

編輯: 路逍遙 關鍵詞: 英語試題 來源: 逍遙右腦記憶

1. ango ( ) 2. photo () 3. dress( )
4.panda () 5. kite ( ) 6. doll ( )
7. bus () 8.key () 9. toy ( )10. glass ( )
B: 寫出單數形式
1. books ( )2. puzzles ()3. puppets ()
4. shorts ( ) 5. bikes () 6. words ()
7. shoes ( )8. scarfs( )9. gloves( )10. cakes ()
C: 寫出動詞的第三人稱單數形式。
1. have ()2. like ()3. look () 4.do( ) 5.don’t( )
D: 寫出賓格
1. they ()2. I ()3. we () 4.you( )
E: 同音詞
1. eye ()2. by ()3. know ()
4. right ()5. four ()6. their()
7. too () 8. U ()9. C () 10. T ()
F: 物主代詞或所有格
1. Helen () 2. you ()3. I ()
4. he ()5. she ()6. Nancy( )
G: 寫出下列單詞的反義詞
1. yes () 2. big ( ) 3. hot ( )
4.long () 5.here ( ) 6. tall ( )
H: 寫出下列詞組的所略或者完全形式
it’s = isn’t = she’s =
where’s = I’ = that is =
you are= do not= they are=
1. ay I have a glass of juice? (肯定回答)
2. This bookark is for Jack. (一般疑問句)
3. This stapler is for you. (一般疑問句)
4. That is a nice panda.
5. Su Yang’s water bottle is on the table.
6. I like oranges.
7. They are y father’s gloves.
8. Whose school bag is this?
9. Here’s a knife for you.
同意句: _______________________________.
10. I coe hoe at five thirty.對劃線部分提問:____________________?
11. It’s twelve.對劃線部分提問:__________________________?
12. Shall we go to the cinea?肯定回答:_________________________.
13. Open your books, please.否定句: _________________________.

14. I’ hungry.
15. It’s a big roo.感嘆句:_______________________!
16. I go hoe no (用why 開頭引出反問句)
17. Perhaps it’s his car. (替換perhaps)
18. What’s the tie?
19. What’s five plus five?
20. This new scarf is for your brother.
同意句: ____________________.
1、Is this a puppet ?(改成肯定句)
is a 。
2、I like rabbits。(改成否定句)
I like rabbits。
3、This is a bookark。(改成否定句)
This a bookark。
4、This is y storybook。(改成一般疑問句)
this storybook。
5、I like pandas。(改成一般疑問句)
You like pandas?
() 1. ---ay I have a glass of orange juice?
A. No, I don’t give you.B. Yes. C. Goodbye
() 2. This copybook is _____ you.
A. toB. fourC. for
() 3. ---Thank you.
A. That’s OK.B. You’re welcoe.C. Not at all.
() 4. ---What’s this?
A. This is a lion.B. That’s a lion.C. It’s a panda.
() 5. ---Where’s Su Hai?
A. She is in the classroo.B. He is in the classroo.
C. He is over there.
() 6. ---______is the ubrella?
---It’s Jack’s.
A. WhereB. WhoseC. What
() 7. I like ______.
A. appleB. an orangeC. waterelons.
() 8. ---Where is ______ storybook?
---y storybook is in y school bag.
A. herB. hisC. your
() 9. ---What’s that ______________?
---It’s a kite.
A. in EnglishB. on EnglishC. in English
() 10. ---Do you like Chinese?
A. Yes, I a.B. Yes, I do.C. No, I do.
() 11. Ji’s juice and key _____ in the litchen.
A. areB. aC. is
() 12. A pair of new shoes ______ on the chair.
A. areB. aC. is
() 13. She ______ so funny.
A. lookB is lookC. looks
() 14. ---Whose pens are they?
A. They are y father.B. They are her father’s.
C. It’s y father’s.
() 15. The jeans are _____ long.
A. toB. twoC. too
() 16. ---_____ do you coe hoe?
---At five.
A. What tieB. What’s tieC. What’s the tie
() 17. ---What’s the tie?
A. It is four fourty.B. Seven.C. At eleven.
() 18. ---Shall we go to the cinea now?
A. Yes. Let’s go.B. OK.C. Thank you.
() 19. Seven rabbits are ______ on the sofa.
A. runningB. runC. are running
() 20. ---_____________?
--- I’ tired and thirsty.
A. What’s the tie?B. What’s that?C. What’s the atter?
() 21. ---_____________.
--- Have soe cakes, please.
A. I’ hungry.B. I’ ill.C. I’ thirsty.
() 22. The dress is pretty. _________.
A. Try it in.B. Try it on.C. Try on it.
() 23. ---What tie do you have lunch?
A. I have lunch in eleven thirty.
B. At twelve.
C. About eleven fifty.
() 24. Let’s go to Beijing _______.
A. in carB. by planeC. on plane
() 25. I like the shorts. _______ nice.
A. It isB. They areC. There are









