

編輯: 路逍遙 關(guān)鍵詞: 英語(yǔ)教案 來(lái)源: 逍遙右腦記憶

Unit1 How Do You Go There? (你怎樣去那里?)
on foot= walk走路 by bike騎自行車 by bus坐公車 by train坐火車 by plane坐飛機(jī) by ship坐輪船 by subway坐地鐵 near近的 far遠(yuǎn)的 usually通常 sometimes有時(shí)候 easy簡(jiǎn)單的 the fifth floor第五層樓 traffic lights交通燈 traffic rules交通規(guī)則 stop停止 wait等待 get to到達(dá) same相同的 mean意思是 driver司機(jī) right右邊 left左邊 must必須 know知道
1. How do you go to school? 你是怎樣去上學(xué)的?
2. I go to school by bus.我是坐公交車去上學(xué)的。
3. Usually I go to school on foot. 我通常走路去上學(xué)。
4. Sometimes I go by bike. 有時(shí)候我騎自行車去。、
5. My home is near/ far. 我的家是近的。/ 遠(yuǎn)的。
6. Look at the traffic lights, remember the traffic rules. 看著交通燈,記住交通規(guī)則。
7. Stop at a red light. Wait at a yellow light. Go at a green light. 紅燈停。黃燈等一等。綠燈行。
8. Red means stop, yellow means wait, green means go. 紅色的意思是停止,黃色的意思是等待,綠色的意思是通行。
9. How can I get to the park? 我該怎樣到達(dá)公園呢?
10. You can go by the No. 15 bus. 你可以坐15路公交車去。
  1、There are many ways to go somewhere.到一個(gè)地方去有許多方法。
  這里的ways一定要用復(fù)數(shù)。因?yàn)閠here are是there be句型的復(fù)數(shù)形式。
  2、get to到達(dá).關(guān)于本單元我們還要學(xué)習(xí)與get相關(guān)的短語(yǔ):
  get on 上車 get off下車
  3、on foot 步行 乘坐其他交通工具大都可以用介詞by…, 但是步行只能用介詞on 。on foot 相當(dāng)于walk,只是walk是動(dòng)詞by subway 和by train,注意區(qū)別。
by subway: 地鐵,是有墻壁的。by train: 火車,露天的。
  4、go to school的前面絕對(duì)不能加the,這里是固定搭配。但是go home回家,home前不加to。
  5、USA 和 US 都是美國(guó)的意思。另外America也是美國(guó)的意思。
  6 go to the park前面一定要加the.如果要去的地方有具體的名字,就不能再加the , 如果要去的地方?jīng)]有具體名字,一定要在前面加the。但 go to school除外。
  7、How do you go to …?你怎樣到達(dá)某個(gè)地方?如果要問(wèn)的是第三人稱單數(shù),則要用:How does he/she…go to …?
  get on(上車)---get off(下車) near(近的)—far(遠(yuǎn)的) fast(快的)—slow(慢的) because(因?yàn)?—why(為什么) same(相同的)—different(不同的)
  9、近義詞:see you---goodbye sure---certainly---of course
  always 總是,一直 usually 通常 often經(jīng)常 sometimes 有時(shí)候 never 從不
  11、The traffic lights are the same in every country. There are always three lights: red, yellow and green. 每個(gè)國(guó)家的交通燈是一樣?偸怯腥N:紅,黃,綠。
12、China/ US中國(guó)和美國(guó): the right side of the road 右邊
England/Australia英國(guó)和澳大利亞: the left side of the road 左邊
1.坐某種交通工具用by,例如:by bike, by train。 而走路用 “on” 例如on foot.
2.國(guó)家名字,地方名字第一個(gè)字母要大些:例如: Canada加拿大, China中國(guó), America美國(guó), England英國(guó), Australia澳大利亞
3.國(guó)家名縮寫(xiě)前面加the,縮寫(xiě)字母都要大寫(xiě)。 例如:the USA=the US美國(guó), the UK英國(guó),the CAN加拿大,the PRC中國(guó)。
4.頻度副詞是表示做的次數(shù)多少的詞語(yǔ)。從多到少依次排列為: always總是,usually通常,often經(jīng)常,sometimes有時(shí)候,never從不。頻度副詞可以放在句首,也可以放在人稱后面。例如:Usually I go to school by bus. = I usually go to school by bus.
5.near近的,far遠(yuǎn)的。 這兩個(gè)詞是一對(duì)反義詞。注意: not near= far, not far = near.
6.時(shí)間前面用at. 例如:在三點(diǎn)鐘: at 3 o’ clock. 一段時(shí)間前面用for
7.表達(dá)第幾層樓的時(shí)候我們要用序數(shù)詞,前面還要有the。 例如:第一、二、三、四、五層樓分別是:the first floor. the second floor. the third floor. the fourth floor. the fifth floor.
8.交通燈traffic lights,交通規(guī)則:traffic rules。 這兩個(gè)詞后面都一定要加s, 絕對(duì)不能少。因?yàn)榻煌粲屑t黃綠三盞,一定是復(fù)數(shù),交通規(guī)則不可能只有一條,所以都一定要加s,考試的時(shí)候千萬(wàn)別忘了加s哦!
9.大部分的國(guó)家都是靠右行駛的:drivers drive on the right side of the road. 記住England and Australia, drivers drive on the left side of the road.英國(guó)和澳大利亞,司機(jī)是靠左行駛的。
11.on foot= walk, 都是走路的意思,但是用法不同,on foot用在句子末尾,而walk用法與go相同,可以代替go的位置。 例如:走路回家:walk home 走路去上學(xué) :walk to school 走路去上班 walk to work 走路去醫(yī)院walk to the hospital

