
三年級英語下冊Module 10 Unit 2教案(新版外研版)

編輯: 路逍遙 關(guān)鍵詞: 英語教案 來源: 逍遙右腦記憶

科 目英語版 本外研社第10模塊,第 1單元
題名稱Unit2 She’s got an orange sweater.
語言知識:功能:談?wù)撟约汉退藫碛械奈锲,談(wù)摻煌üぞ呒敖煌ǚ绞。語法:I’ve got … Have you got…? Yes , I have . No, I haven’t. He/ She goes to school by …. 詞匯:have got, sweater, bed ,line, about, animal ,sport, haven’t (got) = have not (got) ,dress, coat, T-shirt, has got hasn’t (got) = has not (got) ,by ,bus, car. 聽說:I’ve got … Have you got…? Yes , I have . No, I haven’t. He/ She goes to school by ….讀寫:have got, haven’t (got) = have not (got) by ,bus, car. 情感態(tài)度:在小組活動中與其他同學(xué)積極配合和合作。文化意識:在學(xué)校和日常交際中,能初步注意到中外文化的異同。任務(wù):調(diào)查同學(xué)上學(xué)時(shí)采取的交通方式。
Tape cards …
一、Class opening and review

二、 New concepts

三、Class closing.安全教育:Don’t climb the tree and the wall.
Revise clothes words from the previous unit.
Draw some simple clothes shapes on the board, e.g. a cap , a T-shirt , trousers , a hat, a sweater. Point to each item and ask the students to describe their own clothes (not necessarily what they are wearing to school).
T: Have you got a cap?
S1: I’ve got a red cap.
S2: I’ve got a yellow cap.
T: Have you got a new sweater?
S3: I’ve got an orange sweater.
Introduce the new word ‘skirt’ by pointing and demonstrating.
Draw an outline of a figure on the board.
Ask different students to come up to the front of the class and add an item of clothing.
1.Listen point and say.
Make sure the students understand the colors ‘black’ and ‘white’ . ask the students about different colored T-shirt for their favorite football or sports teams.
Example :
S1: I’ve got a Manchester United T-shirt .What color is it?
Ss: Red and white.

2.Listen and say.
Exploit the idea of binoculars. Use a cardboard tube from a kitchen roll. Cut it in half and stick it together to make a pair of binoculars ( or use pieces of card or thick paper)
Ask each student to draw a picture of a monkey wearing funny clothes and color it.
Tell the class they are at the circus and have them hole up their monkey pictures.
Choose a competent student to look through the ‘binoculars’. Have the student move the binoculars round and stop suddenly at one monkey picture . then ask questions about what he/she can see.
T: Have he got a blue coat?
S1: No, he hasn’t.
T: Has he got a red coat?
S2: Yes, he has.
Have the students take turns with the binoculars. Have another student ask the questions when you have done lots of examples.

4. listen and say, then chant .
Before saying the chant.
While saying the chant.
After saying the chant.

5. Play the game , Guess and say.
Have the students work in pairs. Play this game.
7. Color and say.
Homework.Greeting to teacher for the warming up.
Play a TPR game and ask the students to listen and hold up the correct colored pencil as you call the colors out.

think about color it will be when they are mixed together.

Repeat the activity with other color mixes.

Do more practice after listening to the tape. Write ‘sweater’ on the board and add ‘cap’, ‘T-shirt’ , ‘hat’, ‘trousers’, and ‘shoes’.

Draw a picture of one of the items and colors.

listening to the tape and practicing the dialogue , play a memory game to practice the vocabulary.

Try to answer the questions on the board.

Practice this part in pairs.

They work in groups of four or five and reuse the pictures they prepared in Activity 1.

Note the homework.熱身活動幫助學(xué)生進(jìn)入英語學(xué)習(xí)狀態(tài)。


Unit 2 She’s got an orange sweater.
She’/ He’s got a (color) (clothes).
Has she / he got a (color) (clothes).

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/xiaoxue/139232.html

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