

編輯: 路逍遙 關(guān)鍵詞: 英語(yǔ)試題 來(lái)源: 逍遙右腦記憶


Class Nae ark
部分 (30分)
一、 聽(tīng)錄音,選擇你所聽(tīng)到的單詞。(5分)
( )1. A. good B. book C. cook
( ) 2. A. guitar B. car C. ark
( ) 3. A. sings B. ars C. players
( ) 4. A. course B. ouse C. house
( ) 5. A. goat B. coat C. gold
二、 聽(tīng)錄音, 根據(jù)你所聽(tīng)到的對(duì)話和問(wèn)題選擇正確答案。 (10分)
( ) 1. A. Reading novels . B. Reading picture books.
C. Reading story books.
( ) 2. A. Jaes is the tallest. B. Henry is the tallest.
C. Henry is as tall as Jaes.
( ) 3. A. No, he doesn’t . B. No, he isn’t.
C. Yes, he does.
( ) 4. A. Playing the piano. B. Playing the violin.
C. Playing the guitar.
( ) 5. A. Soething is good. B. Soething is bad.
C. Soething is issing.
1. He is playing the __________________ .
2. She is a faous _____________.
3. __________ a pianist, you can’t ake a good band.
4. I want to do soething ___________________.
5. y father goes to work by ____________ .
Today is Sunday. No. 5 iddle School is having a 1 eeting. Students are 2 the events (競(jìng)賽). In the 1,000 eter race, Li Lei is running uch 3 than the other 4 and his friends are cheering 5 hi. At last, he breaks 6 school record. He is the 7 . Look! Lin Hong is 8 . Who 9 jup higher than Lin Hong ? It’s Wang Dandan. She jups 10 of all.
( ) 1. A. sport B. sports C. sports’
( ) 2. A. enjoying B. enjoy C. to enjoy
( ) 3. A. fast B. faster C. fastest
( ) 4. A. boy B. boys C. girls
( ) 5. A. at B. to C. for
( ) 6. A. our B. we C. us
( ) 7. A. win B. winner C. winners
( ) 8. A. running B. juping C. juping
( ) 9. A. ay B. ust C. can
( ) 10. A. high B. higher C. the highest

筆試部分 (共70分)
一、 請(qǐng)根據(jù)句意以及首字母提示寫(xiě)出正確的單詞。(每小題1分,共5分)
1. ay I c_____ in ?
2. We are p_____ for the talent sho
3. I’ a good p_______.
4. W_______ a good player, you can’t win the gae.
5. I don’t a_______ with you.

二、根據(jù)要求寫(xiě)單詞 : (10分)
I(反身代詞)__________ he (反身代詞)_________
good(最高級(jí))__________ any(比較級(jí))________
ake(現(xiàn)在分詞)_________ run (名詞)_________
sing(名詞)_________ bring (反義詞)_______
with(反義詞)________ piano(復(fù)數(shù))_______

三、英漢互譯 (10分)
1.組個(gè)樂(lè)隊(duì)___________ 2. 業(yè)余歌手演唱會(huì) ________
3. 馬上,立即 ____________ 4. 做煎餅 ____________
5. 吉他手 _____________ 6. be good at ____________
7. soething interesting __________ 8. by yself _____________
9. a good pianist ___________ 10. participate in ___________

四、用所給單詞的正確形式。 (5分)
1.other’s Day is ____________ soon. (coe)
2.Why don’t you __________ a bike ? (ride)
3.Peter is the best __________ . (run)
4.I don’t want to participate in the show by __________ . (I)
5.y parents ____________ (visit) the Great Wall next week.