Unit2 Where is the Science Museum? 科學(xué)博物館在哪?
where哪里 library圖書(shū)館 bookstore書(shū)店 post office郵局 hospital醫(yī)院 cinema電影院 near旁邊 next to旁邊(比near更近) in front of在…的前面 behind在...的后面 Excuse me打擾一下 please請(qǐng) far from離…遠(yuǎn)的 buy買 want to想要 a pair of一雙 get on上車 get off下車 on the left在左邊 on the right在右邊 east東 south南 west西 north北 turn left左轉(zhuǎn) turn right右轉(zhuǎn) go straight直走 am上午 pm下午 now現(xiàn)在 tell告訴 look for尋找
1.Where is the cinema, please? 請(qǐng)問(wèn)電影院在哪?
2.It’s next to the hospital. 它在醫(yī)院的旁邊。
3.Is it far from here? 它離這遠(yuǎn)嗎?
4.It’s east of the cinema. 它在電影院的東面。
5.Turn left at the cinema, then go straight. It’s on the left. 在電影院左轉(zhuǎn),然后直走,它在左邊。
1、問(wèn)路時(shí)要用“excuse me對(duì)不起,打擾一下”
2、描述路時(shí)可以用順序詞: first首先, next接著, then然后
3、near 表示在附近,next to 表示與…相鄰。它的范圍比near小。
in front of 在。。。前面 behind 在。。。后面
4、在左邊,在右邊介詞要用on, on the left/on the right,但是東西南北,介詞要用in, in the north/east/south/west.
5、for 表示持續(xù)多長(zhǎng)時(shí)間,當(dāng)表示做某事多長(zhǎng)時(shí)間都要用for. 如:Walk east for 5 minutes. Then walk straight for three minutes.
6、乘幾路車可以用by the No.301 bus, 注意No.中N要大寫(xiě),后面要加點(diǎn)。如果要用動(dòng)詞可以用take,例如take the No.301 bus.
7、當(dāng)表示某個(gè)地方在另一個(gè)地方的哪一方向時(shí),要用介詞of。如:the hospital is east of the cinema. 醫(yī)院在電影院的東邊。
8、表示在哪兒轉(zhuǎn)時(shí),用介詞at。 如:Turn left at the bank。在銀行左轉(zhuǎn)。
9、find表示“找到”,強(qiáng)調(diào)找的結(jié)果。Look for 表示“尋找”,強(qiáng)調(diào)找的過(guò)程。
10、在幾點(diǎn)前面要用介詞at,如at 7p.m.
bookstore==bookshop 書(shū)店 go straight==go down直行
after school==after class 放學(xué)后
 here (這里)---there(那里) east(東)---west(西) north(北)---south(南)
 left(左)---right(右) get on (上車)---get off(下車)
14、in the front of…表示在…的前面,是指在該地方的范圍內(nèi),in front of而則表示在該地方的范圍外。如:in front of our classroom是指在教室的外面而且在教室的前面。而in the front of classroom則是指在教室里的前面。
15、 be far from…表示離某地遠(yuǎn). be 可以是am , is ,are。介詞要用from。
如:I am far from school no 我現(xiàn)在離學(xué)校很遠(yuǎn)。
My home is not far from school.我家離學(xué)校不遠(yuǎn)。
1.問(wèn)路之前,出于禮貌,我們要說(shuō)“Excuse me”與后面的句子要用標(biāo)點(diǎn)符號(hào)隔開(kāi)。
2.Is there 開(kāi)頭的問(wèn)句怎么回答呢?例如: Is there a cinema near here? 只要把前兩個(gè)詞語(yǔ)的順序換一下就可以了,肯定回答是:Yes, there is. 否定: No, there isn’t.
3.buy 和 by的區(qū)別,這兩個(gè)詞語(yǔ)發(fā)音相同,但是意思完全不同,by:乘,坐 buy:買
4.地點(diǎn)名詞前面一定要有the,例如: Where is the cinema? How can I get to the hospital?
5.時(shí)間前面用at. 例如:在三點(diǎn)鐘: at 3 o’ clock.;一段時(shí)間前面用for,例如:三分鐘for 3 minutes. 星期前面用on,例如:on Monday, on Tuesday, on Wednesday, on Thursday, on Friday, on Saturday, on Sunday.
6.在表達(dá)第幾路公交車時(shí),注意No. 的書(shū)寫(xiě),N要大寫(xiě),后面別少了一點(diǎn)。。
7.在哪里上下車,在哪里左右轉(zhuǎn),都用介詞at,例如: Get on/ off at the cinema. 在電影院的地方上下車。 Turn left/ right at the bookstore. 在書(shū)店的地方左右轉(zhuǎn)。
8.by the No. 12 bus= take the No. 12 bus. 坐12路公交車

