
牛津小學(xué)五年級英語下冊Unit9 The English club 教學(xué)設(shè)計

編輯: 路逍遙 關(guān)鍵詞: 英語教案 來源: 逍遙右腦記憶

課題:Unit9 The English club 總課時:5課時
知識:能聽說讀寫單詞country, China, Chinese, UK, British, USA, Aerican, Australia, Australian
技能:能初步將新學(xué)的國家和國籍類單詞放進句子I’ fro… I’…進行操練
1、能聽說讀寫單詞country, China, Chinese, UK, British, USA, Aerican, Australia, Australian
2、能初步將新學(xué)的國家和國籍類單詞放進句子I’ fro… I’…進行操練
1) Free talk
用What day is it today? What lessons do you have in the orning? What subject do you like ? How are you? What’s the atter with you ? 等日常交際用語進行交談。(在進行日常用語交流時可讓學(xué)生相互之間進行也可讓學(xué)生問老師,以增加學(xué)生的興趣。)
2) Sing a song: Play the tape of the song learnt in Unit3 and ask the students to sing the song together and then do a group work to sing the song and which group does a better job. (鼓勵隨讀生一起唱歌)
3) Ask the students to do a group work to think for a while about the interesting or unforgettable thing happened before and try to tell the out in English and then ask groups to coe to the front and try to tell their stories and see which group does a better job to tell the stories better.
2、(出示圖卡片,教學(xué)八個國家和國籍類單詞China, Chinese, UK, British, USA, Aerican, Australia, Australian.并引導(dǎo)學(xué)生拼讀和書寫。)其中,UK也可稱為England, USA也可成為Aerica。教學(xué)較長單詞時可采用分解教學(xué)法,如:Bri-tish, A-e-ri-can, Aus-tra-lia等。(指導(dǎo)隨讀生讀簡單的單詞)
(教師通過自我介紹導(dǎo)入新句子I’ fro China. I’ Chinese.學(xué)生在理解后模仿造句,可自由設(shè)想)
I’ fro the UK/England. I’ British.
I’ fro the USA/Aerica. I’ Aerican.
I’ fro Australia. I’ Australian.
4、設(shè)計連線題,鞏固相關(guān)的國家和國籍,再次練說I’ fro… I’…
China Aerican
USA British
Australia Chinese
UK Australian
7、Play a gae: Present the pictures of the learnt countries and ask the students to try to read the out as quickly as possible and see who does a better job to recognize the the quickest.
Play the tape of this part and ask the students to listen to the tape carefully and try to read the words after the tape and pay attention to the words’ pronunciation and intonation.
1) Copy the neords six ties each and recite the after class
2) Preview the sentences in Part C
板書: Unit9 The English club
China Chinese
UK / England British
USA / Aerica Aerican
Australia Australian

課題:Unit9 The English club 總課時:5課時
知識:能聽說讀寫單詞Japan, Japanese, France, French
技能:能聽說讀寫句型Where are you fro? I’ fro… I’…
1、能聽說讀寫單詞Japan, Japanese, France, French
2、能聽說讀寫句型Where are you fro? I’ fro… I’…
1) Free talk(與隨讀生進行對話)
Ask the students several questions about their daily life and the learnt knowledge before and ask the students to try to give the correct answers and check to see if they have been well aster.
2) Play the tape of the learnt song in Unit Three and ask the students to sing the song together to arise their interest in learning English. (讓學(xué)生跟著音樂一起唱,進行比賽,看哪一組唱的最好最響,適當(dāng)進行鼓勵。)(鼓勵隨讀生一起唱歌)

3) Ask the students to read the words in Part B by together and then ask the to review the by theselves and prepare for a dictation of the to check if they have been well astered. (在此可以設(shè)計讓學(xué)生進行相關(guān)數(shù)字的英語拼寫,以確保學(xué)生在接下的學(xué)習(xí)中更好地掌握知識。)(指導(dǎo)隨讀生讀簡單的單詞)


1、復(fù)習(xí)已學(xué)的八個國家和國籍類單詞China, Chinese, UK, British, USA, Aerican, Australia, Australian.和句子I’ fro… I’…
2、繼續(xù)教學(xué)四個國家和國籍類單詞Japan, Japanese, France, French.注意引導(dǎo)學(xué)生拼讀和書寫。(Japan的第一個a發(fā)音為/э/,第二個a發(fā)音為/æ/,Japanese則正好相反;France可從已學(xué)的dance變化而。)
UK Chinese
Japan French
China British
Australia Aerican
France Australian
USA Japanese
6、教師出示中國國旗并說I’ fro China. I’ Chinese.并問一個手持英國國旗的學(xué)生問Where are you fro?
A: I’ fro… I’… Where are you fro?
B: I’ fro… I’… Where are you fro?