五、選擇: (10分)
1.ary is good at __________ the violin.
A. plays B. playing C. to ply
2. I want to do ____________________.
A. soething exciting B. exciting soething
C. anything exciting
3. Who’s ____________ singer?
A. the best B. best C. the better
4. How about ___________ a band?
A. ake B. to ake C. aking
5. We need a good cook, don’t we? ----- _____________
A. Yes, we don’t. B. Yes, we do. C. No, we do.
6. You are __________ young __________ join the band.
A. too, to B. to, too C. so, so
7. __________ a good football player, you can win the gae.
A. With B. Without C. with
8. I don’t have any _____________ on Sunday.
A. class B. classes C. classs
9. I a practicing songs _____________ the talent sho
A. for B. to C. of
10. Here she ___________ .
A. coing B. coe C. coes

六、根據(jù)要求完成下列句子。 (10分)
1. Why don’t you play the guitar? (變?yōu)橥x句)
2. I, by, do, to, yself, don’t, want, it (連成一句話)
3. ay I coe in? (作肯定回答)
4.We need a dancer, _______ ______ ? (變?yōu)榉匆庖蓡?wèn)句,并作肯定
5.How of aking a band? (找出錯(cuò)誤并改正句子)

七、根據(jù)短回答問(wèn)題: (短A 5分,短B 10分,共15分)
A boy goes hoe and he tells his other he has a stoachache(胃疼). “Well, sit down and eat your cake.” Says his other. “ Your stoach is aching (痛)because its epty(空的). It’ll be all right when you get soething in it.” After a while, his dad coes in fro the office. He says, “Oh, dear! I have a headache.(頭疼)”
That’s because it’s epty.” Says his clever son, “You’d be all right if you get soething in it.. ”
( ) (1) The boy’s stoach is aching because his hungry.
( ) (2) The boy’s other is a doctor.
( ) (3) The boy’s father is a farer.
( ) (4) The boy’s father is hungry.
( ) (5) The boy is very foolish.
r. Green is fro London in the United Kingdo. He teaches English in a high school in Beijing no r. Green speaks little Chinese. He goes to Chinese classes every week.
r. Green likes working in China very uch. He says here students are very friendly and study very hard.
r. Green has a son and a daughter. His son’s nae is Ji. His daughter’s nae is Kate. They go to school here in China. They like China very uch.
1.Where dose r. Green coe fro?
2.What dose he teach?
3.Can he speak a little Chinese?
4.Where does he go every week?
5.Where do his children go to school?
八、寫(xiě)作練習(xí)。請(qǐng)同學(xué)們根據(jù)所給單詞的提示,寫(xiě)一篇關(guān)于自己業(yè)余愛(ài)好的短。 (共5分)
12 years old guitar player runner singer
participate Children’s Day coing soon talent show

Class Nae ark
部分 (30分)
( ) 1 A The first one . B The next one C The last one
( ) 2 A Betty B Jenny C Teddy
( ) 3 A It was too bad B It wasn’t too bad C It was wonderful
( ) 4 A ade a istake B Finger hurts C Lost oney
1 I _____ hear the ______ .
2Please ______ the ______ .
3It’s ______ a ______ to twelve .
4What do you _______ for _______ .
5We _________ eat pizza on Sunday .
( ) 1 Ti won the race .
( ) 2 I did best in the exa .
( ) 3 Peter runs the fastest in y class .
( ) 4 I didn’t do well this tie .
( ) 5 She is Nuber 3 .
( ) 1 What’s the date today ?
A Deceber 25th B Septeber 10th C June 1st
( ) 2 I won the ____ prize in the running gae .
A second B first C last
( ) 3 I lost ____
A tennis gae B swiing gae C baseball gae
( ) 4 It was a _____ day .
A happy B wonderful C terrible
1.t ________ (輪流) 2.w_______ (優(yōu)勝者) 3.p_______ (獎(jiǎng))
4.________(錯(cuò)誤) 5.p______ (驕傲) 6.c_________ (冠軍)
7. a q________ (一刻鐘) 8.o______ (預(yù)訂) 9.a________ (地址)
10.p______ n ________ (電話號(hào)碼)
( ) 1 A touch B blouse C cloud
( ) 2 A winter B ride C dinner
( ) 3 A take B ap C date
( ) 4 A car B care C park
( ) 5 A how B cow C low
1What’s wrong ( with\ about ) you ?
2How ( long \ often ) will you stay here ?
3Which season do you like ( favorite \ best ) ?
4For here or ( for \ to ) go ?
5We will stay there ( during \ with ) the holiday .
6The policean works ( on \ at ) a police station .
7y uncle is a ( cook \ cooker )
8y aunt is a ( teacher \ vet ) . She always helps the sick anials .
9Don’t be ( so \ that ) sad .
10I want to ( do \ be ) an artist .
1 ( ) She lost the gae this tie . I think she can do it ____ next tie .
A good B better C nice
2 ( ) He is the best druer . Let’s give _____ a big hand .
A his B hi C he
3 ( ) He ___ 12 years old last year . We ____ the sae .
A is , are B was , was C was , were
4 ( ) David looked down . He _____ win the race .
A don’t B can’t C didn’t
5 ( ) There ___ a pen and soe books on the desk .
A a B is C are
6 ( ) Let’s give her a big hand . eans _________
A Let’s help her
B Let’s congratulate her on her success
C Let’s hurt her
7 ( ) What do you want ____ lunch ?
A on B of C for
8 ( ) TV is too loud now , please ______ the volue .
A turn on B turn up C turn down
9 ( ) Do you want soe peaches ____ dessert ?
A on B at C for
10 ( ) We soeties eat pancakes ____ Thursday .
A in B at C on
( ) 1 Good orning . A Salad , hot dogs and a pear .
( ) 2 I like sandwiches . B Here you are
( ) 3 What’s for lunch ? C Good orning
( ) 4 Pass e the water . D It’s good for you , Try one .
( ) 5 I don’t like oranges . E e , too .
1I won the first prize . (變成一般疑問(wèn)句,并作肯定回答)