Unit3 What are you going to do? 你將要做什么?
take a trip旅行 read a magazine讀一本雜志 go to the cinema去看電影 this morning今天上午 this afternoon今天下午 this evening今天晚上 next week下個(gè)星期 tomorrow明天 tonight今晚 busy忙碌的 go home回家 post card明信片 comic book漫畫(huà)書(shū) newspaper報(bào)紙 dictionary字典 plant trees種樹(shù)
1.What are you going to do on the weekend? 周末你將要做什么?
2.I’m going to visit my grandparents this weekend. 我將要去拜訪我的祖父母。
3.I’m going to have a busy weekend! 我將要度過(guò)一個(gè)忙碌的周末。
4.I’m going to the supermarket with my mother. 我將要和我媽媽去超市。
5.Where are you going this afternoon? 今天下午你將要去哪?
6.I’m going to the bookstore. 我將去書(shū)店。
7.What are you going to buy? 你將要買什么?
8.I’m going to buy a comic book. 我將要去買一本漫畫(huà)書(shū)。
9.When are you going? 你將什么時(shí)候去?
10.I’m going at 3 o’clock. 我將三點(diǎn)鐘去。
11.What are you going to be? I’m going to be a policeman. 你將要成為什么樣的人? 我將要成為一名警察。
1、What are you going to do?你想做什么?詢問(wèn)他人在未的打算。be going to 后面要跟動(dòng)詞的原形。注意be going to be 意思是 “打算成為什么,干什么職業(yè)。”
What are you going to do this afternoon?
What are you going to buy?
What are you going to be?
When are you going?
Where are you going?
How are you going?
Who are you going with?
2、this evening 和 tonight的 區(qū)別:this evening指的是今天晚上睡覺(jué)以前的時(shí)間,一般指晚上十二點(diǎn)以前。而tonight指的是今晚,一般是指一整晚的時(shí)間,通宵。
  (1)What 什么。用問(wèn)是什么,做什么,叫什么,什么樣等等。如:What is your name? 你的名字叫什么?
  What is your father? 你爸爸是干什么的?
  What is your hobby?你的愛(ài)好是什么?
  What is your favourite food?你最喜愛(ài)的食物是什么?
  What’s your math teacher like? 你的數(shù)學(xué)老師長(zhǎng)得什么樣子?
  (2)Where , 在哪里,到哪里。用問(wèn)地點(diǎn)。
  如:Where are you from?你從哪里?
  Where are you going to ?你打算去哪里?
  Where is my ruler?我的尺子在哪里?
  When is your birthday? 你的生日是什么時(shí)候?
  When are you going to ?你打算什么時(shí)候去?
  When do you go to school?你什么時(shí)候去上學(xué)?
  (4)what time 幾點(diǎn)了。用問(wèn)具體的時(shí)間,
  如:What time is it? 現(xiàn)在幾點(diǎn)了?
  (5)What colour什么顏色。用問(wèn)物體的顏色。如:
  What colour is your schoolbag?你的書(shū)包是什么顏色的?
  (6)What kind of 什么種類。用問(wèn)類別。如
  What kind of fruit do you like?你最喜歡哪一種水果?
  Who is your English teacher ?你的英語(yǔ)老師是誰(shuí)?
  Who’s that man? 那個(gè)男人是誰(shuí)?
  (8) whose誰(shuí)的。用問(wèn)物體的主人是誰(shuí)?如:
  Whose pencil is this? 這是誰(shuí)的鉛筆?
  Whose bike is blue? 誰(shuí)的自行車是藍(lán)色的?
  (9) which哪一個(gè)。用問(wèn)具體的哪一個(gè)。如:
  Which season do you like best?你最喜歡哪個(gè)季節(jié)?
  Which pencil is ken’s? the long one or the short one?
  How are you?你好嗎?
  How is your mother? 你媽媽好嗎?
  How about you? 你呢?
  (11)how many多少個(gè)。用問(wèn)有多少個(gè),后面要跟名詞的復(fù)數(shù)形式。如:
  How many books do you have?你有多少本書(shū)?
  How many kites can you see? 你能看見(jiàn)多少只風(fēng)箏?
  (12) how much 多少錢。用問(wèn)物體的價(jià)錢。如:
  How much are they? 他們多少錢?
  How much is your schoolbag? 你的書(shū)包多少錢?
  (13)how old 幾歲了。用問(wèn)年齡。如
  How old are you ? 你幾歲了?
  How old is your father? 你爸爸多大了?
  (14)why為什么。用問(wèn)原因,一般要用because回答。如:why do you like spring?你為什么喜歡春天?
  Because I can fly kites.國(guó)為我可以放風(fēng)箏。
  (15) how long 多長(zhǎng)
  (16)how tall 多高
5、I want to be…我想成為… 表示理想。相當(dāng)于I’m going to be ….
6、地點(diǎn)名稱:fruit stand 水果店 clothes shop服裝店 shoe store鞋店 pet shop寵物店 theme park主題公園 the Great Wall長(zhǎng)城 plant shop 植物店
restaurant 飯店 bus stop 公交車站
7、在哪個(gè)門(mén)用介詞at, at the north/east/south/west gate.

