

編輯: 路逍遙 關(guān)鍵詞: 英語試題 來源: 逍遙右腦記憶

姓名_____ 學號_______
Part I Listening 40%
一、聽錄音,選出你所聽到的單詞或詞組 8%
( ) 1. A. January B. June C. July
( ) 2. A .don’t B. doesn’t C. does
( ) 3. A. sweets B. chocolates C. sandwiches
( ) 4. A. stocking B. sock C. cock
( ) 5. A. picnic B. clinic C. stick
( ) 6. A. 6:20 B. 6:40 C. 7:20
( ) 7. A. What tie B. What colour C. What shape
( ) 8. A. beside the office B. behind the office C. behind the garden
二、聽錄音,選出你所聽到的句子 8%
( ) 1. A. There are soe toy soldiers on the desk.
B. There’s a toy soldier under the desk.
C. There are soe teddy bears under the desk.
( ) 2. A. I need soe candles.
B. I need soe noodles.
C. We need soe candles.
( ) 3. A. We are getting ready for a party.
B. You’re getting ready for a picnic.
C. They’re getting ready for a party.
( ) 4. A. Do you often play with your toys?
B. Do you often play with the boy?
C. Do you often play with your friend?
( ) 5. A. It’s tie for school.
B. It’s tie for class.
C. It’s tie for bed.
( ) 6. A. I get up at 6:30 every orning.
B. I get up at 7:15 every orning.
C. I get up at 6:45 every orning.
( ) 7. A. y birthday is on February 1st.
B. y father’s birthday is on Deceber 1st.
C. y other’s birthday is on February 21st.
( ) 8. A. His toy train is under the bed.
B. His toy train is behind the door.
C. His toy rocket is beside the bed.
三、聽錄音,選出正確的答案 8%
( ) 1. A. We have two coputer roos. B. It’s on the third floor C. It’s big and nice.
( ) 2. A. Coke. B. Soe peaches C. Cake
( ) 3. A. Yes, there are. B. Yes, they are . C. Yes, they have.
( ) 4. A. Yes, I like. B. No, I like pizza. C. Yes , I do.
( ) 5. A. No, thank you. B. You’re welcoe. C. OK.
( ) 6. A. One clock B. One o’clock C. Two o’clock
( ) 7. A. At 5:30 B. It’s 5:30 C. In the afternoon.
( ) 8. A. It’s ay 2nd. B. It’s on ay 2nd C. It’s not ay 2nd.
四、聽錄音,填入所缺單詞 6%
1. Let’s get ____________ for our class.
2. What tie is it now ? It’s ____________twenty.
3. y birthday is in October. What about ____________?
4. What’s____________ the house? There’s a big tree.
5. What’s in the box? There are a lot of ____________ stars.
6. We ____________ get up early toorro
五、聽短,判斷句意,正確的用“T”表示,不正確的用“F”表示 10%
( ) 1. Kitty’s school is sall and beautiful.
( ) 2. There are twelve classroos in the first building.
( ) 3. Kitty’s classroo is on the first floor.
( ) 4. There is a clinic in the second building.
( ) 5.There are two coputer roos in the second building.
Part II Writing 60%
一、判斷下列各組劃線部分的發(fā)音,相同的用“T”表示,不相同的用“F”表示 6%
1. thank there ( ) 2. clinic Deceber ( )
3.eleven when ( ) 4. cake haburger ( )
5. lucky done ( ) 6.early birthday ( )
二、中英互譯 10%
1. 在房子前面______________________ 2. 為晚會作準備__________________
3. 4:35 ______________________ 4. 11月21日 ___________________
5. 起床 ______________________ 6. 玩電子游戲 ___________________
7. 該上課了 ______________________ 8. get taller __________________
9. What else ? ______________________10. well done! ___________________
三、選擇 10 %
( ) 1. What’s wrong? y watch ___________ work.
A. isn’t B. doesn’t C. don’t
( ) 2. It’s seven o’clock in the orning. It’s tie __________ school.
A. in B. of C. for
( ) 3.Linda is twelve. I’ ten. I’ ____________ the Linda.
A. older B. younger C. bigger
( ) 4. ____________you need any drinks ? Yes, I ____________ .
A. Do…need B. Are…need C. Do… do
( ) 5. It’s ten o’clock.____________ y watch.
A. with B. at C. by
( ) 6.She is playing ____________ a cat.
A. and B. with C. to
( ) 7. They’re hungry. They read soe ___________.
A. bread B. ilk C. flowers
( ) 8. y birthday is _________ Noveber 8th. What about _________ ?
A. on … yours B. in …yours C. on …ine
( ) 9. ____________sart girl she is !
A. What B. How C. What a
( ) 10. We____________ toy soldiers very uch.
A. like B. likes C. liking
四、根據(jù)中提示,完成句子 7%
1. ____________________ (在哪里) the toy trains ?
2. What tie is it ? It’s _________________ (5:45).
3. ____________________( 有 ) any pigeons in the park ?
4. What’s ike doing ? He _______________ (在踢足球).
5. y birthday is ____________________ (在2月15日).
6. Are there ____________________(許多幸運星) in the box ?
7.____________________(打擾一下), where’s the superarket ?
五、按要求完成句子 12 %
1.There are soe grey cars near the door. (一般疑問句)
2.There is a black hoop on the desk. (對劃線部分提問)
3.We need soe books for Children’s Day. (對劃線部分提問)
4. John’s father’s birthday is on April 20th. (用when提問)
5.There are any pink flowers in the garden. (用what提問)
6.His toy trains are beside the box . (對劃線部分提問)
六、回答下列問題 5%
1. Do you want any drinks? ______________________________________________
2. What do you need for Christas Day? ___________________________________
3. What tie do you get up? _____________________________________________
4. Where’s your English book? ___________________________________________
5. Are you playing video gaes now ? _____________________________________
七、短,選擇正確的答案 5%
I’ Sue. I’ a girl of twelve. I like dancing and swiing . I have two good friends. Alice is one year older than e. Her birthday is on arch 22nd. She likes reading and drawing, ary is one year younger than e. Her birthday is on October 14th. She likes skating and boating. She doesn’t like singing. Noe are in the park. ary and I are flying a kite . Alice is reading a book under a big tree.
( ) 1.Alice is __________ years old.
A. twelve B. thirteen C. eleven
( ) 2.Alice likes ____________.
A. drawing B. dancing C. swiing
( ) 3. ary is ____________ years old.
A. eleven B. thirteen C. twelve
( ) 4. ary doesn’t like __________.
A .skating B. boating C. singing
( ) 5. Now __________are flying a kite..
A .Alice and Sue B. Sue and ary C. ary and Alice
八、寫寫你的教室,至少五句 5%

