
Unit5 Seasons

編輯: 路逍遙 關(guān)鍵詞: 英語教案 來源: 逍遙右腦記憶

題Unit 5 SeasonsPeriod 1Story time
教學(xué)目標(biāo)1.能聽懂、會讀、會說、會寫單詞:spring, summer, autumn, winter, hot, warm, cool, cold.
2.能聽懂、會讀、會說句子:We like spring/summer/autumn/winter. In …, it is warm/cool/hot/cold. We … (具體活動)
教學(xué)準(zhǔn)備CAI, 四季圖片若干

Step 1 Greetings and Free talk
2.Free talk
T: What day is it today?
Is it hot today?
Yes, it is hot.
It’s hot. I eat watermelons. What do you do on hot days?
S1: I …
S2: I …
T: Good! It is hot, you eat ice creams, drink ice juice and swim…
T: Look, is it hot?
S: No, it’s cold.
T: What do you do on cold days?
S1: I …
S2: I …
T: It’s cold, we can skate. We can make a snowman and ….

Step 2 Show the goals of this unit
--Introduction of the Science Channel Presenters
T: Boys and girls, the Science Channel needs some little television presenters. Would you like to be the little presenters?
T: This month's Science Life focuses on Seasons. (teach: seasons 根據(jù)讀音規(guī)律拼讀sea -son - seasons)
T: Can you go through the four stages. Our slogan is Go, go, let’s go!
Ss: Go, go, let’s go!
T: Let’s go to stage one today.
1. I know some words about Seasons
2. I can say a rhyme about Seasons fluently.

Step 3 Enjoy a song I like four seasons
T: How many seasons are there in a year?
S: Four.
T: What are they? Let’s enjoy a song and try to remember.
(Play the song)
需要剪接一下 大約2分鐘不到
T: What seasons are they? Can you tell me now?
Ss: Spring, summer, autumn, and winter.
Learn the four words:
spring 提醒孩子注意ing的音節(jié),讓學(xué)生依次拼讀ring-pring-spring
summer 比較but,cup,subject,歸納u/ ʌ/,自己試著拼讀sum-summer
autumn 強(qiáng)調(diào)au/ ɔ:/和/ə/,并補(bǔ)充T: It’s autumn and we can also say fall.They are the same meaning.
winter 提醒孩子注意in的音節(jié),讓學(xué)生依次拼讀win- winter

Step 4 Say a rhyme
T:I like spring. Which season do you like?
S1,2,3: I like …
T: All the seasons are beautiful, here’s a rhyme about Seasons:
Spring, spring, warm spring.
Summer, summer, hot everywhere.
Autumn, autumn, cool autumn.
Winter, winter, make snowmen together.
1.Listen to the teacher 初步感受chant的節(jié)奏
2.Try to say each sentence and learn some new words:
warm 強(qiáng)調(diào)ar/ɔ:/, 讓學(xué)生自己完成單詞的拼讀
cool 比較too, food, zoo,自主拼讀
make snowmen (主要是詞義的解釋)給出一個雪人圖片配以單詞snowman, 幾個雪人圖片配以單詞snowmen,提醒孩子紅色標(biāo)注的讀音不同。
3.Chant in groups

1. I know some words about Seasons
2. I can say a rhyme about Seasons fluently.
T: I think now you have known some words about Seasons. Let us go on to the next challenge—Try to recite a poem about Seasons fluently.
Slogan: Go, go, let’s go!

Step 5 Enjoy the poem
1. Read the pictures
T: Look! Here’re the pictures of the poem. Can you guess which season is it? And tell us why?
(將story time的八幅圖按季節(jié)分四組呈現(xiàn))
You can say like this: We can … It is spring.
(1)Discuss in four
(2)Try to say
S1: We can fly kites. It’s spring.
S2: We can eat ice creams. We can swim. It’s summer.
S3: We can go to the park. It’s autumn.
S4: We can make snowmen. We can skate. It’s winter.
2. Listen to the poem
T: Oh, you read these pictures carefully. Let’s listen to the tape, and check your answers.
Tips: 聽錄音,確定每組圖片的季節(jié)名稱
3. Read and fill
T:You’ve got the right answer. Well done, boys and girl. Now let’s open your books, read the poem by yourselves and try to fill the form in pairs.