構(gòu) 成 法例 詞
A.一般加-ingwork—working study--studying
B.以e結(jié)尾的詞去e后加-inglive—living write--writing
C. 動(dòng)詞為單音節(jié):以單一元音字母+單一輔音字母結(jié)尾,輔音字母雙寫(xiě),再加ing;動(dòng)詞為雙音節(jié)或者多音節(jié):最后一個(gè)音節(jié)為重讀音節(jié),以單一元音字母+單一輔音字母結(jié)尾輔音字母雙寫(xiě),再加 ingstop--stopping
run -- running
swim -- swimming
begin -- beginning

注意 be going to 加動(dòng)詞的原形,表示的不是現(xiàn)在進(jìn)行時(shí),而是表示將時(shí)態(tài)。
練習(xí):play __________ swim ___________ write __________ be _________
1.時(shí)間往往放在句子的末尾。例如:What are you going to do this evening?
2.go to school去上學(xué),go to work去上班, go to the cinema去看電影,go后面都要有to,但是要注意“回家”這個(gè)詞組是:go home,中間絕對(duì)沒(méi)有to。
3.with: 和,后面往往跟人。 例如:I’m going to play football with my friends. 我將要和我的朋友一起去踢足球。
4.疑問(wèn)詞:where:哪里(地點(diǎn)) what:什么(東西,事情或職業(yè)) when:什么時(shí)候(時(shí)間) how:怎么樣(交通工具) who:誰(shuí)(人) why:為什么(答句中有because)
5.注意buy與by的區(qū)別。 buy:買 by: 乘,坐
6.plant有兩個(gè)意思:種;植物。 例如: plant trees種樹(shù) plant shop植物商店
7.注意區(qū)別What are you going to be?和What are you going to do?前者是問(wèn)將要成為什么樣的人;后者是問(wèn)將要做什么事情。
Unit4 I have a pen pal 我有一個(gè)筆友
pen pal筆友 riding a bike(ride)騎自行車 diving(dive)跳水 playing the violin(play)拉小提琴 collecting stamps(collect)集郵 making kites(make)做風(fēng)箏 drawing pictures (draw)畫(huà)畫(huà) painting (paint)畫(huà)畫(huà) skating(skate)溜冰 hobby愛(ài)好 show展覽 live (lives) in Beijing居住在北京 go (goes) to work去上班 go (goes) to bed睡覺(jué) go (goes) home回家 teach(teaches) English教英語(yǔ) read (reads) newspapers讀報(bào)紙 watch (watches)TV看電視
重點(diǎn)句子:新 標(biāo) 第 一 網(wǎng)
1.What’s your hobby? 你的愛(ài)好是什么?
2.I like collecting stamps.我喜歡集郵。
3.He likes collecting stamps, too. 他也喜歡集郵。
4.Does she teach English? Yes, she does. No, she doesn’t. 她是教英語(yǔ)的嗎?是的。不是。
  (1)一般情況下,在動(dòng)詞的后面直接加ing。如:play—playing read—reading do—doing go—going
  (2)以不發(fā)音的字母e結(jié)尾的動(dòng)詞,要去掉不發(fā)音的字母e,再加ing。如:write—writing ride—riding make—making dance—dancing
  (3)以單元音加單輔音結(jié)尾的重讀閉音節(jié),要雙寫(xiě)最后一個(gè)輔音字母,再加ing。如:run—running swim—swimming put—putting sit—sitting
①I like swimming.
②Swimming is my hobby.
③My hobby is swimming.
注意:She likes drawing pictures, listening to music and making kites.這幾個(gè)愛(ài)好是并列的,都是在like后面,所以都要加ing.
  read--reads make—makes write—writes
  ②以字母s, x, o , sh , ch結(jié)尾的動(dòng)詞,在詞尾加es。如:do—does wash—washes teach—teaches go—goes pass—passes
  ③以y結(jié)尾的動(dòng)詞分為兩個(gè)情況,以元音字母加y結(jié)尾的動(dòng)詞,在詞尾直接加s。如:play—plays buy--buys
  ④以f , fe結(jié)尾的名詞,先把f,fe變?yōu)関,再加-es.
  (5)第三人稱單數(shù)的肯定句在變?yōu)榉穸ň鋾r(shí),在動(dòng)詞的前面加doesn’t. 動(dòng)詞恢復(fù)原形。如:He lives in Beijing.---He doesn’t live in Beijing.
(6) 第三人稱單數(shù)的陳述句在變?yōu)橐话阋蓡?wèn)句時(shí),用does開(kāi)頭,后面的動(dòng)詞也要變?yōu)樵巍H纾篐e lives in Beijing.---Does he live in Beijing?

