

編輯: 路逍遙 關(guān)鍵詞: 英語試題 來源: 逍遙右腦記憶



( )讓我們一起飛吧。 ( )今天是媽媽的生日。
( )給你。 ( )請問我可以要一個蛋卷冰激凌嗎?
( )你喜歡什么科目? ( )她想要一個玩具娃娃嗎?
( )它們在地板上。 ( )我的白色襪子在哪里?
( )你們正在干什么? ( )那是什么?
( )1.A.huge B.huans C.history
( )2.Aoks B.bookcase C.boots
( )3.A.soup B.science C.subject
( )4.A.wolf B.water C.walk
( )5.A.face B.fax C.fence
( )6.A.spoon B.siling C.suit
( )7.A.today B.day C.do
( )8.A.know B.not C.o
( )9.A.friend B.fly C.stapler
( )10.A.What do you like? B.What do you want?
C.What subject do you like?
( ) 1. A.It’s Thursday. B.No, It’s Thursday.
( ) 2. A.No, she isn’t. B.No, he isn’t.
( ) 3. A.On Wednesday. B.It’s Wednesday.
( ) 4. A.Yes, I do. B.I like science.
( ) 5. A.They’re on the desk. B.It’s on the desk..
( ) 6. A.Yes, she is . B.She’s painting
( ) 7. A.No, she doesn’t. B.No, she isn’t.
( ) 8. A.Yes, she is. B.No,.Sorry.
( ) 9. A.It’s a big bird. B.She’s father.
( )10.A.No, I’ not. B.No, they aren’t.
1.The boy is ___________ and the girl is ___________ ping-pong at the park.
2.The pencil-case is ____________ your school bag.
3.I like ________ and _________.
4.Are you ___________? Yes. I a.
5.I go to Guangzhou on ______________.
6.Can I ___________ TV on ____________?
7.Do you like that _____________? No.

(二) 筆試部分(25☆)
( )1. A.science B.huans C.history
( )2. A.suit B.bookcase C.boots
( )3. A.soup B.ice crea C.glue
( )4. A.wolf B.water C.ice
( )5. A.cry B.study C.fence
( )6. A.sing B.siling C.flying
( )7. A.today B.Wednesday C.Thursday
( )8. A.know B.eat C.week
( )9. A.wor B.fan C.stapler
( )10.A.wallet B.white C.blue
( ) 1.Are you hungry?
A. Yes, I can. B. Yes, I a. C. Yes, I do.
( ) 2.What day today?
A. is it B. it is C. is is
( ) 3. What subjects does Jenny like ?------She ________ science.
A. like B. likes C. does like
( ) 4. she want a doll?
A. Do B. does C. Does
( ) 5.Where y pencils?
A. is B. are C. a
( ) 6.What’s iss Black doing? She’s .
A. writeing B. write C. writing
( ) 7.What are you doing? I’ .
A.shoping B. swiing C.studying
( ) 8.What Jenny and Tony doing?
A. is B. a C. are
( ) 9. He ping-pong on Sunday.
A. plays B. playing C. play
( ) 10.What do you do on Sunday? I play soccer.
A ./ B. the C. a
( )1.like fly ( )2.big ice
( )3.sure spoon ( )4.borroindow
( )5.boots glue
1.is , y , short, pencil(.)
2.to , on , Thursday , I , listen ,usic (.)
3.is , she , doing , what(?)
4.is , your, sleeping , grandother(?)
5.in, of, the sofa, front, is, it(.)
1.What does your grandfather do on Sunday?________________________
2.Where’s y wallet? _______________________
3.What’s your brother doing? _______________________
4.Do you like___________(英語)?
5. Look! Gogo____________(在游泳),Lisa ________________( 在).
6. y_____________(眼鏡) are __________ to(緊挨著) the wallet.
7. Do you want a ___________(鼓) and a ________(玩具娃娃)?
( )1.Is it a bird? A.It’s a stapler.
( )2.What’s that? B.Yes, it is.
( )3.Do you want a gae? C.No, I don’t.
( )4.Is your sister singing? D.He’s drawing.
( )5.What is Ben doing? E.No,she’s drawing.
十二、短,根據(jù)短內(nèi)容判斷正誤。對的T,錯的F。 (2.5☆)
Today is Sunday. Lisa and her friends are not at school. They are at the park. What are they doing?Look! Ben is drawing a picture(圖畫) under the tree. To and Jiy are flying kites. Lisa is playing with Bobby. Do you know Bobby? Bobby is a dog. It is Lisa’s pet(寵物) It likes Lisa very uch. They have a good tie.
( )1. There are five students.
( )2. It’s Sunday today.
( )3. They’re happy.
( )4. They go to school on Sunday.
( )5. Lisa’s father is singing.

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/xiaoxue/34141.html
