

編輯: 路逍遙 關(guān)鍵詞: 英語教案 來源: 逍遙右腦記憶


Part A Let’s learn
一、 聽錄音,選擇最合適的圖畫或最佳答案。(讀兩遍。)
1. W: I usually eat dinner at hoe.
2. : I go to bed at 9:00 in the evening.
3. We do orning exercises at 8:30.
4. I eat breakfast at school.
5. We have Chinese class today.
Let’s talk
一、聽對(duì)話錄音,根據(jù)聽到的內(nèi)容在空格中填上所缺的單詞,使對(duì)話完整,每空一詞。 (讀兩遍。)
A: You are our new English teacher. Can I ask you soe questions?
B: Sure.
A: When do you get up?
B: I usually get up at 6:30.
A: When do you eat breakfast?
B: At 6: 45.
A: What tie do you go to work?
B: I go to work at 7:00.
A: When do you go hoe?
B: I often go hoe at 5:50 in the afternoon.
A: When do you eat dinner?
B: I usually have dinner at about 6:20.
A: Thank you.
B: You’re welcoe.

1. When do you get up?
2. When do you go to bed?
3. I eat dinner at 7:00. And you?
Part B
Let’s learn
一. 聽錄音,選擇最合適的圖畫或最佳答案。(讀兩遍。)
1. We usually clib ountains on Saturdays.
2. ike often plays the piano at school.
3. I often visit y grandparents on the weekend.
4. Let’s go hiking together next weekend.
5. I often visit grandparents on Saturdays.
: Ay, What do you usually do on the weekend?
W: Well, I usually go hiking on Saturday oring. Soeties I go shopping. I often play the piano on Saturday afternoon. I do y hoework in the evening.
: How about your Sundays?
W: Usually, I help y other wash the clothes and water the flowers. On Sunday afternoon, I often visit y grandparents with y parents. And I watch TV in the evening. I like y weekend.
Let’s talk
1. What do you do?
2. Do you often go shopping?
3. What do you usually do on Saturdays?
4. Let’s clib ountains together next Sunday.
W1: What do you do on the weekend, ike?
1: I often clib ountains and play football. Soeties I go hiking. What about you, Ay?
W1: I often play the piano. Soeties I clib ountains,too. And you , John?
2: Usually I go hiking and fly a kite. Soeties I play football. What do you do on the weekend, Sarah?
W2: I often play the piano and fly a kite. Soeties I go shopping.

單元測(cè)試 聽力錄音材料及錄音要求:
一、Listen and choose:你將聽到一個(gè)單詞,一個(gè)詞組或者一個(gè)句子,根據(jù)你所聽到的內(nèi)容, 選擇相符合的一項(xiàng),并將其字母編號(hào)填在題號(hào)前的括號(hào)內(nèi),每小題將連續(xù)讀兩遍。聽每小題之前,你有4秒鐘的時(shí)間閱讀題目,每一小題聽完后,你有4秒鐘的答題時(shí)間。
1.I usually eat dinner at hoe.
2. John and ike often play sports together after school.

3.We have usic classevery day.
4. Whendo you get up? I usually get up at 6:30.
5. I have P.E class at 3:50 in the afternoon on onday.
6. I go to work at 7:00 every day.
7. W:The weather report says it’s going to snow toorro : Then we can ake a snowan.
8. A: What do you do on Thursdays?B:I usually play sports.
9. Usually I go shopping. Soeties I watch TV on the weekend.
10. I can’t play football in the rain.
二、Listen and judge:你將聽到一個(gè)句子或一組對(duì)話,請(qǐng)根據(jù)所聽到的內(nèi)容, 判斷圖片或句子是否相符, 相符的在相應(yīng)的括號(hào)內(nèi)打“√” , 不相符的打“×”。(每小題將連續(xù)讀兩遍。聽每小題之前,你有4秒鐘的時(shí)間閱讀題目,每一小題聽完后,你有4秒鐘的答題時(shí)間。)
1.Zhang Peng usually gets up at 7:00. (停頓00’08”)
2. The boys have English class today. (停頓00’08”)
3. Ay often visits her grandparents on the weekend.(停頓00’08”)
4. Chen Jie often goes hiking with her parents on the weekend.(停頓00’08”)
5. The weather report says it’s sunny toorro (停頓00’08”)
6. : When do you play sports, Chen Jie?W: I play sports at 4:30 after class. (停頓00’08”)
7. W:What do you do on ondays, John? : I often play the piano.(停頓00’08”)
8. : Do you often visit your grandparents on the weekend?W: Yes, I do. (停頓00’08”)
9. I don’t often clib ountains, but I often clib trees.(停頓00’08”)
10. We don’t have usic class today. We don’t have usic and art class today, either. (停頓00’04”)
三、Listen and choose:你將聽到一個(gè)問題,根據(jù)你所聽到的問題,選擇最合適的答句,并將其前面的字母編號(hào)填在題號(hào)前的括號(hào)內(nèi),(每小題將連續(xù)讀兩遍。聽每小題之前,你有4秒鐘的時(shí)間閱讀題目,每一小題聽完后,你有4秒鐘的答題時(shí)間。)
1. :What do you do, Sarah? W: I’ a student. And you? (停頓00’08”)
2. When do you usually eat dinner?(停頓00’08”)
3. What do you do on Sundays, John and ike?(停頓00’08”)
4. Do you play the violin on Saturdays? (停頓00’08”)
5. A: Let’s go hiking together toorrow B: We can’t. A: Why? (停頓00’04”)
四、Listen and fill:聽錄音,根據(jù)對(duì)話內(nèi)容填入所缺的單詞, 使句子意思合理、完整,每空只填一詞,注意大小寫的規(guī)范要求。(每小題讀兩遍。聽每小題之前,你有4秒鐘的時(shí)間閱讀題目,每一小題聽完后,你有6秒鐘填寫答案。)
1. ike: When do you do orning exercise?
John: At 9:30.(停頓00’10”)
2. Ay: What do you usually do on the weekend?
To: I often clib ountains. (停頓00’10”)
3. Sarah: Do you often go shopping?
Chen: No, I don’t. (停頓00’10”)
4. Chen: Let’s play sports together.
Wu: That’s a good idea. (停頓00’10”)
5. Ay: When do you eat dinner?
Zhang: At 7:00 in the evening. (停頓00’06”)
五、Listen and judge. 你將聽到一段獨(dú)白,根據(jù)獨(dú)白內(nèi)容判斷下列句子的對(duì)錯(cuò)。對(duì)的在題號(hào)前的括號(hào)內(nèi)打“√”,錯(cuò)的打“×”。(聽錄音之前,你有10秒鐘的時(shí)間閱讀題目,每一小題聽完后,你有10秒鐘的答題時(shí)間。)
Hello. I a John. I don’t go to school on the weekend. On Saturdays, I often get up at 8:30. I usually play the piano in the orning. Soeties I go hiking. On Sundays, I often go shopping with y parents, soeties I play sports. I often visit y grandparents in the afternoon. Granda often cooks the eals for us. I like the very uch. They are so delicious. This is about y weekend. I like y weekend.

