
牛津英語5BUnit3 Hobbies教案

編輯: 路逍遙 關鍵詞: 英語教案 來源: 逍遙右腦記憶

Unit3 Hobbies
本單元通過ike 和Yang Ling 到Ben家做客,引出話題,談論"興趣愛好"。主要學習一般疑問句Do you have any hobbies?及其答語Yes,I do. No,I don't. 和主語為第三人稱單數(shù)時動詞的用法。
1、能聽懂、會說、會讀和會拼寫單詞collect, a stap, beautiful, a classate, a ship, an anial, take photos, go shopping和a coin。
2、能聽懂、會說、會讀和會寫句型Do you have any hobbies? Do you like …? Yes, I do. /No, I don’t. He/She likes… He/She doesn’t.
3、能聽懂、會說、會讀日常交際用語和句型Show us…, please. Here they are. Can you …?
5、會唱歌曲Do you have any hobbies?
2、能正確地聽、說、讀、寫Do you have any hobbies?句型及其回答。

read and say(Page 22--23)
1.能正確地聽、說、讀、寫單詞collect, a stap, any, a ship, go shopping, every ,aunt,uncle.
2.能正確地運用對話中的日常交際用語和詞組take photos, Show us his staps, please.Here they are.
3.能正確得理解并運用句型Do you have any hobbies? Do you like…?Yes, I do.
No, I don’t. He/She likes…
1. 一本郵冊,船類和動物類郵票
3. 照相機
4. 錄音機和磁帶
Step1.War up
1.Free talk
T: Good orning! How are you?
S: Fine, thank you, and you?
T: Not so good. I’ve got a cold ? What would you like to say to e?
S1: iss Zhou, take soe edicine, please.
S2: Drink soe water.
S3: Have a lot of rest.
S4: Why don’t you go to see the doctor?
2.Listen and do
T: I like sports. I like playing table tennis. I like clibing the hill. Do you like sports?
Ss: Yes, we do.
T: Now let’s do soe exercise. Please listen and do.
Step2.Presentation and practice
1.學習:go shopping, hobby
T: I like playing table tennis. I like reading books, too. I also like going shopping.(出示圖片,學說go shopping)
T: Going shopping is y hobby.(學說hobby)
T: Going shopping is y hobby. Reading books is y hobby. They are y hobbies.(理解學說hobbies)
2.學習練說句型A: Do you have any hobbies? B: Yes, I do. I like…
T: Do you have any hobbies? (逐一問)
Ss: Yes, I do. I like…
師逐一向全班報告:Oh! He/She likes…
3. a. 師出示課前準備好的郵冊介紹引出What’s this? It’s a stap.(教讀a stap, 生帶讀)Look! There are any staps in y book.引出any.
拿出動物郵票:There’s a lion on this stap. The lion is an anial. This is an anial stap.讓學生理解anial的意思
出示一張船圖案的郵票:There’s a ship on the stap. It’s very nice. It’s beautiful.
學習a ship 一詞。 領讀單詞a stap, any, a ship, 生跟讀。
b. 師繼續(xù)出示郵冊,一邊給學生看里面的郵票一邊介紹說 I like collecting staps. Look at y staps. They are beautiful. 出示課前準備的布偶說I like collecting dolls ,too 學習單詞collect。
c. 師把布偶放在桌子上,一邊拍照一邊說I like collecting dolls. I like taking photos. 讓學生領會a photo和take a photo的意思,再讓學生邊說邊做take a photo.
Step3 Read and say
出示Read and say部分的掛圖并進行句型介紹This is Yang Ling. She likes aking clothes. Helen likes cooking and growing flowers.學生理解圖片意思后模仿學說This is Yang Ling. She likes aking clothes. Helen likes cooking and growing flowers.
師生利用掛圖進行問答練習:Does Yang Ling like aking clothes? Yes, she does. Does Helen like taking photos? No, she doesn’t.領說句型。
1.Look at the pictures, listen to the tape, and try to understand the dialogue.
2.listen to he tape and repeat.
3.Read the dialogue by theselves.
4.Act out the dialogue in groups.
Step4 Enjoy a song -----《Hobbies》
Step5 Hoework
1py the words: collect, a stap, any, a ship, go shopping, every ,aunt, uncle.
Unit3 Hobbies
He likes… a stap any
She likes… a ship collect
Do you like…? go shopping
Do you have any…? take a photo

