. It C. Its
( )8. -------How_________the apple taste?
-------It’s sweet.
A.can B.do C.does
( )9. -------What_________are the grapes?
-------They are purple.
A.shape B.colour C. Time
( )10. -------_________are the apples?
-------They are 2uan.
A.How much B.How many C.How old

1. Touch the toy. It’s very _________.
2. Look at my face. I have two big_______.
3. ___________ the lemon. It’s very sour.
4. Whose ______is this? It’s Mary’s .
5. The _______ is long.
十一.1根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,指出下面的句子是否短文一致,如一致,在括號(hào)內(nèi)寫T, 否則寫F
Kally Chen is our new classmate. We call her Kally. Kally is a tall girl. She has a round face and short black hair. She likes dancing and singing. She can paint very well. She has got a nice doll(娃娃). Its hair is long and brown. Its name is Beauty. Kally and I are good friends no
( )1. I call my friend Kally.
( )2. Kally is a short girl.
( )3. Kally can dance, sing and paint.
( )4. Kally’s doll’s name is Beauty.  
( )5. Kally’s hair is long and brown.
I have three friends. They are Sally, Tina and Tim. Sally and Tina are twin sisters. They are from America. Their hair is blond and curly. They are helpful and friendly. Their mother is an actress. Tim is lazy. His hair is red and curly. He has freckles. He likes watching TV. He is good at playing chess. He doesn’t like homework. He is the funniest in his class.
( )1. Tina has red and curly hair.
( )2. Sally and Tina are twins.
( )3. Tim is funny.
( )4. Tina is an actress.
( )5. Sally doesn’t like homework.

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/xiaoxue/112404.html