4. Check the answer and learn the new vocabularies
(1) T: Before we check the answer, let’s learn some new phrases.
go boating
出示圖片boat和單詞,比較coat,自主拼讀,boating,提示紅色部分,自主拼讀,go boating 給出中文“去劃船”
have picnics
picnic 給出一組單詞cake, cat, cap 歸類c/k/,依次拼讀pic, nic, picnic, have picnics詞組圖片配以中文釋義
go climbing
同理學(xué)習(xí)go swimming和go skating,強(qiáng)調(diào)紅色部分音節(jié)
(2) T: Can you tell me your answer now?
板書給出范例:In spring. It is warm. We fly kites. We go boating.
S1, 2, 3…
4.Listen and repeat
5.Read the poem
T: Actually, this is a poem. Try to read the poem beautifully.
Ss: Read the poem.
6. Recite the poem in groups
★Read fluently 流利的朗讀
★★Read fluently and beautifully 流利、優(yōu)美的朗誦
★★★Recite and act it with emotions 有感情地加上動作朗誦

Step 6 Summary
1. I know some words about Seasons
2. I can say a rhyme about Seasons fluently.
T: Can you recite a poem about Seasons? It’s your Show Time
Slogan: Go, go, let’s go!

設(shè)計1.聽磁帶,有感情地誦讀Story time的詩歌給父母聽。

板書設(shè)計Unit 5 Seasons (day / date)
In spring, it is warm. We go boating.

題Unit 5 SeasonsPeriod 2Vocabulary & Fun time


標(biāo)1.能聽懂、會讀、會說、會寫單詞:spring, summer, autumn, winter, hot, warm, cool, cold.
2.能聽懂、會讀、會說句子:We like spring/summer/autumn/winter. In …, it is warm/cool/hot/cold. We … (具體活動)
4.仿照書上Fun time 完成“我最喜歡的季節(jié)”的英文明信片制作。
重點(diǎn)能聽懂、會讀、會說、會寫單詞:spring, summer, autumn, winter, hot, warm, cool, cold.
難點(diǎn)仿照書上Fun time 完成“我最喜歡的季節(jié)”的英文明信片制作。

Step 1 Review the story
1.Sing a song: I like four seasons
2.Recite and act the poem of story time with music

Step 2 Show the goals of this lesson
Science Channel Presenters
T: Boys and girls, I think you all past the first challenge. Let’s go to the next stage--
T: Do you have confidence? Our slogan is ----
Ss: Go, go, let’s go!
Task One語言表達(dá)能力I can talk about the four seasons
Task Two手腦并用能力I can make a postcard about seasons.

Step 3 Task One -- I can talk about the four seasons
1.Read and guess
(1)It is warm. We fly kites and have picnics.
T: Which season is it?
S: It’s spring.
T: That’s right. (給出不完全單詞_ pr_ _ _ )
Can you spell spring?
S1: S-p-r-i-n-g
T: Well done. Let’s spell together.
(2)It is hot. We eat ice creams and go swimming.
T: Do you know this season?
S: It’s summer.
T: Good. (給出不完全單詞s_ m _ _ )
Can you spell?
S1: …
(3)It is cold. We make snowmen and go skating.
T: Can you guess this season?
S: It’s winter.
T: Yes. (給出不完全單詞_ in _ er )

(4)It is cool. We eat fruit and go climbing.
T: The season is
S: autumn.
T: Great. (給出不完全單詞_ u _ um _ )
How to spell?
S1: …
T: And we can also call it fall.
Ss: Fall.

2. Brain storm
T: Different seasons have different weather, colours, and we do different activities, eat different food and fruits, dress up in different clothes. Let’s have a brain storm. Please think about all the related vocabularies, the more, the better.
Tips: 四人小組根據(jù)本組季節(jié)主題,說一說與此季節(jié)相關(guān)的詞匯(包括weather氣候, colours, activities活動, food, fruits, clothes等等)比一比哪一組想到的詞最多。計時兩分鐘。
S: Discuss
在學(xué)生反饋過程中完成板書如下(當(dāng)學(xué)生說到hot,cold, warm, cool這四個詞,要求他們拼寫,其他可根據(jù)實際情況適時調(diào)整)

Step 4 Task Two -- I can make a postcard about seasons.
Task One語言表達(dá)能力I can talk about the four seasons
Task Two手腦并用能力I can make a postcard about seasons.
T: Congratulations! All of you can talk about the four seasons very well. Let’ s go on to make a postcard. Our slogan is ----
Ss: Go, go, let’s go!
1. T: Look at this postcard. Is it nice? (呈現(xiàn)書上做好的postcard)
Ss: Yes, how nice!
T: It’s Tommy’s card. Let’s listen to him.
Which season does Tommy like?
(如果學(xué)生聽不明白does,教師可提示Spring? Winter?)
Ss: winter
2. T: Which season do you like?
S1,2,3: …
T: Can you introduce your favourite season like Tommy?
Tips: Can you introduce(介紹) your favourite(最喜歡的) season?
It is …
It is …
I …
I … too.
I like …
3. Talk in groups. Invite four Ss to sho
4. Make a postcard
T: Now let’s make a postcard by yourself or in pairs. We will choose some excellent postcards.
最佳美術(shù)獎:Who draws the pictures the most beautifully
最佳書寫?yīng)劊?Who writes the introduction of your favourite season without mistakes
最佳表述獎:Who can show us your postcard and introduce your favourite season with emotion
Tips: Check these sentences
本單元的文和明信片上的介紹是以書面文體呈現(xiàn)的,在書寫中請避免口語中的所寫,如It’s等。請注意寫完整形式It is …

Step 5 Summary
Task One語言表達(dá)能力I can talk about the four seasons
Task Two手腦并用能力I can make a postcard about seasons.
T: Have you finished your postcard? It’s your Show Time xkb1.c om
Slogan: Go, go, let’s go!

