

編輯: 路逍遙 關鍵詞: 英語試題 來源: 逍遙右腦記憶

班別:_________ 姓名:___________ 學號:______

( ) 1. A. knife B. healthy C. enough
( ) 2. A. corner B. street C. cross
( ) 3. A. talk B. walk C. take
( ) 4. A. water B. wash C. watch
( ) 5. A. chip B. cheer C. beer
( ) 6. A. earth B. further C. faster
( ) 7. A. by bus B. by car C. by plane
( ) 8. A. making the bed B. making models C. playing cards
( ) 9. A. I get home at 5:30. B. I do my homework at 8:30. C. I eat dinner at 6:30.
( ) 10. A. These noodles are better than those noodles .
B. These noodles are cheaper than those noodles.
C. These noodles are longer than those noodles.
( ) 1. A. It’s hot . B. It was hot . C. There will be snowy .
( ) 2. A. It’s October 12th. B. It was Sunday . C. Yes , it is .
( ) 3. A. Once a week . B. By bike . C. Read a book .
( ) 4. A. It’s $15. B. They’re 50 yuan. C. Yes , they are .
( ) 5. A. My father . B. The sun . C. It’s Jupiter .
( ) 6. A. Yes , I do . B. No , he doesn’t . C. Yes , I am .
( ) 7. A. We are singing . B. We played basketball. C. We will have a picnic .
三、聽音判斷與圖內(nèi)容是否相符,相符的寫“T”, 不相符的寫“F”。(8分)
1. ( )

A: Where were you at 3:00 , Tony ?
B: I was at the ______________ station . I was _______________ for my friend.
A: What are you going to do ___________ ?
B: First , we’re going to the toy __________ . Next , we’re going to the ____________ pool.
Then , we’re going to eat a big ______________ at _____________ .
A: Wow! That’s really _______________ !
( ) 1. Kate went to the shopping mall with Jane on Sunday. w W w .x K b 1.c o M
( ) 2. Jane bought three bars of soap and two bottles of shampoo.
( ) 3. Kate bought a loaf of bread and three cartons of milk.
( ) 4. They bought eighteen rolls of toilet paper.
( ) 5. They had lunch at home.
1. The grocery store ______(open) at 9 o’clock in the morning.
2. Everyone ______ (be) No. 1.
3. Let _______ (they) help you.
4. Peter is good at ________(swim).
5. It _______(rain) today, I think it _______( not rain) tomorro
6. Look, Mary ________ (ride) a bike. She rides ________(slow) than me.
7. This present is ______(I). My father gave it to _______ last night.

二、A. 情景。根據(jù)情景,選擇最佳答案。(5分)
( ) 1. 買帽子時,你想試戴一下,可以問售貨員:
A. Can I have a look ? B. Can I help you ? C. Can I try it ?
( ) 2. 下了體育,你想問同學渴不渴,應該說:
A. Are you hungry ? B. Are you thirsty ? C. Are you hot ?
( ) 3. 你想知道舅舅是怎樣去廣州的,可以問他:
A. How often do you go to Guangzhou ? B. How do you go to Guangzhou ?
C. Are you going to Guangzhou?
( ) 4. 你星期天會照顧你妹妹,你可以參爸媽說:
A. You’ll look after my sister . B. I’ll look like my sister . C. I’ll look after my sister .
( ) 5. 你想了解你的同學喜歡什么科目,應該問:
A. Do you like subjects ? B. Do you like that ? C. What subjects do you like ?
( ) 6. 你的鞋子不見了,你想問媽媽它們在哪里,應說:
A. Where are my shoes ? B. Where are your shoes ? C. Are they my shoes ?
( ) 7. 堂上,英語老師提誤碼你,你不知道正確答案,應說:
A. I know . B. No , I don’t . C. Sorry . I don’t know .
( ) 8. 你想告訴媽媽明天將會下雪,應說:
A. It will be snow tomorrow , Mom . B. There will be snowy tomorrow , mom .
C. Tomorrow will be snowy , Mom .
( ) 9. 你妹妹牙痛,你會對她說:
A. You should see the doctor . B. You should see the dentist . C. You should stay in bed .
( ) 10. 你撿到一把尺子交給老師,老師會問同學們:
A. Whose ruler is this ? B. Is this a ruler ? C. Where’s the ruler ?
B. 單項選擇。(10分)
( ) 1 . I am fishing _____ the lake. A. by B. in C. at
( ) 2. She is going to get a _____ of shampoo at the store .
A. bottle B. bar C. pair
( ) 3. ______ does Gogo get to school ? He takes the bus .
A. Who B. What C. How
( ) 4. I’m very hot . _________ the windows, please .
A. Close B. Touch C. Open
( ) 5. Listen ! The boys _________ . A. is singing B. singing C. are singing
( ) 6. Let’s _________ vacation.
A. go to B. go for C. go on
( ) 7. Turn left _______ the ______ crossing.
A. at, second B. to, two C. at, twice D. to, twice
( ) 8. ___________ are we going to do it ? Tomorrow morning .
A. Where B. When C. What
( ) 9. Who’s the _______ , Dee , Tee or Jay ? Dee is .
A. shorter B. younger C. tallest
( ) 10. Will it be hot this Friday ? _____________ .
A. Yes , it will . B. It’s hot . C. No , there won’t .
( ) 11. Gogo saw some snakes so he’s very __________.
A. excited B. angry C. scared
( ) 12. A lot of my friends like ___________ very much .
A. Taking photos B. take photos C. takes photos
( ) 13. My aunt bought a ______ of chips for me .
A. roll B. piece C. bag
( ) 14. He ________ a long letter last night .
A writes B. wrote C. writing
( ) 15. I’m reading __________ hiking.
A. about B. in C. must
( ) 16. I never __________ a taxi to school .
A. by B. take C. look
( ) 17. I am ________ than you , Tony .
A. slow B. slower C. the slowest
( ) 18. ______ you in Thailand last month ? Yes , I was .
A. Are B. Where C. Were
( ) 19. Did your mother _________ here this morning? Yes, she did.
A. came B. come C. sitting
( ) 20. There is ______ “s” in the word of street.
A. the B. a C. an
1. up , why , late , did , night , he , last , stay ( ? )________________________________
2. next , it , the , to , mall , is , shopping ( .) __________________________________
3. in , month , jenny , beijing , was , last ( . ) __________________________________
4. and , the , go , turn , at straight , corner , right ( . ) ______________________________
Model 1: Do you go fishing once a week ? ( Mr. Li , twice a month)

