

編輯: 路逍遙 關(guān)鍵詞: 英語(yǔ)試題 來(lái)源: 逍遙右腦記憶

班級(jí) _______ 姓名 _________成績(jī) __________
一、寫(xiě)出下列單詞的 ing形式。
1.fly____________2.run____________3.write____________      4.sleep____________5.climb____________ 6.walk____________
7. make____________ 8.swim____________9.jump____________     10.swing____________11. do____________ 12. cook____________
13.eat____________14. fight____________15. swing ____________     
( ) 1. She can’t ___________ a letter.
A. write B. writes C. writing
( ) 2._______you doing your homework, Ann?
A. Do B. Are C. Can
( ) 3. I see ________elephant in the park.
A. an B. a C. two
( ) 4. ---What is it doing?----_______________.
A. He’s sleeping. B. It is jumping. C. She is running
( )5.Amy and Sarah _______doing their homework.
A. is B. are C. Are
( ) 1. She can’t ___________ a letter.
A. write B. writes C. writing
( ) 2._______you doing your homework, Ann?
A. Do B. Are C. Can
( ) 3. I see ________elephant in the park.
A. an B. a C. two
( ) 4. ---What is it doing?----_______________.
A. He’s sleeping. B. It is jumping. C. She is running.
(  )5.Amy and Sarah _______doing their homework.
A. is B. are C. Are
( )6. Which animal lives only in Australia? ______________.
A. Panda. B. lion. C. Kangaroo
( ) 7. --- ________ is it sleeping? ---
A. Where B. Who C. When
( ) 8. Koala bears sleep 20 hours ________day.
A. a B. an C. /
( ) 9. Look ________the monkeys.
A. to B. on C. at
( ) 10. Do you see ________lions in the zoo?
A. some B. any C. many
1.Are, doing, they, what?
2. climbing, are, trees, they.
3. is, what, it, doing?
4. rabbit, jumping, is, the.
5. elephants, drinking, with, trunk, its, the, is, water.
( )1.What do you see?
( )2.What are they doing?
( )3.Can you see the monkeys?
( )4.What colour is it?
( )5.What is it doing?
A.It’s drinking water. B. They are sleeping. C. No, I can’t
D.I see three cows. . E.It’s black and white.
( )1、My rabbit is jumping . ______________
A B C   
( )2、What is  they  doing. ______________
        A   B C
( )3、Is bears sleeping. _____________
( )4、When is he doing?  ______________
A B C   
( )5、Can tigers really swimming?  _____________
A B C   
六、理解. 根據(jù)內(nèi)容判斷下列各題,對(duì)的打T ,錯(cuò)的打F
(A)It's September. It's fine. Mr. Green and his family are in the park. They are having a good time. Mr. and Mrs. Green are looking at some fish in the lake. Tom, their son, is looking at a plane in the sky. Mary, their daughter, is walking behind her parents. She is looking at fish in the lake, too.
  ( ) l. It's a fine day today.
  ( ) 2. Mr. Green and his students are in the park.
  ( ) 3. Torn is looking at a plane in the sky.
  ( ) 4. Mary is sitting behind her parents.
( ) 5. Mary is looking at the fish in the lake, too.
(B)It’s a hot day in summer. It’s a good season, because I can go swimming in the river. But my favourite season is not summer, it’s spring. I have a garden. There are many beautiful flowers in it. It’s nice to watch the flowers gro In autumn I can pick fruits from the trees and see the leaves fall. In winter the trees have no leaves. I can find many things to do.
( )1、Is it semmer now?
A.Yes, it is . B.No,it’s not.
( )2、Which season do you like best?
A. I like spring best. B. I like summer best.
( )3、What do you do in spring?
A.I like to watch the flowers groB. I like to watch the leaves fall.
( )4、Are the trees green in winter?
A.Yes,they are. B. No,they aren’t.
( )5、What can you eat in fall?
A. I can eat many furits. B. I can eat fruits.
A. I’m Uncle Bill. B. She’s listening to music.
C. I’m watching TV. D. This is Uncle Bill.
E. Yes, I am. F. Thank you.
G. He is reading a book.
A: Hello.
B: Hello, Sarah. . What are you doing ?
A: Hi, Uncle Bill. ___________________.
B: What is your father doing?
A: _______________.
B: What is your mother doing?.
A: .
B: Can I speak to your mom, please?
A: Please hold on.
B: .
(jumping   are   flying  are  bird  is 
fly   swimming  tiger  in  birds   swinging)
There ______ many animals in the zoo. Look! The ______ are running. The two lions ______fighting. The monkeys are ______.The fish ______ ______ ______ the river. Many ______ are ______ in the sky. Look,it’s a rabbit, it’s_________.

本文來(lái)自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/xiaoxue/147160.html

第七冊(cè)英語(yǔ)Book7 Unit10 Work with Language 課后作業(yè)題
五年級(jí)英語(yǔ)上冊(cè)Book 5 Unit 5 Dialogue學(xué)案習(xí)題