
牛津小學(xué)五年級英語下冊Unit4 An English friend教學(xué)設(shè)計

編輯: 路逍遙 關(guān)鍵詞: 英語教案 來源: 逍遙右腦記憶

課題:Unit4 An English friend總課時:5課時 本課時:第1課時

知識:正確地聽、說、讀、寫單詞fast, high和詞組run fast, jup high
技能:能正確地聽、說、讀speak loudly, dance beautifully, walk carefully, sit quietly
1、正確地聽、說、讀、寫單詞fast, high和詞組run fast, jup high
1) Free talk
2) Sing a song: Play the tape of the song learnt in Unit1 and ask the students to sing the song together and then do a group work to sing the song and which group does a better job.
(二) Presentation
A.T: What do you usually do On Sundays?
S: …
T: I do soe sports on Sundays. Do you like sports? I have soe pictures of sports stars.
Do you know the?
B.T shows pictures
Teach: run fast
T: Does she run fast?
S: No, she doesn’t. But she swis fast.
Talk: drive fast, walk fast, skate fast
2.劉璇 Present: walk carefully
When you do your hoework, you should write carefully.
What other things should we do carefully?
Present: listen carefully, draw carefully, read carefully, look carefully
3.拉拉隊的圖片 Present: speak loudly
Any other things we should do loudly?
Present: read loudly, sing loudly
楊麗萍 Present: dance beautifully、jup high、sit quietly
C.Read all the phrases together.
D.Play a gae:” Act and guess.”
Step 3 Ask and answer
A.T: Does …?
S: Yes, … does. /No, … doesn’t.
B.Show the pictures of part C
ake a odel
Let the students ake dialogues with other pictures.
Step 4 Assign hoework
1.Read all the phrases and copy the.
2.ake dialogues with the pictures of Part C
板書: Unit4 An English friend
speak loudly run fast
dance beautiful jup high
walk carefully sit quietly
A: Does …?
B: Yes, … does. / No, … doesn’t.

課題:Unit4 An English friend總課時:5課時 本課時:第2課時

技能:進一步掌握句型“What does…usually do…?” “He/She usually…”并能用該句型詢問他人日常生活規(guī)律
能力:通過本課學(xué)習(xí)能靈活區(qū)別運用Do you …? Yes, I do. No, I don’t. Does …? Yes, …does. No, … doesn’t.
1、進一步掌握句型“What does…usually do…?” “He/She usually…”并能用該句型詢問他人日常生活規(guī)律
2、通過本課學(xué)習(xí)能靈活區(qū)別運用Do you …? Yes, I do. No, I don’t. Does …? Yes, …does. No, … doesn’t.
1) Free talk
Ask the students several questions about their daily life and the learnt knowledge before and ask the students to try to give the correct answers and check to see if they have been well aster.
2) Play the tape of the learnt song in UnitThree and ask the students to sing the song together to arise their interest in learning English.
3) Ask the students to read the phrases in Part B by together and then ask the to review the by theselves and prepare for a dictation of the to check if they have been well astered.
A. T: I usually read English books and watch TV on Sundays.
y brother usually does his hoework…
y parents usually…
How about you? What do you usually on Sundays?
Tell the friends around you.
Then, the teacher ask:
What does … usually do on Sundays?
He/She usually …
Let the students ask freely.
B. Work in pairs.
C. Do an interview

on Sundays
on Saturdays
in the evening
after school
D. Do a survey
We’ll have a Sports Festival. Who runs fast? Who jups high? Who jups long? Please do a survey.
Su up
全班同學(xué)向一組提問 Does … ?
(三) Assign hoework
1. ake dialogues according to the pictures in Part D.
2. introduce soe of your friends.

板書: Unit4 An English friend
A: What does … usually do …?
B: He / She usually …
1) on Sundays take photos 2) on Saturdays ake clothes
3) in the evening grow flowers 4) after school read agazines

課題:Unit4 An English friend總課時:5課時 本課時:第3課時

知識:能聽得懂、會說、會讀和會拼寫單詞an e-eail, busy, a town
技能:能聽得懂、會說、會讀日常交際用語I’ busy
1、能聽得懂、會說、會讀和會拼寫單詞an e-eail, busy, a town
1、Free talk
What day is it today? It’s …
What lessons do you have in the orning/afternoon? We have …
What subject do you like? Why?
2、Ask the students to read and recite the words in Part B by theselves and then do a dictation of the to check if they have been well astered and see who does a better job in learning these knowledge.
3、Ask the students to read the dialogues in Part C and Part D together and then ask the to do a pair work to practice the to check if they have well aster the knowledge.
A. T: You like playing football. But, when do you play football?
S: I play football …
T: You usually play football on Sundays.
usually Read and spell (讓隨讀生朗讀usually)
板書He usually plays football on Sundays.
B. How about you? Do you usually play football on Sundays?
What do you do on Sundays? (Think-pair-share)
T: Tell your deskate what you do on Sundays.
T: What does he/she usually do on Sundays?
S: He/She usually …
C. T:I surf the Internet on Sundays. I write e-ails to y friends. Here, I’ve got an e-ail fro y friend’s daughter.
Hi, y nae is ary. I’ ten years old. I’ a Chinese girl. But I live in a town near London with y parents. I have six subjects at school. They’re English, aths, Science, Art, usic and PE. y hobbies are playing the piano and draw pictures. On Sundays, I usually go to the park and draw beautiful pictures there. How about
you? I hope you’ll be y pen friend.
T asks soe questions:
Where does she live? Does she live in London city?
town, London
What subjects does she have at school?
What’s her hobby?
What does she usually do on Sundays?
Would you like to be her pen friend? You ay write to her if you’d like. Her e-ail address is …
5、Hoework: Read and try to recite the forer part of the dialogue in Part A
Review the phrases in this part and prepare for the dictation.
板書: Unit4 An English friend
write an e-ail in the coputer roo
play … with … I’ busy.
live in London live in a sall town
surf the Internet play table tennis

