

編輯: 路逍遙 關(guān)鍵詞: 英語教案 來源: 逍遙右腦記憶


Unit 1 The children are playing in the park
●詞匯:swing 秋千 slide滑梯 bench長凳 angry生氣的 bark狗叫
chain鏈子 bite咬 stone石頭 cry哭
●語法:現(xiàn)在進(jìn)行時 :表示現(xiàn)在正在進(jìn)行的動作。
構(gòu)成:am /is /are + 動詞現(xiàn)在分詞
⑴一般在動詞末尾直接加ing. 如: read讀→reading play玩→playing sleep睡覺→sleeping listen聽→listening cry哭→crying eat吃→eating
⑵輔音字母+e去e,再加ing. 如: write寫→writing bite咬→biting
⑶重讀閉音節(jié)(結(jié)尾輔元輔w x y 除外),雙寫再加ing.
如:sit坐→sitting swim游泳→swimming run跑→running
am /is /are的選擇,請記住下面的口訣:
我用am; 你用are; is連著他,她,它; 單數(shù)is復(fù)數(shù)are..
也就是I am You are He is She is It is We are You are They are
I am reading.
The children are playing in the park.
You are writing.
An old man is sitting on a bench..
The man is running. He is crying.
◆乘坐某種交通工具 “by+交通工具的名稱” 如:乘火車 by train 乘公共汽車 by bus 但是,有一個特殊,步行 on foot

Unit 2 Katie always gets up early.
●詞匯:get up起床 wash face 洗臉 make the bed 鋪床 have breakfast 吃早餐
wake up 醒 always 總是,一直 usually 通常 often 經(jīng)常,常常
never 從不,從未,從沒有 late 遲的,晚的 I’m late. 我遲到了.
family 家庭 wave 揮手go to school 去上學(xué) go to bed 上床睡覺
⑴一般的在動詞末尾加s. 如:get→gets run→runs make→makes
⑵以“s”,“x”,“ch”,“sh”,或“o”結(jié)尾的,加es. 如:wash→washes go→goes
⑶以輔音字母加y結(jié)尾的動詞,改y為i,再加es. 如:try→tries have→has
Katie always gets up early every day.
He usually waves them goodbye.
英語中,表示在具體的某個時刻前,必須加介詞“at” 如:在六點(diǎn)鐘 at six o’clock

Unit 3 Let’s go to the Underwater World
●詞匯: picnic 野餐 library 圖書館 science story 科學(xué)故事
go to the Underwater World 去海底世界 go to the library 去圖書館go to the park 去公園
go to the shopping centre 去購物中心 go to the beach 去海灘 go to the supermarket 去超市
go to the restaurant 去餐館 go to the cafe 去咖啡館go to the swimming pool 去游泳池
go to the hospital 去醫(yī)院 go to the cinema 去電影院 go to the zoo 去動物園
talk about 討論、談?wù)?fly to 飛向……
例句: ( a ) Stand up , please! 請起立。╞) Don’t play noisily. 不要吵鬧地玩!
(c) Let’s go to the library 我們?nèi)D書館吧!

Unit 4 It’s the Mid-Autumn Festival..今天是中秋節(jié)。
●詞匯: magic 神奇的 medicine 藥 miss 想念 lonely 孤獨(dú)的
mooncake 月餅 egg yolk 蛋黃 grape 葡萄 tea 茶
yesterday 昨天 yesterday morning 昨天早上 the day before yesterday前天last night 昨晚 last week 上周 last month 上個月 last year 去年 just now 剛才 two days ago 兩天前 in 1990 等…..
A 規(guī)則動詞的過去式變法:
(1)一般加-ed . 例:look—looked play—played want—wanted miss—missed
(2)有e直接加-d. 例: live—lived use—used
(3) “輔音字母+y”改y為i再加-ed例:study —studied try —tried
(4).重讀閉音節(jié)(結(jié)尾輔元輔,w x y 除外),雙寫再加-ed例:stop—stopped
B不規(guī)則動詞的過去式: (64面的動詞過去式)
如:am/is—was are—were do—did go—went take—took fly—flew feel—felt bring—brought see-saw eat-ate buy-bought come-came swim-swam run-ran read-read teach-tought

Unit 5 The children are playing noisily.孩子們正在喧鬧地玩。
●詞匯:living room客廳 、room房間phone電話clearly清楚地;清晰地noisily吵鬧地quietly安靜地heavily嚴(yán)重地 、slowly慢地 、quickly快地 、happily高興地、politely禮貌地 、carefully小心地
1.一般直接在形容詞后加ly如: loud—loudly 大聲地 polite—politely 有禮貌地careful—carefully 小心地、仔細(xì)地 quick—quickly 迅速地 soft—softly 輕輕地、柔軟地
clear—clearly 清晰地 quiet—quietly 輕輕地 slow—slowly 慢慢地
2.輔音字母+y改y為i,再加ly。例Heavy-heavily重地happy-happily幸福地noisy-noisily 喧鬧地
1.Peter is opening the door politely.
2. Mingming is singing loudly.
3.Anne is eating quickly.
4.Lingling is walking carefully.
5.Mr Li is sleeping noisily.
6.MrsZhao is dancing happily.
7.Speak loudly . Don’t speak softly.

