

編輯: 路逍遙 關(guān)鍵詞: 英語試題 來源: 逍遙右腦記憶

班級 姓名 學(xué)號

Part 1 部分
一、 在聽到的字母或單詞下打勾:16%
1.bd2. h k
3. eic cej4. fh fng
5.New York London6. thirsty happy
7. eleven twelve 8. near under
二.按聽到的順序給下列圖片或單詞編號: 16%

() ( ) ( ) ( )

() ( ) ( ) ( )
3. happy sleepy thirsty sad
() ( ) ( ) ( )
4.coputer roo dining rooreading rooclassroo
() ( ) ( ) ( )
三.聽錄音, 將人物與圖片用線連起:8%
1. A.

2. B.


4. D.

四、聽音編號: 12%
( ) I’ fro New York.
( ) It’s in the USA.
( ) Hello, I a To. Where are you fro?
( ) Hello, I a Yang inging. Where is New York?
( ) This is ike, a new boy.
( ) Welcoe to our class.
五、聽句子,圈單詞: 8%
1. Are you in Class ( Three, Two) ? No, I’ not.
2. What ( colour, shape) is it? It’s a (square, circle).
3. Where is the cat? It’s ( under, near) the desk.
4.I’ (hungry, thirsty). I want soe (coke, juice)
5. How old are you? I’ ( eight, ten).
6. Where are you fro? I’ fro (Sydney, Paris)

Part 2筆試部分
一.按順序?qū)懗鲎帜竌-n 14%
b k h e j g n a i c l f d

1.A. blackB. redC.greenD. star
2.A. appleB. circleC.orangeD. banana
3.A. fiveB. sevenC.fourD. candle
4.A. onB. nearC.twoD. under
5.A. boneB. cokeC.ilkD. juice
1. I’ in the ( coputer roo, dining roo).
2. What shape is it? It’s a ( triangle, circle)
3. To is ( sleepy, sad)
4. Today is y birthday. I a (eight, nine)
5. Alice is fro ( Paris, London)
1. Are you in the reading roo?
A. Yes, I a.B.Yes, I’ not.
2.Here’s a star for you. X
A. Yes.B. Thank you.
3.Where are you fro?
A.I’ nine.B.I’ fro Hangzhou.
4.Is the cat on the box?
A. Yes, it is.B. Yes, I a.
5.I’ hungry.
A.Here is a cake for you.B. Here’s soe ilk for you.
五.根據(jù)短判斷正誤,對的用 “T”, 錯的用 “F”表示:6%
Hello, I’ Sandy. I’ ten. I’ fro Shanghai. I’ve got a new eraser. It’s a circle. This is Sue. She’s fro Sydney. She’s pretty. She’s got a new pencil-box. It’s a rectangle. We are in Class Three, Grade Two. We are good friends.
1.( ) I’ eleven.
2.( ) I’ve got a new eraser.
3.( ) y eraser is a circle.
4.( ) Sue is fro Shanghai.
5.( ) Sue’s new pencil-box is a triangle.
6.( ) Sue is in Class Three.

一、 在聽到的字母或單詞下打勾:16%
1.d 2. h 3. eic 4. fng 5. New York 6. thirsty7. twelve 8. under
二.按聽到的順序給下列圖片或單詞編號: 16%
1. square triangle circle rectangle
2.under the desk in the box near the bed on the box
3.thirstysleepyhappy sad
4.coputer roo dining rooclassroo reading roo
三.聽錄音, 將人物與圖片用線連起:8%
1.A: Hello, are you Noran? B: Yes, I a.
A: Where are you fro? B:I’ fro Beijing.
2.A: Good orning. I’ Alice. I’ new here.
B: Good orning. How old are you?
A: I’ nine.
3.A: Toy, are you in Class One?
B: No, I’ not. I’ in Class Two.
A: This is Class One. B:I’ sorry.
4.A: Sandy, are you hungry? B: Yes, I a.
A: Do you like cake? B:No, I like cookies.
四、聽音編號: 12%
This is ike, a new boy.
Welcoe to our class.
Hello, I a To. Where are you fro?
I’ fro New York.
Hello, I a Yang inging. Where is New York?
It’s in the USA.
五、聽句子,圈單詞: 8%
1. Are you in Class ( Three) ? No, I’ not.
2. What (shape) is it? It’s a (square).
3. Where is the cat? It’s (near) the desk.
4.I’ (thirsty). I want soe (coke)
5. How old are you? I’ ( eight).
6. Where are you fro? I’ fro (Paris)

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/xiaoxue/48365.html