課題:Unit4 An English friend總課時:5課時 本課時:第4課時

能力:能進一步掌握句型Does …? Yes, … does. / No, … doesn’t.
2、能進一步掌握句型Does …? Yes, … does. / No, … doesn’t.
1)Ask the students several questions about their daily life and ask the to try to give the correct answers:
What day is it today? It’s …
What lessons do you have in the orning / afternoon? We have…
What subject do you like? I like …
Do you have any hobbies? Yes, I do. I like … He / She likes …, too.
2)Ask the students to do a group work to think for a while about the happy or unforgettable thing happened before and try to tell their stories in English and then ask groups to coe to the front to try to tell their stories and see who does a better job to tell the better stories.
1)Ask the students to read and spell the words in Part B together and then give the Chinese eanings of the and ask the students to try to speak out the correctly English versions and check to see if they have been well astered.
2)Ask the to do a group work to read the forer part of the dialogue in Part A and try to act it out and copete to see who is the best actor or actress.
1)Play the tape of the latter part of the dialogues in Part A and ask the students to listen carefully and try to read it after the tape sentence by sentence.
2) Ask individual students to read the dialogues and try to translate it into Chinese and the teacher try to give certain explanation of the difficult points to help the students to understand the knowledge better.
3) Play the tape again and ask the students to read after the tape and check to see if they have read the words correctly.
4) Ask the students to read the whole dialogues in groups and try to act the whole out and copete to see who does a better job.
5) Consolidation
Listen and judge:
( ) To lives in London.
( ) To has five subjects at school.
( ) To usually plays football on Sundays.
( ) To plays football and swis well.
6) Repeat after the tape and practice acting in pairs.
4、Hoework: Read and try to recite the whole dialogue.
Recite the phrases in Part A

板書: Unit4 An English friend
A: Does …?
B: Yes, … does. / No, … doesn’t.
What subjects does he study in school?
What does he usually do on Sundays?
Does he study Chinese?

課題:Unit4 An English friend總課時:5課時 本課時:第5課時

知識:復(fù)習(xí)本單元所學(xué)的各部分知識,會誦讀歌謠A letter for e,知道字母u在單詞中的不同發(fā)音
技能:理解并能按要求掌握Part E的內(nèi)容
2、理解并能按要求掌握Part E,G的內(nèi)容,完成習(xí)題。
1) Ask the students several questions about their daily life and ask the to try to give the correct answers and see if they can be well astered.
2) Give the students a topic about the job they will do in the future and ask the to do a group to discuss and try to say soething about it and the ask several students to coe to the front to try to speak out their drea and see who does a better job.
1) Ask the students to read and review the learnt parts in this unit and then do a dictation of the learnt words and sentences and check to see if they have been well astered.
2) Ask the students to read and practice the dialogue in Part A in groups and ask the to try to act out the whole dialogue and then ask groups to coe to the front to try to present their dialogues and see who does a better job.
3、Read and act
1) Present the picture of this part and ask the students to inspect it and try to say soething about it.
2) Play the tape of this part and ask the students to listen carefully and try to read the dialogue after the tape sentence by sentence.
3) Ask individual students to read the sentences and try to explain the eaning of the to check if the students have astered it well.
4) Read the dialogue together and then ask the students to practice it in pairs and then ask pairs to coe to the front to present their dialogues and see which pair does a better job.
A. T: What does Ji usually do fro onday to Friday?
B. Listen and talk
C. Listen and repeat. Pair reading.
D. 說出下列動詞詞組的第三人稱單數(shù)形式。(讓隨讀生說個簡單的)
1. run fast take photos
dance beautifully play the guitar
2. go to school watch TV
3. have lunch do her hoework
Talk about your self to your deskate.
What tie do you usually go to school?
How any lessons do you have in the orning?
What subject do you like?
What subject you don’t like?
6、Hoework: Do exercises presented.
板書: Unit4 An English friend
I go to school fro onday to Friday.
He goes to school fro onday to Friday.
I have seven lessons every day.
He has seven lessons every day.
I like Art very uch. He likes Art very uch.

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/xiaoxue/36725.html

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