構(gòu) 成 法例 詞
A.一般動(dòng)詞在詞尾加-shelp—helps make -- makes
B.以s, x , ch,sh,結(jié)尾的動(dòng)詞在詞尾加-esfix ? fixes teach - -teaches wash - -washes
C.以o結(jié)尾的動(dòng)詞在詞尾加-esgo—goes do--does
D.以輔音字母加y結(jié)尾的動(dòng)詞,先y變?yōu)閕,再加-es fly ? flies study ? studies carry -- carries

練習(xí):get ________ teach ________ go ________ study ________fix _______ have ________
hobby(復(fù)數(shù)形式)—hobbies have to(同義詞)—must same(反義詞)---different look the same 看起一樣

構(gòu) 成 法例 詞
A.在一般情況下,詞尾加-sbook—books bed--beds
B.以s, x, ch, sh結(jié)尾的詞,詞尾加-esbus—buses box—boxes
dish—dishes watch--watches
C.以f或fe結(jié)尾的詞,先將f或fe改成v,再加-esknife—knives wife--wives
D.以o結(jié)尾的單詞,有生命的物質(zhì)加-es, 無(wú)生命的物質(zhì)加-stomato—tomatoes photo--photos
E.以輔音字母加y結(jié)尾,先y將改i,再加上-esfamily—families city--cities

表“有”還有there be,

always, usually, often,sometimes, everyday(week….)


be加“going to” 加原形。

1、 tomorrow, the next day, this afternoon, this evening
2、next week (month, year…)
3、 in the year 2011

5、city 城市 county 國(guó)家或者鄉(xiāng)村 province 省

1.愛(ài)好一定要加ing,同樣的,當(dāng)看到like或者likes的時(shí)候,后面的動(dòng)詞一定要加ing,例如:我喜歡游泳:I like swimming.
2.當(dāng)主語(yǔ)是he, she,it以及能用這三個(gè)詞代替的所有的詞我們叫做第三人稱單數(shù),后面的動(dòng)詞要加s, 例如:I like diving. He likes diving. She likes diving. 人名一定是第三人稱單數(shù)。
3.Does開(kāi)頭的問(wèn)句回答只有兩個(gè),肯定回答:Yes, she/ he/ it does. 否定回答:No, she/ he/ it doesn’t. 看到does,后面的動(dòng)詞一定要用原形。

Unit5 What does she do? 她是做什么的?
singer歌手 writer作家 TV reporter電視臺(tái)記者 actor男演員 actress女演員 artist畫(huà)家 teacher老師 doctor醫(yī)生 nurse護(hù)士 driver司機(jī) farmer農(nóng)民 engineer工程師 accountant會(huì)計(jì) policeman男警察 policewoman女警察 salesperson銷售員 cleaner清潔工
1.What does your mother do? 你媽媽是做什么的?
2.She is a TV reporter. 她是電視臺(tái)記者。
3.Where does she work? She works in a car company. 她在哪工作? 她在汽車公司工作。
4.How does she go to work? She goes to work by bus. 她怎樣去工作?她坐公交車工作。
teach—teacher clean—cleaner sing—singer dance—dancer
drive—driver write—writer TV report—TV reporter
act—actor act—actress art—artist engine—engineer
