

編輯: 路逍遙 關鍵詞: 英語試題 來源: 逍遙右腦記憶

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

( )1. A. principal B. short C. floor D. helpful
( )2. A. look B. quiet C. try D. fly
( )3. A. chess B. desk C. dress D. dishes
( )4. A. clothes B. enu C. hoe D. house
( )5. A. water B. wash C. uch D. fresh

( )1. A. I can sweep the floor. B. Sure.
( )2. A. I can help you do housework. B. Sure.
( )3. A. She can wash the windows. B. Yes, she can.
( )4. A. I can ake the bed. B. Yes, I can.
( )5. A. No, she can’t. B. She can sing.

( ) 1.當你想知道別人能做什么事情時,應該問:____________
A. What do you do? B. What should you do ?
C. What can you do ? D. What did you do?
( ) 2.—What can Zoo do ?

A. He reads books. B. He can sweep the floor.
C. He washes the windows. D. He is helpful.
( ). 3.__________you helpful?
A. Do B. Is C. Are D. What
( ) 4. I can _____the trash.
A. clean B. epty C. water D. cook
( ) 5.I ____ cook the eals, but Chen Jie can’t cook the eals.
A. can B. can’t C. do D. don’t
( ) 6.—Can you play chess?
— _________.
A, Yes,I can’t B. No, I can
C. sorry, but I’d like to have a try D. Yes, I a.
( ) 7. I can put ________ the clothes.
A. on B. at C. away D. in
( ) 8.other Goat is ill. We can _____ her.
A. help B. helpful C. helps D. helping
( ) 9.I can _____ a coputer.
A. wash B. use C. water D. do
( ) 10.當你想告訴別人你是一個有用的人時,說:_____
A. I’ a helpful boy /girl. B. You’re a helpful boy /girl.
Zip: onkey, Goat is ill.
onkey: We can ____________________(幫助)her.
Zip: _________________________(你能做什么?)
onkey : I can ___________________(掃地)。
Zip: I can ____________________(做飯)
Rabbit : I can ___________________(擦窗戶)
Zip : What can you do, Zoo ?
Zoo : I can ________________(澆花)!

1.sweep I floor the can
2.helpful hoe at you Are

3.bedroo I clean the can
4.water ike the can trees

Lucy and Lily are twins. They are helpful. They often do housework. Lily can cook the eals, but she can’t wash the clothes. Lucy can sweep the floor, but she can’t ake the bed.
( )1. Lily and Lucy are A. cook the eals.
( )2. Lucy can’t B. sweep the floor.
( )3. Lucy can C. helpful.
( )4. Lily can D. wash the clothes
( )5. Lily can’t I. ake the bed.

Today is Saturday. Peter’s faily is all at hoe. They would like to do soe housework. His father says,“I can sweep the floor and clean the windows.”His other says,“I can wash the clothes and cook the eals.”Peter and his sister says,“Let’s water the flowers, epty the trash and put away the clothes.”
( ) 1. It’s Saturday today.
( ) 2. Peter’s brother is not at hoe.
( ) 3. His father can sweep the floor.
( ) 4. His other can cook the eals.
( ) 5. Peter can’t put away the clothes.

Dear other:
Happy New Year! Thank you for your hard work. Now I can help you do the housework. I can ____________. I can ___________. I can ______________. I can _____________, and I can _______________, too. I’ very helpful at hoe no
Your son/ daughter _______


1 I can ake the bed .
2 I can water the flowers.
3 I can cook the eals .
4 I can clean the bedroo.
5 I can put away the clothes.
1.I’ helpful.
2.I’d like to have a try.
3.A:What can you do?
B:I can do the dishes.
4. A:What can you do ?
B:I can put away the clothes.
5.A:What can you do ,ChenJie?
B:I can water the flowers.
1.What can you do ?
2.Are you helpful at hoe ?
3.What can she do ?
4.Can you ake the bed ?
5.Can she sing ?

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/xiaoxue/37090.html

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