

編輯: 路逍遙 關(guān)鍵詞: 英語試題 來源: 逍遙右腦記憶

一、理解 40%
A.聽朗讀,用A,B,C給下列每組圖排序。(將序號寫在 中) 10%【給7題】

B.擇聽到的句子,將序號填入提前括號內(nèi)。10% 【給20題】
( ) 1. A. Where shall we go?
B. Where are you from?
( ) 2. A. I want to go to the park.
B. I want to go to the theme park.
( ) 3. A. We want to go to a farm.
B. We want to go to the zoo.
( ) 4. A. What’s this in English?
B. What’s that in English?
( ) 5. A. It’s a giraffe.
B. That’s a giraffe.
( ) 6. A. It has a long neck.
B. It has a long nose.
( ) 7. A. What are these in English?
B. What are those in English?
( ) 8. A. These are horses.
B. Those are horses.
( ) 9. A. These are sheep.
B. They’re sheep.
( ) 11. A. We want to go to the zoo.
B. We are at the zoo.
( ) 12. A. Are those cows?
B. Are these cows?
( ) 13. A. Would you like to take a trip?
B. Would you like to have a trip?
( ) 14. A. How about the zoo and the farm?
B. What about the zoo and the farm?
( ) 15. A. Look! The giraffe is so tall.
B. Look! The camel is so big.
( ) 16. A. Look! The dolphin is dancing.
B. Look! The horse is running.
( ) 17. A. What a big farm!
B. How big the farm is!
( ) 18. A. Can you find me?
B. Can you find us?.
( ) 19. A. We are on the farm.
B. We are in the farm.
( ) 20. A. No, there aren’t.
B. No, they aren’t.
1. 長頸鹿的特點2.一群綿羊3.游園的場景4.農(nóng)場的場景5.動物園的場景

D.聽朗讀,選擇正確答語。(AB兩項, 只填序號) 10%【給20題】
( ) 1. A. It’s a horse.
B. There’s a horse.
( ) 2. A. These are sheep.
B. They’re sheep.
( ) 3. A. We want to go to the zoo.
B. I’m on the farm.
( ) 4. A. Yes, it is.
B. Yes, there is.
( ) 5. A. Certainly
B. Yes, I like.
( ) 6. A. Good idea.
B. Sure.
( ) 7. A. No, there isn’t.
B. No, they aren’t.
( ) 8. A. Hooray!
B. Let’s go.
( ) 9. A. There are seven.
B. They’re seven.
( ) 10. A. Yes, they are.
B. Yes, these are.
( ) 11. A. No, it isn’t.
B. No, they aren’t.
( ) 12. A. No, these aren’t.
B. No, they aren’t.
( ) 13. A. I’d love to.
B. Sure.
( ) 14. A. How nice.
B. It has long neck.
( ) 15. A. It’s a dolphin.
B. The dolphin is dancing.
( ) 16. A. They’re pigs.
B. They’re monkeys.
( ) 17. A. We’ll go the zoo.
B. Let’s go home.
( ) 18. A. Yes, they are.
B. Yes, those are.
( ) 19. A. We are at the zoo.
B. We want to go to the zoo.
( ) 20. A. Wow, it’s so big.
B. OK.

1.---What are these?--They are

2.---What’s this in English? It’s a

3.Look at the

4.,What a big

5.It’s a

( )1. What would you _________? I’d like some bread.
A. do B. want C. like
( )2. I want _________ a notebook.
A. to buy B. buying C. buy
( )3. A giraffe and a swan ___________ long necks.
A. have both B. both have C. are both
( )4. I enjoy ________. I can _________.
A. draw, draw B. drawing, draw C. draw, drawing
( )5. We have PE class _______ Friday.
A. in B. on C. at
( )6. I’d like _______ to the zoo.
A. going B. go C. to go
( )7. What are you good ________?
A. in B. for C. at
( )8. I’m not ____________ in painting.
A. interested B. interesting C. enjoy
( )9. What about ____________?
A. to me B. dancing C. dance
( )10. Today is Tuesday. The next day is __________.
A. Wednesday B. Monday C. Sunday
( )11. What are __________? ______ are geese
A. these, These B. those, They C. those. It
( )12. Let’s ________ the egg.
A. painting B. paint C. to paint
( )13. ____________ are you going tomorrow? I’m going to the zoo.
A. Where B. What C. How
( )14. What’s on the table?
A. There’s a window in it. B. There’s a cup in it.
C. There’s a mug on it.
( )15. We watch TV in the _________.
A. bedroom B. living room C. kitchen
四、選擇合適的答語(將答語的序號填入括號內(nèi)) 5%
( )1. Do you like swans? A. Certainly.
( )2. Would you like to take a trip? B. Wow, they are beautiful.
( )3. How can we go there? C. Yes, they are.
( )4. Are these peacocks? D. We can get there by coach.
( )5. Look at these turkeys. E. Yes, I do.
五、選擇與下列句子意思相符的圖片(將圖片的序號填入括號內(nèi)) 5%

( )1. -What will you do this Sunday? -We’ll go to the farm.
( )2. -Would you like to go to the zoo with me? -Certainly.
( )3. Look! The dolphin is dancing!
( )4. -What are these in English? - They’re cows.
( )5. These are sheep. Where is Micky?
A. 短文,先連詞成句,再將正確的選項添入題前的括號內(nèi)
School is out in two days. The students of Class One want to take a trip and have a picnic. Peter wants to go to the Great Wall. Lisa wants to go to Beijing Zoo. She likes animals very much. Li Yan wants to go to a farm. Gao Wei wants to go the theme park. He is interested in playing. Tom wants to help the children in need. Do you have any ideas?
( )1.Does ,like, animals, Peter (?)
______ Peter like _______ ?
A. Yes, he does. B. No, he doesn’t.
( )2.in ,two, school, Is ,days, out (?)
Is _______ out _______ two days?
A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isn’t.
( )3.Gao Wei ,Where, to, want, does, go (?)
_________ does Gao Wei _______ to go?
A. He wants go to the Great Wall. B. He wants to go the theme park
B. 閱讀短文,判斷對錯,對的劃“√”錯的劃“×”
( )1.The students of Class Three want to take a trip.
( )2.Lisa wants to go to Beijing Zoo.
( )3.Tom wants to go to the theme park, he likes playing.
( )4.All the students like having a picnic.

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/xiaoxue/135485.html
