

編輯: 路逍遙 關(guān)鍵詞: 英語(yǔ)試題 來(lái)源: 逍遙右腦記憶

( )1、A、morning B、evening C、noon
( )2、A、season B、snow C、winter
( )3、A、swim B、sleep C、leaf
( )4、A、April B、August C、May
( )5、A、fourth B、fifth C、second
( )6、A、third B、first C、second
( )7、A、often B、usually C、sometimes
( )8、A、skate B、snow C、spring
( )9、A、because B、with C、play with
( )10、A、go hiking B、play sports C、go shopping
( ) I eat breakfast and go to school.
( ) We have a big dinner and eat an ice cream.
( ) I usually get up early in the morning.
( ) I’m very happy. Because it’s my birthday.
( ) After school, I go home and play the piano.
( )1、A、I’m from England. B、My birthday is in May.
( )2、A、Monday. B、June 9th.
( )3、A、summer B、I like swimming.
( )4、A、I like winter best. B、I can go hiking.
( )5、A、At 6:00. B、In summer.

eat dinner ( ) make a snowman ( )
climb mountains ( ) play with ( )
play the piano ( ) go hiking ( )
play sports ( ) do morning exercises ( )
plant trees ( ) get up ( )
A、起床 B、彈鋼琴 C、晨練 D、玩••• E、吃晚飯
F、去遠(yuǎn)足 G、堆雪人 H、種樹(shù) I、進(jìn)行體育活動(dòng) J、爬
( )1、_____do you get up?
A、What B、When C、Who
( )2、________Monday morning, he goes to school____ seven.
A、In, in B、At, on C、On, at
( )3、I often go hiking ___the weekend.
A、at B、on C、in
( )4、What’s the weather___ today? —It’s cool.
A、best B、like C、\
( )5、Which ____is it? —It’s fall.
A、time B、clock C、season
( )6、I______ like summer. It’s too hot. xKb 1.Co m
A、don’t B、am not C、not
( )7、—When is ____ birthday?
—My birthday______ in January.
A、you, are B、my, is C、your, is
( )8、________season do you like ______?
A、What, best B、Who, good C、Which, best
( )9、He______ goes shopping on Sunday.
A、is B、do C、usually
( )10、—Why do you like winter?
A、Because I can skate.
B、Because I can plant trees.
C、Because I can swim.
( )1、你要告訴別人你的生日在十二月,應(yīng)該說(shuō):
A、My birthday is on December.
B、My birthday is in December.
C、I am December.
( )2、當(dāng)別人問(wèn)你為什么不喜歡冬天時(shí),你應(yīng)該怎么說(shuō)?
A、It’s too cold for me.
B、It’s too hot for me.
C、The sky is very blue.
( )3、當(dāng)別人問(wèn)你為什么喜歡春天時(shí),你應(yīng)該怎么說(shuō)?
A、Because I can swim in the sea.
B、Because I can skate.
C、Because I can plant trees.
( )4、你要問(wèn)今天是星期幾,應(yīng)該說(shuō)?
A、What day is today?
B、What’s the date today?
C、What time is it?
( )5、你想要表達(dá)一年的第一個(gè)月份是一月,應(yīng)該說(shuō):
A、The second month of a year is February.
B、The first month of a year is January.
C、The first month of a year is February.
( )1、When do you go to school? A、Winter.
( )2、Let’s go hiking together. B、At 8:00
( )3、What’s your favourite season? C、Because I can skate.
( )4、Why do you like winter? D、It’s October 1st.
( )5、What’s the date? E、Great.
My sister likes spring best, because she can plant trees. The weather is windy and warm. But I don’t like it. I like winter, I can make a snowman. Now, it’s fall. My mother’s favourite is fall.
( )1、Does my sister like summer best?
A、No, she doesn’t. B、Yes, she does. C、I don’t kno
( )2、What’s my mother’s favourite season?
A、It’s spring. B、It’s winter. C、It’s fall.
( )3、Which season do I like best?
A、Spring B、Winter. C、Fall.
( )4、Why does my sister like spring?
A、She can plant trees.
B、She can make a snowman.
C、She can climb mountains.
( )5、What season is it now?
A、It’s fall. B、It’s summer C、It’s spring.

本文來(lái)自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/xiaoxue/142315.html

五年級(jí)英語(yǔ)上冊(cè)Book 5 Unit 5 Dialogue學(xué)案習(xí)題
第七冊(cè)英語(yǔ)Book7 Unit10 Work with Language 課后作業(yè)題