

編輯: 路逍遙 關(guān)鍵詞: 英語(yǔ)試題 來(lái)源: 逍遙右腦記憶

件 K
j Exercise for Unit 3 Class_________ Nae_________
1.What are you going to do toorrow? (讀雜志)
2.What is ike going to do next week? (去旅游)
3.What are they going to do tonight? (去電影院)
4.What is Sarah going to do toorrow? (探望爺、奶)
5.What are we going to do this afternoon? (讀書)
6.What are your grandparents going to do this evening ?
7.What are you doing ? (看電視)
8.What can you do ? (打掃房間)
9.What can Lily do ? (玩電腦)
10.What is Chen Jie doing? (抓蝴蝶)
11.What are iss Chen and iss Xie doing? (吃早餐)
12.What are you doing? (我們?cè)诋嫯?
13.What can your grandparents do? (晨練)
14.What do you do on the weekend? (下棋)
15.What do they do on Sundays? (購(gòu)物)
1._______________ ______ ___?I’ going to watch TV on the weekend.
2._____________________ ____?We are going to visit our teacher next week.
3. ? y parents are going to read books toorro
4.____________________ _ ___?Sarah is going to clean the roo tonight.
5._________________________ __? They are going to the cinea tonight.
6.______________________________ __ ? I can water the flowers.
7._______________________ ______ ? They can wash the clothes.
8._____________ _______________? The dog can swi.
9.______________ _________________? The dogs can swi
10.________________________ _______? ike can do the dishes.
11. __________________ ________________? I a writing a letter.
7. _____________ __________________?y parents can use a coputer.
8. ? y parents are taking pictures.
9. ______________________ ____ ? y uncle is listening to usic.
10. ? I usually go fishing on Sundays.
11. ? ike and John clib ountains on the weekend.
三、 看圖寫出下列短語(yǔ)。

______________ _______________ ____________
___________ _______________ _______________
明信片_________ 報(bào)紙_________ 漫畫書_________ 字典_________
雜志_________ 雜志_________ 去旅行_________ 明天 _________
看電影_________ 今晚_______ 下一周 _______ _下個(gè)月 ________ _
現(xiàn)在 _____ 今天 ______ 后天 _________今天早上 _________
今天下午 ______ 后天 _________下周五 這個(gè)周末
1. What do you usually do on the weekend?

2. What does John often do on Sundays?

3. What is Ay doing now?

4. What can John do at hoe?

5. Are they playing chess?

6. Can Ay play the violin?

7. Is To watching TV now?
8. Does Sarah play sports everyday?
1.To: __________________________________?
Ay: I’ going to the park toorro
2.ike:__________________________________? 4:15
Lily: I’ going to go swiing at 4:15.
Sa: I’ going to the cinea by bike.
Ji: The post office is next to the cinea.
5.Dad: __________________________________?
Ji: Sarah is going to buy a pair of shoes.
6. ________________________________?y father and other go to work by bus .
7. ______________ ______________?
y parents are going to go to work toorro
8. _____________ ______________?
ike and John are going to the library this weekend.
I _______ Liu Yun. I’ going to have a _________ weekend. __________ Saturday orning, I’ going to buy a new CD and soe ________ in the bookstore. _______ the afternoon. I’ going to the superarket ______ y other on Sunday. We are going to _________ any things for next week. We are going _________ 3:00 after lunch. _________ about you? _________ are you going next weekend?
(1) y nae is Ti, Toorrow is the weekend. I have no classes. y parents aren’t going to work. But we are going to be very busy toorroy other is going to buy soething for next week. y father is going to visit y aunt and uncle. I a going to play coputer gaes with y cousin. Toorrow evening we are going to have a big dinner. After that we are going to the cinea. I think we are going to have a nice weekend.
1.( )Today is ______. A. Saturday B. Friday
2. ( )y other is . A. going to go shopping B. going to the bookstore.
3. ( )I have______. A. a cousin B .a brother
4. ( )y father is ______s . A. at hoe B. going to y uncle’s hoe.
5. ( )I ‘ ______ . A. going to the superarket B. going to the cinea
(2) Hi,we are Chen Jie and Sarah. We don’t go to school on the weekend. We are going to plant trees. . But first, we are going to the bookstore to buy books about plants. Second, we need soe plants. So we are going to the plant shop. We want to be science teachers one day.
( ) 6.Chen Jie ______. A. goes to schoolB. doesn’t go to school
( ) 7. They are going to _______ A. plant trees.B. plant flowers.
( ) 8.They are going to buy ___ in the plant shop. A. books B. plants
( ) 9. Chen Jie is going to be _____ A. a science teacher. B.a usic teacher
( ) 10. Are they busy?? A.Yes, they are. B. No, they aren’t.

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本文來(lái)自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/xiaoxue/38780.html