Part A
Let’s learn
1. It’s spring no
2. A: What’s the weather like in fall? B: It’s windy.
3. It often snows in winter. We can ake a snowan.
4. I like suer, because we have a long holiday.
5. A: What season is it? B: It’s spring.
Read and Write
三、聽錄音,根據(jù)短內(nèi)容判斷下列句子的正誤。對(duì)的打“√”, 錯(cuò)的打“×”。(本短讀三遍,每遍之間停留2秒。聽錄音之前,你有10秒鐘的時(shí)間閱讀題目,短聽完后,你有10秒鐘的答題時(shí)間。)

The weather in Shanghai is not always good. Spring is very beautiful. It is not very hot. It is not very cold, but we have a lot of rain in spring. In suer it is very hot. Fall is the best season. The days are clear and dry and it is sunny and war all the tie. In winter it is often cold and wet.We can go up north. We can play in the sno But I don’t like it, it’s too cold for e.
Part B
let’s learn
1.: Which season do you like best?
W: I like fall best, because I can fly kites.
2. A: What would you like to do in suer? B: I would like to take a trip.
3. A: Do you plant trees in spring? B: Yes, I do.
4. A: What’s your favourite season? B: I like suer.
A: What would you like to do? B: I’d like to swi.
5. y favourite season is suer.
6. I can go swiing in winter.
Let’s talk.
1. What would you like to do?
2. What’s your favourite season?
3. Why do you like winter?
4. Which season does your father like best?
5. What do you do in suer?

Read and write.
iss White: Which season do you like best, ike?
ike: Fall. It’s always sunny and cool. I can go hiking.
iss White: How about you, Zhang Peng?
Zhang Peng: I like winter best. I can play with sno
iss White: Do you like winter, Sarah?
Sarah: Well, winter is good, but spring is y favourite season. It’s green and beautiful.How about you, iss White?
iss White: I like suer best. I like to swi in the sea. (停頓00’10”)

一、Listen and choose
你將聽到一個(gè)句子,選擇相符合的一項(xiàng),并將其字母編號(hào)填在題號(hào)前的括號(hào)內(nèi). (每小題將連續(xù)讀兩遍,兩遍之間停留2秒。每小題之間將停留4秒鐘供你選擇答案。)
1. I play with snow in winter.
2. It’s very cold in Harbin in winter.
3. The leaves are colorful in fall.
4. A: Do you plant flowers in spring? B: Yes, I do.
5. I like suer best.
6. I often fly a kite on Sundays.
7. I can go skating.
8. I like winter, because I can ake a snowan.
9. What’s your favourite fruit?
10. I don’t like suer best.
第二大題Listen and judge:聽錄音,根據(jù)聽到的內(nèi)容, 判斷圖片或句子是否與錄音內(nèi)容相符, 相符的在相應(yīng)的括號(hào)內(nèi)打“√” , 不相符的打“×”。 (每小題將連續(xù)讀兩遍,兩遍之間停留2秒。每小題之間將停留5秒鐘供你選擇答案。)
1. A: What’s the weather like in winter? B: It’s war.
2. I like to swi in suer.
3. It’s very cold today.
4. We often plant trees in spring.
5. Spring is beautiful. I draw soe pictures.
6. A: Do they clib ountains in fall? B: No, they don’t.
7. A: What can you wear in winter? B: I can wear y coat.
8. It’s very cold in winter.
9. A: Which season do you like best? B: I like suer. I can go swiing.
10. A: Is it hot in suer? B: Yes, it is hot in suer in Dongguan (停頓00’08”)
第三大題Listen and choose:根據(jù)你在錄音中聽到的問題,選擇最合適的答句,并將其前面的字母編號(hào)填在題前的括號(hào)內(nèi)。(每小題將連續(xù)讀兩遍,兩遍之間停留2秒。每小題之間將停留6秒鐘供你選擇答案。)
1. What’s the weather like in fall in Beijing?
2. What would you like to do in suer?
3. Is it very cold in fall in Guangzhou?
4. Which season do you like best?
5. Why does Ay like spring?
第四大題Listen and fill
根據(jù)錄音內(nèi)容填入所缺的單詞, 使對(duì)話意思合理、完整,每空只填一詞,注意大小寫的規(guī)范要求。(每小題將連續(xù)讀兩遍,兩遍之間停留2秒。每小題之間將停留10秒鐘供你選擇答案。)
1. A: What do you often do in spring? B: I often fly kites.
2. A: Why do you like fall? B: Because it’s cool.
3. A: Which season do your parents like? B: Winter.
4. A: Do you like to play football on weekends? B: Yes, I do.
第五大題Listen and judge

Hello, I a Zhang Peng.There are four people in y faily. We like different seasons. I like winter best, because snow is very beautiful. I can skate and ake a snowan. y father doesn’t like winter. He likes fall. In fall, the weather is sunny and cool. He can fly kites. y other likes spring, because she can plant trees. y sister, Lily likes suer best.She can swi in the sea.

