

編輯: 路逍遙 關(guān)鍵詞: 英語試題 來源: 逍遙右腦記憶

Class Nae Nuber

一、listen and choose (聽音,選擇正確的答案)
1、( ) A、paint B、painted C、paintbrush
2、( ) A、fell B、fall C、feel
3、( ) A、sweater B、weather C、sweets
4、( ) A、cakes B、apples C、biscuits
5、( ) A、saw B、see C、seeing
6、( ) A、paper B、present C、people
7、( ) A、top B、tape C、trip
8、( ) A、gold B、good C、great
9、( ) A、real B、really C、read
10、( ) A、learnt B、learn C、live
二、listen and nuber(聽音,給下列圖片標(biāo)出序號(hào))

( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
三、Listen and choose(聽音,選擇正確的選項(xiàng))
( )1、What did she do yesterday?
A、She watched TV.
B、She went to school.
C、She painted a picture.
( )2、Did Lingling see onkeys in the zoo?
A、Yes,she did .
B、No,she didn’t.
C、No,she isn’t.
( )3、What did Daing do in Beijing?
A、He went to the Great Wall.
B、He went to school.
C、He cleaned his roo.
( )4、What did you do yesterday?
A、I saw lots of ountaints .
B、I ate an apple .
C、I did y hoework.
( )5、What did they do yesterday?
A、They are singing.
B、They had a good tie in the park.
C、They played basketball.
四、 Listen and write(聽音,選擇單詞)
   was ride yesterday didn’t usually
  On Sundays, I ____ play football in the park. But I _____play football _____. And I usually ride y bike. But I didn‘t _ ___it yesterday. It raining!I stayed at hoe.

五、Read and write(寫出下面動(dòng)詞的過去式)
are-- go--
have-- eat--
learn-- see--
buy-- clean—
have— fall—
六、Read and atch(找出與各圖對(duì)應(yīng)的句子)

( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
A、She saw any beautiful flowers.She didn’t see any onkeys.
B、She bought soe toys.She didn’t buy a book.
C、He ade a cake.He didn’t ake biscuits.
D、He ate an ice crea.He didn’t eat an orange.
七、Read and write (選詞)
clibed went saw ate had bought
We Dad a present. We biscuits and apples
We to the Great Wall. We to the top.
We lots of ountains. We a good tie.
九、Read and draw√or×(短,判斷所給句子的正誤畫√或×)
y nae is Li Yan. I study in No.2 Priary school. Lily is y good friend . She is fro England . We’re in the sae school. How any people are there in her faily? There’re four .They’re r and rs Green, John and Lily. r Green is an English teacher. rs Green is a worker. John is a Doctor.Lily goes to school fro onday to Friday.She goes to bed at nine o’clock.
( ) 1、Lily studies in No.2 Priary School.
( ) 2、Lily’s father and other are teachers.
( ) 3、John is a student , too.
( ) 4、Lily goes to school every day.
( ) 5、Lilly goes to bed at eight o’clock.

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/xiaoxue/33770.html
