

編輯: 路逍遙 關(guān)鍵詞: 英語(yǔ)試題 來(lái)源: 逍遙右腦記憶

( )1、Is this your hoe? A、Yes, I do.
( )2、What’s her nae?  B、She’s in the kitchen.
( )3、where is the study? C、I can see 34.
( )4、Do you have a new ruler? D、No, she isn’t.
( )5、What colour is the desk? E、Yes, it is.
( )6、How any chairs can you see? F、Yes, he is.
( )7、Are they on the table? G、Her nae is Ay.
( )8、Where’s your o? H、It’s yello
( )9、Is he in the bathroo I、Yes, they are.
( )10、Is she a student?  J?It’s near the bathroo.
( )1、Where is the schoolbag? in your desk..
A It’s B it’s C They’re
( )2、Is this your bedroo? .
A Yes, it is. B No, it is. C Yes, she is.
( )3、Is that y kitchen? .
A No, it isn’t. B Yes, it isn’t. C No, he is.
( )4、Is he in the bathroo? .
A No, he isn’t. B Yes, he isn’t. C No, she is.
( )5、Is he in the study? .
A No, he is. B Yes, he is. C No, she isn’t.
( )6、Is she a student? .
A No, she is. B Yes, she is. C No, he isn’t.
( )7、Is she your teacher? .
A No, she is. B Yes, she isn’t. C No, she isn’t.
( )8、Are they in your hoe? .
A No, they are. B Yes, they are. C No, they isn’t.
( )9、Are they on the table? .
A No, they aren’t. B Yes, they is. C No, it isn’t.
( )10、Where are the desks? in your classroo..
A It’s B it’s C They’re
( )11、What’s her nae? nae is Ay.
A His B Her C y
( )12、What’s his nae? nae is Jack.
A His B Her C y
( )13、What’s your nae? nae is Kay.
A His B Her C y
( )14、Who’s the girl? is Lily.
A He B She C I
( )15、Who’s the boy? is To.
A He B She C I
( )16、Do you have a coputer? ,I do.
A Yes B No
( )17、Do you have a shelf? ,I don’t.
A Yes B No
( )18、Where is it? in the kitchen..
A It’s B it’s C They’re
( )19、Where are they? on the bed.
A It’s B it’s C They’re
( )20、What can you see in your roo? a bed, a desk and a chair.
A I have B I see C I can see
This is y hoe. It’s very big. We have two bedroos, a living roo, a study, two bathroos and a kitchen. In the bedroos, you can see windows, doors, beds, laps and chairs. In the living roo, you can see a TV, a phone and a sofa. In the study, you can see a desk, a chair and a shelf. Soe books are on the shelf. In the kitchen, you can see a fridge and a knife. It’s a nice hoe.
1、We have two bedroos, a living roo, a study, two bathroos and a kitchen in y hoe. ( )
2、Soe books are on the desk. ( )
3、In the bedroos, you can see windows, doors, beds, fans and chairs. ( )
4、In the kitchen, you can see a fridge and 2 knifes. ( )
5、We have six roos in y hoe. ( )
( )1.Good night! A. Thanks, Dad.
( )2. Have soe fish. B. I would like soe rice and beef.
( )3.Dinner’s ready! C. Thank you. I like fish so uch.
( )4. Can I have soe eggs? D.OK. Have soe eggs.
( )5.What do you like? E. Good night!

本文來(lái)自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/xiaoxue/39202.html