Unit 6 How tall are you?你有多高?
●詞匯: weak虛弱的worried但新的doctor醫(yī)生little小的tall高的age年齡heavy重light輕的;燈
特殊疑問詞有: how tall 多高 how old 多大 how heavy 多重how long 多長
where 哪里 when什么時候 what 什么 who誰 whose誰的
●語言結(jié)構(gòu): How old/ tall/ heavy are you?
例:1.What is your name? 2.Where is she from? 3.How old are you?

Unit7 These horns are too big.這些角太大了。
●詞匯:bull 公牛 field 田地 horn (動物的)角 idea 主意 ugly 丑陋的rub 摩擦 foolish愚蠢的 kill 殺死
●語言結(jié)構(gòu):These horns are too big.
I can’t wear this coat . It’s too big!

Unit 8 My singing is louder than yours.我的歌聲比你的響亮。
●詞匯:louder 更大聲的 than 比 garden 花園 smaller 更小的 bigger
更大的 hole 洞 pleased 高興的
A be +形容詞的比較級 + than B 表示A比B更怎么怎么樣
1、直接加er: old-older cheap-cheaper tall-taller short-shorter long-longer loud—louder small-smaller
2.重讀閉音節(jié),雙寫再加er: fat-fatter thin-thinner big-bigger
3.不規(guī)則的:good-better much/many—more
My singing is louder than yours.
John is thinner than Tony.
The smaller bird became thinner and thinner .
It sang softer and softer.

Unit 9 What is Dongdong going to do?
●詞匯:monkey 猴子 pick up 拾起 put down 放下 shout 大聲喊 towards朝… sclod批評 throw at 朝哪里丟
●語法:由“be going to”構(gòu)成的一般將時:表示將要發(fā)生的事情
-What is she/he going to do ?-She/he is going to …
1、-What is Dongdong going to do ?
-He is going to pick up a stone.
2、What is he going to do ?
He is going to throw the stone at the tiger.
3. What is she going to do ?
She is going to shout at Dongdong.

Unit 10 Are you going to visit Anne?
●詞匯:walk down 沿著。。。走下 roller-coaster 滑冰 machine 機(jī)器
merry-go-rond 旋轉(zhuǎn)木馬 park 公園 follow跟著 visit 拜訪stair 樓梯 film 電影 excited 興奮的 huge 巨大的
●語言結(jié)構(gòu):-Are you going to …? -Yes, I am ./No, I’m not.
1、-Are you going to visit Anne? -Yes, I am ./No, I’m not.
2、Are you going to out ,Lingling ? Yes, I am ./No, I’m not.
3、Are you going to see a film? Yes, I am ./No, I’m not.
4、Are you going to buy something? Yes, I am ./No, I’m not.
5、Are you going to buy something for me ? Yes, I am ./No, I’m not.

Unit 11 When are we going to swim?
●詞匯:soon 馬上 bookstoer 書店 beach 沙灘 sand 沙子
dangerous 危險的 swimming suit 游泳衣 put on 穿上
1、-When are we going to swim ?
-We are going to swim at 2 o’clock.
2、What are we going to do ?
We are going to swim.
3、Who are we going to meet ?
We are going to meet Anne, Peter and Mingming.
4.Can we have lunch first?Yes, we can ./No, we can’t.

Unit 12 Christmas圣誕節(jié)
詞匯:Christmas 圣誕節(jié) present 禮物 open 打開 Santa Claus 圣誕老人stocking 長筒襪 card 卡片 bike 單車 computer 計(jì)算機(jī) robot 機(jī)器人
1、Merry Christmas!
2、Christmas Day falls on 25 December .
3、People put up a Christmas tree in their home .
4、They put present for family and friends under the Christmas tree.
5、He leaves present for the children in their stocking.
3、綜合提高階段 (1月6日-- )
⑴ 做綜合練習(xí)試卷,然后兩次沖刺模擬練習(xí)。(對學(xué)生檢測,最后做考前輔導(dǎo))
⑵ 查漏補(bǔ)缺。(檢查要背誦的單詞,短語,主要是書本上的)。

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/xiaoxue/144468.html

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