
PEP 3A Unit6 Happy Birthday! Part A Let’s learn

編輯: 路逍遙 關(guān)鍵詞: 英語教案 來源: 逍遙右腦記憶

PEP 3A Unit6 Happy Birthday! Part A Let’s learn


  1、 能聽說、認(rèn)讀數(shù)字1到10。
  2、 能聽懂所學(xué)的指令語,并能按照指令做出相應(yīng)的動作。
教學(xué)難點:數(shù)字的準(zhǔn)確發(fā)音,尤其是3、5、9 三個數(shù)字的發(fā)音要到位。

Step1.War up

A. Listen to a song----Ten little candles dance (T: First tie let’s listen. The second tie if you can, let’s sing together.)

Step2.Greeting ≈Revision

A. T: Good orning, boys and girls. Nice too eet you! How are you?

B. Now let’s do Sion says:

Show e your book. (第一次教師示范)

Show e your pencil.

Show e your ruler.

Show e your bag.

Show e your leg. (稍加動作提示是身體部位了)

Show e your ar.

Show e your hand.

Show e your finger.

Step3. Appear

A. Show e this finger, this one and this one. (邊說邊做“非常6+1的手勢”,做出的同學(xué)并給與鼓勵,super/great/ good.)-----展示PPT“非常6+1”。

B. T: Look here. It’s a progra.(引導(dǎo)學(xué)生說節(jié)目的名稱)

Yes. It has the chance to break the golden eggs.

So today if you are well done, you have the chance to break the eggs too. Now let’s begin our class’s “非常6+1”, ok?

Step4. Presentation

A. six ≈ one ≈ two

a. This is six and one(分解6和1的手勢動作,做兩次,說兩次,讓學(xué)生跟著做和說)

b. six (Read after T several ties單詞卡片貼墻上, then ask Ss to do and say)

c. one (T: Yes, this is six. And this is… one手勢. Show e one finger and one finger.兩只手展示one的手勢. One finger, one finger, go, go, go. One finger, one finger, go, go, go.在PPT上展示,并且引導(dǎo)學(xué)生邊說邊做T: Ok, can you do now? Look carefully.變手指的小魔術(shù)---two)

d. two (跟讀)

e. Practice: I can say

Look, I have one/ two_______. (男女分開比賽,并獎勵 動物貼紙)

B.three ≈ four

a. appear

T: Look, I have two legs. But … (聽聲音Look, I have three legs. 吃驚的表情,加上手勢和動作 three legs? What is it? Guessing)

b. three

1. 跟讀,注意 “th” 的發(fā)音。

2. practice:three______(6個禮盒猜動物)

c. four

1. appear: 第6個禮盒是4只動物

2. 跟讀,并練口令:T: one two three. Ss: four, four four.

C. practice (聽和認(rèn)讀):

Let’s do and say: Turtle dancing

Turtle, turtle, one head.

Turtle, turtle, four legs.

Turtle, turtle, short tail.

D. five

T: Wow, wonderful! It’ s a sart turtle(豎起大拇指).It is a little atheatician. (小小數(shù)學(xué)家)

One and one is two. ____and___is____

1+1=2 2+1=3 3+1=4 4+1=5(引出five: 跟讀,抽查,give e five)

E. seven

1. ____and___is____5+1=6 6+1=7(seven)

F. eight

1. PPT動畫的巧妙運用,兩個7的圖片相結(jié)合—8(eight)。

G.Let’s chant

Five, six, touch your case.

Case, case, touch your case.

Seven, eight, touch your book.

Book, book, touch your book

Nine, ten, touch your pen.

Pen, pen, touch your pen.

H. nine ≈ ten跟讀操練

Step5 Practice

A. Let’s count 1--10, 10—1

B. Let’s do: Show e one and two…

C. Look and atch

Step6 Consolidation

1. 介紹動物園:Look,this is y bag. I have…

Step7 Hoework




PEP1 Part A Let’s learn

One two three four

Five six seven eight

Show e...

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/xiaoxue/46430.html

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