
4B Unit 2 At a party教案集體備課

編輯: 路逍遙 關(guān)鍵詞: 英語教案 來源: 逍遙右腦記憶

小學(xué)英語 課程教案

周 次





Unit 2 At a party


B. Look read and learn C. Ask and answer.


1. 能聽得懂、會說、會讀和會拼寫單詞grandfather, grandother, father, other, brother, sister. 2. 能正確運(yùn)用nose, outh, head, ear等詞匯,描述人的外貌特征, 培養(yǎng)學(xué)生實(shí)際運(yùn)用英語進(jìn)行交流的能力和樂于與人交流、合作的個性。 3. 能結(jié)合已學(xué)詞匯,正確地聽、說、讀、寫和運(yùn)用句型 He’s/She’s y… 4. 能正確地聽、說和讀日常交際用語Who’s the…with…?教學(xué)重


1. 能正確地聽、說、讀、寫單詞grandfather, grandother, father, other, brother, sister. 2. 能正確地聽、說、讀、寫句型 He’s/She’s y… 3. 能正確地聽、說和讀日常交際用語Who’s the…with…?教學(xué)方















Step One: Waring-up

T: Boys and girls, are you ready for English class? First let’s sing a song. Ps: Sing the song “Who’s that girl?” :此處配一動畫閃動著的不同的男孩和女孩的照片。歌曲結(jié)束,出現(xiàn)有明顯特征的男孩和女孩的背影照片。 Step Tw Presentation

1. 教授生詞:outh, nose, head, ear及句型Who’s the … with…? He’s/She’s…

復(fù)習(xí)已學(xué)單詞:hair, eye

T: Boys and girls, look! That’s a girl. She has long hair. This is a boy. 引導(dǎo)學(xué)生說:He has short hair. 師對比教單詞hair及詞組long hair, short hair. T: Who’s the boy? Who’s the girl? Let’s guess. Here’s soe inforation for you. The girl has a sall outh and a big nose. :顯示一張嘴巴和一個鼻子。師教授單詞outh和nose,并要求學(xué)生拼讀這兩個單詞。師做手勢教短語:big outh, sall outh, big nose, sall nose. T: OK. The girl has a sall outh and a big nose. Who’s she? :顯示幾位具有不同特征的女孩照片,人物下方配有姓名。 P1: She is Ann. T: Yes, Ann’s outh is sall. But who’s the girl with big outh? P2: She’s Yang Ling. T: Yes, you’re right. (師指著男孩的背影)Who’s the boy? Oh, he has a big head and two sall ears. :顯示一個頭和一只耳朵。師教授單詞head和ear,并要求學(xué)生拼讀。師做手勢教短語:big head, sall head, big ear, sall ear, two big ears, two sall ears. T: Who’s the boy? Guess, please. :顯示幾位具有不同特征的男孩照片,人物下方配有姓名。 P3: He is To. T: Yes, he’s To. Look, there are five boys here. They’re To, David,… 師帶領(lǐng)學(xué)生熟悉上的人物和名字,然后人物下方的名字消失。 T:Who’s the boy with sall eyes?(出示該句型,劃線部分用不同顏色) P4: He’s David. P5: He’s Ben. T: Who’s right? Let’s have a look. Oh, he’s Ben. 師教授句型:Who’s the ... with …? He’s/ She’s … 并將with重點(diǎn)教,用學(xué)生做模特,作一些替換練習(xí),如:the boy with big eyes, the girl with long hair, … :將一些有明顯特征的明星的照片展示給學(xué)生,操練句型:Who’s the ... with …? He’s/ She’s … T: Now, look at these photos. Who’s the woan with big eyes? P6: She’s Zhao Wei. T: Who can ask e? P7: Who’s the an with sall eyes? T: He’s Feng Gong. Now you ask and answer in pairs with these photos. 教師要求學(xué)生利用提供的照片,用所學(xué)句型兩兩討論,然后一到兩組學(xué)生展示。 2. 復(fù)習(xí)鞏固以前學(xué)過的家庭稱謂類的單詞:grandfather, grandother, father, other, brother, sister. 并進(jìn)一步運(yùn)用句型:Who’s the ... with …? He’s/ She’s …

