

編輯: 路逍遙 關(guān)鍵詞: 英語試題 來源: 逍遙右腦記憶



一、listen and choose (聽音,選擇正確的答案)
1、( ) A、play B、past C、passed
2、( ) A、work B、walk C、with
3、( ) A、usually B、us C、up
4、( ) A、ride B、bike C、live
5、( ) A、paper B、people C、know
6、( ) A、sall B、big C、invent
7、( ) A、bicycle B、bus C、car
8、( ) A、printing B、printed C、paper
9、( ) A、invent B、iportant C、right
10、( ) A、anything B、soething C、things
二、listen and nuber(聽音,給下列圖片標出序號)

( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
三、Listen and draw√or×(聽音,畫√或×)
Things to do
1、( ) Finish y hoework
2、( ) Wash bike
3、( ) Help Dad
4、( ) Play football
5、( ) Watch TV
6、( ) Listen to usic
7、( ) Clean y roo
8、( ) Paint a picture
四、Listen and nuber(聽音,寫出正確的序號)
Lingling didn’t get up at half past six.
He was an English.
I usually play football on Sunday.
Chinese people invented paper.
They didin’t go to school yesterday.
五、Listen 、choose and write(聽音,選單詞寫在橫線上)
usually walked to didn’t learns Yesterday
1、Lingling watch TV.
2、She to school yesterday.
3、 was National Day.
4、Daing usually English on onday.
5、Ay gets up at half past six on ondays.

六、Read and write(寫出下列單詞的過去式)
watch——( ) play——( ) clean—— ( )
don’t——( ) print——( ) help——( )
is—— ( ) invent——( ) are—— ( )
七、Read and choose(選擇正確的選項填在括號里)
( )1、I y trousers yesterday.
A、wash B、washes C、 washed
( )2、She get up at half past six yesterday.
A、didin’t B、did C、 don’t
( )3、Yesterday National Day.
A、is B、are C、 was
( )4、I at hoe yesterday.
A、stay B、stayed C、 staying
( )5、 He invented this biycle 1839.
A、on B、at C、 in
八、 Read and atch (找出與圖對應(yīng)的句子)

( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
A、Chinese people didn’t invent this bicycle.
B、Chinese people invented paper.
C、Chinese people invented printing.
D、Chinese people didn’t invent this telephone.
九、Choose and write(選擇正確的單詞填在橫線上)

1、r Sart usually up early.

But yesterday he didn’t up early.

2、Sa usually to school.

But yesterday he didn’t to school.
十、Read and draw√or×(讀句子,畫√或×)

1、( ) An Aerican invented this bicycle.
2、( ) A Chinese invented this bicycle。
3、( ) An English invented this bicycle.
4、( ) One wheel of this bicycle was very big.
5、( ) The two wheels of this biycle were very big.
6、( ) The an invented this biycle in 1839.

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/xiaoxue/39654.html