1. Look, read and write(Page24)
2. Sing a song(Page29)
1.能正確地聽、說、讀、寫詞組take photos, go shopping。
2.能正確德聽、說、讀詞組ake odel ships, collect staps, grow flowers, ake clothes.
1. 能正確地聽、說、讀、寫詞組take photos, go shopping。
3.能正確地聽、說、讀詞組ake odel ships, collect staps, grow flowers, ake clothes.
1. 能正確地聽、說、讀、寫詞組take photos, go shopping。
2. 能熟練運用本課所學的詞組。
1. 畫有B部分詞組的動作圖片和掛圖
2. 錄音機和磁帶
Step1.Free talk and otivation
1.用Good orning! How are you? Nice to see you. Do you like …? Does he/she like…?等日常生活用語及句型與學生交談。
2.Sing a song----《Hobbies》
a. Read 《Hobbies》, and try to know the eaning.
b. Listen to the tape twice.
c. Listen and follow it.
d. Sing it together and let soe Ss sing it.
Step2.Presentation and practice
1. 當歌曲結束時,師問: Do you have any hobbies? 復現(xiàn)詞組take photos, ake clothes collect staps。學生跟讀、自由讀。
2. 師做動作讓學生猜測:What a I doing? Guess!
Ss: Are you taking photos/aking clothes /collecting staps?
T: Yes/No. I’ going shopping/aking odel ships/growing flowers/aking clothes?引出go shopping/ake odel ships/grow flowers/ake clothes?等其他詞組。
3. listen to the tape and follow (模仿跟讀)
Step3 Consolidation
1. What’s issing?
師出示本單元所學的所有動詞詞組的圖片,以最快的速度抽出一張,問學生:What’s issing? 學生快速說出被抽的詞組。
2. Look and say
Do the actions, and then Ss say the phrases as soon as possible.
3.What’s your hobby?
Do you like going shopping? Yes, I do.
Do you like aking clothes? No, I don’t.
4.學生抄寫四會詞組:take photos, go shopping, collects staps.
1. Copy the phrases: take photos, go shopping, collects staps.
2. ake a dialogue in pairs.
Unit3 Hobbies
take photos go shopping ake odel ships
collect staps grow flowers ake clothes

1. Ask and answer
2. Look, read and coplete
2.能進一步掌握句型Do you have any hobbies?及其答語Yes, I do.
3.能用I like…和He/She likes…,too.句型描述自己或他人的愛好和活動。
能正確地聽、說、讀、寫句子Do you have any hobbies?及其答語Yes, I do.和 I like…及He/She likes…,too.句型
能正確運用Do you have any hobbies?及其答語Yes, I do.并能在具體情景中以口頭或書面的形式進行交流
1. 課前準備有關活動等方面的多媒體或圖片(如ake odel ships, collect staps, grow flowers, ake clothes等)
2. 一個話筒
3. 錄音機和磁帶
Step1. War up
1.Sing a song----- 《Hobbies》
2.a. 快速呈示圖片,復習本單元動作類的詞語
b. ake sentences: I like…
T: Do you have any hobbies?
S1: Yes, I do. I like… 選擇自己喜歡的活動
Step2.Ask and answer
S: Do you have any hobbies?
T: Yes, I do. I like collecting staps.
教師手指著一男生說He likes collecting staps, too.
2.Practise in groups
A: Do you have any hobbies?
B: Yes, I do. I like collecting staps. He likes collecting staps, too.
Do you have any hobbies? Yes, I do. I like…He/She likes…, too.(看誰造的句子多)
A: Do you have any hobbies?
B: Yes, I do. I like aking odel ships.
A: (指著另一個男學生)He likes aking odel ships, too. Right?
B: No, he doesn’t. He likes taking photos.
Step3. Look, read and coplete
1. 教師出示D部分的多媒體或圖片,創(chuàng)設情境,引出話題 This is a picture of Su Hai’s faily. Su Hai and her faily have soe hobbies.
2. Look at the picture carefully , and then fill the blanks.(學生填空時,教師邊巡視邊提醒學生注意主語為第三人稱單數(shù)時動詞的用法。)
3.Ask and answer(進一步理解圖片內容)
T: Do Su Hai and her faily have any hobbies?
Ss: Yes, they do.
T: Su Hai likes growing flowers. Su Yang likes growing flowers, too. Right?
Ss: No, she doesn’t. She likes aking odel ships.
T: Their other likes going shopping and their father likes collecting staps. Right?
B: Yes. And they all like listening to usic and taking photos.
Unit 3 Hobbies
Do you have any hobbies? I like…
Yes, I do. He/She likes…,too.