T:OK. The lovely girl is Ann. The lovely boy is To. They’re brother and sister. :出現(xiàn)brother和sister這兩個單詞,師要求學(xué)生拼讀這兩個單詞。 T:To and Ann have a big faily. This is their faily photo. Let’s have a look. :出現(xiàn)一張全家福照片。 T: The girl with sall outh is Ann. The boy with big head is To. But Who’s the woan with long hair? Perhaps she’s Ann’s other. (師操作,人物旁邊出現(xiàn)單詞other) I’ right. Who’s the an with sall ears? Ps: Perhaps he’s Ann’s father. (師操作,人物旁邊出現(xiàn)單詞father) T: Yes, you’re right. 用同樣的方式呈現(xiàn)單詞grandfather and grandother, 要求學(xué)生說出家庭稱謂名稱,并拼讀單詞。 Step Three: Practice

1、 Listen to the tape.

T: You know these words, now open your books and turn to page 16. Please read after the tape. :出示書p16頁上的圖和單詞,學(xué)生跟讀。 2、Talk about the teacher’s faily photo.

T: Ann has a big faily. And I have a big faily, too. :出示教師自己的全家福照片。 T: Look, who’s the girl with long hair? It’s e. Who are they? Do you know? Ask e, please. P8: Who’s the boy with a sall head? T: He’s y brother. 學(xué)生自由問,老師作答。也可學(xué)生間一問一答。 Step Four: Consolidation

1. Talk about soe faily photos.

T: Boys and girls, you have any faily photos. (指名)Show us your faily photo please. (將一學(xué)生的全家福照片放在實(shí)物投影下給大家看) T: Who’s the girl/boy with long/short hair? Wang Tong: She/He’s y sister/brother. T: Children, you ay ask her/hi soething about her/his faily. P9: Who’s the boy with big ears?(He’s y brother.) … T: Please take out your faily photos. Talk about your faily in groups. (學(xué)生四人組成一個小組,互相詢問照片上的人物。然后請一小組學(xué)生到前面展示照片,回答大家的問題) P10: Who’s the woan with red outh? P11: She’s y other. … 2. Do the exercise of Part C.

T: OK, we talked about our faily photos just no But what are Helen and her friend talking about? Let’s look at picture 1. :出現(xiàn)C部分第一幅圖并配有對話,請兩個學(xué)生扮演角色,朗讀一遍。然后出現(xiàn)第二、三、四幅圖。要求學(xué)生看圖完成下面的對話。 2. Who’s the _______ with _______ _______? 3. _____ the _______ with _______ _______? She’s y _________. ______ y ________. 4. ______ _____ ______ ______ ________ _______? ______ _______ ________. 請學(xué)生兩兩對話,檢查答案。

作 業(yè)

1. Listen to part B three ties.

2. Copy and recite the words of part B three ties.


Unit 2 At a party

Who’s the … with …? grandfather


father other

He’s/She’s y… brother sister



小學(xué)英語 課程教案

周 次





Unit 2 At a party



A. Read and say. D. Look and say.



1. 能聽、說、讀、寫單詞: friend, white. 2. 能正確地聽、說、讀和寫句型Is that …your …? The one in the… 3. 能正確理解、掌握對話內(nèi)容,能用正確的語音、語調(diào)朗讀并表演對話。 4. 能正確地聽、說和讀日常交際用語:Nice to eet you. Which one?

5. 能運(yùn)用所學(xué)句型編演對話,通過合作表演培養(yǎng)團(tuán)結(jié)協(xié)作的精神,增進(jìn)師生間的情感交流。教學(xué)重


1. 能聽、說、讀、寫單詞: friend, white. 2. 能正確地聽、說、讀和寫句型Is that …your …? The one in the…; 3. 能正確理解、掌握對話內(nèi)容,能用正確的語音、語調(diào)朗讀并表演對話教學(xué)方














Step One: Free talk

T: Hello, I’ iss … P1: Hello, I’… T: Nice to eet you. P1: Nice to eet you, too. T: Who’s that boy with big eyes? P1: He’s… T: Now you ask and answer in pairs. Ps: Ask and answer freely. Step Tw Presentation