id—ter Exaination(內(nèi)容及答案)
Part I Listening
1.When is Ji’s birthday ? It’s in July (C)
2. y watch doesn’t work .I want a new one. ( B )
3. Don’t eat so any sweets. ( A)
4. Is there a stocking on the Christas tree ? ( A )
5. Is there a clinic in your school ? (B)
6. I often go to school at twenty to seven. ( B)
7. What colour is your toy car ? It’s black. ( B )
8. Where’s the lab ? It’s beside the office. (A )
1.C 2. B 3.B 4. A 5. B 6.B 7. C 8. B
1. Excuse e , where’s the coputer roo? ( B )
2. What fruit do you need for your birthday ? ( B)
3. Are there any dishes on the table?(A)
4. Do you like pizza ? (C )
5. Thank you for your help. ( B)
6. What’s on the wall? ( A )
7. What tie is it by your watch? ( B )
8. When is your birthday ? ( B )
1. ready 2. thirteen 3. yours 4. in front of 5. lucky 6. ust
I’ Kitty. Look, this is our school. It’s big and beautiful. There are two buildings in our school. In the first building, there are twenty classroos and five offices. y classroo is on the second floor. In the second building, there is a lab, a usic roo, a clinic and two coputer roos. Between the two buildings, there is a big playground. I love y school.
1F 2. F 3. F 4.T 5.T

Part II Writing
1.F 2.F 3.F 4.F 5.T 6T
1. in front of the house 2. get ready for a party
3. twenty-five to five/ four thirty-five 4. Noveber 21st
5. get up 6. play video gaes
7. It’s tie for class/It’s tie to have class 8. 長高了
9. 還有什么? 10. 好極了
1.B 2.C 3.B 4.C 5.C 6.B 7.A 8.A 9.C 10.A
1. Where are 2 . a quarter to six/five forty-five 3. Are there
4. is playing football 5. on February 15th 6. a lot of lucky stars
7. Excuse e
1. Are there any grey cars near the door ?
2. How any black hoops are there on the desk?
3. When is John’s father’s birthday ?
4. What’s in the garden ?
5. What’s in the garden ?
6. Where are his toy trains ?
1. Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.
2. I need…
3. I get up at…
4. It’s…
5. No, I’ not.
1.B 2.A 3. A 4. C 5. B

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/xiaoxue/44457.html