2He is a good player in y class . (變成最高級(jí))

3The gift shop is on y left . (對(duì)畫(huà)線部分提問(wèn))

4Hungry is the best sauce . (中翻譯)

5I , can , violin , play , well , very , the (連詞成句)

A Little Ant
Once there was a little ant. She wanted to get arried, but she only wanted to arry the strongest creature.
She wanted to arry the strongest creature, but she didn’t knoho is the strongest creature. She saw the wind blow houses down. So she thought the wind was the strongest creature. She wanted to arry the wind.
But the wind told the little ant that he isn’t the strongest creature. “There was a tower in the forest. He had stood there for a thousand years against y force. The tower was the strongest creature.”
“Why do you want to arry e ?” the tower asked.
“Because you are the strongest creature in the world. You are strongest than the wind,” said the ant.
“You are right, I’ strongest than the wind. But I’ not the strongest creature in the world. Look, how I’ daaged! Can’t you guess who has done this to e ? It’s you, ants.”
At last, the little ant arried her own kind. Because they were the strongest creature.
arry /æri / 嫁 creature / `kri:tʃə / 動(dòng)物
strongest 強(qiáng)大的(strong的最高級(jí)) force / f ɔ:s / 力量
own / əun/ 自己的 tower / tauə/ 塔 against / ə`geinst/ 反對(duì) daage / dæidʒ / 毀壞 kind / kaind/ 種類 in the world 在這個(gè)世界

1 ( ) What did the little ant want to do ?
A It wanted to find soe friends
B It wanted to get arried
C It wanted to get hoe
2 ( ) What did she want to arry ?
A wind B tower C the strongest creature
3 ( ) At last, the little ant arried ______
A wind B tower C ant
4 將短中畫(huà)線的句子翻譯成中。

What day was it ?It was ____________
Hoas the weather ?It was ______________
What did you do ?I ______________
Hoas your feeling ?I was _____________