T: Oh, he’s … (師指著屏幕) Who’s that boy with yellow hair? :呈現(xiàn)人物Ben的圖片。 Ps: He’s Ben. T: Yes, he’s y friend. (出示friend單詞卡) Follow e, please. “Friend f-r-i-e-n-d friend”.(請一小組學(xué)生拼讀單詞friend) T: Ben is y good friend. (預(yù)先設(shè)置好,這時手機(jī)鈴響) T: Hello, this is iss …(:出現(xiàn)Ben在打電話) Ben: Hello, iss … T: Oh, you’re Ben! Ben: There’s a party at hoe. Would you like to coe here? T: Great! I’ll be there. Bye-bye. (老師掛掉手機(jī)) T: Boys and girls, there’s a party. (:出現(xiàn)party的熱鬧場面)Would you like to go with e? Ps: Great! T: Let’s go. But how? Ps: By bus. T: Good idea! Let’s go there by bus. :Flash歌曲: The wheels on the bus. 歌曲停,出現(xiàn)party的熱鬧場面。 T: We are at a party no(教授短語At a party,并貼上板書) There are so any people here. Look! Who’s the boy with big eyes? (老師用教棒指著所說的男孩) :呈現(xiàn)書中對話的第二幅圖。 T: Who’s the boy with big eyes? I don’t kno Let’s ask Ben.(老師引導(dǎo)學(xué)生一起問:Ben, who’s the boy with big eyes? ) 指名問:Ben, who’s the boy with big eyes? T: Let’s listen. : He’s y brother. T: Oh, he’s Ben’s brother. Three beautiful girls are over there. What are they wearing? :呈現(xiàn)書中對話的第三幅圖。師引導(dǎo)學(xué)生說:green dress,blue skirt,white skirt, 并拼讀單詞white和skirt. T: Who’s Ben’s sister? Perhaps she’s the one in the white skirt. (出示句型并板書,請一組學(xué)生朗讀,并引導(dǎo)他們做替換練習(xí)。The one in the green dress. The one in the pink shirt. …) T: Who’s Ben’s sister? T: Which one is Ben’s sister? Let’s listen. 錄音: Is that girl your sister? Which one? The one in the white skirt. Yes, she is. T: Who’s Ben’s sister? Ps: The one in the white skirt. T: Yes? Let’s ask Ben. Ben, is that girl your sister?(師教授該句型,請一些學(xué)生問該句型并板書) :Which one? P2: The one in the white skirt. :Yes, she is. T: I see, she’s Ben’s sister. Read after e, please. (師領(lǐng)學(xué)生讀剛才對話中的句型,然后小組分角色讀。) T: This tie you work in pairs, one acts as Ben, one acts as Ben’s friend, OK? Ps: OK.(學(xué)生兩兩練習(xí)這段對話后,師請一至兩組學(xué)生表演) T:I see. The girl in the white skirt is Ben’s sister. But who’s Nancy’s father? Let’s have a look. :顯示D部分的第一幅圖,圖片下配有如下句型: 1. A: Is that an your father? B: Which one? A: The one in the purple shirt. B: Yes, he is. T: Which an is Nancy’s father? Ps: The one in the purple shirt. T: There are three pictures here. What are they talking about? Please look at the pictures and fill in the blanks. (要求學(xué)生小組內(nèi)討論,做出下列對話的答案,最后一起核對正確答案) 2. A: Is that ______ your ______? B: Which one? A: The one in the _____ _____. B: _____ , she isn’t. 3. A: Is that ______ _____ ______? B: ______ one? A: The ____ in the _____ _____. B: _____ , ____ is. 4. A: ____ that ______ _____ ______? B: ______ _____? A: The ____ ____ the _____ _____. B: _____ , ____ _____ . Step Three: Practice.

1. Listen to the tape.

T:You know that old woan isn’t Helen’s grandother. Helen’s grandother is at the party. Helen’s brother, ike is at the party too. He’s talking with Ben. Let’s listen. Ps: Listen to the tape. :依次出現(xiàn)書中A部分對話圖,并配有錄音。 T: Now open your books and turn to page14. Unit 2 A. Read and Say. Follow the tape, please. The pupils read after the tape. 2. Read in roles.

T: Now let’s read in roles.(師引導(dǎo)學(xué)生參與不同角色朗讀,使學(xué)生更加熟悉課的句型) Step Four: Consolidation.

