

編輯: 路逍遙 關(guān)鍵詞: 英語教案 來源: 逍遙右腦記憶

Module 1
Job學(xué)會介紹家人及職業(yè)并掌握He, She的用法。

doctor醫(yī)生 nurse護士
driver司機 policeman警察pupil學(xué)生 he他 she她This is my father / mother.
That is my grandpa / grandma.
He is a … .
She is a … .Chant: P6
The doctor on the bus

Module 2
in 在……里 on 在……上
under 在…..下
hat帽子 bed 床
bear 熊Where’s the cat?
It’s on / in /under the … .
Chant: P12
The hat

Module 3

eleven11 twelve12
fish魚 tree樹Where’s the cat?
It’s on / in /under the … .
Is it under the bed?
Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t.
How many green birds?
Three green birds.Song:P18
Ten little fingers
Module 4
Body學(xué)會描述自己與讓他人的身體部位,并學(xué)會my, your 的用法。

head頭 face臉
nose鼻子 mouth嘴巴 ear耳朵 eye眼睛
leg腿 hand手
feet腳 baby 嬰兒This is my head.
These are your legs.

What’s this?
This is … .
What are these?
These are … .Song: P24
Head, Shoulders
Module 5

cow奶牛 farm農(nóng)場
pig豬 chicken雞
duck鴨子 egg雞蛋 thin瘦的 fat 胖的
little小的 big大的 What are they?
They’re cows.

It’s fat.
Song: P30
Old Macdonald

Module 6
snake蛇 horse馬
long長的 zoo動物園 short短的/矮的 tall高的 cute可愛的 strong強壯的
giraffe長頸鹿 tiger 老虎
elephant大象 small小的 They’re tall.

That snake is long.
The baby horses are cute.
Module 7
Introductions學(xué)會詳細介紹事物顏色、數(shù)量、特征和位置關(guān)系。animal動物 table 桌子
help 幫助There is a…
There are…
How many animals P38
There are some horses P41
Module 8
Clothes學(xué)會表述穿著,并區(qū)分單復(fù)數(shù)的用法。shorts短褲 shirt襯衣
shoe鞋 swim游泳
sock襪子 clothes衣服This is my/your…
These are my/your…Song: P48
I get dressed every day.

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/xiaoxue/122913.html

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三年級英語上Unit 5 This is my family教案(2012版湘少版)
Unit 6 At the zoo