

編輯: 路逍遙 關(guān)鍵詞: 英語(yǔ)教案 來(lái)源: 逍遙右腦記憶

Lesson 1 ——Lesson 3
a telephone 一部電話機(jī) use a telephone 使用電話機(jī)
call = ring up = telephone 打電話 an IP card 一張IP電話卡
come in 進(jìn) a CD  一碟 have 有
Teachers’ Day 教師節(jié) Children’s Day  兒童節(jié)
send 送 flower  花 present 禮物
wait 等待 do some washing。絛o the washing 洗衣服
wait a moment = just a moment 等一會(huì)兒
Happy Birthday! 生日快樂(lè)! Happy NewYear! 新年快樂(lè)!
1、向別人借東西時(shí),我們要這么問(wèn):May I use your…?
例如:May I use your pen? 我可以借/用你的鋼筆嗎?
你同意給對(duì)方用時(shí)要說(shuō):Certainly.或者Sure. (當(dāng)然可以),也可以說(shuō):Yes,please.
給對(duì)方時(shí)說(shuō): Here you are. (給你)
要是你的東西不能借給對(duì)方用,要先說(shuō) Sorry,再說(shuō)明原因。
Thank you. / Thank you very much. / Thanks a lot.
That’s OK. / You’re welcome. / That’s all right ./
It’s my pleasere./ My pleasure. / Not at all.
3、電話鈴響了,拿起電話時(shí)說(shuō): Hello?(你好),也可以直接告訴對(duì)方你是誰(shuí) :This is … speaking. (我是… )
4、要找某人時(shí)要說(shuō):May I speak to … , please?(請(qǐng)找…接電話,好嗎?)
5、在電話中問(wèn)對(duì)方是誰(shuí)時(shí),要說(shuō):Who’s that ? 或者 Who’s calling ?(你是誰(shuí)?)
也可以問(wèn)對(duì)方: Is that … speaking? (你是…嗎?)
6、問(wèn)某人在家時(shí):Is … in / at home ? (… 在家嗎?)
7、Would you like to do … ? (你想做… 嗎?)
8、Good idea! (好主意)
9、See you tomorrow ! (明天見(jiàn)) See you ! (再見(jiàn))
10、Let’s send a present to our teacher.(讓我們送份禮物給老師吧。)
11、Today is his birthday. I want to say “ Happy Birthday !” to him .(今天是他的生日,我想對(duì)他說(shuō)生日快樂(lè)。)
12、Who will you ring up? (你要打電話給誰(shuí)?)
Lesson 4—— Lesson 6
swing 秋千 slide 滑梯 seesaw 蹺蹺板
tree 樹(shù) building 建筑 library 圖書(shū)館
gym 健身房 playground 操場(chǎng) computer room 電腦房
swimming pool 游泳池 teaching building 樓
office building 辦公樓 school 學(xué)校 children 孩子們