play basketball/football/baseball—basketball/football/baseball player
2、提問(wèn)職業(yè)有兩種方式: What is your father? 或者What does your father do?
a singer/writer/TV reorter
an actor/actress/artist/engineer/accountant
4、What are you going to be ?問(wèn)的是長(zhǎng)大想干什么,注意用“be”.
I’m going to be a …記住p61和63有關(guān)職業(yè)信息的內(nèi)容
5、記住幾個(gè)地點(diǎn): shoe /car/air-conditioner company 鞋/汽車/空調(diào)公司
以上三個(gè)基本步驟可以用三個(gè)字概括,即:定,問(wèn),提。例如:This is a book.
 、賂his is what. ②Is this what ? ③What is this ?
(1). 如果句子的劃線部分是主語(yǔ),只找出相應(yīng)的特殊疑問(wèn)詞,用代替劃線部分即可。如:
1)He teaches us English. Who teaches us English?
2)My mother’s clothes are over there. Whose clothes are over there?
(2). 如果句子的劃線部分是謂語(yǔ)(包括謂語(yǔ)動(dòng)詞),不論原的謂語(yǔ)動(dòng)詞是何種形式(時(shí)態(tài)、語(yǔ)態(tài)),都要將謂語(yǔ)動(dòng)詞變?yōu)閐o的相應(yīng)的形式:不論原的謂語(yǔ)動(dòng)詞后面跟的是人、物還是地點(diǎn),一律用What代替。如:
1)They are playing football.
 、賂hey are doing what. ②Are they doing what? ③What are they doing?
2)They wolf is going to kill that man.
  ①They wolf is going to do what. ②Is the wolf going to do what?
 、踂hat is the wolf going to do?
(3). 如果句子的劃線部分是定語(yǔ),并且在謂語(yǔ)部分,這時(shí),需將特殊疑問(wèn)詞和緊跟其后的名詞一起提到句首。如:
1)That is his pen.
 、賂hat is whose pen. ②Is that whose pen? ③Whose pen is that?
  對(duì)定語(yǔ)劃線部分提問(wèn)題,如果劃線部分是所屬關(guān)系,特殊疑問(wèn)詞用whose;如果劃線部分指具體的“某一個(gè)”時(shí)特殊疑問(wèn)詞用which;如果劃線部分指內(nèi)容或職業(yè)時(shí),特殊疑問(wèn)詞用what;如果劃線部分指數(shù)量時(shí),特殊疑問(wèn)詞用how many(可數(shù))或how much(不可數(shù))。如:
1) They are the legs of the desk.
 、賂hey are whose legs. ②Are they whose legs? ③Whose legs are they?
2)I like red one.
 、資ou like which one. ②Do you like which one? ③Which one do you like?
  3)They have five English books.
  They have how many English books.
  Do they have how many English books?
  How many English books do they have?
文化知識(shí)點(diǎn):職業(yè)男女的稱呼區(qū)別 actor—actress salesman—saleswoman salesperson 男女售貨員都可以 mailman—mailperson(女)
1.在表達(dá)某人職業(yè)的時(shí)候別忘了在職業(yè)前面加a/ an. 當(dāng)單詞首字母是元音字母(a,e,i,o,u)的時(shí)候,要用an。 例如:She is an accountant.