Model 2: How much is a bag of chips ? It’s two yuan . ( my shoes , $40)

Model 3: Which is the tallest animal ? (good , notebook)

Model 4: Are you going to play games? Yes, I am. (your mother/ see the doctor)

1. Are they going to Hong Kong _______ ________?
Yes , they are .
2. What’s good _______ us ?
Eat ________ of ___________ .
3. What’s ________ with you ?
I have a _________________
1. Turn right.(否定句)
2. The grocery store is on the left.(一般疑問句)
3. The Donghu Park is across from the bank.(就劃線部分提問)
4. Jenny went to Guangzhou last week.(就next week替換劃線部分)
There are about 5,000 fire fighters in Chicago. Tim is one of them. He is on duty eight hours every day. During his shift, he eats and sleeps at the firehouse. The fire fighters have to be ready to answer an alarm at any hour of the day or night. Most of the alarms are for small fires. They can be put out in a few minutes. Big fires are very dangerous. Most of the time, the greatest danger comes from smoke. Sometimes, however, fire fighters have to enter burning buildings in order to rescue(救援) the people inside. Tim has been a fire fighter for five years. He’s proud of himself and his service. He does exercises every day to stay strong.

( )1.Tim is one of the 5,000 fire fighters in Chicago.
( )2.The fire fighters have to be ready to answer an alarm at any moment.
( )3.Most of the time, the greatest danger comes from fire.
( )4.Fire fighters have to enter burning buildings to rescue the people inside.
( )5.Tim’s proud of being a policeman and his service.
Reading newspaper has become an important part of our life. Many people begin their day by reading the paper. In this way they learn what is going on in the world. Sometimes, however, they do not have time to read the news carefully, so they just take a quick look at the front page at other times they may be in such a hurry that they have time only to look at the headlines(大字標題). There are newspapers to meet the needs of every reader. In big cities there are many kinds of papers. In small towns there are fewer newspapers. In some places the paper is published once a week.
Today, as a group, English language newspapers enjoy the largest number of readers. With the development of the world(隨著世界的發(fā)展), some new newspapers will be published(發(fā)行) in the years to come.

( )1. Many people __________ as the first thing every morning.
A. listen to the news on the radio B. read newspapers
C. watch the TV news D. listen to the radio
( )2. When people are busy, they __________.
A. do not read newspaper B. still read newspaper carefully
C. only look at the front page of the paper carefully
D. either take a quick look at the front page of the paper or only look at the headline
( )3. Which of the following is right?
A. There’re different kinds of newspapers to meet people’s needs.
B. There are more papers in small towns than in big cities.
C. In some places papers are published every two weeks.
D. The most important news is not on the front page.
( )4. __________ enjoy the largest number of readers.
A. Newspapers in Chinese B. Newspapers in English
C. Newspapers in German D. Newspapers in French
( )5. “ Some new newspapers will be published in the years to come” means_________.
A. more newspapers will be published next year
B. more new kinds of papers will be read in the coming year
C. a great number of new newspapers will be sent in the future
D. some new newspapers will be sent in the future


Last Sunday, Jane and Kate went to the shopping mall. They bought many things. Jane bought two bottles of shampoo, three cartons of milk and ten rolls of toilet paper. Kate got a loaf of bread, three bars of soap and eight rolls of toilet paper. After that , they went to the restaurant to have lunch.

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/xiaoxue/138283.html