Part A
Let’s learn
1. A: When is your birthday? B: It’s in winter.
2. A: When is your birthday? B: It’s in arch.
3. A: Is your birthday in August? B: No, it’s in October.
4. A: When is your birthday? B: It’s in July.
Let’s talk
1.What’s your favourite onth?
2.What’s the weather like in July?
3.When is your birthday?
4. What color do you like best?
5. Is it hot in Deceber?
Part B
Let’s learn
1. Today is National Day.
2. It’s ar. 8th , Woen’s Day. I go shopping with y other.
3. It’s the first day of June.
4. A: When is your birthday, Sarah?
B: y birthday is ar. 13th.
5. A: When is your Grandpa’s birthday? B: It’s Dec. 25th . It’s on Christas Day.
Let’s talk
1. When is your father’s birthday?
2. What’s the date today?
3. Who has a birthday in October?
4. What day is it today?
5. When is Teacher’s Day?

一、Listen and choose:你將聽到一個(gè)句子,選擇相符合的一項(xiàng),并將其字母編號(hào)填在題號(hào)前的括號(hào)內(nèi). (每小題讀兩遍。每小題之間將停留4秒鐘供你選擇答案。)
1. Today is Aug. 2nd .
2. W: I visit y grandparents on weekends.
3. y birthday is Jan. 20th.
4. Children’s Day is on June 1st .
5. I like suer, because I can go swiing.
6. What’s your favourite fruit?
7. It’s July 3rd .
8. y birthday is October 15th .
9. I get up at 6:30.
10. I like skating.
二、Listen and judge:聽錄音,根據(jù)聽到的內(nèi)容, 判斷圖片或句子是否與錄音內(nèi)容相符, 相符的在相應(yīng)的括號(hào)內(nèi)打“√” , 不相符的打“×”。(每小題讀兩遍。每小題之間將停留5秒鐘供你寫答案。)
1. It’s sunny today.
2. Today is New Year’s Day.
3. W: I often play the piano on weekends.
4. Look! It’s August.
5. Today is Teachers’ Day.
6. It’s sunny and war today.
7. A: Is it snowy in winter in Dongguan? B: No, it’s not.
8. y birthday is on July 1st .
9. I play basketball on Sunday.
10. I visit y grandpa and granda on the weekend.
三、Listen and choose:根據(jù)你在錄音中聽到的問題,選擇最合適的答句,并將其前面的字母編號(hào)填在題號(hào)前的括號(hào)內(nèi)。(每小題讀兩遍。每小題之間將停留6秒鐘供你選擇答案。)
1. What’s the weather like in suer?
2. When is the National Day?
3. Is your other’s birthday in April?
4. What’s your favourite day?
5. Why do you like spring?
四、Listen and fill: 根據(jù)錄音內(nèi)容填入所缺的單詞, 使句子意思合理、完整,每空只填一詞,注意大小寫的規(guī)范要求。(每小題讀兩遍。每小題之間將停留8秒鐘供你寫答案。)
1. I get up at 6:30.
2. y favourite season is suer.
3. Lily’s birthday is October 24th.
4. A: Why do you like suer? B: Because I can swi .
5. A: When is Ay's birthday? B: Her birthday is in Jan.
五、Listen and judge:根據(jù)聽到的內(nèi)容判斷下列句子的對(duì)錯(cuò),對(duì)的在題號(hào)前的括號(hào)內(nèi)打“√”,錯(cuò)的打“×”。(該短讀三遍。讀完后將停留10秒鐘供你填寫答案。)
Hello, I a Ti. I like suer best, because y birthday is in July. I can go swiing on that day. Soeties I clib ountains with y friends on y birthday. y other’s birthday is in June. It’s in suer, too. We usually have a picnic on o’s birthday. We are happy. I love suer. I love birthdays.