Class Nae ark
1. ake a band ( ) 2. good swier( )
3. too old ( ) 4. perfect tiing ( )
5. talent show ( ) 6. phone nuber( )
7. turn down ( ) 8. proud of ( )
( )1. A. Yes, I did. B. Yes, I do. C. No, I don’t.
( )2.A. It is onday. B. It was Sunday. C. Today is onday.
( )3.A. Three. B. At three o’clock. C. any.
( )4.A.345-9067 B. 1325 aple Avence . C. Linda.
( )5. A. We have rice and fish. B. We usually eat pizza on Sunday.
C. We don’t kno
( )1. A. It’s y turn to get on the train. B. It’s y turn to play the gae. C. It’s y turn to buy tickets.
( )2. A. I want to do soething interesting. B. Do you want to do anything interesting? C. I want soething to eat.
( )3. A. Why don’t you play the guitar ? B. Do you like guitar?
C. I don’t like playing guitar.
( )4. A. We are packing for the picnic. B. We are practicing for the talent sho C. We are preparing for the test.
( )5. A. Do you want a pizza for lunch? B. Do you want pancakes for breakfast? C. Do you want soe peaches for breakfast?
Today is the day of the __________. Lucy and Linda _________ in the sho Lucy is a _______ player and Linda is a ___________. They ________ in the sho But we know they did their______. We are ______ the.
筆試部分 (共70分)
1. d__ __s _________ 2. s__ __nd _________
3. p__ __ze _________ 4. __rd__ __ _________
5. v__lu__ __ _________ 6. q__a__ter _________
7. __st__ak__ _________ 8. p__c__ _________
組個(gè)樂(lè)隊(duì) _______________   犯錯(cuò)誤 ______________
ten to five _______________ a good pianist _______________
在星期天_______________ 訂比薩餅 _____________
turn up the volue ______________ phone nuber ____________
winner(動(dòng)詞)__________ do(第三人稱單數(shù)) _____________
bring(反義詞)__________ buy(同音詞)_____________
we(賓格)___________ good(最高級(jí))____________
photo(復(fù)數(shù))____________ ake(過(guò)去式)____________
write(現(xiàn)在分詞)__________ one(序數(shù)詞) _____________
( ) 1. How can I help you? ( )2. When does she go to bed?
( )3. How about a pizza? ( )4. Hoas the contest?
A.It was good . I won the first prize. B. I’d like to order a sandwich ,please. C. It’s very delicious. D. At nine o’clock.
( )1. I want to play basketball. Can I _______ you?
A. take B. join C. with
( )2.Everybody _______ her a big hand.
A. gives B. giving C. give
( )3. How uch_____ the bottle of water?
A. are B. is C. does
( )4. To wants to be a teacher, _______ he?
A. doesn’t B. does C. is
( )5. You can do your hoework by ________.
A. hiself B. yourself C. theselves
( )6. We often play football , but _____ we play basketball.
A. usually B. soeties C. never
( )7. What tie is it? ___________.
A. three second B. a quarter to ten C. onday
( )8. I can’t ______ the radio, please turn______ the volue.
A. hear down B. hear up C. hears up
( )9. Jenny doesn’t say _________.
A. soething B. things C. anything
( )10. I ______ a ath test yesterday, but it_____ not good.
A. have was B. had is C. had was
1. I want to go to the superarket.
2. She wants to play the guitar.
3. let’s hand her a give big

4.I won the first prize.
5. I go to school by bus.
七、理解, 判斷正誤。(10分)
A School Day
On the school day, I usually get up at six o’clock in the orning. I leave hoe at seven o’clock and I usually have school at 7:30. At school ,I usually have classes, read, and take tests. I leave school at 2:45. After school I go to work in a superarket for one hours. I pack bags for custoers(顧客) and clean the floor. I get hoe at about five o’clock every day. At six o’clock , I have dinner with y faily and help the with the dishes. Soeties I play with y little sister. Then I study for school the next day. If I have tie, I will talk to a friend on the telephone, then I will go to bed.
( )1. I usually get up at seven o’clock in the orning.
( )2. I get to school at 7:30.
( )3. At school , I have classes, read, and take tests.
( )4. After school I go to work in a superarket for two hours.
( )5. I have dinner with y friend.
It’s ine
A an finds a seat on the train, but there’s a bag on it. So he asks the woan beside the seat, “Is it occupied(占據(jù))?” “Yes, he will soon be back..” the woan answer. The an is very tired. He sits down and says , “I will sit a while till he coes back.” Ten inutes later the train starts. “Oh, the poor fello He loses the train, but he can’t lose his bag.” After these words, the an throws the bag out of the windo “It’s ine.” The woan shouts out, but it’s too late.
( )1. A an is looking for a seat on the train.
( )2. The woan asks the an to sit down beside her.
( )3. The an throws the bag out of the train.
( )4. The an sits down because the seat is not occupied.
( )5. The bag is the woan’s.