Unit6 the rain of the story.雨的故事
rain雨 cloud云 sun太陽(yáng) stream小溪 vapour水蒸氣 heavy重的 fall down掉下 become變成 shine照耀 seed種子 soil土壤 sprout幼苗 plant植物 several一些
1.Where does the rain come from? It comes from the clouds.雨自哪里?它自云。
2.Where does the cloud come from? It comes from the vapour. 云自哪?它自水蒸氣。
3.Where does the vapour come from? It comes from the water in the river. 水蒸氣自哪里?它自河水。
4.How can the water become vapour? The sun shines and the water becomes vapour. 水怎樣變成水蒸氣呢? 太陽(yáng)照耀,水變成了水蒸氣。
5.How do you do that? 你怎樣做呢?
6.What should you do then? 然后你應(yīng)該做什么呢?
7.In several days, you can see the sprout. 幾天后你能看到幼苗。
8.How do you plant a tree? 你怎么樣種樹(shù)?
9.It’s so lovely. 它很可愛(ài)。
rain-rainy cloud ?cloudy wind-windy sun- sunny snow- snowy
2、We can see water in the sea/river/lake/stream/rain/snow
3、注意表示順序的詞:first 首先 then然后 next接下去
5、注意幾對(duì)自:wheat----flour---bread sheep--- mutton apple----apple juice pig---pork cow----milk
6、should 是情態(tài)動(dòng)詞,后面加動(dòng)詞的原形。
文化知識(shí)點(diǎn):水在不同的溫度下有三種狀態(tài) ice water vapour
1.注意It comes from the ….的表達(dá)方式,it后面跟come要加s!!!
種植物的過(guò)程:First, we have the seed.首先,我們要有種子。
Then put the seed in the soil.然后把種子放到土壤里去。
Put the pot in the sun..把花盆放在太陽(yáng)下。
Add water often.經(jīng)常澆水。
Wait for the sprout.等待長(zhǎng)出幼苗。
Wait for the plant.等待植物。
種樹(shù)的過(guò)程:First, dig the soil.首先挖土壤。
Then, put the plant in the soil.然后把樹(shù)苗放進(jìn)土壤。
Water it.給它澆水。
Wait for it to gro等待它成長(zhǎng)。