1. Read and act 2. Do a survey
3. Listen and repeat
1. 通過復習,要求學生能熟練地掌握本單元所學的有關活動類詞匯。
2. 能熟練地在情景中運用本單元所學的句型和日常交際用語。
3. 能進一步掌握句型Do you have any hobbies?及其答語Yes, I do. 和 I like…及He/She likes…,too.句型描述自己或他人喜歡的活動。
4. 能初步了解字母U 在單詞中的讀音。
能正確地聽、說、讀、寫句型Do you have any hobbies?及其答語Yes, I do.和I like…及He/She likes…,too句式。
1. 有關活動方面的多媒體或圖片。
2. 空白表格
3. 錄音機和錄音帶
Step1.Free talk and revision
T: Good orning, class. Nice to see you again.
Ss: Nice to see you.
T: I like growing flowers. Do you have any hobbies?
S1: Yes, I do. I like aking odel ships.
T: He likes taking photos. Right?
S2: No, he doesn’t. He likes collecting staps.
T: Do you like playing the piano?
S3: Yes, I do.
S4; I like playing the piano, too.
Step2. Do a survey
S5: I like…….
T: What do you like?
S6: I like….
T: Your hobbies are different. Look, I have a table. Let’s do a survey. Ask your friend like this. (示范,做記錄)
T: Do you have any hobbies?
S: Yes, I do. I like……
T: Do you understand?
S: Yes.
T: Please do the survey in groups.
S: (六人一組,一人為組長詢問,填表格,其余學生回答)
T: OK, can you tell e about your survey?(統(tǒng)計調查結果)
S: Yes. Five students like taking photos. One student likes aking odel ships.
Step3.Read and act
1.T:Let’s listen to a song. OK?
S: OK. ( Listen to the song “Hobbies”)
T: (出示E部分的圖片)Look, who are they?
Ss; They are Liu Tao and Wang Bing.
T: Now, let’s listen to the tape and see: What are Wang Bing and Liu Tao’s hobbies?
S: (Listen to the dialogue)
T: Does Liu Tao have any hobbies?
S: Yes, he does. He likes growing flowers.
T: Great! What is he doing?
S: He is watering the trees and flowers.
Teach: water 澆水
T: Who likes grows flowers, too?
S: Wang Bing’s aunt.
T: Oh, they have the sae hobby.
Teach: sae 相同的
2.Read the dialogue after the tape.
3.Read the dialogue by theselves
4.Read in pairs and act out the dialogue.
Step4.Listen and repeat
1.T: OK,well down. Let’s play a gae.(出示圖片)
coputer usic student (快速展示,抽掉一張)
What is issing?
2.Let the students read the words together.
3.T: Please try to find out the sae pronunciation . S: /ju:/
4.Show the phonetic sybol
5.Read the words again
6. Read the sentence
2.能夠熟練并表演Read and act.
Unit 3 Hobbies

圖片(活動類) Read and act 圖片

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/xiaoxue/45600.html

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