1. Perfor the dialogue. T: Boys and girls, look! This is Ben’s faily. I’ Ben’s friend, ike. Hello Ben! P3: Hello! ike. T: Who’s the boy with sall eyes? P3: He’s y brother. T: Is that your sister? P3: Which one? T: The one in the red jacket. P3: Yes! She is. u, this is y friend, ike. P4: Nice to eet you, ike. T: Nice to eet you, too. (教師要求學(xué)生發(fā)揮創(chuàng)造力,扮演Ben一家表演對話。表現(xiàn)棒的小組可以每人得一個名星的人物面具。) 2. Have a party.

T: Boys and girls, we will have a party here. Your faily ebers and soe faous stars are here, too. :顯示周杰倫的照片 T: Look, who’s the an with sall eyes? Ps: He’s Zhou Jielun. T: Do you like hi? Ps: Yes. T: Now, I’ Zhou Jielun. (師戴上周杰倫的頭飾,指著第一組學(xué)生) 師和第一組學(xué)生做如下示范: T: Hello! I’ Zhou Jielun. What’s your nae? P5: y nae’s Wang Bing. Nice to eet you. T: Nice to eet you, too. Who’s the girl with big eyes? P5: She’s y sister, Wang Fang. She likes your songs. T: Thank you. Who’s the woan in the red dress? P5: She’s y aunt. She likes dancing. Do you like dancing? T: Yes, I do. :顯示一些大家熟悉的明星照片,給學(xué)生自由選擇。 T:Now you ay choose the star you like best. Please work in groups. Ready? Go. 學(xué)生以小組為單位,綜合運(yùn)用已學(xué)知識進(jìn)行一次情景對話。最后,師請一至兩組學(xué)生表演他們的對話。

作 業(yè)

1. Listen, read and perfor the dialogue of Part A.

2. Copy and recite the words: friend and white.

3. Copy and use the sentences: Is that… your…? The one in the…


Unit 2 At a party Is that … your …? friend Which one? white The one in … skirt Yes, he/she is.



小學(xué)英語 課程教案

周 次





Unit 2 At a party



E. Read and act. F. Listen and repeat.


的和要求1) 復(fù)習(xí)本單元所學(xué)習(xí)的家庭成員和身體部位單詞及相關(guān)句型。 2) 能聽得懂、會說和會讀日常交際用語:We’re late for the party. Let’s hurry! 3) 了解輔音字母組合ck的發(fā)音教學(xué)重


1) 能聽得懂、會說和會讀日常交際用語:We’re late for the party. Let’s hurry!

2) 了解輔音字母組合ck的發(fā)音。教學(xué)方







G . Fun house






T: Boys and girls, let’s listen and do, OK? Ps: OK. T: Touch your nose, touch your outh, touch your eyes, touch your ears, touch your hair… Ps: Do the actions. Step Tw Play gaes.

Gae 1: Guessing gae

T: Let’s play a guessing gae. I’ll choose six pupils here, and then I’ll cover one pupil’s eyes. We’ll ask hi “Who’s the boy with big eyes?” or “Who’s in the red coat?” He’ll guess who he/she is. (師選六名學(xué)生到講臺前,用布蒙起一位學(xué)生的眼睛,讓他根據(jù)其他五個同學(xué)的特征,猜猜說的是誰?) Ps: Who’s the girl with long hair? P2: She’s Nancy. Ps: Yes, she is. P3: Who’s the boy in the blue jacket? P2: He’s Ben. Ps: No, he isn’t. … Gae 2: Look and say

T:Now please take out your photos. (出示一些學(xué)生的家庭生活照片。) Excuse e, who’s the woan with short hair? P3: She’s y aunt. T: Where’s your aunt?(師指著照片) P3: She’s a teacher. She’s at school. T: Is that woan your other? P3: Which one? T: The one in the blue skirt. P3: Yes, she is. T: Where’s she? P3: She’s at hoe.

T: Now you talk about your photos with your friends. 師給學(xué)生三到四分鐘討論他們的照片, 展示一至兩組。 Step Three: Presentation and Practice.

