
What your favorite food

編輯: 路逍遙 關(guān)鍵詞: 英語教案 來源: 逍遙右腦記憶

(人教PEP)五年級英語上冊教案 unit3

課 題:Unit3 What your favorite food?第一課時
內(nèi)容:Let’s start ain scene Let’s chant A. Let’s learn Group work

Be able to listen, say, read and write four-skills words: toato, tofu, green beans fish, potato, eggplant.
Can recognize the words: cabbage, utton, pork.
Grasp the drill: What would you like for lunch?
Can listen and chant.
重點難點:Four-skills words and sentences..
教具準備:Recorder, tape, picture, cards, color pens, white papers.。理論依據(jù)
教 學 過 程
Step I war up
Sing a song
Review the words
Review the structures: What would you like four lunch/…?
I’d like…
StepⅡ Preview
Listen and chant (Book4 unit6 B. Let’s chant)
Let’s start
T shows the picture then says: I’ yuy to eat. I’ yellow and long. I grow on the tree. y nae begins with the letter as “bee”. What a I?
(Let Ss guess: What’s this?)
StepⅢ Presentation
Let’s learn
a. Guess: I’ yuy to eat. I’ red and round. I grow on the ground. y nae begins with the letter as “tea”. What a I? ? toato
b. T shows the word card, reads the word“toato”, Ss read and spell it: t-o--a-t-o, toato.
c. Teach the other words.
Play gae: T: eggplant. Ss: purple…
T: red. Ss: toato…
Listen to the tape and read the words: cabbage, toato, tofu, eggplant, utton, fish, potato, green beans.
Have a race: Spell the four-skills words quickly.
Let’s chant
Learn to chant: What would you like for lunch?
3. Group work
Step IV Consolidation and extension
Action 1: 編謎語
Action 2: 做調(diào)查( What would you like for breakfast/lunch/supper…
I’d like…)
Do exercises
Listen and repeat1.Create a relaxed and active classroo atosphere. Let the students learn to counicate freely.

2.Guide the new knowledge naturally fro teacher and students’ counicating.

3.Let Ss understand and get to know the knowledge continuously,and learn the knowledge in the counicative activities.

思 單詞和句型在第四冊中都以接觸過,學生掌握較快;在一些名詞的單復數(shù)上問題較多,主要表現(xiàn)可數(shù)和不可數(shù)名詞以及詞的變化上。

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/xiaoxue/36891.html

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