
6B Unit 3 Asking the way 教案

編輯: 路逍遙 關(guān)鍵詞: 英語教案 來源: 逍遙右腦記憶

6B Unit 3 Asking the way 教案
(First Period)
一、Teaching context:
二、 6B. Unit 3 Part A ,Listen ,read and say.
三、Teaching Ais:
四、 1 Ss can understand the text and learn to say how to ask the way .
五、 2 Ss can listen , read , write and say these words :
stops, turn left /right , post office ,get on /off, along, street。
3 Ss can listen , read , write and say these words:
city, crossing, away, shopping center , .iddle school , out of , train station ,History useu .
4 Ss aster the sentence structure and the daily speaking:
Go along this street, and then turn right at the third crossing .
How far is it fro here?
It's about a kiloeter away .
You can take bus No. 5
How any stops are there?
How can I get to the shopping center?
5 Ss can listen , read , write and say the ain sentence structure:
Can you tell e the way to ...,please? .
三、Teaching iportant and difficult:
Ss can listen , read , write and say these wordsand the sentences。
四、Teaching Preparation:
Tape picture and word cards
五、Teaching Process:
A listen to a song << Excuse e >>
B Free talk.
T: Good orning, boys and girls.
Ss: Good orning,
T: Nice to see you again.
Ss: Nice to see you, too.
T: Do you run fast? Do you run faster than xxx?
Do you jup high? Do you jup higher than xxx?
Do you swi fast? Does he swi faster than David ?
T:r sith coes here , he wants to your school ,but doesn’t know the way ,can you tell hi the way to your school ? Where is your school ?
C Presentation and drill
1 Drill and teach the new sentence structure :
Can you tell e the way to the xxx ?
Go along this street ,and then turn right at the third crossing .
2 Blackboard Writing: soe words and sentences。
Ss try to understand and learn to say .
3 Help Ss to learn better。
4 Show Sith :How far is it fro here? It's about kiloeter away..
Drill and teach , Ss learn to say and use.
5 T:How any stops are there? to teach “every 5inutes ,get off at the third stop “
Ss can say it well.
6 Blackboard Writing: soe sentences。
D Practice and consolidation
1 Drill and teach :History useu ,post office。
2 Read the words and sentences on the blackboard
3 Read together。
4 Group work: Can you tell e the way to ...?
Ss can ake the sentence one by one
5 Discuss the answer in group:
go along this street , and turn right at the third crossing ......
Ss can say the answer sentence one by one.
6 Choose the place to ake a dialogue.
7 Ask and answer in pairs.。
六 Hoework:
六、Blackboard Design

Unit 3 Asking the way
stops turn left /right , post office ,
get on /off, along, street
Can you tell e the way to ...,please?

6B Unit 3 Asking the way(Second Period)
一、Teaching context:
6B. Unit 3 Part B Look ,Read and learn
二、Teaching Ais:
1 Ss can understand part A and Ss can read and act the dialogue。
2 Ss can aster the daily speaking in part A。
3 Ss can listen , read , write and say these words and the sentences :
post office, get on, get off, Can you tell e the way to...?
4 Ss can listen , read , write and say these three skill words:
iddle school , train station, shopping center, History useu .
三、Teaching iportant and difficult:
Ss can aster the words and the sentences.
四. Teaching Preparation:
Tape picture and words cards
五、Teaching Process:
六. A Sing a song. 《 Excuse e》
B Free talk.
T: Good orning, boys and girls.
Ss: Good orning,
T: What day is it today?
Ss: It's Tuesday.
T: Are you as tall as xxx??
T: Who is taller ,you or To??
T: Who is younger ,you or Su Yang ??
S3: I' younger than Su Yang .
T: Do the boys run faster than the girls?
Do you jup higher than xxx??
Do you swi faster than xxx?
T: Can you tell e the way to Tie Superarket?
T:S: ...
C Presentation and drill
T Drill and teach the new sentence T: Can you tell e the way to ...?
Blackboard Writing: iddle school, train station, shopping center, History useu .,
Ss understand and learn to say
1 To teach the other sentences in the sae way。
T:Go along this street and turn right at the third crossing..
Blackboard Writing: soe sentences
Ss learn to say and use
2 Practise in pairs
Ss: Can you tell e the way to ...?
Go along this street and trun right at the third crossing ...
3 Ask and answer in groups。
4 Work in pairs
5 Act:show soe places and let Ss to ake a new dialogue。
D Practice and consolidation
1 Read the neords and sentences together。
2 Gae:
B:Read the words one by one。
3 Read the words and the sentence after the tape。
4ake ore new dialogues。
六 Hoework:
1Copy the words。
2 ake a ap to practice how to ask the way 。
七、Blackboard Design:

Unit 3 Asking the way
post office, get on, get off
Can you tell e the way to...?
Go along this way then turn right at the third crossing.

