

編輯: 路逍遙 關(guān)鍵詞: 英語試題 來源: 逍遙右腦記憶

Class: ________No._____ Name:__________ Marks:
第一部分: (25分)
Ⅰ Listen and Choose .聽音,選擇。(6分)
1. ( ) A. whoseB. who C .whenD. what
2. ( ) A. wasB. wereC. hadD. are
3. ( ) A. theirsB. theyC. hisD. her
4. ( ) A. barberB. guideC. teacherD. boss
5. ( ) A. oceanB. flowerC. sunD. star
6. ( ) A. spaceB. planetC. dreamD. spaceship
Ⅱ Listen and choose the answer .聽音,選擇答語。(8分)
1.( ) A. It’s Thursday .
B. It’s November 28th .
C. It’s nine o’clock .
2.( ) A. I was a student .
B. I was at home .
C. I like summer .
3.( ) A. He ate the banana too quickly.
B. They are happy.
C. She is a teacher .
4.( ) A. I watch TV .
B. I cleaned the classroom at school.
C. I like bananas.

5.( ) A. Yes , I do .
B. No , she doesn’t .
C. Yes, he does .
6.( ) A. He is a policeman.
B. He is a good boy .
C. She is a teacher .
7.( ) 7. A. It’s Monday .
B. It’s September 8th .
C. It’s nine o’clock .
8.( ) A. It’s her .
B. It’s hers.
C. It’s our.
Ⅲ Listen and write the missing words . 聽句子,補全句子。(6分)
1.This is ________ new classroom . The classroom is ______ .
2. That is _________ suitcase . The suitcase is ________ .
3._______backpack is on the chair .
The backpack on the chair is _______ .
Ⅳ Listen and Judge.聽短文,判斷正誤。對的寫“T”,錯的寫“F”。 (5分)
1.( ) The girl’s name is Lily .
2.( )She is in Class One, Grade Five.
3.( )Ken is twelve years old .
4.( )Their PE teacher is Miss Wang .
5.( )Ken is a Chinese boy .
第二部分:筆試 (75分)
Ⅰ Read and Choose .選出不同類的單詞。(8分)
1. ( ) A. todayB. mineC. tomorrowD. yesterday
2. ( ) A. theirsB. noodlesC. eggD. rice
3. ( ) A. grassB. treeC. ourD. flower
4. ( ) A. skyB. starC. bossD. moon
5. ( ) A. barberB. cloudC. teacherD. vet
6. ( ) A. hotB. coldC. walkD. warm
7. ( ) A. waterB. riceC. meatD. noodles
8. ( ) A. juiceB. milkC. teaD. dog

Ⅱ Choose the words .根據(jù)句意從選擇正確的單詞。(18分)

1. ________ pencils are these ?They are mine .
2. ________ is the cinema ?It’s next to the school .
3._________ is that man ?He is my father .
4._________ is that ?It’s a apple .
5._________ is your father ?He’s fine .
6. _________ do you go home ?I go home at 5 o’clock .

Lily is my friend . ____ are in Class 4 . Look , these books are ______ . Ms Chen is _____ English teacher .
_____ name is Andy . ____ come from Shishi . The bike is____ .
(4) Last night, I _____(have,had ) a dream. I _____(was, were) a farmer.Uncle Booky______(was, were) a farmer, too.He _____(has, had) a farm.There_____(was,were) many animals on the farm. We_____(have,had) a lot of fun there.
Ⅲ Choose the correct answer . 選擇正確的答案。(8分)
1.( ) We __________ at home yesterday.
A. are B. were C. was
2.( )This is Mocky’s cat . That is __________ .
A. my B. I C. mine
3.( ) Is this new bag ______ ? ----No , it’s _________ .
A. his ; his B. yours ; hers C. yours ; my
4.( ) He ____ a boy. _______ name is Wang Ming .
A. is ; His B. is ; Her C. are ; His
5. ( ) I ____ big eyes , but he ____ small eyes.
A. have; have B. have; has C. has; has
6. ( ) What did she ______ to have ?-- She ____ to have a book .
A. wanted ; wanted B. want ; wanted C. want ; want 7. ( ) —____ pears are those? -----They are ours.
A. WhatB. WhoC. Whose
8. ( ) ----- What does your father do ?-----________.
A. She is a pilot . B. I’m a student . C. He is a vet .