Class Nae ark
( )1. A. address B. agree C.loud D. aloud
( )2. A. large B. letter C. later D. loud
( )3. A. ail B. iss C. istake D. aple
( )4. A. barking B. packing C. sending D. writing
( )5. A.turn off B. turn up C. turn down D. turn on
二、聽(tīng)錄音,選出你所聽(tīng)到的內(nèi)容。(5’) x kb 1 .
( )1. A. Don’t forget to send us a letter.
B. Don’t forget to send us an e-ail.
C. Don’t forget to write us a letter.
( )2. A. I should help y other every day.
B. I should help y friend with Chinese.
C. I should help y other wash clothes.
( )3. A. What’s the weather like there in autun?
B. How’s the weather there in winter?
C. What’s the weather like there in spring?
( )4. A. When are you leaving?
B. When are you coing?
C. When are you going?
( )5. A. Did you finish writing a letter.
B. Did you finish reading?
C. Did you finish packing?
( )1. Which season do you like?
( )2. How any bottles of ilk do you want?
( )3. I usually have ilk for breakfast.
( )4. I’ll be waiting for you letter.
( )5. He usually goes to school on foot.
( )1. A. It’s cloudy and windy.
B. We had a birthday party yesterday.
( )2. A. I want to three slices of pizza.
B. I want to three pieces of cake.
( )3. A. On July 10th.
B. On January 10th.
( )4. A. Yes, there is.
B. Yes, there are.
( )5. A. You can get there by bus.
B. Take No.15 bus.
Jenny is sad today. She has soe bad ________ to tell xiaoxiao and Qiaoqiao.Jenny tells hi that she has to go back to Canada with her_________. “ When are you leaving?” Xiaoxiao asks. “ On ______10th.”She hopes that Xiaoxiao and Qiaoqiao can _______ her soeday in Canada.They agree to keep in________ and write letters to each other.
筆試部分 (共70分)
k__ __d ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬ ret__ __n l__tt__ __ w__ __t p__ck
_______ _______ ___________ ________ _______
B:按要求寫(xiě)出下列單詞 (10’)
1. rain (形容詞) ________ 2. heavy (反義詞) ________
3. he (反身代詞) ________ 4. uch (比較級(jí)) _________
5. tell (過(guò)去式) ________ 6. leave (現(xiàn)在分詞) ________
7. let’s (完整形式) _______ 8. write (同音詞) _________
9. how (打亂字母重組單詞)________ 10. forget(過(guò)去式)_________
C: 根據(jù)句意提示,將單詞補(bǔ)充完整。(5’)
1.I have s______ to tell you.
2.How any s_______ of pizza do you want?
3.Please read it a_____.
4.The letter is in the e________.
5.y faily got together and had t_____ dinner..
二、選擇正確的答案 (15’)
( )1. We will be there _______one twenty.
A. long B. by C. of D. up
( )2. How ________ will it take to get there?
A. long B. often C. about D. in
( )3. I have to go back to Canada ___________y other.
A. fro B. with C. of D. by
( )4. I’ _______ to iss you.
A. going B. go C. goes D. went
( )5. I will _____ waiting for you .
A. a B. are C. be D.is
( )6. That’s this Saturday. Five _____days to go.
A. ore B. uch C. any D. ost
( )7. Thank you ______everything.
