
Unit7 Would you like a pie 第一課時(shí)

編輯: 路逍遙 關(guān)鍵詞: 英語教案 來源: 逍遙右腦記憶


( 三 )年級( 英語 )備課組


3A Unit7 Would you like a pie ?




第( 1 )課時(shí)


1.能聽懂、會(huì)說、會(huì)拼讀單詞a cake, a pie, a hot dog,a haburger,an egg

2.能初步聽懂、會(huì)說并且會(huì)讀Would you like…?/What about…?以及應(yīng)答語Yes, please.和No , thank you.明白如何征詢別人的意見

3. 能初步聽懂、會(huì)說并且會(huì)讀Nice to eet you.,并且明白回答是Nice to eet you,too.

4.學(xué)生繼續(xù)了解一些介紹朋友時(shí)的禮節(jié)以及“Nice to eet you.”的適用范圍。


1.能聽懂、會(huì)說、會(huì)拼讀單詞a cake, a pie, a hot dog,a haburger

2.能初步聽懂、會(huì)說并且會(huì)讀Would you like…?/What about…?以及應(yīng)答語Yes, please.和No , thank you.


1.能初步聽懂、會(huì)說并且會(huì)讀Would you like…?/What about…?以及應(yīng)答語Yes, please.和No , thank you.


學(xué)生能否掌握What about…?這個(gè)句型?





Step 1 Greeting


T: Hello, boys and girls.

Ss:Hello, iss Zhang.

2.Sing songs and say soe rhyes.

a.Sing songs:

At the arket Row ,row ,row your boat…


T:iss Zhang can sing At the arket.Can you sing it?

Ss:Yes,I can.

b.Say rhyes

Are you ike? At a snack bar …

At a snack bar

A pie, a cake, a hot dog please.

And a haburger with cheese.

For To, for arry, for Jack and e.

Thank you, r Lee.

這些小詩都是學(xué)生學(xué)過的,尤其是配上動(dòng)作的,學(xué)生不容易忘記,但是也需要反復(fù)復(fù)習(xí)。At a snack bar這首小詩


T:Well done. You have a good eory.

Step 2 Presentation

T: I like the nice food(PPT:我喜歡美味食物).Do you like the nice food?

S Yes, I do.

T: I would like to have a picnic.(2AUnit 6課題出現(xiàn)過picnic的單詞,PPT再次出示)

導(dǎo)題:Today, we’ll learn Unit7 Would you like a pie?

出示課題:Unit7 Would you like a pie?


T:Would you like to have a picnic?(PPT出示,并顯示中意思,讓學(xué)生再次感知上一單元would you like這個(gè)句型)

Ss: Ok./All right.

T:Firstly,let’s choose soe food. Let’s go to the snack bar.

1.教授并且復(fù)習(xí)本單元部分單詞a cake, a pie, a hot dog, a haburger, an egg和本課重點(diǎn)句型Would you like a …?以及回答Yes, please. /No, thank you.

出示snack bar和一些小詩中出現(xiàn)的食物的圖片,并教授食物單詞,說的好的給有單詞的食物小圖片做獎(jiǎng)勵(lì)。

T: Look,this is a snack bar.

What can you see?

S: I can see a …

根據(jù)學(xué)生說的順序教授單詞:a cake, a pie, a hot dog,

a haburger, an egg。

T: Would you like a …?(出示句型,教讀,并板書)

出示Learning tips:

Would you like…? 你想要……嗎?

Yes,please. 是的。/No, thank you.不,謝謝。

出示句型,并且教讀:Yes,please.和No, thank you.

S: Yes,please./No, thank you.(提示學(xué)生回答)

2.Story tie


T: There are so any nice food. I like the. And y friends like the, too. Let’s go to have a picnic no

Look, y friends are coing.出示課圖片

T:I can see ike. Who can you see?

Ss:I can see(Liu Tao, Wang Bing…)

T:Look, ike is introducing his sister to his friends. What is he saying? How does Yang Ling greet to her new friend? Let’s watch the cartoon.

ike: This is y sister ,Helen.

Yang Ling: Nice to eet you .

教師出示句型并且教讀:Nice to eet you.

Learning tips:

Nice to eet you. 用于第一次見面時(shí)說的話,一般的場合都可以,比較正式。回答是:Nice to eet you, too.

T: Helen is their new friend. How do they guest (招待) Helen. Would Helen like a pie or a cake? Let’s watch the cartoon again.

PPT: What would Helen like, a pie or a cake?


She’d like a cake

T:How do they guest(招待) Helen?

Su Hai: Would you like a pie?

Helen: No , thank you.讀句子,同桌之間練習(xí)。

Yang Ling: What a cake?

Helen: Yes, please.

出示句型:What about…? ……怎么樣?

about ou /au/

滲透ou 字母組合發(fā)音:blouse ouse outh

(1) Read one by one

(2) Read together.

Learning tips:

What about…?這是常用的一句口語。實(shí)際上是一個(gè)省略句,既What is it about…?“(關(guān)于)……怎么樣”。這個(gè)句子一般情況下是不單獨(dú)使用得,一定得有上的,在述說了某一事情之后,轉(zhuǎn)向另一事物時(shí),才用到這一句式。


同義句:How about …?


(1)Read after the tape(注意模仿語音語調(diào))

(2)Read together


Step 3 Consolidation

1.復(fù)習(xí)單詞a cake, a pie, a hot dog, a haburger,an egg

a. Puzzles(遮去部分,猜是什么)


2.Work in pairs


S1:Would you like a…?

S2: No, thank you.

S1:What about a …?

S2: Yes, please.


1. √ ×

S1:Would you like a cake?

S2: No, thank you.

S1:What about a hot dog?

S2: Yes, please.


(1)今天我們學(xué)了一些食物類的單詞:a cake, a pie, a hot dog, a haburger,an egg

(2)和別人第一次見面時(shí),可以說:Nice to eet you.

你可以回答:Nice to eet you, too.

(3)征求別人意見時(shí)可以說:Would you like…?和What about…?

4.Eating too uch is not healthy.吃得太多不利于健康。

Step 4 Hoework

1.Recite Story tie

2py the neords 4 ties.(下節(jié)課默寫)


1.Recite Story tie

2py the neords 4 ties.(下節(jié)課默寫)


Unit 7 Would you like a pie?

Nice to eet you.

A: Would you like a…? a cake a pie

B: No, thank you. a hot dog a haburger

A: What about a …?

B: Yes, please.

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/xiaoxue/44710.html

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