where 哪里 in the middle of 在… 中間
in 在… 里面 on 在…上面 under 在… 下面
behind 在… 后面 near 在…附近 next to 在...隔壁
beside 在…旁邊 over there 在那兒 play games 做游戲
pillow 枕頭 vase 花瓶 bed 床
sleep 睡覺(jué) window 窗戶(hù) bookshelf 書(shū)架
room 房間 desk 書(shū)桌 book 書(shū)本 cat 貓
1、Where is + 單個(gè)的人或地點(diǎn)? (…在哪里?)
回答:She / He / It is + 地點(diǎn)短語(yǔ)
Where are + 表復(fù)數(shù)的人或事物?
回答:They are + 地點(diǎn)短語(yǔ)
例如:-Where is Mary ?(瑪麗在哪里?)
-She is on the slide .(她在滑梯上。)
-Where are Tom and Linda? (湯姆和琳達(dá)在哪里?)
-They are on the seesa(他們?cè)谲E蹺板上。)
2、 Do you know? (你知道嗎?)
3、Are there any children under the tree?(樹(shù)下有孩子嗎?)
4、They are playing games. (他們正在做游戲。)
5、Excuse me. (打擾一下,請(qǐng)問(wèn)。)
6、There is + 單數(shù)名詞 + 表地點(diǎn)的介詞短語(yǔ)。意思是某個(gè)地方有某個(gè)人或事物。
例如:There is a cat under the desk .(桌子下有一只貓。)
There are some books on the desk . (桌子上有一些書(shū)。)
There is a quilt and two pillows on the bed.(床上有一床被子和兩個(gè)枕頭。)
There are two pillows and a quilt on the bed.(床上有兩個(gè)枕頭和一床被子。)
7、My cat is sleeping near the desk.(我的貓?jiān)谧雷优运X(jué)。)
8、I like it very much . (我非常喜歡它。)
一. 按字母表中的順序?qū)懗?4個(gè)小寫(xiě)字母.
a_________________________________________________________ z
二. 按順序?qū)懗鏊钡拇笮?xiě)字母。
Ff____ Hh O o____ Qq Kk____ M m
V v____ X x ____ T t ____ _____ Dd _____
1. s__ nd 送 2. t _ _ cher 老師 3. pr_ s_nt 禮物
4. r_ ng 打電話 5.sp_ _ k 講話 6. w_ _ t 等待
7.m_ m _ nt 一會(huì)兒 8. fl_ _ er 花 9. c _ _ d 卡片
come in 馬上 nice 新年快樂(lè)
That’s OK. 怎么樣 do some washing 好的
soon 當(dāng)然可以 Happy Birthday 使用電話
what about 進(jìn) use a telephone 洗衣服
certainly 不客氣 Happy New Year. 生日快樂(lè)
A. Just a moment. Sorry, she is not in no
B. Bye! C. Hello?
D. That’s OK. Goodbye . E. Hi! Is Mary in?