1.A: Where are you fro? B: I’ fro China. I’ Chinese.
2.A: Where are you fro? B: I’ fro the USA/Aerica. I’ Aerican.
3.A: Where are you fro? B: I’ fro France. I’ French.
4.A: Where are you fro? B: I’ fro Australia. I’ Australian.
5.A: Where are you fro? B: I’ fro Japan. I’ Japanese.
6.A: Where are you fro? B: I’ fro the UK/England. I’ British.

1) Write down the dialogues in Part C and try to recite the
2) Preview the dialogues in Part D
板書: Unit9 The English club
A: Where are you fro?
B: I’ fro … I’ …
Japan Japanese

課題:Unit9 The English club 總課時:5課時 本課時:第3課
知識:能聽說讀寫語言類單詞Chinese, English, Japanese, French
技能:能聽說讀寫句型Do you speak…? Yes, I do. I speak…, too.
No, I don’t I speak…
能力:能理解并能正確地運用Part D的句型
1、能聽說讀寫語言類單詞Chinese, English, Japanese, French
2、能聽說讀寫句型Do you speak…? Yes, I do. I speak…, too.
No, I don’t I speak…
Step1 Waring ? up and revision
1、Free talk
What day is it today? It’s …(與隨讀生對話)
What lessons do you have in the orning/afternoon? We have …
What subject do you like? Why?
Ask the students to read and recite the words in Part B by theselves and then do a dictation of the to check if they have been well astered and see who does a better job in learning these knowledge. (鼓勵隨讀生讀簡單的單詞)
Ask the students to read the dialogues in Part C together and then ask the to do a pair work to practice the to check if they have well aster the knowledge.
Present the pictures of Part C on the blackboard and ask the students to try to write down the dialogues by theselves and then check the answers together to see if they can written the dialogues correctly. (讓學(xué)生分小組進行比賽,每組派幾名代表上臺表演,看哪組練習(xí)得最好,進行表揚。)

Step2 Presentation
1、復(fù)習(xí)國家和國籍類單詞:Ask the students to read the learn words together and then ask the to read by theselves to review all the learnt words.
2、Free talk.
Where are you fro? I’ fro… I’…
(教師手舉中國國旗說I’ fro China. I’ Chinese. I speak Chinese.“你好嗎?”并告訴學(xué)生說某種語言用speak而不是say或者talk.)
3、教學(xué)語言類單詞Chinese, English, Japanese, French,其中Chinese, Japanese, French和國籍類單詞是相同的,English是學(xué)生早已熟知的,所以語言類單詞比較容易記憶,但是要注意的是UK, USA, Australia三個國家的人都是說英語的,避免誤認為有Aerican, Australian的語言形式。然后放進句子I speak…進行鞏固。
4、通過教師和學(xué)生的自由問答引出新句型Do you speak…? Yes, I do. I speak…, too. No, I don’t I speak… 如:
Are you fro the UK/England? Yes, I a./ No, I’ not.
Are you British? Yes, I a./ No, I’ not.
Do you speak English? Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.
Can you speak…? Yes, I can./ No, I can’t.
1.A: Do you speak English? B: Yes, I do. I speak Chinese, too.
2.A: Do you speak French? B: No, I don’t. I speak English and Chinese.
3.A: Do you speak English? B: Yes, I do. I speaapanese, too.
4.A: Do you speaapanese? B: No, I don’t. I speak English and French.
Step3 Hoework
1) Write the sentences in Part D down and try to recite the.
2) Preview the dialogues in Part E
板書: Unit9 The English club
A: Do you speak …?
B: Yes, I do. I speak …, too.
No, I don’t. I speak …
Chinese English Japanese French

課題:Unit9 The English club 總課時:5課時 本課時:第4課
知識:能聽說讀單詞England, priary, housewife
技能:拓展句型內(nèi)容,能熟練問答Where’s he/she/it fro? He’s/She’s/It’s fro… Is he/she/it fro…? Yes, he/she/it is. No, he/she/it isn’t. What country is it? It’s…
1、能聽說讀單詞England, priary, housewife
2、拓展句型內(nèi)容,能熟練問答Where’s he/she/it fro? He’s/She’s/It’s fro… Is he/she/it fro…? Yes, he/she/it is. No, he/she/it isn’t. What country is it? It’s…
1)Ask the students several questions about their daily life and ask the to try to give the correct answers:
What day is it today? It’s …
What lessons do you have in the orning / afternoon? We have…
What subject do you like? I like …
Do you have any hobbies? Yes, I do. I like … He / She likes …, too.
How do you spend your weekends?
How does … spend his / her weekends?
Ask the students to do a group work to think for a while about the happy or unforgettable thing happened before and try to tell their stories in English and then ask groups to coe to the front to try to tell their stories and see who does a better job to tell the better stories. (可以采用讓學(xué)生以接龍的方式進行日常交際用語的問答,這樣學(xué)生參與的面比較廣,教師也可以檢查學(xué)生掌握知識的情況,給予適當(dāng)?shù)闹笇?dǎo)和糾正。)
1)Ask the students to read and spell the words in Part B together and then give the Chinese eanings of the and ask the students to try to speak out the correctly English versions and check to see if they have been well astered. (鼓勵隨讀生拼讀簡單的單詞)
2)Ask the to read the dialogues in Part C and Part D together and then ask the students to do a pair work to practice the dialogues and then ask pairs to present their dialogues and see if they have been well astered.

