
牛津英語5B Unit4 An English friend教案

編輯: 路逍遙 關鍵詞: 英語教案 來源: 逍遙右腦記憶

Unit4 An English friend
本單元由Read and say, Look,read and learn, Look and say, Work in pairs, Look and read, Listen and act, Listen and repeat及Say a rhye七個部分組成。本單元的核心內容是通過發(fā)電子郵件的情景介紹朋友,要求同學們能在一定的情景下正確使用副詞,特別是動詞跟副詞搭配的詞組。并且在介紹朋友的同時,還重點引出了主語是第三人稱單數(shù)的一般疑問句和特殊疑問句及其應答Does he /she … Yes ,he /she does. No,he /she doesn’t.What does he /she usually do…? He/she usually…
2.能誦讀歌謠:A letter for e
1.能聽得懂、會說、會讀和會拼寫單詞an e-ail, busy, town, well,fast,high,usually,fro 。
2. 能聽懂、會說、會讀單詞及詞組:live in,town,London,a sall town near London,surf the Internet,write an e-ail。
3、能聽懂、會說、會讀、會寫句型Does he /she … Yes ,he /she does. No,he /she doesn’t.What does he /she usually do…? He/she usually…
4.能聽得懂、會說、會讀句型What does he/she usually do …?He/She usually…
1. 能聽懂、會說、會讀和會拼寫單詞an e-ail, busy, town, usually, well, fast, high, fro。
2. 能聽懂、會說、會讀和會拼寫句型Does he/she...?Yes, he/she does. No, he/she doesn't. What does he/she usually do...? He/She usually
3. 學生能初步了解主語是第三人稱單數(shù)的一般疑問句和特殊疑問句及其應答簡單的語法規(guī)則。
對于本單元出現(xiàn)的單詞,學生已經(jīng)熟悉。難點是動詞與副詞搭配的詞組,學生初步學習有一定的難度。還有主語是第三人稱單數(shù)的一般疑問句和特殊疑問句及其應答Does he /she … Yes ,he /she does. No,he /she doesn’t.What does he /she usually do…? He/she usually…
第一課時A. Read and say
第二課時B. Look, read and learn & C. Look and say
第三課時D. Work in pairs & H. Say a rhye
第四課時E. Look and read F. Listen and act & G. Listen and repeat