作業(yè)設(shè)計1. 鞏固誦讀Story time詩歌
2. 抄寫本單元有關(guān)季節(jié)的四會單詞
3. 繼續(xù)完成未完成的明信片繪制

題Unit 5 SeasonsPeriod 3Cartoon time
& Song time


標(biāo)1. 學(xué)生能夠并理解卡通部分的幽默,并能表演故事內(nèi)容
2. 學(xué)生能夠模仿卡通部分的故事內(nèi)容續(xù)寫故事
3. 學(xué)生能夠有感情地演唱歌曲A sunny day
4. 學(xué)生能夠模仿書上的歌曲創(chuàng)編新歌。
重點(diǎn)1. 學(xué)生能夠并理解卡通部分的幽默,并能表演故事內(nèi)容
2. 學(xué)生能夠有感情地演唱歌曲A sunny day

Step 1 Warming up
2.Show your postcard, introduce and choose excellent postcards.
T: Your postcards are excellent, whose card are the most beautifully? Who can introduce the season with emotion?
3.Ss: …

Step 2 Show the goals of this lesson
-- the Science Channel Presenters
T: Boys and girls, I’m happy that you come to the last challenge.
I can create a new song
I can create a new story and act it.
T: Our slogan is …
Ss: Go, go, let’s go!

Step 3 Song time
1.Show the picture of Song time, talk about the picture, learn the new words
T: Look at the picture. What can they do?
S: They can fly kites.
T: Yes, they fly kites, because it’s a sunny day.
Learn: (sun 與son同音,圖片釋義—sunny --
sunny day
2.Say a rhyme
A sunny day
It’s a sunny day.
It’s a sunny day.
Gu-li, gu- li.
Let’s fly kites. Let’s fly kites.
Gu-li, gu-li, on a sunny day.
1) Listen and chant
2) Chant in groups
3) Chant together
3. Sing the song
T: It’s a funny rhyme and it’s also a nice song, can you sing? Try to sing, please.
1) Listen and learn to sing by yourselves
2) Sing the song together
4. Creat a new song or rhyme
T: We fly kites on a sunny day. What about hot day? Cold day? I have a nice rhyme, let me show you
A hot day
It’s a hot day.
It’s a hot day.
Gu-li, gu- li.
Let’s go swimming. Let’s go swimming
Gu-li, gu-li, on a hot day.
T: is it funny? It’s your turn.. Choose a title and creat a new song or rhyme? Go, go, let’s go!
給出一些詩歌/歌曲題目供學(xué)生選擇 A hot day, A cold day, A cool day, A warm day
T: Great! We can create a new song. Let’s go on to the story.

Step 4 Cartoon time
1.Show the picture of a bag with a fish
T: Look! What’ s this?
S: It’s a green bag.
T: Today our story is about the bag. Whose bag is it?
Learn: Whose (給出單詞who, Chinese)
2.Watch the cartoon and get the answer
T: Whose bag is this?
S: It’s dog’s.
3.Show the picture of another bag with a fish
T: Look at that bag in dog’s hand. Whose bag is that?
(Read the story)
S: it’s Sam’s bag.
T: How do you know?
S: She has my bag! (Learn: has)
4. Dicuss: What do you think of Sam and the dog?
出示最后一幅圖,It’s my bag! She has my bag!
T: How to read the two sentences? Discuss in two.
S: (學(xué)生討論揣摩語氣并朗讀)
5. Pracitse reading in pairs.
6. T: It’s lucky they find their own bag at last. What will the story continues?
Sam和little dog 歸還彼此的包時會說什么呢?(讓學(xué)生大膽想象,隨便談一談eg: I’m sorry. Here your are. Your bag is nice. It’s a fish on your bag. Our bags are green…)
7. Set an example for Ss to act the cartoon. Try to act it in pairs

Step 5 Create a new story
1. T: Sam is careless. But Bobby is careful. Look!
出圖:Bobby和爸爸去坐在去park的bus上,撿到一個robot,在辛苦詢問了Miss Panda, Mr Tiger之后,最終找到了失主Miss Bird…
2. 你還有其他的創(chuàng)意嗎?也可以編一編。
3. 根據(jù)表演情況,評價給星。

Step 6 Summary
T: Boys and girls, I’m very glad you have successfully passed all the challenges.