3、Part E Read the passage
1) Free talk.
Where are you fro? I’ fro… I’…
Do you speak…? Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.
2) 出示對話插圖,聽錄音一到兩遍,了解對話內(nèi)容。
3) 嘗試借助掛圖復(fù)述對話內(nèi)容。
4) 逐句閱讀和理解。(穿插教學(xué)單詞priary, housewife。較難理解的句子是She does all the cleaning and cooking.) She often talks to her Chinese friends and writes stories about the.
5) 自由朗讀對話,達到熟讀和理解的目的。(鼓勵隨讀生一起朗讀)
4、Look, ask and answer.
What country is it? It’s China.
Where is he fro? He’s fro the USA/Aerica.
Is she fro the USA? No, she isn’t. She’s fro Japan.
What country is it? It’s the USA.
What country is it? It’s the UK/England.
Do exercises presented.
板書: Unit9 The English club
A: Where is he / she / it fro?
B: He’s / She’s / It’s fro …
A: What country is it?

課題:Unit9 The English club 總課時:5課時 本課時:第5課時

1)Ask the students several questions about their daily life and ask the to try to give the correct answers: (為了提高學(xué)生的參與率,可以讓學(xué)生分小組練習(xí),教師可作適當(dāng)?shù)闹笇?dǎo)和講解。)
What day is it today? It’s …
What lessons do you have in the orning / afternoon? We have…
What subject do you like? I like …
Do you have any hobbies? Yes, I do. I like … He / She likes …, too.
2)Ask the students to do a group work to think for a while about the happy or unforgettable thing happened before and try to tell their stories in English and then ask groups to coe to the front to try to tell their stories and see who does a better job to tell the better stories. (注意單詞的發(fā)音,要及時糾正學(xué)生的發(fā)音問題,特別是重音,學(xué)生總要讀錯。)
Ask the to read the dialogues in Part C and Part D together and then ask the students to do a pair work to practice the dialogues and then ask pairs to present their dialogues and see if they have been well astered.

3、Presentation: The forer part of the dialogues in Part A
1) Free talk.
Where are you fro? I’ fro… I’…
Do you speak…? Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.
2) 學(xué)生作自我介紹,用上已學(xué)的知識,如:y nae is… I’…(年齡) I’ fro… I’…(國籍)I speak…等。
3) 出示教學(xué)掛圖(一),從notice board上的字詞了解對話的背景The English Club has a visitor today. His nae is r White. The children are talking to r White.順勢教學(xué)單詞club, visitor, children以及短語the English Club, talk to.
4) 引導(dǎo)學(xué)生看圖,了解對話所涉及的人物有哪些。(Wang Bing, Nancy, David, Ben, Liu Tao; r White)介紹They are fro different countries.教學(xué)different.
5) 引導(dǎo)學(xué)生聽錄音了解對話前半部分內(nèi)容。(在學(xué)生自由讀課后,教師讓學(xué)生逐句朗讀、逐句翻譯并鼓勵學(xué)生踴躍參與人物介紹,越全面越好,可以互相補充。)
6)Play the tape of the forer part of the dialogues in Part A and ask the students to listen carefully and try to read the dialogues after the tape sentence by sentence and pay attention to the words’ pronunciation and intonation. (鼓勵隨讀生一起聽錄音跟讀)
4、Listen and repeat
1) Play the tape of this part and ask the students to listen carefully and try to read the after the tape.
2) Ask individual students to read this part and the to try to figure out the pronunciation of letters “ea”. And then ask the to try to give ore words with this pronunciation.
Copy the new phrases in the forer part of the dialogues and try to recite it. (指導(dǎo)隨讀生完成簡單的練習(xí))
板書: Unit9 The English club
1) the English club 2) visit --- visitor
3) talk to 4) boys and girls
5) live in 6) New York

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/xiaoxue/37746.html

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