小學(xué)PEP綜合測(cè)試Recycle 1聽力部分考試現(xiàn)在開始。
一、Listen and choose. 你將聽到一個(gè)句子, 選出與錄音相符合的一項(xiàng),并將其字母編號(hào)填在題前的括號(hào)內(nèi)。(每小題讀兩遍,每小題之間將停留4秒鐘供你選擇答案。)
1. We can plant trees in arch. 2. When is your birthday?
3. We usually do orning exercise at 9:15. 4. June 11th is y grandpa’s birthday.
5. There are 20 boys in our class.
6. Ay’s birthday is on Sept. 3rd.
7. We often play sports after school.
8. The children often go hiking in fall.
9. A: What’s the weather like in fall? B: It’s always sunny and cool.
10. A: When is your birthday? B: It’s in October.
二、Listen and judge. 聽錄音, 判斷句子或圖片的是否與錄音內(nèi)容相符, 相符的寫“T” , 不相符的寫“F”。(每小題讀兩遍,每小題之間將停留4秒鐘供你選擇答案。)
1. I often have breakfast at 7:30 in the orning.
2. He likes pianos. Look! He’s playing the piano no
3. The children often plant trees in spring.
4. Today is Sept. 10th.
5. y birthday is on arch 1st.
6. I like spring best.
7. When is your birthday, Ay? It’s on Children’s Day.
8. I often visit y grandparents at 8:00 p.. on Saturday.
9. It doesn’t snow here in Dongguan. We can’t ake a snowan.
10. I usually get up at 6:00 a.. on the weekend.
三、Listen and answer. 根據(jù)你聽到的問題,將下面每組答句中最合適的答案選出,并將其字母符號(hào)填在句子前面的括號(hào)里。(每小題讀兩遍,每小題之間將停留5秒鐘供你選擇答案。)
1.What do you do on the weekend?
2. When do you usually go to bed at night?
3. Why do you like winter?
4. What’s the date today? ww
5. Is her birthday in October?
四、Listen and finish the sentences.根據(jù)錄音內(nèi)容填寫下列句子中所缺的單詞, 使句子完整,每空只填一詞。(每小題讀兩遍,每小題之間將停留8秒鐘供你寫答案。)
1. Suer is fro June to August.
2. I often eat breakfast at hoe.
3. National Day is on Oct. 1st.
4. We usually ake a snowan in winter.
5.Zoo likes winter best, because he can sleep a long tie.
五、Listen and judge. 根據(jù)聽到的內(nèi)容判斷句子的對(duì)錯(cuò),相符的在相應(yīng)題號(hào)前的括號(hào)內(nèi)打“√”,不相符的打“×”。(該短讀三遍,讀完后將有10秒鐘的停留時(shí)間供你填寫答案。)(錄音要求:由女聲錄音)
Hello! I’ ary. I’ an Aerican girl. Today is y twelfth birthday. I often go hiking with y parents on y birthday. We have a picnic in the woods. y other buys e a big birthday cake. We sing songs and eat the cake together. Then we clib ountains. We have a good tie.
六、Listen and circle.
1. Grandpa gladly grows great green grass.
2. We ay play today.
3. The bear with a pear does not have any hair.
4. Six sheep skied with skill and speed.
5. I hear with y ear that a deer is clearly near.


Part A
Let’s talk
1. What do you often do on weekend?
2. When do you cook dinner?
3. What are you doing ?
4. What can you do?
5. Is Sarah doing hoework ?
Read and write
二、John的媽媽去了澳洲出差,她在澳洲打電話給John詢問John和家人的情況,聽錄音,請(qǐng)把他們?cè)陔娫捴械膶?duì)話補(bǔ)充完整:(本對(duì)話將讀三遍,每次對(duì)話之間將停留2秒鐘,對(duì)話讀完后將有10秒鐘供你填寫答案。))(錄音要求:John 為男聲,o 為女聲)
o:Hello, John. It's o.
John: I iss you, o. Where are you?
o: I' in Sydney. What are you doing?
John: I' reading English.
o: What is your father doing?
John: He is watching TV.
o: What tie is it now?
John: It's 9:30.
o: It's tie for bed, John. Put on your coat toorro It's very cold outside.
John: No, o, it's hot in Dongguan no
o: Oh, sorry. I forget it's suer in China. But it's cold here in Sydney.
John: Is it snowy in Sydney?
o: Yes. Take care John, Good night.

Part B
Let’s talk
1.A: What is r Black doing? B: He is reading the newspaper.
2.A: What is ary doing? B: She is listening to usic.
3.A: What is John doing? B: He is answering the phone.
4.(男聲)A: What are you doing, Ay? (女聲)B: I a writing a letter.
5.A: What is iss White doing? B: She is cooking lunch.

一、Listen and choose:你將聽到一個(gè)句子,根據(jù)你所聽到的內(nèi)容, 選擇相符合的一項(xiàng),并將其字母編號(hào)填在題號(hào)前的括號(hào)內(nèi)。(每小題讀兩遍。兩遍之間停留2秒鐘,每小題之間將停留4秒鐘供你選擇答案。)
1. It's cold in winter. 2. John likes fish. It's fresh. 3. o, there is a call for you.
4. She's y granda. 5. I can speak English. 6. y birthday is April the second.
7. Who is watering the flowers? 8. Please write a letter to Ji. 9. Hold on, please.
10. What is Ay doing? She is doing hoework.
二、Listen and judge:你將聽到一個(gè)句子,請(qǐng)根據(jù)所聽到的內(nèi)容, 判斷圖片或句子是否相符, 相符的在相應(yīng)的題號(hào)前的括號(hào)內(nèi)打“√” , 不相符的打“×”。(每小題讀兩遍。兩遍之間停留2秒鐘,每小題之間將停留5秒鐘供你選擇答案。)
1. We often go hiking on weekend. 2. The girl is setting the table.
3. It's January, it's cold. 4. John likes suer. Because he can swi.
5. They are having lunch no 6.y parents are cleaning the roo.
7.I often read story-books on the weekend.
8.Today is October 1st .
9.ary is writing an e-ail in the study.
10. I like winter best.
三、Listen and choose:根據(jù)你在錄音中聽到的問題,選擇最合適的答句,并將其前面的字母編號(hào)填在題號(hào)前的括號(hào)內(nèi)。(每小題讀兩遍。兩遍之間停留2秒鐘,每小題之間將停留6秒鐘供你選擇答案。)
1. What are they doing in the kitchen? 2. What is your brother doing?
3. Can ike swi? 4. Can I speak to Chen Jie please? 5. Is your birthday in Noveber?
四、Listen and fill:根據(jù)錄音內(nèi)容填寫下列句子所缺的單詞, 使句子完整,每空只填一詞。(每小題讀兩遍。每遍之間停留2秒鐘,每小題之間將停留10秒鐘供你填寫答案。)
1.iss Li is very busy. She is cooking dinner no
2.ike is a handsoe boy. He is listening to usic with us.
3.I’ cleaning y roo. Because y friends are coing.
4.Look, y sister is drawing pictures in the art roo.
5. Dad is writing a letter to y uncle in the study.