A. Hello?
B. Yes. Who’s that?
C. Hello! Is that Betty speaking?
D. This is Wang Nan speaking. Tomorrow is Teacher’s Day. Shall we send some flowers to our English teacher?
E. See you.
F. Good idea! See you tomorro

1. Is that Linda ____? A. speak B. speaking C. to speak
2.-Hello! Who’s ______,please? - This is Tom speaking.
A. that B. he C. you
3.My mother is ____ some washing. A. do B. doing C. to do
4.____ you like to buy a new pen? A. what B. Can C. Would
5._____ I use your watch? A. what B.May C. Can
(A) (B)
1. Is that Helen speaking ? A. Speaking.
2. May I speak to Tom, please? B. This is Wang Nan .
3. What about going swimming ? C. No, this is Linda.
4. Who’s calling? D. Good idea.
1. sw_ ng 秋千 2. sees_ _ 蹺蹺板 3. l_ br_ ry 圖書(shū)館
4. b_ _ lding 建筑 5. b_ h_ nd 在…后面 6. g_ m 健身房
7. tr_ _ 樹(shù) 8. n_ _ r 在附近 9. midd_ _ 中間
10. pill_ _ 枕頭 11. v_ se 花瓶 12. w _ nd_ _ 窗戶(hù)
on the slide 電腦房
under the desk 樓
office building 在滑梯上
computer room 辦公樓
playground 在桌子下
teaching building 操場(chǎng)
A.Hhow can I get to the museum?
B.It’s next to the post office.
C.Excuse me, where’s the museum?
D.First, walk south for three minutes. Then , take the No.1 bus at the cinema.
E.Thank you.
1.________, where’s the library? A. Excuse me. B. Sorry . C. Help me.
2.There are many ___ in the city. A. builing B. buildings C. build
3.-_____ is our new classroom? - It’s on the second floor.
A. What B. Where C. How
4. Look! They are ___ the swings. A . on B. at C. in
5. Where ____ they ? A. is B. am C. are
6.The swimming pool is ______ the middle of the school.
A. in B. on C.at
7. There _____ some children under the tree. A. am B. is C. are五、根據(jù)漢語(yǔ)意思補(bǔ)全句子。
1、 琳達(dá)和瑪麗在哪兒? ____ _______ Linda and Mary?
他們?cè)谇锴稀?They are ______ ______。撸撸撸撸撸
 2、它和圖書(shū)館是相鄰的。It’s _____ ______ the library.
3、它在游泳池的附近。 It’s ______ the swimming pool.
4、我的房間里有張床。 There is a ______ in my ______.
5. 樹(shù)下有只貓。 There is a _____ _______ the _______.
behind on in under
1.There are many children ____ the tree.
2.There ia a little rabbit ______ the hat.
3.Look! They are _____ the slide.
4.Li Shan is ______ the door.
5.Are there any children ______ the tree?
Lesson 10 — Lesson 12
have a headache 頭痛 feel bad 感覺(jué)不舒服
have a stomachache 肚子痛 go to the hospital 去醫(yī)院
have a toothache 牙痛 see a doctor 看醫(yī)生
have a fever 發(fā)燒 open your mouth 張開(kāi)你的嘴巴
have a cold 感冒 take medicine 吃藥
have a good rest 好好休息 stay in bed 呆在床上
ill in bed 生病在床 after school 放學(xué) hear 聽(tīng)
with …與; 和… lesson 功 worry about 擔(dān)心
1、I feel very bad today. 今天我感覺(jué)不舒服。
2、What’s wrong ? 怎么了?
What’s wrong with you ? 你怎么了?
What’s wrong with him? 他怎么了?
What’s wrong with her ? 她怎么了?
What’s wrong with them ? 他(她)們?cè)趺戳耍?br /> 3、You look ill. 你看起病了。
4、What about my lessons? 我的功在怎么辦?
5、Don’t worry. 別擔(dān)心。
Don’t worry about them. 別擔(dān)心它們。
6、Is it very serious? 非常嚴(yán)重嗎?
Nothing serious. 不要緊,不嚴(yán)重。
7、You’ll be well soon. 你很快就會(huì)好的。
8、What are you going to do ? 你要去做什么?
We are going to … 意思是 我們將要…… 表示已經(jīng)決定或安排好的要做的事。
例如:We are going to go to the Children’s Park. 我們要去兒童公園。
We are going to see him. 我們要去看他。
her. 我們要去看她。
them. 我們要去看他們。
9、I’ m sorry to hear that. 聽(tīng)到這個(gè)消息我很難過(guò)。
10、May I go to see him with you. 我能和你一起去看他嗎?
11、You’re having a fever no 現(xiàn)在你正在發(fā)燒。
練習(xí)題 Lesson 10 —— Lesson 12
1. h_ _ dache 頭痛 2. t_ _ thache 牙痛 3. _ _ l 生病的 4. f _ _ l 感覺(jué) 5. st_ _停留 6. _p _ n 張開(kāi)
7. m_ _ th 嘴巴 8. w_ ll (身體)健康的 9.r_ st 休息
10.seri_ _ s 嚴(yán)重的 11.h_ _r 聽(tīng) 12.m_ dic_ ne 藥
1. have a stomachache _______ 2. ill in bed___________