A. about B. for C. at D. with
( )8. Did you finish _________?
A. read B. reading C. to read D. reads
( )9. I have to _________ to the hospital.
A. go B. goes C. going D. went
( )10. There are soe letters ________ J i.
A. at B. in C. fro D. with
( )11. Sarah wrote a letter________ you.
A. to B. for C. at D. in
( )12. Is there __________ ail for hi?
A. soe B. any C. any D. uch
( )13. It ________ cool and windy yesterday.
A. is B. was c. are D. a
( )14. Why ________ you coe here and play with us?
A. don’t B. not C. didn’t D. doesn’t
( )15. I see _____ inside the envelope .
A. anything B. soething C. soe thing D. any thing
1.We visited y grandparents yesterday .(用next weekend 改寫(xiě))
2.I should watch too uch TV . (變成否定句)
3.We will leave on arch 14th. (對(duì)劃線部分提問(wèn))
4.Lily is writing a letter. (變成過(guò)去式)
5.Did you have a big party? (作肯定回答)
To asks his friend Kate, “How any days are there in a week?”
“Seven, of course.” Answer Kate . “ Sunday, onday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday.”
“Well, Kate, can you nae five days of the week and not say Sunday, onday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday?” xk b1 .
“No, I can’t , can you?” ask Kate.
“Yes, I can. They are today, toorrow, the day after toorrow, yesterday, the day before yesterday.”
( )1、How any days are there in a week?
A. Five days. B. Seven days.
C. Six days. D. Kate doesn’t kno
( )2、Which day is the third day in a week?
A. Wednesday. B. The day after toorro
C. Tuesday. D. Thursday.
( )3、Can Kate nae the days of the week and not say Sunday, onday…
A. Yes, she can. B. Yes, she does.
C. No, she doesn’t. D. No, she can not.
( )4、Can you guess “the day after toorrow” eaning?
A.明天 B.昨天
C.前天 D.后天
( )5、Can you guess “the day before yesterday” eaning?
A.明天 B.前天
C.昨天 D.后天
One day, Jack goes to a dinner party. He is wearing an old coat and trousers. He coes into the house, but nobody looks at hi and nobody gives hi a seat at the table. So he goes hoe putting on his good coat and new trousers and he goes to the party again. This tie, the host takes hi to the good table and gives hi a lot of good fish, eat , eggs and ilk. Jack puts his good coat in a big plate and says, “Eat, coat.” The other people are very surprised and say, “What are you doing?” Jack says, “I a asking y coat to eat. When I’ wearing an old coat and trousers, nobody gives e a seat and food. When I a wearing a good coat and new trousers and you give e good food. So you give e these for y coat, not for e.”
1、Where does Jack go one day?
He goes to a _________ _____________.
2、What is he wearing first?
He is wearing an _________ coat and _____________.
3、Does the host give hi a seat?
4、What does he do then?
5、Does he get a good seat and uch food?