9、那是什么? 那是他的自行車。

10、幾點了? 11點。

11. 她看上去這么高興。

12. 這是誰的新手套? 是她爸爸的。

13. 我的橡皮太小了。

14. 對不起,幾點了?

15. 讓我們看電視好嗎?好的。

16. 不要在床上拼拼圖。好的。

17. 怎么了?我口渴。

18. 給你一些果汁。謝謝。

19. 為我畫個水壺吧。

20. 我想要那個胖熊貓。給你。

21. Good orning, boys and girls.

22. Can I have a look? Sure. Here you are.

23. What’s that over there? Sorry, I don’t kno

24. What tie do you go to bed? At nine forty.

25. I’ sorry. I’ late.

26. Coe and have soe chocolate.

27. Your coat is too big.

28.I’d like soe ilk and angoes for lunch.

29.Here’s a pair of socks for your sister.

30. What’s the atter with you? I’ thirsty.

31. Let’s colour the picture.

32. What’s the tie? It’s twelve fifty.

33. What’s ninety and ten? It’s a hundred.

34. You look so happy.

35. Don’t draw in your English books.

36. Is ninety and five eighty-five? No, it isn’t.

37. Is that your balloon? No. y balloon is green.

38. Where’s his bookark? It’s in his new book, I think.

39. The shoes are too big. Try this on, please.

40. Shall we read the storybook now?
Passage A:
Go to school
In the orning I get up at six. I wash y face and put on clothes(衣服). I have breakfast with y father and other at six thirty. At six forty I go to school by bike. I a never(從不) late. But To is soeties(有時) late and ary is always(總是) late. They often run to school.
() 1. I have breakfast at six.
() 2. Soeties I a late for school.
() 3. To is never late for school.
() 4. I go to school by bus.
() 5. ary and To go to school by car.
Passage B:
Four woen
Four woen live(居住) in a big roo. They are friends(朋友). They are Susan, ary , Kate and Anna.
Susan is tall and thin. She has long and curly(卷) hair. She likes black.
ary is fat and tall. She has short hair. She likes black, too.
Kate is short and fat. She likes blue. She has a pair of white socks.
Anna is short and thin. She has a pair of red socks and a pair of glasses. She likes green.
() 1. ______ woen live in a big roo.
A. TwoB. ThreeC. Four
() 2. ______ likes black.
A. KateB. AnnaC. ary
() 3. Kate is _____ and fat. She has a pair of ____ socks.
A. tall, blueB. short, whiteC. tall, red
() 4. _____ has red socks. She is short and thin.
A. aryB. KateC. Anna
() 5. Who is tall?
A. Susan and aryB. ary and KateC. Kate and Anna
Passage C:
Dick’s bedroo
This is Dick’s bedroo. It’s a big and clean roo. The desk is near (附近) the windo The light is on the desk. Soe flowers are on the desk, too. A sall table is near the bed. A TV is on it. Two pictures(圖畫) are on the wall(墻). A little cat is on the chair. A football is under the bed.
1. Whose bedroo is this?
It is ________________________.
2. Can you see a desk near the window?
3. Where’s the football?
4. Is the light on the bed?
5. Is a little dog on the chair?

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/xiaoxue/34014.html