五、Listen and judge: 你將聽到一段短,根據(jù)你在錄音中聽到的內(nèi)容判斷下列句子的對(duì)錯(cuò)。對(duì)的請(qǐng)?jiān)陬}號(hào)前的括號(hào)內(nèi)打“√”,錯(cuò)的打“×”。(該短將讀三遍。每遍之間停留2秒鐘,讀完后將有10秒鐘的停留時(shí)間供你填寫答案。)
It’s seven o’clock in the evening no Everybody is at hoe. y father usually writes a letter to y uncle, but now he is writing an E-ail. y other is cooking in the kitchen. y sister is doing hoework in the study. What about y brother? Oh! He’s watching TV with e in the living roo. “ew! ew!” Oh, y cat is hungry. She is eating fish behind e.

Part A
Let’s learn
1. The old an is walking in the park.
2. Look at the sky. The kites are flying.
3. Dog is running after Lucy.
4. Swiing is y favourite sport.
5. To is doing the long jup on the playground.

1. The elephant is walking.
2. The tiger is running.
3. The bird is flying.
4. The rabbit is juping.
5. The fish is swiing.
Let’s talk
1. Is the other tiger walking?
2. What’s the father kangaroo doing?
3. Can the bird fly?
4. Do you see any elephants?
5. What’s the baby rabbit doing?
Part B
Let’s learn
一、聽錄音, 給下列的圖片排序,然后根據(jù)圖片口頭描述動(dòng)物園的一幕。(讀兩遍)
Look at the pictures, there are soe anials in the pictures. The onkeys are clibing trees.The pandas are eating baboos. The elephants are drinking water. The tigers are sleeping. The lions are fighting.
This is Guangzhou Zoo. There are any anials here. I can see pandas, tigers, lions, elephants, onkeys and so on. Look! The pandas are clibing baboo trees. The tigers are swiing. They’re so cute. The elephants are walking. Their ears are so big. Oh, no! Look there! The lions are fighting. The zoo is never boring.

Let’s talk
Hello, I’ elephant. I’ at the Sports eeting no Look, the anials are busy. The giraffe is running. The ducks are swiing in the river. Where are the onkeys? Oh, they’re over there. They’re swinging. The pandas are clibing the tree. They’re excited.
1. I’d like a glass of water.
2. A glass of ants are inside y pants.
3. It’s hard to park a car on a star.
4. Sart snails sile sall slow siles.
5. How uch is a pair of slippers?

一、Listen and choose:你將聽到一個(gè)句子或一組對(duì)話,選擇相符合的一項(xiàng),并將其字母編號(hào)填在題號(hào)前的括號(hào)內(nèi)。(每小題讀兩遍。每小題之間將停留4秒鐘供你選擇答案。)
1. The elephants are walking.
2. Look! The birds are flying in the sky.
3. A: Can tigers swi? B: Yes, they can.
4. A horse is running in the forest.
5. The giraffe is drinking water near the lake.
6. The elephant can’t clib trees.
7. The little onkey is swinging.
8. What are the lions doing over there?
9. I can see the other elephant.
10. Can tigers really swi?
二、Listen and judge:你將聽到一個(gè)句子或一組對(duì)話,根據(jù)所聽到的內(nèi)容, 判斷圖片或句子是否相符, 相符的在相應(yīng)的括號(hào)內(nèi)打“√” , 不相符的打“×”。(每小題讀兩遍,每一小題聽完后,你有4秒鐘的答題時(shí)間。)
1. Look! The giraffes are drinking water.
2. The tigers are sleeping.
3. A: What are the bears doing? B: They’re clibing trees. 、
4. I see two onkeys. They’re juping.
5. A: Do you see any kangaroos? B: Yes, they’re juping.
6. The little panda is eating.
7. Can you see any pandas? No, I can see soe bears.
8. That baby kangaroo is eating in the bag.
9. The onkey can clib. They’re good at clibing.
10. The elephant is playing with its trunk.
三、 Listen and choose:你將聽到一個(gè)問題,根據(jù)你所聽到的問題,選擇最合適的答句,并將其前面的字母編號(hào)填在題號(hào)前的括號(hào)內(nèi)。(每小題讀兩遍,每一小題聽完后,你有4秒鐘的答題時(shí)間。)
1. What’s the other elephant doing?
2. Do you see any pandas?
3. What are the onkeys doing?
4. Can tigers really swi?
5. Is the elephant drinking water?
四、Listen and fill:根據(jù)錄音內(nèi)容填入所缺的單詞, 使句子意思合理、完整,每空只填一詞,注意大小寫的規(guī)范要求。(每小題讀兩遍,每一小題聽完后,你有10秒鐘填寫答案。)

1. Look at the kangaroo. It’s sleeping.
2. The lions are fighting.
3. A: What are the elephants doing? B: They’re drinking water.
4. I can see soe pandas. They’re clibing trees.
5. A: Can the tigers swi? B: Yes. Look! They’re swiing.
五、Listen and judge:你將聽到一段對(duì)話,根據(jù)對(duì)話內(nèi)容判斷下列句子的對(duì)錯(cuò)。對(duì)的在題號(hào)前的括號(hào)內(nèi)打“√”,錯(cuò)的打“×”。(該對(duì)話讀三遍,每遍之間停留2秒鐘,讀完后將有10秒鐘的停留時(shí)間供你填寫答案。)
A: What can you see?
B: I can see soe tigers.
A: What are they doing?
B: They’re swiing. They’re good swiers.
A: That’s funny. Can lions swi, too?
B: No, they can run. Look! They’re running so fast.
A: I like pandas. Can you see pandas?
B: Yes. They are clibing trees. They’re so cute. I like the, too.
六、Listen and choose
1. Park a car on Father Barker’s far to get soe grass.
2. ark is the star pupil of our class.
3. Little Sith sells the chicken with a sile.
4. A pair of slipper slipped and hit the sall snail.
5. I hear with y ear that a deer is clearly near.