作業(yè)設(shè)計1. 將上學(xué)習(xí)的歌曲和故事唱給說給爸爸媽媽聽;
2. 小組合作給續(xù)寫的故事配上圖片和英語句子,一周內(nèi)將完成的作品貼在英語角內(nèi)。
設(shè)計Unit 5 Seasons (date)
Whose bag is it?
It’s my bag!
She has my bag!

題Unit 5 SeasonsPeriod 4Sound time, Checkout time & Ticking time


2.能綜合運(yùn)用本單元學(xué)到的句型談?wù)撍募尽?br />3.能體會字母i的發(fā)音/ai/.
4.能對照Ticking time的三個目標(biāo)進(jìn)行客觀的自我評價。
重點(diǎn)能綜合運(yùn)用本單元學(xué)到的句型談?wù)撍募尽?br />能體會字母i的發(fā)音/ai/.
能對照Ticking time的三個目標(biāo)進(jìn)行客觀的自我評價。

Step 1 Warming up
2. T: Science Life is broadcasting. The title of it focuses on Seasons. Little presenters, are you ready?
S: Yes, go, go, let’s go!
屏幕顯示:Science Life節(jié)目開播了,小主持人,你們準(zhǔn)備好了嗎?我們會在每個節(jié)目結(jié)束后進(jìn)行評分,得到★最多的即將當(dāng)選我們的“金話筒”獎!

Step 2 Sing a song / Say a rhyme
T: Well done, boys and girls. You have got so many vocabularies about seasons. I think you like all the seasons very much. And it’s time to show your songs or rhymes about different seasons.
S: A hot day
It’s a hot day.
It’s a hot day.
Gu-li, gu- li.
Let’s go swimming. Let’s go swimming
Gu-li, gu-li, on a hot day.
能歡快演唱書上歌曲A sunny day ★
能演唱或朗誦自創(chuàng)歌曲或小詩 ★★
能加上表情和動作演唱或朗誦自創(chuàng)歌曲或小詩 ★★★

Step 3 Play a game
No NG in Thirty Seconds三十秒不NG
Tips: 四人小組三十秒內(nèi)說出有關(guān)季節(jié)的單詞或詞組,盡可能多,不要重復(fù)
評分規(guī)則:五個以下 ★
五至七個 ★★
八個以上 ★★★

Step 4 Talk show
1. 出示checkout time 所有圖片
T: Boys and girls, let’s have a talk show of seasons. But I’m sorry these pictures are in a mess. Can you match relative ones in one minute?
Ss: (Match)
2. OK, it’s your show time. You can begin your talk show like It’s spring. It’s .. In spring, I … You can prepare in four.
Tips: 四人小組,每人選擇一個季節(jié)并根據(jù)圖片提示說一說。
四位主持人分工明確,基本完成對介紹內(nèi)容 ★

Step 5 Have a rest - tongue twister
T: Your talk show is excellent. I want to have a try too. Listen!
T: I like spring. It’s nice. I like to fly a kite.
PPT顯示句子I like spring. It’s nice. I like to fly a kite.
T: Look at the sentence. These words all have the letter ‘i’, what does ‘i’ pronounced as?
S: /ai/
T: Look at my mouth, open it big or small. Try to imitate.
S: Read one by one.
T: Read the sentence.
4. T: Can you read these syllables? Chi, ki, li, ti, whi, mi
T: Can you read these words? Chinese, kite, like, time, white. (在讀同時出圖釋意)
5. Say the tongue twister
Tom, Mary and Mike. All like the kite.
6. 小結(jié)并給出評分標(biāo)準(zhǔn)
I know the sound of letter “i”, 我正確朗讀含有字母i的單詞組成的繞口令 ★
I know the sound of letter “i”, 我流利朗讀含有字母i的單詞組成的繞口令★★
I know the sound of letter “i”, 我正確大聲快速朗讀含有字母i的單詞組成的繞口令★★★

Step 6 Summary
T: Discuss in groups, see how many stars have you got together? Who can get the Golden Mike Award?
T: Well done! Congratulations! Group…., it’s your present today.

設(shè)計1. 聽錄音,跟讀復(fù)習(xí)Unit5的內(nèi)容,模仿語音語調(diào);
2. 尋找更多字母i發(fā)音為 [ai] 的單詞,記在書上;
3. 把今天在Happy English中讀到的故事說給爸爸媽媽聽。
設(shè)計Unit 5 Seasons (date)
It’s spring. It’s… i /ai/
In spring, I …

題Unit 5 SeasonsPeriod 5Practice & Revision

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/xiaoxue/154754.html

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