3. nothing serious ___________ 4. see a doctor ________
5.feel bad ________________ 6.after school _________
1. I ____ a fever and I feel very bad. A. has B. have C. am
2. What’s _____ with you? A. wrong B. the wrong C.matter
3.____ some medicine, have a rest, and you’ll be well soon.
A. Taking B. Take C. Takes
4. Tom is ill ____ bed. We are going to see _____.
A.in, he B. on , him C. in, him
5.Don’t worry ______ your lessons. A. for B. about C. with
6. I’m sorry _____ that. A. hear B. to hear C. hearing
7.We _____ going to see him. A. are B. is C. am
8. May I go to see _____ with you? A. he B. she C. her
9.You need to have ___ good rest. A. a B. an C. the
b (A) (B)
1. What’s wrong with him?
2. May I go there with you?
3. What are you going to do after school?
4. Thanks a lot.
5. Is it sserious?
(1) A: What’s ______ with you, my boy?
B: I _______ a headache and I _______ very bad.
A: Oh, you have a cold.
B: Is it very ________ ?
A: Don’t ______. Nothing serious. _______ some medicine, _______ a rest, you’ll be _____ soon.
B: Thank you _____ _______ .
A: You’re _________.
(2) A: What are you ____ to do _______ school?
B: We are going to _____ Bob.
A: What’s wrong _____ him?
B: He ____ a bad cold.
A: May I go to see him ____ you?
B: Sure.
Lesson 13 —— Lesson 14
help 幫助 do some housework 做家務(wù) clean the room 打掃房間
outside the school gate 校門(mén)外 mop the floor 拖地板
clean the window 擦窗戶(hù) see a film 看電影 go skating 去滑冰
go to the zoo 去動(dòng)物園 play tennis 打網(wǎng)球 go swimming 去游泳
fly kites 放風(fēng)箏 learn Chinese 學(xué)漢語(yǔ) play tennis 打網(wǎng)球
teach 教 read English 讀英語(yǔ) be from 自 popular 受歡迎的
1. We are going to help Grandma Li do the housework. 我們要去幫助李奶奶做家務(wù)。
2. Let’s clean the room and mop the floor together , shall we?
讓我們一起打掃屋子和拖地,好嗎? together 一起
3.All right。 好的。
4.When and where shall we meet ? 我們?cè)谑裁磿r(shí)候什么地點(diǎn)見(jiàn)面?
5.Outside the school gate at 8 o’clock in the morning. 早上8點(diǎn)鐘在校門(mén)外。
6.What are you doing ? 你在做什么?I’m reading English. 我正在讀英語(yǔ)。
7.He teaches well. 他教得好。
8.Where is he from? 他自哪里? He’s from England. 他自英國(guó)。
9.Will he teach you next term? 下學(xué)期他會(huì)教你們嗎?
10.May be. But I’m not sure . 或許會(huì),但我不敢確定。
11.He’s very friendly to us. 他對(duì)我們很友好。
練習(xí)題 Lesson 13——Lesson 14
1. g_ t_ 大門(mén) 2. f_ _ endly 友好的 3. m_ p拖洗
4. h_ lp 幫助 5. r_ _ d 讀 6.p_ p_ lar 受歡迎的
7.t_ _ ch 教 8.t_ _ m 學(xué)期 9.h_ _ sework 家務(wù)
1. fly kites __________ 2. go swimming ____________
3. do the washing _________ 4. go to the zoo_____________
5. clean the window_________ 6. play football ____________
7. come from ____________ 8. next term ________________
1. We shall meet _______ four o’clock in the afternoon. A. in B. on C. at
2.- Where are you from? - I’m _____ England.
A. from B. come from C. an
3.I’m going to help my mum _______ the room.
A. clean B. cleaning C. cleaned
4. ________ Mr Green teach you next term? A. Is B. Will C. Does
5.- ______ are you going to do tomorrow? ? We are going to swim.
A. What B. Where C. How
6. We are ______ to see him. A. go B. going C. goes
7. - _____ and _____ shall we meet ? - Outside the school gate at nine.
A. When ; when B. Where ; what C. When ; where
8. Miss Liu is very ____ to us. A. friendly B. popular C. friend
9.Mary often helps mother ____ clothes.
A. washes B. wash C. washing
A. I’m going to see a new play. Let’s go together.
B. See you.
C. What are you doing after school?
D. All right. When and where shall we meet?
E. Outside the school gate at 8 o’clock in the evening.
F. OK. See you later.

