

編輯: 路逍遙 關(guān)鍵詞: 英語試題 來源: 逍遙右腦記憶

. Book4B 改變句型 Unit1-2
1._____________________I have two ters in a year.
2.________________________I a a pupil of Grade Four.
3._______________________Yes, it is.
4.________________________Davy is the last one.
5.______________________That blue one is ine.
6._________________________It is July 6th.
7_________________________ August is between July and Septeber.
8____________________________It’s Deceber.
9______________________ Septeber, October and Noveber .
10___________________ ary does.
11 2000 is a leap year.(一般疑問句)_________________________________
12 Everything is white in winter._(what)__________________________
13 It’s Wednesday today.(what)_____________________________________
14 He has got three toy today.__________________________________
15 Have you got a calendar or not?(回答問題)___________________________________
16There is a coputer in y study.________________________________
17There’re soe pictures on the wall._______________________________
18The beautiful garden is near the building.____________________________
19iss Green is y English teacher.________________________________
20Hong Wei is fro Japan. Hong Wei__ ____ Japan.
21 Please clean the classroo.(否定句)____________________________
22 How big the building is !____ ____ ____ building!
23There are four seasons in a year.______________________________
24Christas is y favourite festival._____________________________
25We often go to the beach at the weekend.__________________________________
26It’s arch 3rd.___________________________
27She goes to school at 6:30 every day. (否定句)_________________________________-
28I go to the park every weekend. (一般疑問句)_____________________________
29I have soe drinks in the fridge. (否定句)_______________________________
30There are soe toy cars on the desk.________________________________
31Are there any knives in the box?(單數(shù))_____________________________
32There is a sheep near the river.(復(fù)數(shù))_____________________________
33What a nice school garden!(how)____________________________
34This is a beautiful girl.(感嘆句)______________________________
35What’s beside the reading roo?(用電腦回答)__________________________________
36Are there two bikes in your faily?_(否定回答)____________________________
37What’s the date today?(實(shí)際回答)______________________
38Ther is a cup of water on the desk.____________________________
39There are soe old toys in y schoolbags. (單數(shù))_____________________________
40Here’s a present for you.(應(yīng)答)___________________________
41The calendar tells us days and dates.(what)_____________________________
42 He likes to eat bananas (一般疑問句)_______________________________________
43 Today is Wednesday . (問句)___________________________________
44 I often read story books at the weekend. (否定句)__________________________________
Unit 3-4
1.She can play basketball. (否定句)_________________________________
2.We’re in Shanghai no____________________________________
3.She doesn’t like drawing in the park(肯定句).______________________________
4.They have got any interesting pictures.(一般疑問句)_____________________
5.The girl is aking a paper frog with her brother.________________________________
6.I like apples best.(what)____________________________
7.Her father’s favourite nuber is six.______________________________________
8.r Green’s shirt is white and pink. ___________________________________
9.We are singing and dancing on Children’s Day.____________________________
10.ay and To are listening to the usic.(who)___________________________
11.We can see one hundred story books on the bookcase.____________________
12.We want two long rulers.(Jane)________________________
13.They are sitting in an old car.(what)____________________________
14.We can buy clothes in the shop. (否定句)_____________________________
15.There’s a bird in y cage.__________________________________
16.The pupils of Class Two, Grade Three are running on the playground.(where)_________
17.There are five thin girls in y class.____________________________
18.We are drawing a picture under the tree._______________________________
19.I a a pupil of Class Five, Grade Three.(復(fù)數(shù))____________________________
20.They are swiing in the swiing pool.(where)___________________________
21.Are they counting the sweets?(用數(shù)蠟燭回答)______________________
22.This girl likes yellow and blue. (否定句)________________________________
23.Clean our classroo, please. (否定句)_______________________________
24.We like to draw pictures. (一般疑問句)___________________________________
25.Deceber 25th is the Christas’ Day.(when)________________________
26.It’s war in spring. (what)_____________________________
27.To reads books every evening. (否定句)________________________________
28.y father likes blue best.(what)_______________________________
29.________________________I a in the classroo.
30._______________________ They can jup high.
31.__________________________It’s very difficult.
32._______________________Sorry, I can’t.
33._______________________ There are soe bright stars.