Ⅳ Choose the correct answer .根據(jù)情景選擇正確答案。(8分)
1.( )你想知道對方是不是認(rèn)識Ken時,應(yīng)該問:
A. Do you like Ken ?
B. Do you know Ken ?
C. Is he Ken ?
2.( )別人想你說謝謝時,你應(yīng)該說:
A. Goodbye .
B. Thank you .
C. You’re welcome .

3. ( )你想知道別人的名字是,應(yīng)該問:
A. What is your name?
B. Are you Ken?
C. How are you?
4.( )當(dāng)你想知道對方的身高時,你可以這樣問:
A. How tall are you ?
B. How heavy are you ?
C. What’s your tall ?
5.( )你想問班級里誰最高,怎么問?
A. Who is the tallest in the class?
B. Who is tallest in the class ?
C. Who is taller in the class ?
6. ( )你想知道今天幾月幾日,應(yīng)該問:
A. What day is it today?
B. What’s the date today?
C. What’s the weather today?
7.( )你想知道Ann昨天在哪里時,應(yīng)該問:
A. How is Ann?
B. Where was Ann yesterday?
C. Do you know Ann?
8.( )你想問這件連衣裙是誰的,應(yīng)該說:
A. This is a dress .
B. Whose dress is that ?
C. Whose dress is this ?

Ⅴ Answer the questions . 選出問題的正確答案。(6分)
( ) 1.What’s wrong?
( ) 2. Whose pencil is this ?
( ) 3.What does your sister do ?
( ) 4.Where were they yesterday ?
( ) 5.What’s his name ?
( ) 6. How do you do ?

Ⅵ Complete the dialogue . 補全對話,填上序號。(5分)
A. Hi , Mary . ___________ ?Is it yours ?
B. Let me have a look . __________ .Ask Jane . ___________
A. Hi , Jane . Look at this watch . ____________ ?
C. No , it isn’t . Ask Bob . I think it’s his .
A. ____________ ?Do you know ?
C. Oh , he went home .

Ⅶ Reading Comprehension . 理解。(10分)
Man: Hello, Kate. Are you in Class One?
Woman: Yes, I am.
Man: How many students are there in your class?
Woman: There are forty-five.
Man: How many boys and girls are there in your class?
Woman: There are twenty-two boys and twenty-three girls.

( )1. The boy and Kate are in the same school.
( )2. Kate and the boy are in the same class.
( )3. There are 45 students in Kate’s class.
( )4. There are 55 students in the boy’s class.
( )5. In Kate’s class there are 23 boys and 22 girls.
Yesterday , Dad came back from the USA . Mom , Ann and Ken went to the airport . Mocky went with them . Mocky saw Dad and ran to him . He wanted to help Dad . He took a blue bag . But it wasn’t Dad’s bag . Dad’s bag is green . Mocky went away again .This time he took a green bag . He opened it but there were women’s clothes . It wasn’t Dad’s bag , too . A woman walked to them . She had a green bag in her hand , but it wasn’t hers . Finally , Mocky gave his green bag to the woman and the woman gave her green bag to Mocky .
( ) 6. Dad came back from _____ .
A. the USA B. London C. China
( ) 7. Mocky took a ______ bag firstly(首先).
A. red B. blue C. green
( ) 8. Dad’s bag is ________ .
A. red B. blue C. green
( )9. Who had Dad’s bag ? __________
A. The man . B. Mocky C. The woman.
( )10.Who helped Dad to take his bag ? __________.
A. Mocky B. Mom C. Ken

