
4B Unit9 Breakfast教學設計

編輯: 路逍遙 關鍵詞: 英語教案 來源: 逍遙右腦記憶




課 題

Unit 9 Breakfast


Part B≈C


1 Ss can listen ,speak, read and write the neords:a knife, a plate, a cup , a bottle, rice. 2 Ss can listen ,speak, read and write the words:a fork, a spoon, chopsticks. 3 Ss can listen ,speak, read and write the new sentence patterns: Where is?Where are the? y..........? It’s/they are .......... ●教學重難點

1 Ss can understand, say, read and spell the neords 2 Ss can understand, say, read and spell the new sentence patterns 3 Ss can counicate with each other use the new sentence patterns. ●教學具準備

Pictures, tape , CAI



Finish part C


1.Do the writing work on the copybook.

2.Write the words fro eory after class.




Unit 9 Breakfast Where is the? y..........? It’s.......... Where are the/y..........? They are.......... ●教學過程

Step 1 Waring-up


T: Good orning/ afternoon, boys and girls!

Ss: Good orning/ afternoon, iss chen!

2 Free talk Ss and teacher ask and answer 3 Do it (on,in, near, under, behind) Step 2 Presentation

1 T:What are they? S: They are noodles。 T:I have soe noodles for y breakfast Teach:Unit 9 Breakfast 2 T: Soeties,I have soe rice for y breakfast。 T: Look, Where is the rice? T:It’s in the bowl。 T: If you want to eat rice,What can we eat rice? S2:Chopsticks S3:Spoon T:Great,we eat rice now。 Teach:rice, bowl, chopsticks, spoon。 3 T:After lunch,I will feel a little thirsty。 I have soething to drink。??? what would you like to drink? S1: I’d like a glass of ilk。 S2: I’d like a cup of tea。 S3: I’d like a glass of water。 T: Look,where is the ilk? S4: It’s in the bottle。 T: Where is the tea? S4: It’s in the cup。 Teach: ilk, tea, cup, bottle, glass。 4 T:Look, what’s this? S1:It’s a bread。 T: Where are they? S2:It’s in the cupboard。 T: Look at the cupboard,what else is in the cupboard? S3:There’s a knife,a fork and a plate in the cupboard too。 T: Yes,it’s necessary to eat western food。 5 A short break ( say a rhye) Fork,fork,where’s the fork? Forks,forks,where are the forks? Plate,plate,it’s on the plate。 Plates,plates,they’re on the plates。 6 Work in pairs ( 自己擺放,帶食物過,每人至少帶一樣東西) Where is the? y..........? It’s .......... Where are the? y..........? They are .......... Step 3 Consolidation

1 ake a new dialogue and act out the dialogue。 Eg: Where is the? y..........? It’s .......... Where are the? y..........? They are .......... 2 Play a gae: What’s issing 3 Finish part C Work in pairs Eg: Where’s the glass?

It’s on the sofa


本單元的核心教學項目是“確定位置”,與 Book 3B第七單元相呼應。從功能上看,它是Book 3B 第七單元的繼續(xù)和深入。引出 Where are the/ y…? They’re… 的句型涉及到復數(shù)形式。名詞的復數(shù)及與此相關的形式變化雖然不太難理解,但要在中國學生的頭腦中確立起單、復數(shù)形式變化的意識,則需要大量的練習。 本單元結合句型還引出了一批食物和餐具用品類的詞匯,從而為學生的進一步交際提供了較寬松的訓練空間。




課 題

Unit 9 Breakfast


Part A≈D


1.Can understand, say, read and spell the words:

2.Ss can use the sentences: What’s for breakfast? Have soe juice then.


1.Can spell the words fluently.

2.Use the words and sentences to express the daily expressions.


Pictures, tape , CAI



Finish part D Act out part A


1.Do the writing work on the copybook.

2.Write the words fro eory after class.





Step 1 Waring-up


T: Good orning/ afternoon, boys and girls!

Ss: Good orning/ afternoon, iss chen!

2 Free talk T: Today I will invite a friend to you. Who’s he? T: Yes, he is Liu Qian.He will ake us a agic sho Look. (review the food)


1 lead in “ There’s no…. T: look carefully. There’s no…. 2show the pictures and teach the sentences :where’s…? Where are….? Lead in :cupboard T: where are they? 3 Do the pair work: where’s …..?\where are….? Ss: say the sentence

Step 3 Teach the dialogue

1 Watch the flash and find the answer T: what is Helen looking for? 3 Listen the dialogue and finish the table. (practice the sentences : It’s in the cupboard, It’s in the fridge, They are on the table) 2 Read the sentences Where’s y glass? Where are the eggs? Where’s the juice? 4 Teach the following sentences T: But where is the ilk? Is it in the fridge? Ss read the sentences 5 Teach : breakfast, What’s for breakfast? T: Helen has orange juice, ilk and eggs for her breakfast (breakfast) T: What’s for your breakfast? Ss: Eggs, ilk… T: Who wants to ask iss chen?