6B Unit 3 Asking the way(Third Period)
一、Teaching context:
6B. Unit 3 Part C Look and say.
二、 Teaching Ais:
1 Ss can use the daily speaking correctly。
2 Ss can listen , read , write and say the neords and the sentences:
Can you tell e the way to ...,please?
三、Teaching iportant and difficult:
1 Ss can listen , read , write and say these words:
stops, turn left /right , post office ,get on /off, along, street。
2 Ss can aster the sentences and the daily speaking:
Go along this street, and then turn right at the third crossing
The ...is on your.... How far is it fro here ?
It's about a kiloeter away .
You can take bus No. 5 .
How any stops are there?
How can I get to the shopping center?
四, eaching Preparation:
Tape picture and word cards
五、Teaching Process:
A Sing a song. “Excuse e”
B Revision
1 Read and recite part A。
2Retell part A。
3 Review the sentence structures.
4 Act。
5Review the words and let Ss to ake soe new dialogues。
6C Presentation and drill
1 Present picture of part C let Ss to pracise the sentences:
T:EG: The park is on your left. Ss can say the other place in the sae way ..
T: Can you tell e the way to ...?
consolidation the other dialogue in the sae way(shopping center, bus station ,WC...)
2 Pair work。
3. ake new diaologue。
4 Ask and answer about the new ap too ask the way .
5 Blackboard Writing: soe words , sentences and places。
Ss can say it correctly
6 Talk in pairs then ask and answer.
D Practice and consolidation
1Picture C and talk。
2 Discuss in free。
4六 Hoework:
5 ake ore dialogues。
八、Blackboard Design

Unit 3 Asking the way
Excuse e ,can you tell e the way to ...,please?
Go along this street ,and then turn ...at the ...crossing.
The ...is on your ...
That's all rigtht.

6B Unit 3 Asking the way(Fourth Period)
一、Teaching context:
二、 6B. Unit 3 Part D Read and talk .
三、 Teaching Ais:
1 Ss can use the sentences to ask the way。
2 Review and practice the words and sentences 。
3 Ss can listen , read , write , say and use the daily speaking.
4 Ss can listen , read , write , say and use the sentence structure and the answer sentences: How can I get to ...?
四、Teaching iportant and difficult:
1 Ss can listen , read , write and say the words and the sentences。
2 Ss can aster part D and can act it 。
五、 Teaching Preparation
Tape picture and soe exercise
六, Teaching Process:
A sing a song together
B Revision
1 Read and recite part A
2 Retell 。
3 Act。
4 ake a new dialogue to act。
C Presentation and drill
1 Present picture F let Ss discuss in pairs and say it one by one.
2 Drill and teach :Can you tell e the way to ...? and How can I get to the ...?
Ss can understand and learn to say and use。
3 Ask and answer。
4 Show a ap to ask and answer again 。
Ss can answer correctly
D Practice and consolidation
1 Ask and answer in pairs。
2 Gae: Where a I now ?。 to practice the sentences.
3 Learn the song。
六 Hoework:
1 Copy the neords and the sentences。
2 ake a ap and ake soe dialogues to ask the way。
七 Blackboard Design:
Unit 3 Asking the way
How can I get to the ...?
It's on .... .


6B Unit 3 Asking the way(Fifth Period)
一、Teaching context:
6B. Unit 3 Part E、F、G、H
二、Teaching Ais:
1 Ss can use the sentences to ask the way and help Ss to review the past tense
2 Ss can listen , read , write and say these words:
stops, turn left /right , post office ,get on /off, along, street。
3.Ss can listen read write and say these sentences:
Can you tell e the way to ...,please?
4.Ss can listen read write and say the daily speaking:
Go along this street, and then turn right at the third crossing .
How far is it fro here ?
It's about a kiloeter away .
You can take bus No. 5 .
How any stops are there? How can I get to the shopping center?
5Ss can listen , read , write and say these three skill words:
suddenly ,thief , stole, out of ,
6 Understand the cobination of letters in the pronunciation of the word “ou”。
7 Ss can sing a son。
三、Teaching iportant and difficult: Understand the cobination of letters in the pronunciation of the word “ou”。
四、Teaching Preparation:
Tape picture and a ap
五Teaching Process:
A Learn to sing a song。
B 1. Free talk.
2.Act the dialogue “How to ask the way”。
How can I get to the ...?
Can you tell e the way to the ...?
C Revision
1 Read and recite part E 。
2 Retell 。
3 Review。
4 Say the sentences about ask the way。
D Read and nuber
1 Show Part E help Ss to understand .
2 Ask Ss to say soething about part E。
3 Read and nuber。
4 Check and correct。
E Listen and repeat
1 Listen and repeat。
2 Translate the sentences。
3 Learn to sing a song
G Gae:F Where a I ?
六 Hoework:
1Recite 。
2 Have a dictation。
七 Blackboard Design:xkb1

Unit 3 Asking the way
soe words and sentences
ou [au] blouse house ouse out

6B Unit 3 Asking the way(Sixth Period)
一、Teaching context: Exercise and test paper
二、Teaching Ais:
1 Ss can use the sentence to how to ask the way。
2.Ss can listen , read , write and say these words:
stops, turn left /right , post office ,get on /off, along, street。
3. Ss can listen , read , write and say these three skill words and phrases:
city, crossing, away, shopping center , .iddle school , out of , train station ,History useu .
4. Ss can listen read write and say these sentences:
Can you tell e the way to ...,please? .
5. Ss can listen read write and say the daily speaking:
Go along this street, and then turn right at the third crossing .
How far is it fro here ?
It\'s about a kiloeter away .
You can take bus No. 5 .
How any stops are there?
How can I get to the shopping center?
6 Ss can sing a song。
三、Teaching iportant and difficult: Ss can aster the words and the sentences。
四、Teaching Preparation:
1 Tape
2 The Exercese book。
3 Test paper。
六、Teaching Process:
A Sing a song。
B 1.Free talk.
2. Ask and answer
C Revision
1 Read and recite part E
2 Retell 。
3 Review the words and sentences.
4 Ask and answer .
5 Have a dictation。
D Sing a song together。
6E Practice and consolidation
1. Gae:Where a I?
2.Analysis the exercise book and the test paper
六 Hoework:
1 Recit unit。
2 Prepare for the new lesson。
七 Blackboard Design:

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/xiaoxue/40002.html

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