

編輯: 路逍遙 關(guān)鍵詞: 英語試題 來源: 逍遙右腦記憶

班級:______ 姓名:_______

一、小小翻譯家。完成下列短語。 (40分)
1.go to the library ________ 2. brush ______
3. in the bathroo _______ 4. late ________
5. walk to school_______ 6. ride a bike________
7. go to bed ________ 8. read newspapers _____ 9. take the subway _______ 10. hoework _______ 11. 八點四十__________ 12.放學(xué)后__________ 13. 吃早飯____________ 14.起床___________ 15. 快點____________ 16.洗手____________ 17.穿衣服¬¬¬__________ 18. 整理床鋪________
19. 借過______ 20. 踢足球 __________
( )1.—What tie do you go to the park?
—____ nine o’clock.
A. On B. In C. At
( )2. I’ ___ y teeth.
A. brush B. brushing C. brushes
( )3. y ___ nae is Dongdong.
A. last B. first C. 不填
( )4. I ____ to the library yesterday. (明天)
A. going B. goes C. went
( )5. How ___ your day? It was OK.
A. is B. are C. was
1. tie / do / what / you / go / to / school
2. a / getting dressed / now / I
3. you / did / the / gae / win

4. wash / up / dinner / before
5. do / hoework / your / dinner / before
6. you / what / doing / are
7. the / atter / what’s
8. she / the / aking / bed / is
9. is / who / in / bathroo / the
10. twenty / it / four / is
(1)A: Do you live 1 school?
B: No, I don’t. I live 2 far fro school.
A: How do you go 3 school?
B: I go to school 4 car.
A: 5 I take the subway.
( )1. A. near B. fro C. a little
( )2. A. little B. a little C. few
( )3. A. to B. fro C. with
( )4. A. by B. in C. on
( )5. A. Soeties B. Soetie C. tie

(2) A: What are you 1 ?
B: I’ 2 dressed no
A: Is Sandy 3 downstairs?
B: No, she’s not. She’s 4 the bed in her roo.
A: What’s the atter?
B: Let’s hurry up 5 school.
( )1. A. do B. did C. doing
( )2. A. get B. geting C. getting
( )3. A. wait B. waiting C. waits
( )4. A. ake B. akeing C. aking
( )5. A. to B. before C. with

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/xiaoxue/34147.html

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