1. 能聽懂、會說、會讀單詞及詞組:live in,town,London,a sall town near London,surf the Internet,write an e-ail。
2、能聽懂、會說、會讀、會寫句型Does he /she … Yes ,he /she does. No,he /she doesn’t.What does he /she usually do…? He/she usually…
3、能讀懂Part A.
1. 單詞usually和詞組surf the internet的發(fā)音。
2. 初步了解掌握句型:What does he/she usuallydo …? He/She …
Does he/she …? Yes, he/she does. No, he/she doesn’t.
3. 學生能初步了解主語是第三人稱單數(shù)的一般疑問句和特殊疑問句及其應答簡單的語法規(guī)則。
三、教學準備:多媒體,town, London ,usually等單詞的卡片。
Step1 .Free talk
1. T-S:Greetings.
2、T: I’ fro JiangSu.I live in SuQian . Do you live in SuQian?
S: Yes I do. /No I don’t.
T: Does he /she live in SuQian ?
S: Yes, he/she does. No, he /she doesn’t.(引導學生回答)
3.Where does he live ? He lives in …
4. SuQian is a town ,LuoWei is a sall town ,yes ?
5.town <read >
6.What about YangHe ?(引導學生用town 造句)
S: YangHe is a sall town. …
T: YangHe a sall town near SuQian.What about YangBei ? (引導學生說類似的話,同時教師要及時糾正學生可能對地理概念不大清楚的現(xiàn)象,用Is Beijing a town ? Shanghai is not a town .幫助學生理解town 這個詞的定義)
7.I have a friend ,To. Can you guess Where does he live ?
引導學生用Does he live in …?
8.通過學生的問題,教師用多媒體適時引出London <read >
9.隨即引出 a sall town near London
并且在對話中及時鞏固He lives in …這一句型。
Step 2.Presentation and practice
1.T: To is a student .You are students, too . What subjects do you have at school?
2.T:Do you study Chinese ? Do you study English ?…
3.T:Can you guess what subjects does To study at school ? (引導學生使用句子)
T: What subjects does he study at school?
S: He studies …. (read the sentence)
5.多媒體出示人物及課程表,展開pair work (獎勵)
6.T:We study PE at school.,Do you like PE?
S:Yes, I do.
T:I like PE ,too .I usually play football after school .(多媒體出示日歷,顯示每周踢足球的天數(shù),便于學生理解usually) What about you ?
S: I usually … 讓好同學示范說。
7.usually < read >
(再引導學生說 I usually … )
T:What do you usually do at school/at hoe ?
What do you usually do on Sundays?
8.依次呈現(xiàn)多媒體 (劉翔等圖片 )
T:Can you guess ,what does he usually do … ?
S: (引導) He usually runs , I think. (目的是讓學生正確使用這一句型)
9.通過談論有關圖片,使學生靈活使用He/she usually …的句型,同時教師反復滲透what does he/she usually do… ?的句型。
10.pair work 再出示一組人物圖片,(名人)要求學生選一幅最了解的圖片進行談論(圖片信息都于學生)
Step 3 presentation and practice
1.T:Can you guess,What does To usually do on Sundays?
S: To usually plays football on Sundays .(啟發(fā))
2.同時引出 I usually surf the Internet on Sundays.(多媒體演示上網(wǎng)的頁面,使學生有直觀的感知) <read>
3.T: I like surfing the Internet .Do you like surfing the Internet?
S:Yes,I do.
T: Who likes surfing the Internet?
S: He /she likes surfing the Internet.(引導學生有意識地對比,為接著的一般現(xiàn)在時教學作準備)
T: What a I doing ?
A I surfing the Internet now?( 切換多媒體到電子郵件圖面)
S:No .
T: Yes ,I’ not surfing the Internet. I’ writing an e-ail.引出詞組write an e-ail. <read>
T: Can you write an e-ail?
S: Yes,I can write an e-ail./y father can write an e- ail,too.(目的是靈活使用這一短語)
4.T: I usually write an e-ail to Yao ing 。 I like hi .Do you like Yao ing ? He can play basketball.And he plays well <read>
T: Who plays basketball well ,too? (訓練句型He plays well.)
引導: plays basketball/swis/… well.靈活應用句型。(由多媒體呈現(xiàn)圖片引導說話)
[通過多媒體感知surf the Internet和write an e-ail,并且充分利用已學句型,一方面在用中學習新語言,另一方面引導學生表達與新知識相關的日常用語。]
Step 4: PartA
1.Let′s listen to the tape and answer the questions
(1) Does Wang Bing go with Gao Shan?
(2) where is Wang Bing?
(3) What is he doing? (1) Where does To live?
(4) What does To usually do on Sundays?
(5) Does he play well?
4.Read the passage after the tape
5.Read the passage by theselves
6.Read it in different roles. (分角色朗讀對話)
7. Consolidation :Coplete the exercises.(附)
(一).判斷下列句子的含義是否與課內容相符,對的打 “T”,錯的打 “F”
( ) 1. Wang Bing is surfing the Internet .
( ) 2. To is Wang Bing’s English friend.
( ) 3. To lives in London.
( ) 4. To studies Chinese and English .
( ) 5. To can play football well,but he can’t swi.
(二) 你能回答下面問題嗎?你能摘下幾顆星☆☆☆
1. What subjects does To study at school ?
He .
2. What does To usually do on Sundays ?
He .
(三) 請你做回小醫(yī)生,將句子中的一處毛病找出,并且改正。
1.To swi well . ( )
2. What do he study at school ? ( )
3. Do he study English ?( )
4. Wang Bing is writeing an e-ail. ( )
5. He studys Chinese . ( )
Step5 Assign hoework
Unit4 An English Friend
town Does he live in London?
well No, he does
age What does he usually do?
usually He usually plays football.
an e-ail
surfing the Internet