A.I have a fever and I feel bad.
B.You’re welcome.
C.Good morning, doctor.
D.Oh, you have a cold.
E.Morning. What’s wrong with you?
F.Thanks a lot.
G.Don’t worry. Take some medicine, you’ll be well soon.
H.Is it very serious?

1、你的語(yǔ)文老師是誰(shuí)?________ ________ your _______ teacher?
2、你的弟弟正在做什么? _____ is your brother ______?
3、她自哪里? _______ _______ she from?
4、格林先生下學(xué)期教你們嗎? ______ Mr Green _____ you next term?
5、 我們都很喜歡他。 We ______ ________ him.
(A) (B)
1. Where are you from?
2. Where is the post office?
3. What are you doing?
4. Where are you going?
5. May I use your car?
6. Will you go swimming this Sunday?
Take ; beside ; with ; where ; hospital
1.There is a vase _______ some flowers on the desk.
2.My bookshelf is _______ the bed.
3.He is in the ________ because (因?yàn)? he is ill.
4.Shall we ______ a taxi?
5.Excuse me, _______ is the Xinhua Bookstore.
1.b__s (共汽車(chē)) 2.h __spital (醫(yī)院 ) 3 .g__m (健身房)
4. sl__de (滑梯) 5. libr__ry (讀書(shū)館) 6. flow__rs (鮮花)
7.sle__p ( 睡覺(jué)) 8. b__iding(建筑樓) 9.sees__w (跳跳板)
10. u__e (使用)
二. 要求書(shū)寫(xiě)正確而優(yōu)美.得抄寫(xiě)下列句子. (共10分)
1.What about some beautiful flowers?
2.But what present shall we send her?
3.Hello ! May I speak to Li-Shan , please ?

4.Are there any children under the tree ?

5.How many books are there on the desk ?
三.根據(jù)單詞漢語(yǔ)意思畫(huà)出其表示的簡(jiǎn)筆圖. (共12分)

pillow tree

vase bookshelf
四.聯(lián)線題. (共14分)
A. Just a moment ,please ? 1.請(qǐng)湯母接電話,好嗎?
B. Where are they ? 2.它在辦公樓旁邊。
C. May I speak to Tom, please? 3. 請(qǐng)跟我!
D, It’s next to the office buiding. 4.他們?cè)谀膬海?br />E. My room is very nice! 5.。我可以使用一下電話嗎?
F. Follow me , please ! 6. 請(qǐng)稍等!
G. May I use the telephone? 7. 我的房間很漂亮

1.The flowers are __________(在.。。中間)the garden.(花園)
2.There is a pencil _________(在。。。里面) the pencil-box .
3.the boys are ________(在。。。底下)the old tree.
4.A box is ______ (在。。。上面)the water.
5. The children are ______(在。。。后面)the wall.(墻)
6.The school is _______(在。。。旁邊/隔壁)the gym.
7.The boy is ______(在。。。前面)the house. (房子)
1.在電話中,”This is Mary” 的正確譯法是:
A.這是瑪麗。 B。我 是瑪麗。
A.Who are you? B. Who is that ?
3.“I bought a new CD . ” 的正確譯法是:
A.我借了一盤(pán)新CD。B。 我賣(mài)了一盤(pán)新CD。
4.“My mother is doing some washing. ”的正確譯法是:
A.I come here . B. I am coming soon .
6.May I come in ? A. Yes , please ! B. It’s over there .
7.Who will you ring up ?
A.I don’t know ! B. My grandfather .
8.You are really a nice boy !
A.I am not. B. Thank you!
9.Tomorrow is Teachers’ day . Let’s send a present to our teacher?
A.Good idea ! B. Hi ! This is good..
10. -----see you tomorrow!
A.see you ! B. That’s OK!
11.Where are Linda and Mary?
A.She is on the slide. B. They are on the seesa
12. --------, Where is the library ?
A. Thank you ! B. Excuse me ,
13.Where is Mary ?
A.She is under the tree . B. She is in the pencil-box.
14.On the desk , there is -------
A. A big tree. B. A beautiful vase .
15. Shall we take a bus ?A .No , it isn’t far .B. No , it is very far .

本文來(lái)自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/xiaoxue/113313.html

六年級(jí)英語(yǔ)上冊(cè)Lesson 17導(dǎo)學(xué)案
Redrock Bay Health Club
Meeting the BINGO Kids教案