Part A Let’s learn
1. Jack is doing an experient. (停頓00’08”)
2. He is taking pictures. (停頓00’08”)
3. The woan is watching TV. The show is about insects. (停頓00’08”)
4. The butterflies is flying. (停頓00’08”)
5. Nancy is picking up leaves. (停頓00’04”)

1. ike is watching insects. (停頓00’10”)
2. I usually catch butterflies in Qifeng Park. (停頓00’10”)
3. Sarah is doing an experient in our classroo. (停頓00’10”)
4. A: What is John doing there? B: He is picking up leaves. (停頓00’10”)
5. Look, y father is taking pictures for e. (停頓00’10”)
Let’s talk
A: What are you doing?
B: I a playing chess.
A: What about John and ike? Are they playing chess too?
B: Yes, they are playing chess in the coputer.

1. What are you doing, ike? (停頓00’10”)
2. Are you eating dinner? (停頓00’10”)
3. What is Sarah doing? (停頓00’10”)
4. Where are your classates? (停頓00’10”)
5. What are ike and Lily doing? (停頓00’10”)

Hello, I a ike. It’s National Day today. I go to the park with y friends. Look, I a singing under the tree. John is doing an experient on the insects . Xiao Lin is taking pictures with Ay.. Sarah is catching butterflies. Look, Zoo and Zip are over there. They are eating hot dogs.

Part B
Let’s learn
1. Look! The boys are clibing ountains. (停頓00’10”)
2. The girl is writing a report. (停頓00’10”)
3. There are so any children here. Look, they are having a picnic. (停頓00’10”)
4. A: Is Lucy picking up leaves? B: Yes, she is. (停頓00’10”)
5. y brother Peter likes watching insects.
1. Ay’s faily is having a picnic. (停頓00’10”)
2. Li Yang is playing chess with Wang ing. (停頓00’10”)
3. Sarah is writing a report over there. (停頓00’10”)
4. ike is counting insects under a big tree. (停頓00’10”)
5. y English teacher likes collecting leaves. (停頓00’06”)

Let’s talk
1. A: Where is Wu Yifan? B: He is having a picnic in the woods.
2. A: Is Ay writing a report? B: Yes, she is.
3. A:Are Zhang Peng and John playing chess? B: Yes, they are.
4. A: Is Lucy picking up leaves? B: No, she is collecting leaves.
5. A: Is Toy watching TV? B: No, he’s counting insects.

1. Where is r. Black? (停頓00’10”)
2. Is the an your English teacher? (停頓00’10”)
3. What can the bird do? (停頓00’10”)
4. Do you like reading books? (停頓00’10”)
5. What are you doing in the classroo?

1. fly, try, shy, (停頓00’10”)
2. light, night, high, (停頓00’10”)
3. cat, bag, bad, (停頓00’10”)
4. quiet, quite, quit,

第一大題Listen and choose:你將聽到一個(gè)單詞,或者一個(gè)詞組,或者一個(gè)句子,根據(jù)你所聽到的內(nèi)容, 選擇相符合的一項(xiàng),并將其字母編號(hào)填在題號(hào)前的括號(hào)內(nèi),每小題讀兩遍。聽每小題之前,你有4秒鐘的時(shí)間閱讀題目,每一小題聽完后,你有4秒鐘的答題時(shí)間。
1.The onkeys are sleeping.
2. The girl is playing sports.
3. They are having English class.
4. Look. They are working in the office.
5. The children are watching insects.
6. Billy is collecting leaves.
7. What can you do in the field trip?
8. I a eating lunch.
9. Piggy is taking pictures in our school.
10.Is Ay catching butterflies? No, she is catching the birds. Don’t do that, Ay.

第二大題Listen and judge:你將聽到一個(gè)句子或一組對(duì)話,請(qǐng)根據(jù)所聽到的內(nèi)容, 判斷圖片或句子是否相符, 相符的在相應(yīng)的題號(hào)前的括號(hào)內(nèi)打“√” , 不相符的打“×”。每小題讀兩遍。聽每小題之前,你有4秒鐘的時(shí)間閱讀題目,每一小題聽完后,你有4秒鐘的答題時(shí)間。
1.ike is doing housework.
2. The boy is watching cartoon.
3. The birds are fighting on the tree.
4. She is doing English exercises.
5. Look at the onkey. It’s in the woods.
6. 男: What are you doing, Chen Jie? 女: I a playing basketball.
7. 女:What is ike doing now? 男: He is doing an experient on bees.
8. 男: Are you reading books, Ay?女: Yes, I a reading a story-book in y bedroo.
9. Ji is taking pictures with Ti.
10. Liu Yun is not running.
第三大題Listen and choose:你將聽到一個(gè)問題,根據(jù)你所聽到的問題,選擇最合適的答句,并將其前面的字母編號(hào)填在題號(hào)前的括號(hào)內(nèi)。每小題讀兩遍。聽每小題之前,你有4秒鐘的時(shí)間閱讀題目,每一小題聽完后,你有4秒鐘的答題時(shí)間。
1. What is dad doing, o? (停頓00’08”)
2. Where are y note books?(停頓00’08”)
3. What would you like, sir? (停頓00’08”)
4. Are you playing the violin? (停頓00’08”)
5. Can iss White speak English? (停頓00’04”)

第四大題Listen and fill:你將聽到五個(gè)句子,根據(jù)對(duì)話內(nèi)容填入所缺的單詞, 使對(duì)話意思合理、完整,每空只填一詞,注意大小寫的規(guī)范要求。每小題讀兩遍。聽每小題之前,你有4秒鐘的時(shí)間閱讀題目,每一小題聽完后,你有6秒鐘的答題時(shí)間。
1. The girls are drawing pictures no (停頓00’10”)
2. Usually I clib ountains on the weekends. (停頓00’10”)
3. A: Are they catching butterflies? B: Yes, they are. (停頓00’10”)
4. y sister is playing gaes on the playground. (停頓00’10”)
5. I a going shopping with y other. (停頓00’06”)