6 Read the dialogue T: Now let’s read the dialogue Ss: reading

7 Do the exercise Listen and fill in the blanks Check the answer 8 Iitate the dialogue

Step 4 Have a suary

1 Good to know T: Helen has orange juice, eggs and bread for her breakfast. But what’s a good breakfast? 2 Do the exercise T: After the breakfast, Helen wants to watch cartoons. But before the cartoon, we should finish our hoework. Now Let’s help Helen. 3.Exercise 詞組互譯:

1、在冰箱里 2、喝些果汁

3、一碗米飯 4、一雙筷子

5、在盤子里 6、There’s no spoon.

7、一盒牛奶 8、have soe juice






課 題

Unit 9 Breakfast


Part E\F\G


1.Learn the pronunciation of “wh” in the words.

2.Let students use the sentences in daily life.

3.Say a rhye.

4.Let students know and say the sentences :Coe and have dinner


1.Learn the pronunciation of “wh” in the words.

2.Let students use the sentences in daily life.

3.Say a rhye.


Pictures, tape , CAI



1.Sing the song 2. Act out part E


1.Do the writing work on the copybook.

1. Finish unit 10




Unit10 Breakfast

Can you use…?

Yes, I can ./ No, I can’t.

Coe and have dinner.

Wh /w/ what where which white


Step 1. Waring-up


T: Good orning/ afternoon, boys and girls!

Ss: Good orning/ afternoon, iss chen!

2.Sing a song." In the classroo."

2.Free talk

T: What's in /on /near …?

Ss: There's. / There are …

T: Is there a … in the….?

S1: Yes, there is. /No, there isn’t.

3. Review

T: Draw soe pictures and write their naes.


Step2: Presentation and practice

1.(1)T: Look, here's a pair of chopsticks.

Can you use chopsticks.

S: Yes, I can.

學生問答:Can you use ….?

Yes, I can./ No. I can’t.

(2)S: Can you use the knife?

T:No, I can't .But I'd like to try. Please you do.

OK. Watch e. Is this right?

S: No.

T: Let e try again. Is it right?

S: Yes.

老師在對話中可解釋I'd like to try.和Watch e.等句的意思。

2. Listen to the tape and read after the tape

3. Ss read in roles.

3、Look and read.

The students look at the pictures. Read theselves.

Then they translate the eaning. At last, they read the dialogue.

4.Play a gae

T: Close your eyes. Where's / where are the…?

S1: It’s in the…?

T: Yes, you are right./ Sorry, you are wrong.

S2: In the…?

7. Ss listen to the tape and read after the tape.

8.Ask the Ss to give the other words which pronounce /w/

9. Let students read the words together.

10. Follow the tape, read the sentences.

11. Let students read the dialogues by theselves, and guess the eaning of the story.

12.Read the dialogues after the T

13. Play the gae in groups of 4.

14. Read the short dialogue by theselves, try to understand the dialogue..

15. Say a rhye.

Learn to say the rhye "It's one in the afternoon."


1.Read after the tape.

2.Read by theselves and guess the eanings.

3.Investigate the owner of the toys.


1.say the rhye "It's one in the afternoon."

2. Do the listening work on the workbook.

3. Have a dictation.●教學后記




課 題

Unit 9 Breakfast




1.Ss can do the exercise correctly

2.Ss can use the daily sentences freely


1.Ss can do the exercise correctly

2.Ss can use the daily sentences freely


●作業(yè)與訓練課內Do listening coprehension 課外Do the exercise on the WB情況反饋Good



Period 1

A、 Listen and choose.

1、A 2、C 3、B 4、B 5、C 6、A

B、Read and choose.

1、A 2、B 3、A 4、B

C、Read and atch.

1、D 2、E 3、A 4、B 5、C

D、Read and answer.

1、He’s hungry.

2、A haburger,ilk and eggs.

3、There’s nothing.

4、Because there is no food in the fridge.

Period 2

A、 Listen and coplete

David,it’s tie to get up.

What tie is it now?

Look, it’s ten past seven

Oh, I a late. Where are y shoes, u?

Look, one is under your bed, and the other is near the door.

What’s for breakfast, u?

ilk and bread. They are on the table.

I’d like soe orange juice, u.

Sorry, there’s no orange juice.

All right.

B、Read and choose.

1、A 2、B 3、B 4、A 5、A

C、Put the sentences in the correct order.

5 1 6 3 2 7 4

What’s for lunch, Dad?

Haburgers and ilk.

Er…… I don't like ilk. I’d like soe orange juice.