34.To is singing an English song.( what)______________________________
35.The nurses are wearing white coats.(who)________________________________
36.Linda’s parents are cooking dinner in the kitchen.(where)___________________________
37.We are riding horses. (否定句)___________________________________
38.The little girl is feeding the birds. (一般疑問句)________________________________
39.I can skip y rope well.___________________________________________
40.y favourite nuber is five.________________________________________
41.I like waterelons best.________________________________
42.y uncle like drinking coffee. (一般疑問句)____________________________
43.y English teacher has got a lot of English books.(否定句)______________________
44.We’re singing and dancing at the party. (一般疑問句)___________________________
45.I’ listening to usic no (否定句)__________________________________
46.I find a watch on the road. (否定句)_________________________________
47.The boys are clibing the ountain._______________________________________
48.r. King likes anials._______________________________
1.To and ary are doing their hoework in their study.(主語改為he)_______________
2.I usually go to school at seven in the orning.______________________________
3.It’s ay 30th _____________________________________________
4.Today is Sunday._______________________________
5.We’re doing our hoework in our classroo. (單數(shù))_____________________________
6.I a brushing y teeth in the washroo._________________________________
7.He’s riding a horse.(復(fù)數(shù))________________________________
8.The boys are playing basketball in the playground._______________________________
9.Noran is skipping the rope in the park.(一般疑問句并否定回答)____________________
10.ickey and Donald are pulling the cupboard in the roo.(否定句)_____________________
11.The students are having an English lesson.___________________________________
12.y grandother is washing up in the kitchen.________________________________
13.I can play basketball with y classates. I________________________ no
14.Alice and her friends are playing pop usic in the usic roo.________________________
15.y other is listening to the radio.__________________________
16.We’re having an interesting lesson no (一般疑問句并否定回答)_______________
17.This triangle is heavy.___________________________
18.I like watching “ickey and Donald”. (一般疑問句)_____________________________
19.Carol reads newspapers every orning. (否定句)______________________________
20.To’s washing his socks.(what)_____________________________
21.Those boys are skipping the rope in the playground.(where)__________________________
22.There are soe birds flying near the big tree. (一般疑問句)______________________
23.I like playing the piano. Do_______________________________?
24.Ji is having an English lesson. Who_________________________?
25.The red pencil is ine. Which________________________________?
26.I can jup high. What______________________?
27.y father is a driver. What___________________________?
28.There are soe anials in the zoo. (一般疑問句)___________________________
29.I a interesting in aths. (否定句)__________________________________
30.Does your good friend often visit you on Sunday? (肯定句)___________________
31.There are four seasons in a year.(how any)_________________________
32.It’s arch 3rd.(what)____________________________
33.These pupils like to watch Harry Potter.(否定句)_________________________________
34.They like to read English in the evening.(what)_____________________________
35.We are bouncing the ball no (一般疑問句)__________________________________
36.Please open the door. (否定句)______________________________________
37.There is a pop usic song in this tape.____________________________________
38.Does Ea like to eat pizza?(肯定句)__________________________________
39.The boys of Grade Five are clibing the hill no________________________________
40.The dogs are running on the grass.(where)________________________________
41.y father’s watching a football atch on TV.(what)______________________________
42.Is her Chinese teacher looking for a ballpen? (肯定句)___________________________
43.These ducks are swiing on the river._____________________________________
44.Children are skating on the sno(who)____________________________
45.I a reading English in the classroo.____________________________________
46.Linda plays the piano every day. (一般疑問句)___________________________
47.Draw a cat on the box. (否定句)___________________________________
48.I want soe long pencils._____________________________________
49.I like playing basketball.(否定句)____________________________________
50.ay and To are listening to the usic.(who)______________________________
51.What a good idea!(相同句)_______________________________
52.They are sitting in an old car.(what)__________________________________
53.These girls are reading newspapers in the roo.(where)___________________________
54.There are soe beautiful flowers in the garden.(what)________________________________
55.It’s October 1st.(what)_________________________________
56.They have got soe fruits._________________________________
57.To and I are watching TV at hoe._________________________________
58.y sister likes playing the piano. (一般疑問句)________________________________
本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/xiaoxue/34046.html