第五大題Listen and judge. 你將聽到John 在介紹他的一家人周末的活動(dòng),根據(jù)錄音內(nèi)容判斷下列句子的對(duì)錯(cuò)。對(duì)的請(qǐng)?jiān)陬}前的括號(hào)內(nèi)打“√”,錯(cuò)的打“×”。該對(duì)話將連續(xù)讀三遍。聽錄音之前,你有10秒鐘的時(shí)間閱讀題目,每一小題聽完后,你有10秒鐘的答題時(shí)間。
Today is Sunday. I a John. I often clib ountains with y faily. But today we’re having a picnic in the park. Look! y father and Uncle Bill are playing chess. y grandpa is walking with the dog. I can cook. I a helping y o cook dinner. y brother and sister are watching insects. And y aunt is picking up leaves.
第六大題Listen and choose.
1. Why do I cry when I try to fly high? (停頓00’10”)
2. The queen is quite quiet. (停頓00’10”)
3. Put out the light during the night flight. (停頓00’10”)
4. The roo looks like a oon. (停頓00’10”)
5. A bear without hair does not care for the stair. (停頓00’05”)

五年級(jí)英語下冊(cè)Recycle Two聽力測(cè)試
一、Listen and choose:你將聽到一個(gè)單詞、一個(gè)詞組或者一個(gè)句子,根據(jù)你所聽到的內(nèi)容, 選擇相符合的一項(xiàng),并將其字母編號(hào)填在題號(hào)前的括號(hào)內(nèi)。(每小題讀兩遍。每小題之間將停留4秒鐘供你選擇答案。)
1.It’s 6:00. It’s tie to cook dinner.
2.Look! The onkeys are swinging.
3.The ants like eating honey, because it’s so sweet.
4.The baby panda is clibing baboo.
5.We often go for a walk in the park.
6. y father is writing an e-ail in the study.
7. People like planting trees in spring.
8. (男聲)A: What is Ay doing? (女聲)B: She is doing housework.
9. Look! The rabbits are running.
10. ike is collecting insects for his experient.
二、Listen and judge:你將聽到一個(gè)句子或一組對(duì)話,請(qǐng)根據(jù)所聽到的內(nèi)容, 判斷圖片或句子是否相符, 相符的在相應(yīng)的題號(hào)前的括號(hào)內(nèi)寫“√” , 不相符的寫“×”。(每小題讀兩遍。每小題之間將停留5秒鐘供你選擇答案。)
1. Look at the koala bear, it is clibing a tree.
2. other elephant is drinking water by the river.
3. (男聲)A: What is Liu Yun doing? B: (女聲)She’s listening to usic in the study.
4. The twin brothers are cleaning the roo.
5. Wow! It’s funny. The ants are eating honey.
6. (男聲)A: What are you doing, o?
(女聲)B:Shhhh! I’ fishing. The fish is biting.
7. Today is the ay5th. Toorrow is y birthday.
8. ary and ike do orning exercises everyday.
9. y parents and I are taking pictures in the woods.
10. Hello! I’ Joan. y favourite season is winter, because I can ake a snowan.
三、Listen and choose:你將聽到一個(gè)問題,根據(jù)你所聽到的問題,選擇最合適的答句,并將其前面的字母編號(hào)填在題號(hào)前的括號(hào)內(nèi)。(每小題讀兩遍。每小題之間將停留6秒鐘供你選擇答案。)
1. What are you doing?
2. What do you often do on Saturday?
3. What are Joe and Ay doing?
4. Do they have a picnic in the park?
5. What’s the date today?
四、Listen and fill:你將聽到五個(gè)句子,根據(jù)對(duì)話內(nèi)容填入所缺的單詞, 使對(duì)話意思合理、完整,每空只填一詞,注意大小寫的規(guī)范要求。(每小題將讀兩遍。每小題之間將停留十秒鐘供你填寫答案。)
1. Hey! John. Please answer the phone!
2. Don’t pick up flowers in the park.
3. Kangaroos live in Australia.
4. Sarah is listening to usic in the study.
5. (女聲)A: What are the children doing? (男聲)B: They are sleeping.
五、Listen and judge: 你將聽到一段獨(dú)白,根據(jù)錄音內(nèi)容判斷下列句子的對(duì)錯(cuò)。對(duì)的請(qǐng)?jiān)陬}號(hào)前的括號(hào)內(nèi)打“√”,錯(cuò)的打“×”。(該獨(dú)白將讀三遍。讀完后將有10秒鐘的停留時(shí)間供你填寫答案。)
y favourite anial is the panda. I like pandas, because they are cute. They have 2 colours: black and white. They live in China. They live in the big nature park in Sichuan. Look! The other panda is eating baboo and 2 baby kangaroos are clibing the baboo. How cute!

一、Listen and choose. 你將聽到一個(gè)句子, 選出與錄音相符合的一項(xiàng),并將其字母編號(hào)填在題前的括號(hào)內(nèi)。(每小題讀兩遍,每小題之間將停留4秒鐘供你選擇答案。)
1. I usually do y hoework in the evening.
2. August 1st is Ary Day.
3. Which season do you like best?
4. Can the tigers swi? Yes, they can.
5. When’s Tree Planting Day? It’s arch 12th. ww
6. iss White usually goes to work at 7:00 p..
7. A: What are you doing, Ay? B: I’ counting insects.
8. y brother is reading a letter in the living roo.
9. A: ike, is your o doing the dishes? B: No, she is cooking dinner.
10. A: What are the bears doing? B: They are biting.