Class Nae ark
( )1. A. guitar B. piano C. violin
( )2. A. everyone B. everybody C. everything
( )3. A. iss B. istake C. order
( )4. A. winter B. winner C. writer
( )5. A. power B. prize C. race
( )1. Jane is good at playing the violin.
( )2. How any slices of pizza do you want?
( )3. I have to go back to England with y parents.
( )4. We soeties eat pancakes on onday
( )5. I don’t want to participate in the show by yself.
( )1. A. She usually goes to school by bike. B. He usually goes to school on foot. C. He usually walks to work.
( )2. A. It’s ten to ten. B. It’s ten to nine. C. It’s a quarter to ten.
( )3. A. What kind of anial do you like? B. What kind of food do you want? C. What kind of pizza do you want?
( )4. A. How can I get to the cinea? B. You can get there by bus. C. Take No. 15 bus.
( )5. A. I like ath. B. y favorite subject is coputer. C. Jenny is y best friend.
It is ______ now, so they will _______ the pizza _______ one-twenty. When the pizza ______, the boys _______ ______ the TV.
o______ the boys, “_______ _______ slices of pizza do you _______ ?”
evelepon _______ _______ ehtwre _______ _______
tsivi   _______ _______ esiz _______ _______
unsdo _______ _______ inpoa _______ _______
gbrni _______ _______ iprez _______  _______
Uevol _______ _______ ckap _______ _______
兩塊比薩餅 _____________寫(xiě)信_(tái)_________ 犯錯(cuò)誤 ___________
十一點(diǎn)四十五_____________ 一瓶汽水______________
lost(原形) __________ swi(名詞)____________
have(第三人稱單數(shù))_____________ two(序數(shù)詞)___________
to(同音詞)___________ child(復(fù)數(shù))___________
they(反身代詞)_____________ here(對(duì)應(yīng)詞)____________
dance(現(xiàn)在分詞)____________ hurt(過(guò)去式)_____________
( )1. 當(dāng)你要說(shuō)昨天是感恩節(jié)時(shí)應(yīng)說(shuō):
A. It is Thanksgiving Day today.
B. It was Thanksgiving Day yesterday.
( )2.當(dāng)你要問(wèn)別人是不是買了一些書(shū)應(yīng)說(shuō):
A. Did you buy any books?
B. Did you want to buy any books ?
( )3.問(wèn)別人地址時(shí)應(yīng)說(shuō):
A. Could you tell e your address?
B. Could you tell e your telephone nuber.
( )4. 訂餐時(shí)應(yīng)說(shuō):
A. Is there any ail for e? B. What kind of pizza do you want
( )5. 問(wèn)答是否做完某事應(yīng)說(shuō):
A. Did you finish packing? B. When are you leaving?
( )1. He ______ playing chess.
A. likes B. like C. liking
( )2. Who can help _________.
A. she B. her C. He
( )3. We can do it ________ next tie.
A. better B. best C. Good
( )4. Ji is good at ________ the piano.
A. laying B. play C. Plays
( )5. "Let's give her a big hand "eans ________
A. Let's help her. B. Let's congratulate her on her success.
C. Thanks her.
( )6. Alice wants bread and ilk ______ breakfast.
A. to B. for C. At
( )7. We have a football gae, _________?
A. did B. didn't C. had better
( )8. Do you finish ________?
A. packing B. to pack C. for pack
( )9. Can you see the? ________
A. That's great. B. Of course. Yes, I can .
( )10. Is there ______ ail for e?
A. soe B. any C.\
1. We visited y grandparents yesterday.(用next weekend 改寫(xiě))
2. We usually go swiing on Sunday.(一般疑問(wèn)句)
3. off TV have and lunch turn the(連詞成句)
4. It takes about 15 hours to go to Shanghai by train. (換線部分提問(wèn))
5. Did your father learn English? (回答問(wèn)題)
Aren't You Going to the Office Today?
Bob works in an office. Every orning he has breakfast at half past seven, reads his newspaper, drinks a cup of coffee and then goes to work. One orning, he is still sitting at the breakfast table and reading his newspaper at 8 o'clock. He asks his wife for another cup of coffee. His wife is very confused(疑惑的) and asks hi, "Aren't you going to the office today?" "The office?" He jups up fro his chair, "I think I a at the office."
( )1. Bob is an office clerk.
( )2. Bob has breakfast at eight o'clock.
( )3. Bob doesn't drink coffee in the orning.
( )4. Bob asks his wife for his coat.
( )5. Bob thinks he is at the office.
A Fox and the Grapes
A fox is looking for food. He is very hungry. Now he is stopping and looking up. He sees a lot of fine grapes at the top of the wall. "How nice they are! I want to eat the ." The fox jups and jups , but the wall is too high. He can't get the grapes. The fox goes away and says "I don't like those grapes . They are not good to eat.
( )1. The fox is looking for __________
A. grapes B. fruits C. food
( )2. The fox wants to eat the, so he ______.
A. runs and runs B. jups and jups C. goes away
( )3. The wall is too______ for the fox to get the grapes.
A. high B. low C. Far
( )4. The fox goes away because ___________.
A. the grapes are not good B. he can't get the C. he isn't hung
( )5. The fox ____________.
A. doesn't like grapes. B. likes grapes ,but he can't get the grapes. C. likes grapes , he can get the grapes.
八、小練筆:寫(xiě)寫(xiě)你的家庭成員,可以是你的父母,也可以是你的 兄弟姐妹,趕快動(dòng)筆吧,一定要注意書(shū)寫(xiě)。(5分)

