

編輯: 路逍遙 關(guān)鍵詞: 英語(yǔ)試題 來(lái)源: 逍遙右腦記憶

姓名: 班級(jí):
 ( ) 1. What are those? -----__________
A.They are tomato. B. They are sheep.
C. They are sheeps.
  ( ) 2._______ I go outside now?
A.Can B. Do C. Are
( ) 3. Are these yours? -----__________
A、Yes,they are. B、Yes,it is. C、No,they are.
( ) 4.______ time is it?
A.Where B. What C. What’s
( ) 5.What’s the weather like _____ Beijing?
A. in B. on C. at
( ) 6. Is this the ______office?
A. teacher B. teachers’ C. teacher’ s
( ) 7. Do you have _____art room?
A. a B. an C. /
( ) 8. It’s time ______ go to bed.
A.to B. for C. at
( )9. —Where is the library? -----__________
A. Yes, we do. B. It’s on the second floor.
C. No, it isn’t.
( )10. —Whose pants are these? -----__________
A. They are Mike’s. B. It’s Mikes. C. They are my.
( ) 1. A dinner B water ( )2. A apple B leg
( ) 3. A bike B fish ( )4. A shirt B girl
( ) 5. A fork B homework
( )1. 你想知道現(xiàn)在的時(shí)間,你應(yīng)說(shuō):
A.What time is it now ? B.What colour is it ?
( )2.你想問(wèn)對(duì)方圖書(shū)館在哪里,你應(yīng)說(shuō):
A.Where is the library? B..Do you have a library?
( )3.詢問(wèn)別人今天廈門(mén)天氣怎么樣,你應(yīng)該說(shuō):____
  A. What’s the weather like in Xiamen?
   B. Where’s the library?
( )4.詢問(wèn)別人這是誰(shuí)的短褲時(shí),你應(yīng)該說(shuō):______
    A.Whose pants are these? B. Whose pants is it?
( )5.當(dāng)你在電話里介紹自己時(shí),你應(yīng)該說(shuō):______
     A.Hello. This is Mark. B. Hello. I am Mark.
(1)、 Whose hat is this? (仿寫(xiě)句子)
(2)、---Are they potatoes? (作肯定回答)
---Yes, _______ _______.
(3)、—Whose shoes are these? (寫(xiě)出答語(yǔ):它們是Mike的。)
(5)、Those are green beans.(對(duì)劃線部分提問(wèn))

五、讀一讀,選一選 (10分)
( )1.Where’s the library? A. It's 4 o'clock.
( )2.What’s the weather? B. It’s on the first floor.
( )3. Can I go outside now? C. No, I don’t.
( )4. What time is it? D. It’s sunny.
( )5. Do you have a TV? E .Yes, you can.
My name is Amy. I’m a student. I get up at 6:00. I eat breakfast at 7:00. Now, it’s 7:30. It’s time to go to school. It’s 3:45. It’s time forPE class. My P.E teacher is Mr. White.
( ) 1. It’s___ . It’s time to get up.
A. eight o’clock B. six o’clock C. six fifteen
( ) 2. She goes to school at ____. .
A. seven thirty B. seven o’clock C. seven twenty
( ) 3. It’s 3:45. It’s time for ____ . .
A. breakfast B. computer class C. PE class
( )4. Who’s her PE teacher?
     A. Miss Liu B. Miss White C. Mr. White
( )5. What is Amy? She′s a ____. .
A. teacher B. student C. farmer

本文來(lái)自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/xiaoxue/139240.html