二、Listen and judge. 聽錄音, 判斷句子或圖片是否與錄音內(nèi)容相符, 相符的打“T” , 不相符的打“F”。(每小題讀兩遍,每小題之間將停留4秒鐘供你選擇答案。)
1. The girl is writing an e-ail.
2. The onkeys are swinging in the tree.
3. Today is arch 23rd.
4. The boy is aking a snowan no
5. We can plant trees in spring.
6. Chen Jie is playing chess with Ay.
7. They usually have usic class at 3:30p..
8. The birds are flying happily in the sky.
9. I usually help y other clean the roo.
10. The weather is fine today. We can go hiking.
三、Listen and answer. 根據(jù)你聽到的問題,將下面每組答句中最合適的答案選出,并將其字母符號(hào)填在句子前面的括號(hào)里。(每小題讀兩遍,每小題之間將停留5秒鐘供你選擇答案。)
1. What do you usually do at 7:00a..?
2. When is your birthday?
3. What’s your favourite season?
4. Can I speak to iss White?
5. ike, what are you doing in the study?

四、Listen and finish the sentences.根據(jù)錄音內(nèi)容填寫下列句子中所缺的單詞, 使句子完整,每空只填一詞。(每小題讀兩遍,每小題之間將停留8秒鐘供你寫答案。)
1. Winter is y favourite season. Because I can ake a snowan.
2. A: What do you do on the weekend? B: I often play sports.
3. A: What’s the date today? B: It’s August 13th.
4. A: What are the elephants doing? B: They’re drinking water.
5. A: Are you picking up leaves? B: No, I’ drawing pictures.

五、Listen and judge. 根據(jù)聽到的內(nèi)容判斷句子的對(duì)錯(cuò),相符的在相應(yīng)題號(hào)前的括號(hào)內(nèi)打“√”,不相符的打“×”。(該短讀三遍,讀完后將有10秒鐘的停留時(shí)間供你填寫答案。)(錄音要求:由女聲錄音)
A: Hello. This is John. Can I speak to ike?
B: Sure. He’s reading a book in the study. Hold on, please.
C: Hi! John. This is ike.
A: ike, do you want to go to the Children’s Center?
C: Sure. What tie?
A: 10:30a.
C: OK. See you at school.
A: Bye.
六、Listen and circle.
1. It’s hard to park a car on the star.
2. Put on the light during the night flight.
3. That cool goose is wearing y boots.
4. The coach sitting on the bench is having chicken for lunch.
5. Wait for the rain to paint a rainbo

一、Listen and choose:你將聽到一個(gè)句子或?qū)υ挘鶕?jù)你所聽到的內(nèi)容, 選擇相符合的一項(xiàng),并將其字母編號(hào)填在題號(hào)前的括號(hào)內(nèi)。(每小題讀兩遍。每小題之間將停留4秒鐘供你選擇答案。)
1.Children’s Day is in June.
2. A dog has 4 legs.
3.y Grandpa is a worker.
4. I often swi in the lake in suer.
5. (男聲)A: What day is it toorrow? (女聲)B:It’s Saturday.
6. It’s 6:00. It’s tie to eat dinner.
7. (男聲)A: When is your birthday? (女聲)B: It’s Septeber 12th.
8. It’s always sunny and cool in fall.
9. I often ski in winter.
10. y other is cleaning the roo.
二、Listen and judge:你將聽到一個(gè)句子或一組對(duì)話,請(qǐng)根據(jù)所聽到的內(nèi)容, 判斷圖片或句子是否相符, 相符的在相應(yīng)的題號(hào)前的括號(hào)內(nèi)寫“√” , 不相符的寫“×”。(每小題讀兩遍。每小題之間將停留5秒鐘供你選擇答案。)
1. Today is Friday.
2. y father often writes an e-ail at night.
3. Spring coes. The boys go to plant trees.
4. o often goes shopping with e on Sunday.
5. The lions are fighting.
6. It’s 9:00. We are having P.E. class.
7. Usually we play the violin at night.
8. I like suer best, because I can go swiing.
9. y uncle is a cliber. Look! He is clibing ountains.
10. Joan likes green trees and flowers. She doesn’t like sno
三、Listen and choose:你將聽到一個(gè)問題,根據(jù)你所聽到的問題,選擇最合適的答句,并將其前面的字母編號(hào)填在題號(hào)前的括號(hào)內(nèi)。(每小題讀兩遍。每小題之間將停留6秒鐘供你選擇答案。)
1. What are the boys doing?
2. What’s your favourite fruit?
3. Is the rabbit running?
4. When is National Day?
5. What do you do on the weekend?
四、Listen and fill:你將聽到五個(gè)句子,根據(jù)對(duì)話內(nèi)容填入所缺的單詞, 使對(duì)話意思合理、完整,每空只填一詞,注意大小寫的規(guī)范要求。(每小題將讀兩遍。每小題之間將停留10秒鐘供你填寫答案。)
1. A: Why do you like fall? B: Because it’s windy and cool.
2. I often draw pictures at hoe.
3. (男聲)A: When do you usually get up? (女聲)B: At about 6:00.
4. ike is aking a snowan in the park.
5. A: Are the children playing chess? B: No, they aren’t.
五、Listen and judge: 你將聽到一段獨(dú)白,根據(jù)錄音內(nèi)容判斷下列句子的對(duì)錯(cuò)。對(duì)的請(qǐng)?jiān)陬}號(hào)前的括號(hào)內(nèi)打“√”,錯(cuò)的打“×”。(該獨(dú)白將讀三遍。讀完后將有10秒鐘的停留時(shí)間供你填寫答案。)
There’re four seasons in a year. When spring coes, there are flowers everywhere. The trees are green. But it’s always rainy. I don’t like rainy days. The hottest season is suer, we can swi and eat ice-creas. Fall is windy and cool. There are any good fruits in fall. It’s y favourite season. In winter, it’s all white in the north, we can play with sno Winter is beautiful, but it’s too cold for e.

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/xiaoxue/38075.html

五年級(jí)上冊(cè)英語Unit 8 Months of the Year(2) Lesson 16教案
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