:出示教師自己父親的照片。 T:Look, this an is y father. He’s a teacher. Where’s he now? Guess, please. P4: He’s at school. T: No, he isn’t. P5: He’s at hoe. T: No, he’s at the party. :出示父親在聚會上的圖片。 T:We will go to the party, too. What’s the tie now? P6: It’s eight thirty-four. T: Oh, we’re late for the party. Let’s hurry. 師教授這兩個句子,請學(xué)生兩兩站起朗讀,可用低、中、高音練習(xí),增加趣味性。同時,引導(dǎo)他們做替換練習(xí): We’re late for school. Let’s hurry./We’re late for class. Let’s hurry.等。 T: y father is at the party. But where’s your friend, David? Let’s have a look. :出示David在汽車?yán)锏膱D。 Ps: He’s in the car. T: Where is he going? Oh, he’s going to the party with his other and sister. :出示書中E部分對話的圖。 T: What tie is it? Let’s listen! :播放書中E部分對話,出示書中的對話。 T: What tie is it? P6: It’s six o’clock. T: They’re late for the party. Now open your books, let’s listen and repeat. Ps: Read the dialogue after the tape. Step Four: Consolidation

1. Work in pairs.

Ps: Read and act the dialogue in roles. 2. Work in groups.

T: (指兩名學(xué)生)What tie do you go to school every day? P7: Seven fifteen. T: Suppose it’s seven thirty no You’re late for school. Can you ake a new dialogue? (師在學(xué)生能較流利地朗讀對話的基礎(chǔ)上,以“上學(xué)要遲到”為內(nèi)容,小組討論,自編對話。)兩名學(xué)生做示范如下: P1: Hello, … P2: Hello, … P1: Excuse e, what’s the tie? P2(看表): It’s seven thirty. P1: Oh, we’re late for school. P2: Yes, let’s hurry. 師給學(xué)生一定的練習(xí)時間,然后進(jìn)行對話表演比賽。在上出示聚會用的彩色氣球以示對表演好的學(xué)生的獎勵。 Step Five: Listen and repeat.

:出示彩色氣球,上面配有書上F部分的四個單詞。 T: Boys and girls, the colourful balloons are so nice. There are soe words on the. Can you read? Try, please. Ps: Black, clock, jacket, sock. T: Can you find the sae aong the? P9: They all have “ ck ”. T: Yes. We pronounce it [k]. Here’s a sentence for you. Let’s listen and repeat. :出示用氣球和單詞排在一起的句型,并播放該句錄音。 Tape: His socks, jacket and clock are black. Ps: Repeat the sentence. 為增加趣味性,師要求學(xué)生用不同的聲調(diào)和語氣朗讀該句子。

作 業(yè)

1. Listen to the tape of part E and part F.

2. Write a short passage about your faily.


Unit 2 At a party We’re late for the party. Let’s hurry! black clocacket sock His socks, jacket and clock are black.



小學(xué)英語 課程教案

周 次





Unit 2 At a party



G . Fun house



1、 復(fù)習(xí)本單元所學(xué)的家庭稱謂和人體部位的單詞。 2、 進(jìn)一步掌握句型 Who’s he/she? He’s/she’s y… Is this/that…your…? Yes, he/she is. No, he/she isn’t. 3、 學(xué)習(xí)A rhye.教學(xué)重


1、 復(fù)習(xí)本單元所學(xué)的家庭稱謂和人體部位的單詞。 2、 較熟練地運(yùn)用句型Who’s he/she? He’s/she’s y… Is this/that…your…? Yes, he/she is. No, he/she isn’t. 3、 能熟練地在情景中運(yùn)用本單元所學(xué)的句型和日常交際用語,并能圍繞“認(rèn)人”這一主題編演對話。 教學(xué)方











Step One: Free talk.

T: Hello!What’s your nae? P1: y nae is … T: Who’s the boy with a big nose? P1: He’s … T: …,Nice to eet you! P1: Nice to eet you too! Step Tw Revision.

T: I have soe word cards here. You choose one fro the, then you’ll read and recite the word, OK? P1: OK! T: Wang Tong, you choose one please! Wang Tong: Grandfather, g-r-a-n-d-f-a-t-h-e-r, grandfather. T: You are right! Here is a card for you. Wang Tong: Thank you. 同樣的方法將本單元的生詞復(fù)習(xí)一遍。 T: Good! Now let’s play a gae: What’s issing?(師每次呈現(xiàn)五張?jiān)~卡,從中抽出一張,請學(xué)生拼寫被抽去的這張?jiān)~卡的單詞。) P3: Ear e-a-r ear. T: Yes, you ’re right. Here’s a card for you. P3: Thank you. (用同樣的游戲復(fù)習(xí)其他的單詞) Step Three: Look, read and answer.