1、 熟練掌握四會單詞:fast,high
2、熟練掌握四會句型:Does … ? Yes , …does. / No , … doesn’t.
3、 熟練掌握三會詞組:speak loudly, run fast, dance beautifully, jup high, walk carefully, sit down.
1、要求學生能圍繞這些動詞詞組,在一定情景下,正確使用Does … ?以及回答Yes,…does./No,….doesn’t.
1、 激發(fā)學生的學習興趣,提高學習的積極性。
2、 激發(fā)學生的參與意識,綜合運用語言知識的意識。
2.熟練掌握四會句型Does … ? Yes , … does. / No, … doesn’t.
三會詞組 speak loudly, run fast, dance beautifully, jup high, walk carefully, sit down. 的運用。
Step 1:Free talk
T:What day is it today?
S:It’s Tuesday.
T:What’s the weather like today?
S:It’s fine.
T:What can you do?
S:I can swi.
Step 2:Presentaion
(多媒體出示圖片)T:Who is he? S: He is Yaoing.
T: What can he do? S: He can play basketball.
T: Yes!He can jup. He can jup high.
教授“jup high”(領讀、個別讀,把卡片貼在黑板上)
指著一個學生問:Does … jup high? 引出句型“Does …? Yes,… does. /No ,… doesn’t.”
(多媒體出示圖片)T: Who is he? S: He is Liuxiang.
T: What can he do? S: He can run.
T: He can run fast.
教授“run fast”(領讀、個別讀、分小組讀,把卡片貼在黑板上)
T: I can say run fast, What can you say? (邊說邊做動作提示學生,做游泳的動作)
S: I can say swi fast.
S’: I can say walk fast.
T: Does… run fast?
S:Yes,… does./No , …doesn’t.
(多媒體出示圖片)T: Does she walk fast?
S: No ,she doesn’t.
T: She walks carefully.
教授“walk carefully”(聽、看嘴型、領讀、個別讀、分小組讀,把卡片貼在黑板上)
T: I can say walk carefully. What can you say?(做動作提示學生)
S: I can say listen carefully.
S’: I can say write carefully.
(多媒體出示圖片)T: Does he walk carefully?
S: No ,he doesn’t.
T: He dances beautifully.
教授“dance beautifully”(領讀、個別讀、分小組讀,把卡片貼在黑板上)
T: Does … dance beautifully?
S: Yes, … does./No, … doesn’t.
(多媒體出示圖片)T: What is he doing?
S: He is speaking.
T: He speaks loudly.
教授“speak loudly”(領讀、個別讀、分男女聲讀,把卡片貼在黑板上)
T: I can say speak loudly. What can you say?
S: I can say read loudly/cry loudly…
T: Does … speak loudly?
S: Yes, … does./No, … doesn’t.
(多媒體出示圖片)T: What is he doing?
S: He is sitting.
T: He sits quietly.
教授“sit quietly”(聽音看嘴型、分解讀音、個別讀、分小組讀,把卡片貼在黑板上)
T: I can say sit quietly. What can you say?(做睡覺的動作提示學生)
S: I can say sleep quietly/stand quietly…
Step Three: Consolidation
A. T: Next, Let’s have a rest . Who can say these phrases as quickly as you can?
B. T: Let’s play a gae. I do you guess!
1. (自己做動作,讓學生猜,先做示范)
2. T:It’s your turn . Who can coe here to do it?
T: Does … jup high?
S:Yes, … does./ No, … doesn’t.
T: Who can ask? Does…? (引導學生用所學句型問)
3.T: Let’s do a dialogue. Ask and answer.(出示對話圖片)
Who can ask?
S: Does she dance beautifully?
S’: Yes, she does.
4. T: Let’s play a gae.Can you guess what do they do?
Use “Does…?”
S: Does he walk carefully?
Does he jup high?
T:aybe. Let’s look at this picture. Oh, yes! He jups high.
5. 操練書上Part C
6. Do practice
Step3 Assign Hoework
Copy these phrases
Unit4 An English friend
speak loudly
run fast
dance beautifully
jup high
walk carefully
sit quietly

