

編輯: 路逍遙 關(guān)鍵詞: 英語試題 來源: 逍遙右腦記憶



班級 姓名 學(xué)號 成績
( )1.A. B. ( )2.A. B.

( )3.A. B. ( )4.A. B.

( )1. A. dog B. cat C. big
( )2. A. y B. I C. I’
( )3. A. orning B. afternoon C. evening
( )4. A. fine B. bad C. good
( )5. A. nice B. pretty C. sart
( )6. A. car B. plane C. bike
( )7. A. long B. short C. thin
( )8. A. turn on B. turn off C. open
( ) 1.A.I’ Helen. B. Hello, Helen.
( ) 2. A. Nice to eet you, too. B. Nice to eet you.
( ) 3. A. Goodbye. B. Good night.
( ) 4. A. Yes, please. B. All right.
( ) 5. A. No, thanks. B. I’ sorry.

1.Aa 2. 3. Hh 4. Qq
5. Ii 6. Yy 7. Rr 8. Vv
( ) 1. A. red B. blue C. colour D. white
( ) 2. A. tea B. ilk C. juice D. egg
( ) 3. A. pen B. cake C. ruler D. rubber
( ) 4. A. zoo B. car C. bus D. bike
( ) 5. A. tall B. short C. boy D. long
( ) 6. A. an B. woan C. thin D. girl
1. 一頭大象 2. 我的橡皮
3. 你的妹妹 4. 一些牛奶
5. 開門 the 6. his white shirt
7. turn off the TV 8. learn A B C
9. What colour? 10. How nice!
( ) 1. What’s your nae?
A. Hello, Liu Tao. B. I’ Liu Tao. C. How are you?
( ) 2. How old are you?
A. I’ fine. B. I’ five. C. I’ Nancy.
( ) 3. Go to bed now, Nancy.
A. OK. Good night. B. ok. Good night. C. OK. Goodbye.
( ) 4. Soe cakes?
A. Yes, it is. B. Yes, two, please. C. No, it isn’t.
( ) 5. What is it?
A. Red. B. OK. C. It’s a Walkan.
( ) 6. But how?
A. By bike. B. OK. Let’s go. C. It’s a park.
( ) 7. Look at his shirt.
A. It’s pretty. B. It’s sart. C. That’s y shirt.
( ) 8. Oh, y jacket!
A. I’ sorry. B. All right. C. it’s nice.
( ) 1. Look at y new dress. A. Bye.
( ) 2. Let’s go to the cinea. B. Hello, I’ Yang Ling.
( ) 3. How are you? C. All right.
( ) 4. Get up, David. D. No, thanks.
( ) 5. Good orning. E. I’ sorry.
( ) 6. Hello, I’ ike. F. Nice to eet you.
( ) 7. A haburger? G. How nice!
( ) 8. This is y sister, Nancy. H. OK. Let’s go.

1.is, long, hair, y ( . )

2.a, juice, apple, of, glass ( ? )

3.please, off, the, turn, light, Nancy ( , , . )

4.the, go, Wall, Great, let’s, to ( . )

5.look, y, that’s, new, sweater ( , . )

A: Let’s go to the
B: . Let’s go.
But how?
A: car?
B: No. bike?
A: Great! Let’s to the
park by bike.

Hello, y nae is Su Hai. I’ a Chinese girl. I’ fro Nanjing. I’ not tall. I’ nine. y hair is long. y eyes are big. This is y sister, Su Yang. She is nine, too. She and I are twins(雙胞胎).
( ) 1. Su Hai is fro Nanjing.
( ) 2. Su Hai is short.
( ) 3. Su Hai’s eyes are sall.
( ) 4. Su Hai is Su Yang’s sister.
( ) 5. Su Hai and Su Yang are twins(雙胞胎).
一、1. a Walkan 2. a blouse 3. ilk 4. a sofa
二、1. big 2. y 3. orning 4. fine 5. pretty 6. plane
7. thin 8. turn on
三、1. I can see soe oranges.
2. Look at y new sweater.
3. Hello, I’ Nancy.
4. Open the door, please.
5. Good night, u.
6. I can see three rulers.
四、1. What’s your nae?
2. Nice to eet you.
3. Good night.
4. A glass of ilk?
5. Oh, y jacket!
五、1. a basket 2. a table 3. a rubber 4. yellow
5. a haburger 6. a skirt


本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/xiaoxue/41644.html