T: Boys and girls, you’ve done a good job. Now let’s listen and answer. There are four questions for you. Please listen carefully. You’ll answer the questions one by one. Questions: 1. Your father’s father. Who’s he? 2. Your father’s other. Who’s she? 3. Your father’s brother. Who’s he? 4. Your father’s sister. Who’s she? 師要求學(xué)生聽問題;卮鹫_時,師引導(dǎo)全體學(xué)生說:Yes, you’re right. 回答錯誤時,師引導(dǎo)全體學(xué)生說:Sorry, you’re wrong. 利用這樣的問題,一可以增加學(xué)生的學(xué)習(xí)興趣, 又可以將本課單詞再復(fù)習(xí)一遍。問題結(jié)束后,要求學(xué)生聽、讀Part G第2部分的對話。根據(jù)此內(nèi)容,學(xué)生兩兩對話。如: A: He’s Li Ping’s father’s brother. Who’s he? B: He’s Wu Yan. A: Sorry, you’re wrong. B: He’s Wu Fan. A: Yes, you’re right. Step Four: Say a rhye

:出示第21頁Say a rhye的圖片。 T: Children, look! This is John’s brother, Joe. Where’s Joe? Ps: He’s sitting on the chair. T: A rhye for you. The first tie, you just listen. The second tie, you ay read after it. :播放rhye的錄音。學(xué)生跟讀結(jié)束后,顯示John的阿姨在書房讀書圖,旁邊并配有如下字: y aunt



Who’s that woan over there, reading in the study? She’s y aunt, Ann. Let’s go and say “Hello”! 師引導(dǎo)學(xué)生朗讀變換后的rhye :變換幾個不同的場景,讓學(xué)生在圖片提示下能夠替換其中的單詞,從而變成一首新兒歌. Step Five: Look and read

T: Excellent. Let’s watch a funny video. :出示書第20頁的內(nèi)容,同時播放上面的對話錄音。 T:First you just watch and listen. Then you should read after it. :學(xué)生跟讀結(jié)束后,屏幕上句型中的一些單詞消失如下。要求學(xué)生根據(jù)圖示內(nèi)容將其補(bǔ)充完整。 A:Who’s ______? B:She’s y ________. A:Is this ______ ______? B:_____, _____ is. A:_____ _____ your _____ ? B:No, _____ ______. A:_____ he? B:______ y ________. 學(xué)生將所缺的單詞填好后,再一起朗讀一遍。給學(xué)生一定的時間練習(xí)表演該對話。對話表演時,學(xué)生可根據(jù)自己的想法創(chuàng)新。

作 業(yè)

1. Listen to the tape of Part G. 2. Practice the sentences and the dialogue of Part G. 3. Say a new rhye according to the rhye: y brother.


Unit 2 At a party y brother Who’s that boy over there, Sitting on the chair? He is y brother, Joe. Let’s go and say “Hello”!



小學(xué)英語 課程教案

周 次





Unit 2 At a party






1、 能按四會和三會要求掌握所學(xué)單詞。

2、 能運(yùn)用日常交際用語,活用四會句型,進(jìn)行簡單的交流,并做到大膽開口,發(fā)音正確。





3、 能運(yùn)用日常交際用語,活用四會句型,進(jìn)行簡單的交流,并做到大膽開口,發(fā)音正確。














1、 復(fù)習(xí)本單元四會單詞,聽寫,訂正。

2、 復(fù)習(xí)本單元重要句型:

(1)Who’s the … with …? He’s/She’s y… (2) Is that … your …? Which one? The one in … Yes, he/she is 3、 做練習(xí)冊聽力部分并講解。

4、 訂正練習(xí)冊筆試部分。

作 業(yè)



Unit 2 At a party

(1)Who’s the … with …? He’s/She’s y… (2) Is that … your …? Which one? The one in … Yes, he/she is



本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/xiaoxue/51937.html

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