Ⅷ Make the Sentences . 連詞成句。(6分)
1. she to wanted book read a

2.dream last a had Ann night

3. is book mine this

Ⅸ Writing . 仿寫小短文。(6分)
I have a friend . Her name is Lucy . She is twelve years old . She likes English very much . She likes fruits . She doesn’t like milk . We are good friends .
姓名:Ken 年齡:thirteen 喜歡的科目:music
最喜歡的食物:vegetables 不喜歡:rice

Ⅰ Listen and Choose .聽音,選擇。(6分) 2遍
1. whose 2. had 3. theirs 4. guide 5. flower 6. spaceship
Ⅱ Listen and choose the answer .聽音,選擇答語。(8分) 2遍
1.What day is it today ?
2.Where were you yesterday ?
3.What does she do ?
4. What did you do ?
5. Does she like hamburgers ?
6. What does your sister do?
7. What’s the date today ?
8. Whose book is this ?
Ⅲ Listen and write the missing words . 聽句子,補全句子。(6分) 2遍
1.This is my new classroom . This classroom is mine .
2.That is her suitcase . The suitcase is hers .
3.Your backpack is on the chair . The backpack on the chair is yours .
Ⅳ Listen and Judge.聽短文,判斷正誤。對的寫“T”,錯的寫“F”。 (5分) 3遍
This is a Chinese girl. Her English name is Lucy. She is a new student. She is in Shishi Chinese ? English Experimental School. She is in Class One, Grade Five. Ken is an English boy. He is eleven. He is in Shishi Chinese ? English Experimental School , too. Miss Li is their PE teacher. She is a good teacher.

Ⅰ Listen and Choose .聽音,選擇。(6分)
1.______ 2.______ 3.______ 4.______ 5.______ 6.______
Ⅱ Listen and choose the answer .聽音,選擇答語。(8分)
1.______ 2.______ 3.______ 4.______ 5.______ 6.______
7.______ 8.______
Ⅲ Listen and write the missing words . 聽句子,補全句子。(6分)
1._________ ___________ 2. __________ _________
3._________ ___________
Ⅳ Listen and Judge.聽短文,判斷正誤。對的寫“T”,錯的寫“F”。 (5分)
1.______ 2.______ 3.______ 4.______ 5.______
Ⅰ Read and Choose .選出不同類的單詞。(8分)
1.______ 2.______ 3.______ 4.______ 5.______ 6.______
7.______ 8.______
Ⅱ Choose the words .根據(jù)句意選擇正確的單詞(18分)
(1)1.________2._______3._______ 4._______ 5._______ 6._______
(2)7._________ 8.________ 9.________
(3)10.________ 11._______ 12._______
(4)1.________2._______3._______ 4._______ 5._______ 6._______
Ⅲ Choose the correct answer . 選擇正確的答案。(8分)
1.______ 2.______ 3.______ 4.______ 5.______
6.______ 7.______ 8.______
Ⅳ Choose the correct answer .根據(jù)情景選擇正確答案。(8分)
1.______ 2.______ 3.______ 4.______ 5.______ 6.______
7.______ 8.______
Ⅴ Answer the questions . 選出問題的正確答案。(6分)
1.______ 2.______ 3.______ 4.______ 5.______ 6.______
Ⅵ Complete the dialogue . 補全對話,填上序號。(5分)
1.______ 2.______ 3.______ 4.______ 5.______
Ⅶ Reading Comprehension . 理解。(10分)
1.______ 2.______ 3.______ 4.______ 5.______
6.______ 7.______ 8.______ 9.______ 10.______
Ⅷ Make the Sentences . 連詞成句。(6分)


Ⅸ Writing . 根據(jù)實際情況仿寫。(4分)

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/xiaoxue/149673.html

五年級英語上冊Book 5 Unit 5 Dialogue學(xué)案習(xí)題
第七冊英語Book7 Unit10 Work with Language 課后作業(yè)題