1.book 2. ark 3. sings 4. ouse 5. gold
二、 聽(tīng)錄音, 根據(jù)你所聽(tīng)到的對(duì)話和問(wèn)題選擇正確答案。 (10分)
1. an: What are you doing now?
Woan: I a reading a novel . Do you like reading novels?
an: No, I don’t. I like reading story books.
Question: What does the an like?
2. Woan: Henry is as tall as Jaes, isn’t he?
an: No, he isn’t. Henry is the tallest in y class.
Question: Who is the tallest? Henry or Jaes?
3. Woan: Tony draws pictures the best, isn’t he?
an: Yes, it is. But I’ not good at drawing pictures.
Question: Dose the an good at drawing pictures?
4. Woan: What are you doing?
an: I’ practicing the violin. I’ preparing for a talent sho
Question: What is the an doing?
1.Soething is issing.
Question: What’s issing?
1. He is playing the dru.
2. She is a faous writer.
3. Without a pianist, you can’t ake a good band.
4. I want to do soething interesting.
5. y father goes to work by bike.
Today is Sunday. No. 5 iddle School is having a sports eeting. Students are enjoying the events (競(jìng)賽). In the 1,000 eter race, Li Lei is running uch faster than the other boys and his friends are cheering for hi. At last, he breaks our school record. He is the winner . Look! Lin Hong is juping . Who can jup higher than Lin Hong ? It’s Wang Dandan. She jups the highest of all.
1 When is our turn ? We are next , Let’s go . Question : When is our turn ?
2 Who won the race ? Betty did . How about Jenny ? She won the second prize .
Question : Who won the race ?
3 Hoas the talent show ? It wasn’t too bad . Question : Hoas the talent show ?
4 You look down , Ji . What happened to you ? I lost y oney . It’s very iportant . Question : What’s wrong with you ?
1I can’t hear the TV .
2Please turn up the volue .
3It’s already a quarter to twelve .
4What do you want for lunch ?
5We usually eat pizza on Sunday .
1The winner of the race is Ti .
2I ade soe istake in the exa .
3Peter is the best runner in y class .
4You can do it better next tie .
5She is not the chapion . She got the second prize .
Today is Children’s Day . I joined a party with y friends . We played soe gaes . I was the best runner in the gae . I won the race , so I got the first prize . However , I ade a istake in the tennis gae . I didn’t win the prize . I think I can do it better next tie . Today , I was so happy . It was a wonderful day .
1. ake a cake 2. good player 3. too old 4. perfect tiing 5. talent show 6. address 7. turn up 8. proud of
1.Did you stay at hoe yesterday?
2.What day was it?
3.When do you have a PE class?
4.What’s your phone nuber?
5.What do you usually eat on Sunday?
1. It’s y turn to buy tickets.
2. I want to do soething interesting.
3. Why don’t you play the guitar ?
4. We are practicing for the talent sho
5.Do you want pancakes for breakfast?
Today is the day of the talent sho Lucy and Linda participated in the sho Lucy is a piano player and Linda is a guitar player. They didn’t win in the sho But we know they did their best. We are proud of the.
一、1.aloud 2. letter 3. istake 4.packing 5.turn off
二、1. Don’t forget to send us an e-ail.
2. I should help y other every day.
3. What’s the weather like there in spring?
4. When are you coing?
5. Did you finish packing?
三、1.---I like winter,which season do you like?
2.---I’ thirsty. I want soe water.
---How any bottles of water do you want?
3.---I usually have juice for lunch.
4.---I’ll be writing a letter to you.
5.---How do you go to school?
---I walk to school.
四、1.What’s the weather like today?
2.How any pieces of cake do you want?
3.When are you going in winter holiday?
4.Is there any ail for you?
5.How can you get there?
五、Jenny is sad today. She has soe bad new to tell xiaoxiao and Qiaoqiao.Jenny tells hi that she has to go back to Canada with her parents. “ When are you leaving?” Xiaoxiao asks. “ On July 10th.”She hopes that Xiaoxiao and Qiaoqiao can visit her soeday in Canada.They agree to keep in touch and write letters to each other.
( )1. piano
( )2. everyone
( )3. istake
( )4. writer
1. Jane is good at playing the piano.
2. How any slices of bread do you want?
3. I have to go back to England with y friends.
4. We soeties eat pancakes on onday.
5. I don’t want to participate in the show by yself.
1. He usually walks to school.
2. It’s ten to ten.
3. What kind of pizza do you want?
4. You can get there by bus.
5. I’ good at calculating.
It is twelve now, so they will have the pizza by one-twenty. When the pizza arrives, the boys turn off the TV.
o asks the boys, “How any slices of pizza do you want?”

本文來(lái)自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/xiaoxue/33904.html