  2.進一步掌握句型“what does…usually do…?” “he/she usually…”
  3.通過本課學習能靈活區(qū)別運用do…? yes,…do./no,…don’t.
  does…? yes,…does./no,…doesn’t.
二、教學用具:圖片 錄音機 投影
Step1、Free talk
 1.Say a rhye: A letter for e
  ?1?. try to read. (投影呈現(xiàn))
?2?. listen to the tape.
  ?3?. let’s say together.
 2. Revision
  ?1?. 圖片閃現(xiàn),生說本單元所學的詞組
  ?2?. introduction
  T: I usually read English books and watch tv on sundays.
   y brother usually does his hoework…
  y parents usually…
?3?. Do a survey in group
   e.g. Sa: Excuse e ,b what does c usually do…
  Sb: she usually…
  Sa: Does d…?
   Sb: Yes,…/No,…
  3. Play a gae
   ?1?Listen and act游戲
讓學生說出一動詞和副詞搭配的詞組,其他學生做動作。如:一生說 jup high,每一組學生代表聽指令后跳起,看誰反應快,跳得高。
如:一生發(fā)指令run fast,幾個學生一起跑步,其他學生問答 Does … run fast? Yes,he does.
活動中要喚起學生主動學習的情感,激起好勝心,讓學生在快節(jié)奏的比賽中運用知識,獲取知識。對于優(yōu)勝的小組給予獎勵。 a. 游戲目的:復習what does…? does…?
Step 2、 D Work in pairs
Now, boys and girls. Look at the pictures. What are they talking about? Oh. Listen. What does he usually do on Sundays? He usually takes photos.
2.師示范朗讀詞組:on Sundays, on Saturdays, in the evening, after school,然后學生跟讀。
圖一: ----What does ike usually do on Sundays?
-----He usually takes soe photos.
圖二: -----What does YangLing usually do on Saturdays?
-----She usually akes clothes.
圖三: ------ What does LiuTao usually in the evening?
-----He usually waters the flowers.
圖四: -----What does SuRang usually doafter school?
-----She usually reads agazens.
Step3、 Consolidation
1)Does she draw … ?
Yes,… … .
2)… he swi … ?
No, … … .
3)Does the cat like … ?
No, it likes … .
4)… does the bird … do in the tree ?
It … … .
5)… … the old an … do in the orning ?
He … clibs a … .
6)… … the woan … do on Sundays ?
She … … … .
Step 4、.Assign hoework
   1. 學生朗讀并抄寫本課要求四會的單詞,詞組及句型! 
2. 用所學的句型描述你同學的日常生活,興趣愛好

Unit 4 An English friend
What does … usually do …?
He/She usually …

1. 通過復習,要求學生能熟練地掌握本單元所學的動詞詞組
  2. 能熟練地在情景中運用本單元所學的句型及日常交際用語
  3. 能進一步掌握句型does…? yes,…does./no,…doesn′t.并能用what does …usually do…?詢問他人日常生活規(guī)律
 Step1 Free talk
  T: I usually go shopping on saturdays and sundays.
   Do you usually…?
  S1: Yes,I do. /No, I don’t.
   I usually play chess on saturdays.
  T: does your other work on saturdays and sundays?
   S1: Yes, she does.
   T:What does your father usually do in the evening?
   S1: He usually watches tv and reads newspapers.
   2. Say the rhyes新課標第一網(wǎng)
  3. Play a gae
e.g. cry /laugh/sing
   You’re right. /great!
   做錯的:You’re wrong. I’ sorry.
Step2. Presentation and practice
  1. Try to ask and answer (don’t look at your books.)
2.Look and read
  3.Listen and act
  ?1?.Look at the pictures
  ?2?.Listen to the tape, then repeat
  ?3?. Try to say (if you are the boy)
   use: he goes to school…
   he has…
   he likes…xkb1
  ?5?. 師提供類似的圖片,出示關鍵詞,生試說(同桌),比比誰說得既流利又正確。
StepThree . Assign hoework
   1. 回顧本單元所學的詞組,單詞,試默
   2. 用所學的句型描述你同學的日常生活,興趣愛好
   提示:go to school at seven
   have six lessons everyday
   have lunch at 11:10
   like singing
3. Listen and repeat
   ?1?.T writes soe words on the blackboard or use soe cards with the words.
   ?2?. Read together or ask soeone to read.
   ?3?. 將單元按讀音歸類
  [ju:] [u] [Λ]
   ?4?. Look at the picture, describe it then say “the puppet jups and runs in the bus”
  e.g. T: What’s this?
   Ss: It’s a puppet.
   T:Where is it?
  Is it in the box?
   Is it in the box?
 Step3 . Assign hoework
   1. 回顧本單元所學的詞組,單詞,試默
   2. 用所學的句型描述你同學的日常生活,興趣愛好
   提示:go to school at seven
   have six lessons everyday
   have lunch at 11:10
   like singing )


Unit 4 An English friend
bus jup puppet run

The puppet jups and runs around on the bus.

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/xiaoxue/50137.html

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