There is no orange juice at hoe, what about soe coffee?

Ok, I’ll drink a cup of coffee then.

Haburgers are in the fridge. You can take the yourself.

All right, Dad.

D. Read, choose and coplete.

Happy birthday, Liu Tao.

Here’s a present for you.

Oh! A nice box. Thank you, Helen!

What’s in the box?

Open it and see.

Ok, let e open it. Wow!

It’s a pair of knife and fork.. How nice!

Can you use the knife and fork.?

Yes, I can. Look! Is this right?

No. Watch e.

Use the knife with your right hand and use the fork with your left hand.

I see. Let e try.

That’s right no

Oh, it’s tie for y birthday party.

Today we have western food.

I can try to use the knife and fork again.●教學后記




課 題

Unit 9




1.Ss can do the exercise correctly

2.Ss can use the daily sentences freely


1.Ss can do the exercise correctly

2.Ss can use the daily sentences freely




Do listening coprehension


Review Unit2






A、 Listen and nuber.

A 4 b 9 c 1 d 7 e 2 f 5 g 3 h 6 I 8

B、Read and translate

1、a knife

2、two forks

3、five pairs of chopsticks

4、a bowl of rice

5、on the plate

6、near the cupboard





C、Think and try

1、cup 2、fork 3、glass 4、rice 5、bread 6、cap 7、plate 8、tea

D、Think and answer

1、ilk and eggs

2、It’s in the cupboard

3、They’re in the cupboard

4、They’re in the cupboard

Period 2

A. Listen, find and nuber

1. orange juice 2.spoons

3. glass 4.eggs

5. rice 6.knife

7. ilk 8. bowl

B. Listen and judge

1. F 2. T 3. F 4. F 5.F 6.T

C. Listen and write

1. It is in the fridge.

2. They are on the table.

3. They are near the bottle.

4. There’s no bread on the plate

5. There’s no coffee in the cup.

6. There’s no rice in the bowl.

D. Put the words in the correct order.

1. What’s for dinner?

2. I’d like to try.

3. Let e try again.

4. Coe and have dinner.

5. Can you use a knife?

6. Here’s a pair of chopsticks for you.

E. Look, find and write.

1. Where’s the car?

It’s near the station.

2. Where are the coputers?

They are on the desk.

3. Where are the bowls?

They are in the cupboard.

4. Where are the sweets?

They are on the plate.

5. Where’s the ilk?

It’s near the chopsticks.

6. Where are the books?

They are in the bookcase.





課 題

Unit 9 Breakfast




Ss know the correct answer.


Words, phrases and sentences





Finish the exercise of Unit10






1. plate 2. cupboard 3. ear 4. train 5. spoon 6. where 7. bread 8. their books 9. a carton of ilk 10. There’s a fork. 二、聽錄音,根據(jù)你所聽到的內容給下列圖片排序。(每小題讀兩遍)

1. Coe and have soe waterelon, please. 2. Is the train for Beijing? Yes, it is. 3. There’s a piano near the windo 4. What are their jobs? They’re nurses. 5. I’d like a haburger and a banana. 6. Where’s y Walkan, u? It’s on the sofa. 7. There’s a picture on the wall. 8. There’s soe water in the bottle. 三、聽錄音,根據(jù)所聽內容找出正確的應答。(每小題讀兩遍)

1. What’s in the box? 2. Can you use forks? 3. I’ thirsty. But there’s no juice in the glass. 4. How uch are the grapes? 5. Where’s the ilk? 6. What’s for your breakfast? 四、聽錄音,填寫所缺的單詞。(每小題讀兩遍)

1. There’s soe tea in the cup. 2. Where are y books ? They’re on his school bag. 3. Our classroo is near the teachers’ office . 4. Soeties we watch TV in the classroo. 5. Here are soe sweets for you.



一、BBCAA,ABCBC 二、35861724 三、CBACAA 四、1.tea cup 2. books bag 3. our office 4. watch classroo 5. sweets for 筆試部分

一、ABAAB 二、DDCDA 三、1. no 2. glasses 3. His 4. uch 5. for 四、1. her sister’s knife 2. have soe rice 3. on foot 4. a cup of coffee 5. on the blackboard 6. 看醫(yī)生 7. 許多電腦 8. 我父親的名字 9. 一瓶蘋果汁 10. 一雙筷子 五、BCACC,BACAA 六、1. There are soe basketballs in the playground. 2. Can you use a fork? 3. Let’s go to the theatre by car. 4. Here’s a pair of chopsticks for you. 5. Where’s y yellow sweater? 七、CEADB 八、1. Which, one 2. his, He’s, policean 3. What’s, bread 4. orange, juice, bottle 九、FFTFF ●教學后記

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/xiaoxue/43176.html

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