音 標(biāo)
[?:] grass ,class ,ask ,after, farm far farther park
[ʌ] young some ,come, brother,mother bus , sun ,but
[ɔ:] warm for morning short sport horse all , walk
[ɒ] hot , stop , clock, want ,what, watch , wash
[ɜ:] learn early her work bird girl birthday shirt skirt third firstturn nurse Thursday
[ə] brother father mother sister teacher number after flower doctor visitor mirror
[æ] cat ,black ,glad
[e] head sweater breakfast ready bread heavy bed , left , help
[i:] peach beach each please read teacher teach eat seat tea meat ice- cream mean see three green sweet tree need street sweep weekend these , he, she, we
[i] big ,milk ,think give ,live
[u:] food school too zoo cool room noodle afternoon soon balloon spoon moon cartoon whose
[ʊ] cook foot football classroom bedroom bathroom look good goodbye book should would
[θ]mouth think thin thank bathroom three third
[ð] brother father mother the this these that those they them their then with there
[d] dish deal
[t] team tin
[tʃ] chair , China
[ʃ] shirt , shoes sure
1. 直接加ing:do—doing draw—drawing cook—cooking answer—answering
read—reading listen—listening fly—flying sing—singing play—playing
2. 去掉末尾的e加ing:write—writing dance—dancing take—taking have—having make—making ride—riding dive—diving
3. 雙寫(xiě)末尾字母加ing: get—getting run—running swim—swimming sit—sitting
你正在干什么? What are you doing? I’m answering the phone.
他/她/它正在干什么? What is he/she/it doing? He’s/She’s/It’s …
他(她、它)們正在干什么?What are they doing? They are …

二、一般將時(shí)態(tài) (be going to/will + 動(dòng)詞原形)
表示一般將時(shí)的時(shí)間狀語(yǔ)有:this morning, this afternoon, this evening, tomorrow, tonight, this weekend, on the weekend, next week, next month, next year, next weekend.
(今晚)你將要做什么?What are you going to do (this evening)?
I’m going to the cinema.
I’m going to visit my grandparents.
你將什么時(shí)候去? When are you going?
I’m going at 7:10.
你將怎樣去呢? How are you going?
I’m going by bus.
今天下午你將要去哪里?Where are you going this afternoon?
I’m going to the bookstore.
你將要買什么呢? What are you going to buy?
I’m going to buy a comic book.
你將和誰(shuí)一起去? Who are you going with?
I’m going with my parents.

1. 一般情況加s,如:read—reads;live—lives;play—plays;sing—sings
2. 動(dòng)詞末尾以s,x,ch,sh或部分以o結(jié)尾的加es。(記住本中出現(xiàn)的這幾個(gè):watches, teaches, goes, does, washes, passes)
3. 輔音字母+y結(jié)尾的把y變i再加es,如:fly—flies;study—studies
4. 特殊情況:have--has
5. 第三人稱單數(shù)包括:he; she; it; my father/friend; Amy/Hangzhou等一個(gè)人名或地名。
He likes drawing pictures.
She works in a car company.
It comes from the clouds.
My father goes to work on foot.
Li Lei often plays computer games after lunch.
6. 一般疑問(wèn)句記。呵懊嬷鷦(dòng)詞加了es,后面動(dòng)詞就不變化了。例如:
Does she teach English?
Does your pen pal live in Hangzhou?

記住本中出現(xiàn)的要用an的單詞:an actor;an actress;an artist;an engineer;an accountant;an English book;an orange;an apple;an old woman

1. 動(dòng)詞后面加er:work—worker;teach—teacher;sing—singer;TV report—TV reporter clean—cleaner
2. 動(dòng)詞后面加or:act—actor;doctor
3. 末尾以e結(jié)尾的直接加r:write—writer;dance—dancer;drive—driver
4. 動(dòng)詞后面加ist:art—artist;tour—tourist
5. 職業(yè)男女有區(qū)別的:警察policeman—policewoman;演員actor—actress

which (哪一個(gè)) what (什么) when (什么時(shí)候) where (哪里)
whose (誰(shuí)的) why (為什么) how (怎么樣) who (誰(shuí))

I—my(我—我的) you—your(你;你們—你的;你們的) he—his(他—他的) she—her(她—她的) we—our(我們—我們的) they—their(他們/她們/它們—他們的/她們的/它們的)

What can you do?
I can cook the meals.
He can fly kites.
She can play the violin.

本文來(lái)自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/xiaoxue/132509.html

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